The Language Core BNF Converter % File generated by the BNF Converter. This document was automatically generated by the //BNF-Converter//. ==The lexical structure of Core== ===Literals=== Character literals //Char// have the form ``'``//c//``'``, where //c// is any single character. Double-precision float literals //Double// have the structure indicated by the regular expression ``digit+ '.' digit+ ('e' ('-')? digit+)?`` i.e. two sequences of digits separated by a decimal point, optionally followed by an unsigned or negative exponent. Integer literals //Integer// are nonempty sequences of digits. Double-precision float literals //Double// have the structure indicated by the regular expression ``digit+ '.' digit+ ('e' ('-')? digit+)?`` i.e. two sequences of digits separated by a decimal point, optionally followed by an unsigned or negative exponent. Ident literals are recognized by the regular expression `````(lower | upper) (upper | lower | digit | '_' | ''')*````` ===Reserved words and symbols=== The set of reserved words is the set of terminals appearing in the grammar. Those reserved words that consist of non-letter characters are called symbols, and they are treated in a different way from those that are similar to identifiers. The lexer follows rules familiar from languages like Haskell, C, and Java, including longest match and spacing conventions. There are no reserved words in Core. The symbols used in Core the following: | # | %_ | %case | %coerce | %data | %external | %forall | %in | %let | %module | %newtype | %note | %of | %rec | ( | ) | * | -> | . | :: | ; | = | ? | @ | \ | { | } | ===Comments=== There are no single-line comments in the grammar. There are no multiple-line comments in the grammar. ==The syntactic structure of Core == Non-terminals are enclosed between < and >. The symbols **->** (production), **|** (union) and **eps** (empty rule) belong to the BNF notation. All other symbols are terminals. | //ATbind// | -> | ``@`` //Tbind// | //Alt// | -> | //QualIdent// //[ATbind]// //[Vbind]// ``->`` //Exp// | | **|** | ``%_`` ``->`` //Exp// | | **|** | //Lit// ``->`` //Exp// | //Bind// | -> | ``@`` //Tbind// | | **|** | //Vbind// | //Cdef// | -> | //QualIdent// //[ATbind]// //[Tyt]// | //Exp// | -> | ``%case`` //Exp2// ``%of`` //Vbind// ``{`` //[Alt]// ``}`` | | **|** | ``%coerce`` //Ty2// //Exp// | | **|** | ``%external`` //String// //Ty// | | **|** | ``\`` //[Bind]// ``->`` //Exp// | | **|** | ``%let`` //Vdefg// ``%in`` //Exp// | | **|** | ``%note`` //String// //Exp// | | **|** | //Exp1// | //Kind// | -> | //Kind1// ``->`` //Kind// | | **|** | //Kind1// | //Lit// | -> | ``(`` //Char// ``::`` //Ty2// ``)`` | | **|** | ``(`` //Integer// ``::`` //Ty2// ``)`` | | **|** | ``(`` //Double// ``::`` //Ty2// ``)`` | | **|** | ``(`` //String// ``::`` //Ty2// ``)`` | //MaybeTy// | -> | ``=`` //Ty// | | **|** | **eps** | //Module// | -> | ``%module`` //Ident// //[Tdef]// //[Vdefg]// | //QualIdent// | -> | //Ident// ``.`` //Ident// | //Tbind// | -> | //Ident// | | **|** | ``(`` //Ident// ``::`` //Kind1// ``)`` | //Tdef// | -> | ``%data`` //QualIdent// //[Tbind]// ``=`` ``{`` //[Cdef]// ``}`` | | **|** | ``%newtype`` //QualIdent// //[Tbind]// //MaybeTy// | //Ty// | -> | //Ty1// ``->`` //Ty// | | **|** | ``%forall`` //[Tbind]// ``.`` //Ty// | | **|** | //Ty1// | //Tyt// | -> | //Ty2// | //Vbind// | -> | ``(`` //Ident// ``::`` //Ty// ``)`` | //Vdef// | -> | //QualIdent// ``::`` //Ty// ``=`` //Exp// | | **|** | //Ident// ``::`` //Ty// ``=`` //Exp// | //Vdefg// | -> | //Vdef// | | **|** | ``%rec`` ``{`` //[Vdef]// ``}`` | //[ATbind]// | -> | **eps** | | **|** | //ATbind// //[ATbind]// | //[Alt]// | -> | //Alt// | | **|** | //Alt// ``;`` //[Alt]// | //[Bind]// | -> | //Bind// | | **|** | //Bind// //[Bind]// | //[Cdef]// | -> | //Cdef// | | **|** | //Cdef// ``;`` //[Cdef]// | //[Tbind]// | -> | **eps** | | **|** | //Tbind// //[Tbind]// | //[Tdef]// | -> | **eps** | | **|** | //Tdef// ``;`` //[Tdef]// | //[Tyt]// | -> | **eps** | | **|** | //Tyt// //[Tyt]// | //[Vbind]// | -> | **eps** | | **|** | //Vbind// //[Vbind]// | //[Vdef]// | -> | //Vdef// | | **|** | //Vdef// ``;`` //[Vdef]// | //[Vdefg]// | -> | **eps** | | **|** | //Vdefg// ``;`` //[Vdefg]// | //Exp1// | -> | //Exp1// //Exp2// | | **|** | //Exp1// ``@`` //Ty2// | | **|** | //Exp2// | //Exp2// | -> | //QualIdent// | | **|** | //Lit// | | **|** | //Ident// | | **|** | ``(`` //Exp// ``)`` | //Kind1// | -> | ``*`` | | **|** | ``?`` | | **|** | ``#`` | | **|** | ``(`` //Kind// ``)`` | //Ty1// | -> | //Ty1// //Ty2// | | **|** | //Ty2// | //Ty2// | -> | //QualIdent// | | **|** | //Ident// | | **|** | ``(`` //Ty// ``)``