{- BNF Converter: Happy Generator Copyright (C) 2004 Author: Markus Forsberg, Aarne Ranta -} {-# LANGUAGE LambdaCase #-} {-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-} module BNFC.Backend.Haskell.CFtoHappy (cf2Happy, convert) where import Prelude hiding ((<>)) import Data.Foldable (toList) import Data.List (intersperse) import BNFC.CF import BNFC.Backend.Common.StrUtils (escapeChars) import BNFC.Backend.Haskell.Utils import BNFC.Options (HappyMode(..), TokenText(..)) import BNFC.PrettyPrint import BNFC.Utils -- Type declarations type Rules = [(NonTerminal,[(Pattern,Action)])] type Pattern = String type Action = String type MetaVar = String -- default naming tokenName = "Token" -- | Generate a happy parser file from a grammar. cf2Happy :: ModuleName -- ^ This module's name. -> ModuleName -- ^ Abstract syntax module name. -> ModuleName -- ^ Lexer module name. -> HappyMode -- ^ Happy mode. -> TokenText -- ^ Use @ByteString@ or @Text@? -> Bool -- ^ AST is a functor? -> CF -- ^ Grammar. -> String -- ^ Generated code. cf2Happy name absName lexName mode tokenText functor cf = unlines [ header name absName lexName tokenText eps , render $ declarations mode eps , render $ tokens cf , delimiter , specialRules absName tokenText cf , render $ prRules absName functor (rulesForHappy absName functor cf) , footer ] where eps = toList $ allEntryPoints cf -- | Construct the header. header :: ModuleName -> ModuleName -> ModuleName -> TokenText -> [Cat] -> String header modName absName lexName tokenText eps = unlines $ concat [ [ "-- This Happy file was machine-generated by the BNF converter" , "{" , "{-# OPTIONS_GHC -fno-warn-incomplete-patterns -fno-warn-overlapping-patterns #-}" , "module " ++ modName , " ( happyError" , " , myLexer" ] , map ((" , " ++) . render . parserName) eps , [ " ) where" , "import qualified " ++ absName , "import " ++ lexName ] , tokenTextImport tokenText , [ "}" ] ] -- | The declarations of a happy file. -- >>> declarations Standard [Cat "A", Cat "B", ListCat (Cat "B")] -- %name pA A -- %name pB B -- %name pListB ListB -- -- no lexer declaration -- %monad { Either String } { (>>=) } { return } -- %tokentype {Token} declarations :: HappyMode -> [Cat] -> Doc declarations mode ns = vcat [ vcat $ map generateP ns , case mode of Standard -> "-- no lexer declaration" GLR -> "%lexer { myLexer } { Either String _ }", "%monad { Either String } { (>>=) } { return }", "%tokentype" <+> braces (text tokenName) ] where generateP n = "%name" <+> parserName n <+> text (identCat n) -- The useless delimiter symbol. delimiter :: String delimiter = "\n%%\n" -- | Generate the list of tokens and their identifiers. tokens :: CF -> Doc tokens cf -- Andreas, 2019-01-02: "%token" followed by nothing is a Happy parse error. -- Thus, if we have no tokens, do not output anything. | null ts = empty | otherwise = "%token" $$ (nest 2 $ vcat ts) where ts = map prToken (cfTokens cf) ++ map text (specialToks cf) prToken (t,k) = hsep [ convert t, lbrace, text ("PT _ (TS _ " ++ show k ++ ")"), rbrace ] -- Happy doesn't allow characters such as åäö to occur in the happy file. This -- is however not a restriction, just a naming paradigm in the happy source file. convert :: String -> Doc convert = quotes . text . escapeChars rulesForHappy :: ModuleName -> Bool -> CF -> Rules rulesForHappy absM functor cf = for (ruleGroups cf) $ \ (cat, rules) -> (cat, map (constructRule absM functor) rules) -- | For every non-terminal, we construct a set of rules. A rule is a sequence -- of terminals and non-terminals, and an action to be performed. -- -- >>> constructRule "Foo" False (npRule "EPlus" (Cat "Exp") [Left (Cat "Exp"), Right "+", Left (Cat "Exp")] Parsable) -- ("Exp '+' Exp","Foo.EPlus $1 $3") -- -- If we're using functors, it adds void value: -- -- >>> constructRule "Foo" True (npRule "EPlus" (Cat "Exp") [Left (Cat "Exp"), Right "+", Left (Cat "Exp")] Parsable) -- ("Exp '+' Exp","Foo.EPlus () $1 $3") -- -- List constructors should not be prefixed by the abstract module name: -- -- >>> constructRule "Foo" False (npRule "(:)" (ListCat (Cat "A")) [Left (Cat "A"), Right",", Left (ListCat (Cat "A"))] Parsable) -- ("A ',' ListA","(:) $1 $3") -- -- >>> constructRule "Foo" False (npRule "(:[])" (ListCat (Cat "A")) [Left (Cat "A")] Parsable) -- ("A","(:[]) $1") -- -- Coercion are much simpler: -- -- >>> constructRule "Foo" True (npRule "_" (Cat "Exp") [Right "(", Left (Cat "Exp"), Right ")"] Parsable) -- ("'(' Exp ')'","$2") -- constructRule :: IsFun f => String -> Bool -> Rul f -> (Pattern, Action) constructRule absName functor (Rule fun0 _cat rhs Parsable) = (pattern, action) where fun = funName fun0 (pattern, metavars) = generatePatterns rhs action | isCoercion fun = unwords metavars | isNilCons fun = unwords (qualify fun : metavars) | functor = unwords (qualify fun : "()" : metavars) | otherwise = unwords (qualify fun : metavars) qualify f | isConsFun f || isNilCons f = f | isDefinedRule f = absName ++ "." ++ mkDefName f | otherwise = absName ++ "." ++ f constructRule _ _ (Rule _ _ _ Internal) = undefined -- impossible -- | Generate patterns and a set of metavariables (de Bruijn indices) indicating -- where in the pattern the non-terminal are locate. -- -- >>> generatePatterns [ Left (Cat "Exp"), Right "+", Left (Cat "Exp") ] -- ("Exp '+' Exp",["$1","$3"]) -- generatePatterns :: SentForm -> (Pattern, [MetaVar]) generatePatterns [] = ("{- empty -}", []) generatePatterns its = ( unwords $ for its $ either {-non-term:-} identCat {-term:-} (render . convert) , [ ('$' : show i) | (i, Left{}) <- zip [1 :: Int ..] its ] ) -- We have now constructed the patterns and actions, -- so the only thing left is to merge them into one string. -- | -- >>> prRules "Foo" False [(Cat "Expr", [("Integer", "Foo.EInt $1"), ("Expr '+' Expr", "Foo.EPlus $1 $3")])] -- Expr :: { Foo.Expr } -- Expr : Integer { Foo.EInt $1 } | Expr '+' Expr { Foo.EPlus $1 $3 } -- -- if there's a lot of cases, print on several lines: -- >>> prRules "" False [(Cat "Expr", [("Abcd", "Action"), ("P2", "A2"), ("P3", "A3"), ("P4", "A4"), ("P5","A5")])] -- Expr :: { Expr } -- Expr : Abcd { Action } -- | P2 { A2 } -- | P3 { A3 } -- | P4 { A4 } -- | P5 { A5 } -- -- >>> prRules "" False [(Cat "Internal", [])] -- nt has only internal use -- -- -- The functor case: -- >>> prRules "" True [(Cat "Expr", [("Integer", "EInt () $1"), ("Expr '+' Expr", "EPlus () $1 $3")])] -- Expr :: { (Expr ()) } -- Expr : Integer { EInt () $1 } | Expr '+' Expr { EPlus () $1 $3 } -- -- A list with coercion: in the type signature we need to get rid of the -- coercion. -- -- >>> prRules "" True [(ListCat (CoercCat "Exp" 2), [("Exp2", "(:[]) $1"), ("Exp2 ',' ListExp2","(:) $1 $3")])] -- ListExp2 :: { [Exp ()] } -- ListExp2 : Exp2 { (:[]) $1 } | Exp2 ',' ListExp2 { (:) $1 $3 } -- prRules :: ModuleName -> Bool -> Rules -> Doc prRules absM functor = vsep . map prOne where prOne (_ , [] ) = empty -- nt has only internal use prOne (nt, (p,a):ls) = hsep [ nt', "::", "{", type' nt, "}" ] $$ nt' <+> sep (pr ":" (p, a) : map (pr "|") ls) where nt' = text (identCat nt) pr pre (p,a) = hsep [pre, text p, "{", text a , "}"] type' = catToType qualify $ if functor then "()" else empty qualify | null absM = id | otherwise = ((text absM <> ".") <>) -- Finally, some haskell code. footer :: String footer = unlines $ [ "{" , "" , "happyError :: [" ++ tokenName ++ "] -> Either String a" , "happyError ts = Left $" , " \"syntax error at \" ++ tokenPos ts ++ " , " case ts of" , " [] -> []" , " [Err _] -> \" due to lexer error\"" , unwords [ " t:_ -> \" before `\" ++" , "(prToken t)" -- , tokenTextUnpack tokenText "(prToken t)" , "++ \"'\"" ] , "" , "myLexer = tokens" , "}" ] -- | GF literals. specialToks :: CF -> [String] specialToks cf = (`map` literals cf) $ \case "Ident" -> "L_Ident { PT _ (TV $$) }" "String" -> "L_quoted { PT _ (TL $$) }" "Integer" -> "L_integ { PT _ (TI $$) }" "Double" -> "L_doubl { PT _ (TD $$) }" "Char" -> "L_charac { PT _ (TC $$) }" own -> "L_" ++ own ++ " { PT _ (T_" ++ own ++ " " ++ posn ++ ") }" where posn = if isPositionCat cf own then "_" else "$$" specialRules :: ModuleName -> TokenText -> CF -> String specialRules absName tokenText cf = unlines . intersperse "" . (`map` literals cf) $ \case -- "Ident" -> "Ident :: { Ident }" -- ++++ "Ident : L_ident { Ident $1 }" "String" -> "String :: { String }" ++++ "String : L_quoted { " ++ stringUnpack "$1" ++ " }" "Integer" -> "Integer :: { Integer }" ++++ "Integer : L_integ { (read (" ++ stringUnpack "$1" ++ ")) :: Integer }" "Double" -> "Double :: { Double }" ++++ "Double : L_doubl { (read (" ++ stringUnpack "$1" ++ ")) :: Double }" "Char" -> "Char :: { Char }" ++++ "Char : L_charac { (read (" ++ stringUnpack "$1" ++ ")) :: Char }" own -> own ++ " :: { " ++ qualify own ++ "}" ++++ own ++ " : L_" ++ own ++ " { " ++ qualify own ++ posn ++ " }" where posn = if isPositionCat cf own then " (mkPosToken $1)" else " $1" where stringUnpack = tokenTextUnpack tokenText qualify | null absName = id | otherwise = ((absName ++ ".") ++)