Name: Barracuda Version: 1.0.2 License: GPL License-File: LICENSE Author: Stephan Friedrichs , Henning Günther , Oliver Mielentz , Martin Wegner Stability: Stable Category: Network Synopsis: An ad-hoc P2P chat program Description: An ad-hoc chat program developed in the software development course at the TU-Braunschweig. Barracuda (by Stephan Friedrichs, Henning Günther, Oliver Mielentz and Martin Wegner) implements an ad-hoc (p2p) network. On top of that, a chat application has been realised. . Just like in IRC, the communication is organised in channels. A channel may be anonymous (the messages' origin is obscured), private (encrypted, only invited users may join them) or public (free for all users). . The design is elaborated in a series of RFCs (see for example ). . The Darcs repository can be found at Homepage: Build-Depends: base>=3, Crypto, HaXml>=1.17, utf8-string, array, bytestring>0.9, containers, dataenc, directory, filepath>=1.0, gtk, mtl, network, old-locale, parsec>=2.0, random, regex-compat, stm>=2.0, time, unix, pkcs1>=1.0.2, heap>=0.2, hsgnutls>=0.2.3-barracuda, xml-parsec>=1.0.2, adhoc-network>=1.0.2 Build-Type: Simple extra-source-files: Tests.hs, Tests/Data.hs, Tests/HUnit/RoutingTable.hs, Tests/HUnit/PendingAck.hs, Tests/HUnit/ChannelList.hs, Tests/QuickCheck/Encryption.hs, Tests/QuickCheck/X509.hs, Tests/QuickCheck/Parser.hs Extensions: FunctionalDependencies, MultiParamTypeClasses, RecursiveDo, FlexibleContexts, TypeSynonymInstances, RelaxedPolyRec, FlexibleInstances, ExistentialQuantification Exposed-Modules: Barracuda.CertificateList Barracuda.ChannelList Barracuda.Distributor Barracuda.GUI Barracuda.GUI.CertificateLoader Barracuda.GUI.ChannelCreator Barracuda.GUI.ChannelList Barracuda.GUI.ChannelManager Barracuda.GUI.DownloadManager Barracuda.GUI.Infrastructure Barracuda.GUI.InputField Barracuda.GUI.UserList Barracuda.GUI.ServerInterface Barracuda.GUI.ChatView Barracuda.GUI.Utils Barracuda.LocalUserInfo Barracuda.PendingAck Barracuda.PendingAnonymous Barracuda.PendingKey Barracuda.PendingRoute Barracuda.RoutingTable Barracuda.ServerState Barracuda.TimedCollection Barracuda.Utils ghc-options: -threaded Executable: Barracuda Main-Is: Main.hs ghc-options: -threaded