{-# LANGUAGE LambdaCase #-} {-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-} module BNFC.Backend.Haskell.Utils ( comment, commentWithEmacsModeHint , posType, posConstr, noPosConstr , hasPositionClass, hasPositionMethod , noWarnUnusedMatches , parserName , hsReservedWords, avoidReservedWords, mkDefName , typeToHaskell, typeToHaskell' , catToType , catToVar, catvars , tokenTextImport, tokenTextType , tokenTextPack, tokenTextPackParens, tokenTextUnpack ) where import Data.Char import Data.String (IsString) import BNFC.PrettyPrint import qualified BNFC.PrettyPrint as P import BNFC.CF (Cat(..), catToStr, identCat, baseTokenCatNames, Base, Type(FunT), IsFun(..)) import BNFC.Options (TokenText(..)) import BNFC.Utils (mkNames, NameStyle(..)) -- | Haskell line comments. comment :: String -> String comment = ("-- " ++) -- | Haskell line comment including mode hint for emacs. commentWithEmacsModeHint :: String -> String commentWithEmacsModeHint = comment . ("-*- haskell -*- " ++) -- * GHC pragmas noWarnUnusedMatches :: IsString a => a noWarnUnusedMatches = "{-# OPTIONS_GHC -fno-warn-unused-matches #-}" -- ALT: only from GHC 8 -- "{-# OPTIONS_GHC -Wno-unused-matches #-}" -- * Names for position data type. posType, posConstr, noPosConstr :: IsString a => a posType = "BNFC'Position" posConstr = "BNFC'Position" noPosConstr = "BNFC'NoPosition" -- * The @HasPosition@ class for position-carrying abstract syntax. hasPositionClass, hasPositionMethod :: IsString a => a hasPositionClass = "HasPosition" hasPositionMethod = "hasPosition" -- * Parameterization by 'TokenText'. tokenTextImport :: TokenText -> [String] tokenTextImport = \case StringToken -> [] ByteStringToken -> [ "import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8 as BS" ] TextToken -> [ "import qualified Data.Text" ] tokenTextType :: TokenText -> String tokenTextType = \case StringToken -> "String" ByteStringToken -> "BS.ByteString" TextToken -> "Data.Text.Text" tokenTextPack :: TokenText -> String -> String tokenTextPack = \case StringToken -> id ByteStringToken -> ("BS.pack " ++) TextToken -> ("Data.Text.pack " ++) tokenTextPackParens :: TokenText -> String -> String tokenTextPackParens = \case StringToken -> id ByteStringToken -> parens . ("BS.pack " ++) TextToken -> parens . ("Data.Text.pack " ++) where parens :: String -> String parens s = "(" ++ s ++ ")" tokenTextUnpack :: TokenText -> String -> String tokenTextUnpack t s = case t of StringToken -> s ByteStringToken -> "(BS.unpack " ++ s ++ ")" TextToken -> "(Data.Text.unpack " ++ s ++ ")" -- * Other Utililites -- | Create a valid parser function name for a given category. -- -- >>> parserName (Cat "Abcd") -- pAbcd -- -- >>> parserName (ListCat (Cat "Xyz")) -- pListXyz -- parserName :: Cat -> Doc parserName = ("p" P.<>) . text . identCat -- | Haskell's reserved words. -- hsReservedWords :: [String] hsReservedWords = [ "as" , "case" , "class" , "data" , "default" , "deriving" , "do" , "else" , "family" , "forall" , "foreign" , "hiding" , "if" , "import" , "in" , "infix" , "infixl" , "infixr" , "instance" , "let" , "mdo" , "module" , "newtype" , "of" , "pattern" , "proc" , "qualified" , "rec" , "then" , "type" , "where" ] -- | Avoid Haskell keywords plus additional reserved words. avoidReservedWords :: [String] -> String -> String avoidReservedWords additionalReserved x | x `elem` reserved = x ++ "'" | otherwise = x where reserved = additionalReserved ++ hsReservedWords -- | Modifier to avoid clashes in definition. mkDefName :: IsFun f => f -> String mkDefName = avoidReservedWords [] . funName -- | Render a category from the grammar to a Haskell type. -- -- >>> catToType id empty (Cat "A") -- A -- >>> catToType id empty (ListCat (Cat "A")) -- [A] -- >>> catToType ("Foo." P.<>) empty (TokenCat "Ident") -- Foo.Ident -- -- Note that there is no haskell type for coerced categories: they should be normalized: -- >>> catToType id empty (CoercCat "Expr" 2) -- Expr -- -- If a type parameter is given it is added to the type name: -- >>> catToType id (text "a") (Cat "A") -- (A a) -- -- >>> catToType id (text "a") (ListCat (Cat "A")) -- [A a] -- -- but not added to Token categories: -- >>> catToType ("Foo." P.<>) (text "a") (TokenCat "Integer") -- Integer -- -- >>> catToType id (text "a") (ListCat (TokenCat "Integer")) -- [Integer] -- -- >>> catToType id empty (ListCat (CoercCat "Exp" 2)) -- [Exp] -- -- >>> catToType ("Foo." P.<>) (text "()") (ListCat (CoercCat "Exp" 2)) -- [Foo.Exp ()] -- catToType :: (Doc -> Doc) -> Doc -> Cat -> Doc catToType qualify param cat = parensIf isApp $ loop cat where isApp = case cat of Cat _ -> not $ isEmpty param _ -> False loop = \case ListCat c -> brackets $ loop c Cat c -> qualify (text c) <+> param -- note: <+> goes away if param==empty CoercCat c _ -> qualify (text c) <+> param TokenCat c | c `elem` baseTokenCatNames -> text c | otherwise -> qualify (text c) -- | Convert a base type to Haskell syntax. baseTypeToHaskell :: Base -> String baseTypeToHaskell = show -- | Convert a function type to Haskell syntax in curried form. typeToHaskell :: Type -> String typeToHaskell = typeToHaskell' "->" typeToHaskell' :: String -> Type -> String typeToHaskell' arr (FunT ts t) = foldr f (baseTypeToHaskell t) $ map baseTypeToHaskell ts where f a b = unwords [a, arr, b] -- | Make a variable name for a category. catToVar :: [String] -> Cat -> String catToVar rs = avoidReservedWords rs . var where var (ListCat cat) = var cat ++ "s" var (Cat "Ident") = "x" var (Cat "Integer") = "n" var (Cat "String") = "str" var (Cat "Char") = "c" var (Cat "Double") = "d" var xs = map toLower $ catToStr xs -- | Gives a list of variables usable for pattern matching. -- -- Example: Given the rule @Aba. S ::= A B A ;@ with the generated data type -- @ -- data S = Aba A B A -- @ -- from the list of categories on the RHS of the rule [A,B,A], we generate the -- list [a1,b,a2] to be used in a pattern matching like -- @ -- case s of -- Aba a1 b a2 -> ... -- ... -- @ -- -- >>> catvars [] [Cat "A", Cat "B", Cat "A"] -- [a1,b,a2] -- -- It should avoid reserved words: -- >>> catvars ["foo"] [Cat "Foo", Cat "IF", Cat "Case", Cat "Type", Cat "If"] -- [foo_,if_1,case_,type_,if_2] -- -- It uses a suffix -s to mark lists: -- >>> catvars [] [Cat "A", ListCat (Cat "A"), ListCat (ListCat (Cat "A"))] -- [a,as_,ass] -- catvars :: [String] -> [Cat] -> [Doc] catvars rs = map text . mkNames (rs ++ hsReservedWords) LowerCase . map var where var (ListCat c) = var c ++ "s" var c = catToStr c