{- Copyright (C) 2004 Mike Rainey, All rights reserved. mrainey@uchicago.edu Copyright (C) 2019 Andreas Abel. ************************ * Java LBNF definition * ************************ This is my first attempt at an LBNF definition of the Java 1.1 syntax. A good portion of the following code is translated from two sources: http://www.cs.dartmouth.edu/~mckeeman/cs118/notation/java11.html and http://java.sun.com/docs/books/jls/second_edition/html/syntax.doc.html To use this file, download BNF Converter at: https://hackage.haskell.org/BNFC/ Please send bug reports/fixes to mrainey@uchicago.edu. Both are greatly encouraged! If you're enterprising, maybe update this definition to Java 1.5 ;) -} entrypoints ProgramFile; Prpkg. ProgramFile ::= "package" [Ident] [Semi] [Import] [TypeDeclaration]; ProgF. ProgramFile ::= [Import] [TypeDeclaration]; ImportN. Import ::= "import" [Ident] [Semi]; ImportA. Import ::= "import" [Ident] ".*" [Semi]; separator Import ""; TypeDecl. TypeDeclaration ::= ClassHeader "{" [FieldDeclaration] "}"; separator TypeDeclaration ""; -- class and interface declaration ClassDec. ClassHeader ::= [Modifier] "class" Ident; ClassDecE. ClassHeader ::= [Modifier] "class" Ident "extends" [TypeName]; ClassDecI. ClassHeader ::= [Modifier] "class" Ident "implements" [TypeName]; ClassDecEI. ClassHeader ::= [Modifier] "class" Ident "extends" [TypeName] "implements" [TypeName]; InterDec. ClassHeader ::= [Modifier] "interface" Ident; InterDecE. ClassHeader ::= [Modifier] "interface" Ident "extends" [TypeName]; InterDecI. ClassHeader ::= [Modifier] "interface" Ident "implements" [TypeName]; InterDecEI. ClassHeader ::= [Modifier] "interface" Ident "extends" [TypeName] "implements" [TypeName]; -- field declaration -- note: i'm not sure why it is necessary to have the Dstk rule...enabling it causes conflicts, so it's disabled Dvar. FieldDeclaration ::= [Modifier] TypeSpec [VarDecl] ";"; Dmth. FieldDeclaration ::= [Modifier] TypeSpec MethodDecl MethodBody; Dmthth. FieldDeclaration ::= [Modifier] TypeSpec MethodDecl "throws" [TypeName] MethodBody; Dconst. FieldDeclaration ::= [Modifier] Ident "(" [Parameter] ")" Body; Dconstt. FieldDeclaration ::= [Modifier] Ident "(" [Parameter] ")" "throws" [TypeName] Body; Dblk. FieldDeclaration ::= Body; Dinnerclass. FieldDeclaration ::= TypeDeclaration; --Dstk. FieldDeclaration ::= "static" Body; terminator FieldDeclaration ""; IBody. MethodBody ::= ";"; MBody. MethodBody ::= Body; -- variable declarations and statements LVar. LVarStatement ::= TypeSpec [VarDecl] ";"; LVarf. LVarStatement ::= "final" TypeSpec [VarDecl] ";"; Statem. LVarStatement ::= Stm; separator LVarStatement ""; BodyImpl. Body ::= "{" [LVarStatement] "}"; -- Statement Sem. Stm ::= ";"; Lbl. Stm ::= Ident ":"; Case. Stm ::= "case" Exp ":"; Dflt. Stm ::= "default" ":"; Exps. Stm ::= Exp ";"; LV. Stm ::= "{" [LVarStatement] "}"; Jmp. Stm ::= JumpStm; Grd. Stm ::= GuardStm; Iter. Stm ::= IterStm; Sel. Stm ::= SelectionStm; DeclName. DeclaratorName ::= Ident; DeclArray. DeclaratorName ::= Ident [BracketsOpt]; VDeclAssign. VarDecl ::= DeclaratorName "=" VariableInits; VDecl. VarDecl ::= Ident; separator nonempty VarDecl ","; -- static initializers IExp. VariableInits ::= Exp; IEmpt. VariableInits ::= "{" "}"; IArri. VariableInits ::= "{" ArrayInits "}"; Vainit. ArrayInits ::= VariableInits; Vai. ArrayInits ::= ArrayInits "," VariableInits; Vais. ArrayInits ::= ArrayInits ","; Mth. MethodDecl ::= DeclaratorName "(" [Parameter] ")"; MthdArr. MethodDecl ::= MethodDecl BracketsOpt; Param. Parameter ::= TypeSpec DeclaratorName; Pfinal. Parameter ::= "final" TypeSpec DeclaratorName; separator Parameter ","; Ifone. SelectionStm ::= "if" "(" Exp ")" Stm [ElseIfStm]; If. SelectionStm ::= "if" "(" Exp ")" Stm [ElseIfStm] "else" Stm; Switch. SelectionStm ::= "switch" "(" Exp ")" Body; Elseif. ElseIfStm ::= "else if" "(" Exp ")" Stm; terminator ElseIfStm ""; Break. JumpStm ::= "break" ";"; Brlabel. JumpStm ::= "break" Ident ";"; Continue. JumpStm ::= "continue" ";"; Continuelabel. JumpStm ::= "continue" Ident ";"; Return. JumpStm ::= "return" ";"; ReturnExp. JumpStm ::= "return" Exp ";"; Throw. JumpStm ::= "throw" Exp ";"; Synchronized. GuardStm ::= "synchronized" "(" Exp ")" Body; Try. GuardStm ::= "try" Body [Catch]; Tryfinally. GuardStm ::= "try" Body [Catch] "finally" Body; Catch1. Catch ::= "catch" "(" TypeSpec Ident ")" Body; Catch2. Catch ::= "catch" "(" TypeSpec ")" Body; separator Catch ""; While. IterStm ::= "while" "(" Exp ")" Stm; Do. IterStm ::= "do" Stm "while" "(" Exp ")"; For. IterStm ::= "for" "(" ForInit [Exp] ";" [Exp] ")" Stm; Exprs1. ForInit ::= [Exp] ";"; DeclVar. ForInit ::= TypeSpec [VarDecl] ";"; DeclVarFinal. ForInit ::= "final" TypeSpec [VarDecl] ";"; -- modifiers Mabstract. Modifier ::= "abstract"; Mfinal. Modifier ::= "final"; Mpublic. Modifier ::= "public"; Mprotected. Modifier ::= "protected"; Mprivate. Modifier ::= "private"; Mtransient. Modifier ::= "transient"; Mvolatile. Modifier ::= "volatile"; Mnative. Modifier ::= "native"; Msync. Modifier ::= "synchronized"; Mstatic. Modifier ::= "static"; terminator Modifier ""; -- build-in types Tchar. BasicType ::= "char"; Tshort. BasicType ::= "short"; Tint. BasicType ::= "int"; Tlong. BasicType ::= "long"; Tfloat. BasicType ::= "float"; Tdouble. BasicType ::= "double"; Tbyte. BasicType ::= "byte"; Tboolean. BasicType ::= "boolean"; ArrayType. TypeSpec ::= TypeName [BracketsOpt]; NamedType. TypeSpec ::= TypeName; BuiltIn. TypeName ::= BasicType; ClassType. TypeName ::= [Ident]; separator nonempty TypeName ","; BracketsEmpty. BracketsOpt ::= "[]"; separator nonempty BracketsOpt ""; -- qualified identifier separator nonempty Ident "."; Eassign. Exp ::= Exp14 Assignment_op Exp; Etype. Exp ::= Exp14 "instanceof" TypeName; Econdition. Exp2 ::= Exp3 "?" Exp ":" Exp2; Elor. Exp3 ::= Exp3 "||" Exp4; Eland. Exp4 ::= Exp4 "&&" Exp5; Ebitor. Exp5 ::= Exp5 "|" Exp6; Ebitexor. Exp6 ::= Exp6 "^" Exp7; Ebitand. Exp7 ::= Exp7 "&" Exp8; Eeq. Exp8 ::= Exp8 "==" Exp9; Eneq. Exp8 ::= Exp8 "!=" Exp9; Elthen. Exp9 ::= Exp9 "<" Exp10; Egrthen. Exp9 ::= Exp9 ">" Exp10; Ele. Exp9 ::= Exp9 "<=" Exp10; Ege. Exp9 ::= Exp9 ">=" Exp10; Eleft. Exp10 ::= Exp10 "<<" Exp11; Eright. Exp10 ::= Exp10 ">>" Exp11; Etrip. Exp10 ::= Exp10 ">>>" Exp11; Eplus. Exp11 ::= Exp11 "+" Exp12; Eminus. Exp11 ::= Exp11 "-" Exp12; Etimes. Exp12 ::= Exp12 "*" Exp13; Ediv. Exp12 ::= Exp12 "/" Exp13; Emod. Exp12 ::= Exp12 "%" Exp13; Ebcoercion. Exp13 ::= "(" BasicType ")" Exp13; Eexpcoercion. Exp13 ::= "(" Exp ")" Exp15; Earrcoercion. Exp13 ::= "(" [Ident] [BracketsOpt] ")" Exp13; Epreop. Exp14 ::= Unary_operator Exp13; Epreinc. Exp14 ::= "++" Exp14; Epredec. Exp14 ::= "--" Exp14; Epostinc. Exp15 ::= Exp15 "++"; Epostdec. Exp15 ::= Exp15 "--"; Especname. Exp16 ::= SpecName; Earr. Exp16 ::= ArrAcc; Emth. Exp16 ::= MthCall; Efld. Exp16 ::= FieldAcc; Econst. Exp16 ::= Constant; Estring. Exp16 ::= String; Enewalloc. Exp17 ::= NewAlloc; Evar. Exp18 ::= [Ident]; SSsuper. SpecName ::= "super"; SSthis. SpecName ::= "this"; SSnull. SpecName ::= "null"; Anewclass. NewAlloc ::= "new" TypeName Args; Anewinnerclass. NewAlloc ::= "new" TypeName Args "{" [FieldDeclaration] "}"; Anewarray. NewAlloc ::= "new" TypeName [DimExpr]; Anewarriempty. NewAlloc ::= "new" TypeName [DimExpr] "{" "}"; Anewarrinits. NewAlloc ::= "new" TypeName [DimExpr] "{" ArrayInits "}"; Aarr. ArrAcc ::= [Ident] "[" Exp "]"; Aarr1. ArrAcc ::= SpecExp "[" Exp "]"; Cep. SpecExp ::= "(" Exp ")"; Cnp. SpecExp ::= SpecExpNP; Cthis. SpecExp ::= SpecName; CNLit. SpecExpNP ::= Constant; CNParr. SpecExpNP ::= ArrAcc; CNPmth. SpecExpNP ::= MthCall; CNPfld. SpecExpNP ::= FieldAcc; Mmth. MthCall ::= [Ident] Args; Mmth1. MthCall ::= SpecExpNP Args; Mmthspec. MthCall ::= SpecName Args; Ffvar. FieldAcc ::= SpecExp "." Ident; Ffvar1. FieldAcc ::= NewAlloc "." Ident; Ffthis. FieldAcc ::= [Ident] ".this"; Fclass. FieldAcc ::= [Ident] ".class"; Ffclass2. FieldAcc ::= BasicType ".class"; ArgList. Args ::= "(" [Exp] ")"; Dim. DimExpr ::= "[" Exp "]"; terminator nonempty DimExpr ""; separator Exp ","; coercions Exp 18; token Unsigned ["123456789"] digit * ('u'|'U'); token Long ["123456789"] digit * ('l'|'L'); token UnsignedLong ["123456789"] digit * (('u''l')|('U''L')); token Hexadecimal '0' ('x'|'X') (digit | ["abcdef"] | ["ABCDEF"])+; token HexUnsigned '0' ('x'|'X') (digit | ["abcdef"] | ["ABCDEF"])+ ('u'|'U'); token HexLong '0' ('x'|'X') (digit | ["abcdef"] | ["ABCDEF"])+ ('l'|'L'); token HexUnsLong '0' ('x'|'X') (digit | ["abcdef"] | ["ABCDEF"])+ (('u''l')|('U''L')); token Octal '0'["01234567"]*; token OctalUnsigned '0'["01234567"]*('u'|'U'); token OctalLong '0'["01234567"]* ('l'|'L'); token OctalUnsLong '0'["01234567"]* (('u''l')|('U''L')); token JDouble (((digit+ '.')|('.' digit+))(('e'|'E') ('-')? digit+)?)| (digit+ ('e'|'E') ('-')? digit+)|(digit+ '.' digit+ 'E' ('-')? digit+); token JFloat (((digit+ '.' digit+)|(digit+ '.')|('.' digit+))(('e'|'E')('-')? digit+)? ('f'|'F'))|((digit+ ('e'|'E')('-')? digit+)('f'|'F')); token JLongDouble (((digit+ '.' digit+)|(digit+ '.')|('.' digit+))(('e'|'E')('-')? digit+)?('l'|'L'))|((digit+ ('e'|'E')('-')? digit+)('l'|'L')); token UnicodeChar '\'' '\\' 'u' (digit | ["abcdef"] | ["ABCDEF"]) (digit | ["abcdef"] | ["ABCDEF"]) (digit | ["abcdef"] | ["ABCDEF"]) (digit | ["abcdef"] | ["ABCDEF"]) '\''; token JChar '\'' ((char - ["'\\"]) | ('\\' ["'\\ntr"])) '\''; Efloat. Constant ::= Double; Echar. Constant ::= JChar; Eunicode. Constant ::= UnicodeChar; Eunsigned. Constant ::= Unsigned; Elong. Constant ::= Long; Eunsignlong. Constant ::= UnsignedLong; Ehexadec. Constant ::= Hexadecimal; Ehexaunsign. Constant ::= HexUnsigned; Ehexalong. Constant ::= HexLong; Ehexaunslong. Constant ::= HexUnsLong; Eoctal. Constant ::= Octal; Eoctalunsign. Constant ::= OctalUnsigned; Eoctallong. Constant ::= OctalLong; Eoctalunslong. Constant ::= OctalUnsLong; Ecdouble. Constant ::= JDouble; Ecfloat. Constant ::= JFloat; Eclongdouble. Constant ::= JLongDouble; Eint. Constant ::= Integer; Etrue. Constant ::= "true"; Efalse. Constant ::= "false"; internal Elonger. Constant ::= Integer; internal Edouble. Constant ::= Double; Plus. Unary_operator ::= "+" ; Negative. Unary_operator ::= "-" ; Complement. Unary_operator ::= "~" ; Logicalneg. Unary_operator ::= "!" ; Assign. Assignment_op ::= "=" ; AssignMul. Assignment_op ::= "*=" ; AssignDiv. Assignment_op ::= "/=" ; AssignMod. Assignment_op ::= "%=" ; AssignAdd. Assignment_op ::= "+=" ; AssignSub. Assignment_op ::= "-=" ; AssignLeft. Assignment_op ::= "<<=" ; AssignRight. Assignment_op ::= ">>=" ; AssignTrip. Assignment_op ::= ">>>=" ; AssignAnd. Assignment_op ::= "&=" ; AssignXor. Assignment_op ::= "^=" ; AssignOr. Assignment_op ::= "|=" ; Sem1. Semi ::= ";"; terminator Semi ""; comment "/*" "*/" ; comment "//";