{-# LANGUAGE NoImplicitPrelude #-} {- Generates a Pygments lexer from a BNF grammar. - - Resources: - * Pygments: http://pygments.org/ - * Lexer development: http://pygments.org/docs/lexerdevelopment/ - * Token types: http://pygments.org/docs/tokens/ - -} module BNFC.Backend.Pygments where import Prelude hiding ((<>)) import BNFC.Abs (Reg(..)) import BNFC.Backend.Base (mkfile, Backend) import BNFC.CF import BNFC.Lexing import BNFC.Options hiding (Backend) import BNFC.Utils import BNFC.PrettyPrint makePygments :: SharedOptions -> CF -> Backend makePygments opts cf = do let lexerfile = render (lowerCase name <> "/__init__.py") setupfile = "setup.py" mkfile lexerfile (lexer name cf) mkfile setupfile (setup name) where name = lang opts setup :: String -> Doc setup name = vcat [ "from setuptools import setup, find_packages" , "setup" <> parens (fsep (punctuate "," [ "name" <=> quotes ("pygment-"<>lowerCase name) , "version" <=> "0.1" , "packages" <=> brackets (quotes moduleName) , "entry_points" <=> entryPoints , "install_requires = ['pygments']" ])) ] where className = camelCase name <> "Lexer" moduleName = lowerCase name entryPoints = braces( "'pygments.lexers':" <> doubleQuotes (moduleName <> "=" <> moduleName <> ":" <> className)) lexer :: String -> CF -> Doc lexer name cf = vcat -- Import statments [ "import pygments.lexer" , "from pygments.token import *" -- Declare our lexer , "__all__" <=> brackets (doubleQuotes className) -- define lexer , "class" <+> className <> parens "pygments.lexer.RegexLexer" <> ":" , indent [ "name" <=> quotes (text name) , "aliases" <=> brackets (quotes (lowerCase name)) -- filenames = ['*.cf', '*lbnf'] , "KEYWORDS" <=> brackets keywords -- We override the get_tokens_unprocessed method to filter keywords -- from identifiers , "def get_tokens_unprocessed(self, text):" , indent [ "for index, token, value in super(" <> className <> ",self).get_tokens_unprocessed(text):" , indent [ "if token is Name and value in self.KEYWORDS:" , indent [ "yield index, Keyword, value" ] , "else:" , indent [ "yield index, token, value" ] ] ] -- The token is defined using regex , "tokens = {" , indent [ "'root': [" , indent (map prLexRule (mkLexer cf) ++ ["(r'\\s+', Token.Space)"]) , "]" ] , "}" ] ] where className = camelCase name <> "Lexer" keywords = fsep (punctuate "," (map (quotes . text) (reservedWords cf))) indent = nest 4 . vcat prLexRule (reg,ltype) = parens ("r" <> quotes (pyRegex reg) <> "," <+> pyToken ltype) <> "," pyToken LexComment = "Comment" pyToken LexSymbols = "Operator" pyToken (LexToken "Integer") = "Number.Integer" pyToken (LexToken "Double") = "Number.Float" pyToken (LexToken "Char") = "String.Char" pyToken (LexToken "String") = "String.Double" pyToken (LexToken _) = "Name" -- | Convert a Reg to a python regex -- >>> pyRegex (RSeqs "abc") -- abc -- >>> pyRegex (RAlt (RSeqs "::=") (RChar '.')) -- ::=|\. -- >>> pyRegex (RChar '=') -- = -- >>> pyRegex RAny -- . -- >>> pyRegex (RStar RAny) -- .* -- >>> pyRegex (RPlus (RSeqs "xxx")) -- (xxx)+ -- >>> pyRegex (ROpt (RSeqs "abc")) -- (abc)? -- >>> pyRegex (RSeq (RSeqs "--") (RSeq (RStar RAny) (RChar '\n'))) -- --.*\n -- >>> pyRegex (RStar (RSeq (RSeqs "abc") (RChar '*'))) -- (abc\*)* -- >>> pyRegex REps -- -- >>> pyRegex (RAlts "abc[].") -- [abc\[\]\.] -- >>> pyRegex RDigit -- \d -- >>> pyRegex RLetter -- [a-zA-Z] -- >>> pyRegex RUpper -- [A-Z] -- >>> pyRegex RLower -- [a-z] -- >>> pyRegex (RMinus RAny RDigit) -- (.)(?>> pyRegex (RSeq (RAlt (RChar 'a') RAny) (RAlt (RChar 'b') (RChar 'c'))) -- (a|.)(b|c) pyRegex :: Reg -> Doc pyRegex reg = case reg of RSeqs s -> text (concatMap escape s) RAlt r1 r2 -> pyRegex r1 <> "|" <> pyRegex r2 RChar c -> text (escape c) RAny -> char '.' RStar RAny -> ".*" RStar re -> parens (pyRegex re) <> char '*' RPlus re -> parens (pyRegex re) <> char '+' ROpt re -> parens (pyRegex re) <> char '?' RSeq r1 r2 -> pyRegex' r1 <> pyRegex' r2 REps -> empty RAlts cs -> brackets (hcat (map (pyRegex . RChar) cs)) RDigit -> "\\d" RUpper -> "[A-Z]" RLower -> "[a-z]" RLetter -> "[a-zA-Z]" RMinus r1 r2 -> parens (pyRegex r1) <> parens ("? pyRegex r2) where escape '\n' = "\\n" escape '\t' = "\\t" escape c | c `elem` (".'[]()|*+?{}\\" :: String) = ['\\',c] escape c = [c] pyRegex' r@(RAlt{}) = parens (pyRegex r) pyRegex' r = pyRegex r