module BNFC.Backend.Java.Utils where import BNFC.CF import BNFC.Utils ( mkName, NameStyle(..)) import BNFC.Backend.Common.NamedVariables -- | Make a Java line comment comment :: String -> String comment = ("// " ++) javaReserved :: [String] javaReserved = [ "abstract" , "assert" , "boolean" , "break" , "byte" , "case" , "catch" , "char" , "class" , "const" , "continue" , "default" , "do" , "double" , "else" , "enum" , "extends" , "false" -- there for Java/ANTLR backend , "final" , "finally" , "float" , "for" , "goto" , "if" , "implements" , "import" , "instanceof" , "int" , "interface" , "long" , "native" , "new" , "null" -- there for Java/ANTLR backend -- , "Object" , "package" , "private" , "protected" , "public" , "return" , "short" , "static" , "strictfp" , "super" , "switch" , "synchronized" , "true" -- there for Java/ANTLR backend , "this" , "throw" , "throws" , "transient" , "try" , "void" , "volatile" , "while" ] -- | Append an underscore if there is a clash with a java or ANTLR keyword. -- E.g. "Grammar" clashes with ANTLR keyword "grammar" since -- we sometimes need the upper and sometimes the lower case version -- of "Grammar" in the generated parser. getRuleName :: String -> String getRuleName z | firstLowerCase z `elem` ("grammar" : javaReserved) = z ++ "_" | otherwise = z getLabelName :: Fun -> String getLabelName = mkName ["Rule"] CamelCase -- | Make a new entrypoint NT for an existing NT. startSymbol :: String -> String startSymbol = ("Start_" ++)