{- BNF Converter: Java 1.5 Compositional Vistor generator Copyright (C) 2006 Bjorn Bringert Based on CFtoVisitSkel.hs, Copyright (C) 2004-2006 Michael Pellauer This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA -} module BNFC.Backend.Java.CFtoComposVisitor (cf2ComposVisitor) where import BNFC.CF import BNFC.Backend.Java.CFtoJavaAbs15 (typename) import BNFC.Utils ((+++)) import BNFC.Backend.Common.NamedVariables import Data.List import Data.Either (lefts) import BNFC.PrettyPrint cf2ComposVisitor :: String -> String -> CF -> String cf2ComposVisitor packageBase packageAbsyn cf = concat [ header, concatMap (prData packageAbsyn user) groups, "}"] where user = fst (unzip (tokenPragmas cf)) groups = [ g | g@(c,_) <- fixCoercions (ruleGroupsInternals cf), not (isList c) ] is = map (prInterface packageAbsyn) groups header = unlines [ "package" +++ packageBase ++ ";", "import" +++ packageAbsyn ++ ".*;", "/** BNFC-Generated Composition Visitor", "*/", "", "public class ComposVisitor implements", concat $ intersperse ",\n" $ map (" "++) is, "{" ] prInterface :: String -> (Cat, [Rule]) -> String prInterface packageAbsyn (cat, _) = q ++ ".Visitor<" ++ q ++ ",A>" where q = packageAbsyn ++ "." ++ identCat cat --Traverses a category based on its type. prData :: String -> [UserDef] -> (Cat, [Rule]) -> String prData packageAbsyn user (cat, rules) = unlines [ "/* " ++ identCat cat ++ " */", concatMap (render . prRule packageAbsyn user cat) rules ] -- | traverses a standard rule. -- >>> prRule "lang.absyn" [Cat "A"] (Cat "B") (Rule "F" (Cat "B") [Left (Cat "A"), Right "+", Left (ListCat (Cat "B"))]) -- public B visit(lang.absyn.F p, A arg) -- { -- String a_ = p.a_; -- ListB listb_ = new ListB(); -- for (B x : p.listb_) -- { -- listb_.add(x.accept(this,arg)); -- } -- return new lang.absyn.F(a_, listb_); -- } prRule :: String -> [UserDef] -> Cat -> Rule -> Doc prRule packageAbsyn user cat (Rule fun _ cats) | not (isCoercion fun || isDefinedRule fun) = nest 4 $ vcat [ "public " <> text(identCat cat) <> " visit(" <> cls <> " p, A arg)" , codeblock 2 [ vcat (map (prCat user) cats') , "return new" <+> cls <> parens (hsep (punctuate "," vnames)) <> ";" ] ] where cats' = filter ((/= InternalCat) . fst) (lefts (numVars cats)) cls = text (packageAbsyn ++ "." ++ fun) vnames = map snd cats' prRule _ _ _ _ = "" -- | Traverses a class's instance variables. -- >>> prCat [Cat "A"] (Cat "A", "a_") -- String a_ = p.a_; -- >>> prCat [] (ListCat (Cat "Integer"), "listinteger_") -- ListInteger listinteger_ = p.listinteger_; -- >>> prCat [] (ListCat (Cat "N"), "listn_") -- ListN listn_ = new ListN(); -- for (N x : p.listn_) -- { -- listn_.add(x.accept(this,arg)); -- } -- >>> prCat [] (Cat "N", "n_") -- N n_ = p.n_.accept(this, arg); prCat :: [UserDef] -- ^ User defined token categories -> (Cat, Doc) -- ^ Variable category and names -> Doc -- ^ Code for visiting the variable prCat user (cat, nt) | isBasicType user varType || (isList cat && isBasicType user et) = decl var | isList cat = decl ("new" <+> text varType <> "()") $$ "for (" <> text et <> " x : " <> var <> ")" $$ codeblock 2 [ nt <> ".add(x.accept(this,arg));" ] | otherwise = decl (var <> ".accept(this, arg)") where var = "p." <> nt varType = typename (identCat (normCat cat)) user et = typename (show$normCatOfList cat) user decl v = text varType <+> nt <+> "=" <+> v <> ";" --Just checks if something is a basic or user-defined type. isBasicType :: [UserDef] -> String -> Bool isBasicType user v = v `elem` (map show user ++ ["Integer","Character","String","Double"])