-- layout rules layout "of", "let", "where", "sig", "struct", "mutual" ; layout stop "in" ; layout toplevel ; -- top level -- Module. Module ::= "{" [Decl] "}" ; separator Decl ";" ; separator Def ";" ; -- declarations/definitions DDef. Decl ::= [DefAttr] Def ; DImp. Decl ::= Import ; Value. Def ::= AIdent [VarDecl] "::" Exp "=" Exp ; Binding. Def ::= AIdent "=" Exp ; Package. Def ::= "package" AIdent [Typing] "where" PackageBody ; Open. Def ::= "open" Exp "use" [OpenArg] ; Data. Def ::= "data" AIdent [Typing] "=" [Constructor] ; Type. Def ::= "type" AIdent [Typing] "=" Exp ; Axiom. Def ::= "postulate" AIdent [Typing] "::" Exp ; Mutual. Def ::= "mutual" "{" [Def] "}" ; Commt. Def ::= Comment ; -- expressions EVar. Exp4 ::= AIdent ; ECon. Exp4 ::= AIdent "@_" ; ESet. Exp4 ::= "Set" ; EType. Exp4 ::= "Type" ; EMeta. Exp4 ::= "?" ; EStar. Exp4 ::= "#" Integer ; EMetaU. Exp4 ::= "_" ; EString. Exp4 ::= String ; EChar. Exp4 ::= Char ; EInt. Exp4 ::= Integer ; EDouble. Exp4 ::= Double ; EProj. Exp3 ::= Exp3 "." AIdent ; EApp. Exp1 ::= Exp1 Exp2 ; EInfix. Exp ::= Exp1 Infix Exp1 ; ESig. Exp1 ::= "sig" "{" [FieldDecl] "}" ; EStr. Exp1 ::= "struct" "{" [Binding] "}" ; ESum. Exp ::= "data" [Constructor] ; EPi. Exp ::= VarDecl Arrow Exp ; EFun. Exp ::= Exp1 Arrow Exp ; EAbs. Exp ::= "\\" VarDecl Arrow Exp ; EAbsUnt. Exp ::= "\\" [AIdent] Arrow Exp ; ELet. Exp ::= "let" "{" [Decl] "}" "in" Exp ; EOpen. Exp ::= "open" Exp "use" [OpenArg] "in" Exp ; ---- "in" does not parse ECase. Exp ::= "case" Exp "of" "{" [Branch] "}" ; EIData. Exp ::= "idata" [VarDecl] [IndConstructor] ; --- [Typing] ECommL. Exp ::= Comment Exp1 ; ECommR. Exp ::= Exp1 Comment ; internal EConst. Exp4 ::= AIdent ; internal EMetaN. Exp4 ::= "?" Integer ; coercions Exp 4 ; -- shown/hidden arguments AShow. Arrow ::= "->" ; AHide. Arrow ::= "|->" ; -- typings/hypotheses TDecl. Typing ::= VarDecl ; TExp. Typing ::= Exp2 ; terminator Typing "" ; VDecl. VarDecl ::= "(" [Bound] "::" Exp ")" ; BVar. Bound ::= AIdent ; BHide. Bound ::= "|" AIdent ; separator nonempty Bound "," ; terminator VarDecl "" ; FDecl. FieldDecl ::= AIdent "::" Exp ; separator FieldDecl ";" ; -- case branches BranchCon . Branch ::= "(" AIdent [AIdent] ")" "->" Exp ; --- no deeper patterns? BranchInf . Branch ::= "(" AIdent Infix AIdent ")" "->" Exp ; BranchVar . Branch ::= AIdent "->" Exp ; separator Branch ";" ; -- constructions in data definitions Cnstr . Constructor ::= AIdent [Typing] ; separator Constructor "|" ; ICnstr . IndConstructor ::= AIdent [Typing] "::" "_" [Exp2] ; separator IndConstructor "|" ; terminator Exp2 "" ; -- bindings in structures Bind . Binding ::= AIdent "=" Exp ; separator Binding ";" ; PackageDef . PackageBody ::= "{" [Decl] "}" ; PackageInst . PackageBody ::= Exp ; OArg . OpenArg ::= [DefAttr] AIdent ; OArgT . OpenArg ::= [DefAttr] AIdent "::" Exp ; OArgD . OpenArg ::= [DefAttr] AIdent "=" Exp ; OArgTD. OpenArg ::= [DefAttr] AIdent "::" Exp "=" Exp ; Private . DefAttr ::= "private" ; Public . DefAttr ::= "public" ; Abstract . DefAttr ::= "abstract" ; Concrete . DefAttr ::= "concrete" ; Import . Import ::= "import" String ";" ; separator DefAttr "" ; separator AIdent "" ; separator OpenArg "," ; -- two kinds of comments; preserve enclosed ones comment "--" ; comment "{-" "-}" ; token Comment ('{' '-' ((char - '-') | '-' (char - '}'))* ('-')+ '}') ; --- identifiers, including infix in parentheses token Infix ([".:-^*+=<>&%$!#%|/\\"]+) ; I. AIdent ::= "(" Infix ")" ; F. AIdent ::= PIdent ; -- ordinary identifiers now have position position token PIdent (letter (letter|digit|'_'|'\'')*) ;