{- BNF Converter: C++ abstract syntax generator Copyright (C) 2004 Author: Michael Pellauer This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA -} {- ************************************************************** BNF Converter Module Description : This module generates the C++ Abstract Syntax tree classes. It generates both a Header file and an Implementation file, and uses the Visitor design pattern. It uses STL (Standard Template Library). Author : Michael Pellauer (pellauer@cs.chalmers.se) License : GPL (GNU General Public License) Created : 4 August, 2003 Modified : 22 May, 2004 / Antti-Juhani Kaijanaho 29 August, 2006 / Aarne Ranta ************************************************************** -} module BNFC.Backend.CPP.STL.CFtoSTLAbs (cf2CPPAbs) where import BNFC.Backend.Common.OOAbstract import BNFC.CF import BNFC.Utils((+++)) import Data.List import BNFC.Backend.CPP.STL.STLUtils --The result is two files (.H file, .C file) cf2CPPAbs :: Bool -> Maybe String -> String -> CF -> (String, String) cf2CPPAbs ln inPackage _ cf = (mkHFile ln inPackage cab, mkCFile inPackage cab) where cab = cf2cabs cf -- **** Header (.H) File Functions **** -- --Makes the Header file. mkHFile :: Bool -> Maybe String -> CAbs -> String mkHFile ln inPackage cf = unlines [ "#ifndef " ++ hdef, "#define " ++ hdef, "", "#include", "#include", "", "//C++ Abstract Syntax Interface generated by the BNF Converter.", nsStart inPackage, "/******************** TypeDef Section ********************/", "", unlines ["typedef " ++ d ++ " " ++ c ++ ";" | (c,d) <- basetypes], "", unlines ["typedef std::string " ++ s ++ ";" | s <- tokentypes cf], "", "/******************** Forward Declarations ********************/", "", unlines ["class " ++ c ++ ";" | c <- classes, notElem c (defineds cf)], "", "/******************** Visitor Interfaces ********************/", prVisitor cf, "", prVisitable, "", "/******************** Abstract Syntax Classes ********************/", "", unlines [prAbs ln c | c <- absclasses cf], "", unlines [prCon (c,r) | (c,rs) <- signatures cf, r <- rs], "", unlines [prList c | c <- listtypes cf], nsEnd inPackage, "#endif" ] where classes = allClasses cf hdef = nsDefine inPackage "ABSYN_HEADER" -- auxiliaries prVisitable :: String prVisitable = unlines [ "class Visitable", "{", " public:", -- all classes with virtual methods require a virtual destructor " virtual ~Visitable() {}", " virtual void accept(Visitor *v) = 0;", "};" ] prVisitor :: CAbs -> String prVisitor cf = unlines [ "class Visitor", "{", "public:", " virtual ~Visitor() {}", unlines [" virtual void visit"++c++"("++c++" *p) = 0;" | c <- allClasses cf, notElem c (defineds cf)], "", unlines [" virtual void visit"++c++"(" ++c++" x) = 0;" | c <- allNonClasses cf], "};" ] prAbs :: Bool -> String -> String prAbs ln c = unlines [ "class " ++ c ++ " : public Visitable", "{", "public:", " virtual " ++ c ++ " *clone() const = 0;", if ln then " int line_number;" else "", "};" ] prCon :: (String, CAbsRule) -> String prCon (c,(f,cs)) = unlines [ "class " ++f++ " : public " ++ c, "{", "public:", unlines [" "++ typ +++ pointerIf st var ++ ";" | (typ,st,var) <- cs], " " ++ f ++ "(const " ++ f ++ " &);", " " ++ f ++ " &operator=(const " ++f++ " &);", " " ++ f ++ "(" ++ conargs ++ ");", -- Typ *p1, PIdent *p2, ListStm *p3); " ~" ++f ++ "();", " virtual void accept(Visitor *v);", " virtual " ++f++ " *clone() const;", " void swap(" ++f++ " &);", "};" ] where conargs = concat $ intersperse ", " [x +++ pointerIf st ("p" ++ show i) | ((x,st,_),i) <- zip cs [1..]] prList :: (String,Bool) -> String prList (c,b) = unlines [ "class " ++c++ " : public Visitable, public std::vector<" ++bas++ ">", "{", "public:", " virtual void accept(Visitor *v);", " virtual " ++ c ++ " *clone() const;", "};" ] where bas = drop 4 c ++ -- drop List if b then "*" else "" -- **** Implementation (.C) File Functions **** -- mkCFile :: Maybe String -> CAbs -> String mkCFile inPackage cf = unlines $ [ "//C++ Abstract Syntax Implementation generated by the BNF Converter.", "#include ", "#include ", "#include ", "#include ", "#include \"Absyn.H\"", nsStart inPackage, unlines [prConC r | (_,rs) <- signatures cf, r <- rs], unlines [prListC c | (c,_) <- listtypes cf], nsEnd inPackage ] prConC :: CAbsRule -> String prConC fcs@(f,_) = unlines [ "/******************** " ++ f ++ " ********************/", prConstructorC fcs, prCopyC fcs, prDestructorC fcs, prAcceptC f, prCloneC f, "" ] prListC :: String -> String prListC c = unlines [ "/******************** " ++ c ++ " ********************/", "", prAcceptC c, "", prCloneC c ] --The standard accept function for the Visitor pattern prAcceptC :: String -> String prAcceptC ty = unlines [ "void " ++ ty ++ "::accept(Visitor *v)", "{", " v->visit" ++ ty ++ "(this);", "}" ] --The cloner makes a new deep copy of the object prCloneC :: String -> String prCloneC c = unlines [ c +++ "*" ++ c ++ "::clone() const", "{", " return new" +++ c ++ "(*this);", "}" ] --The constructor assigns the parameters to the corresponding instance variables. prConstructorC :: CAbsRule -> String prConstructorC (f,cs) = unlines [ f ++ "::" ++ f ++ "(" ++ conargs ++ ")", "{", unlines [" " ++ c ++ " = " ++ p ++ ";" | (c,p) <- zip cvs pvs], "}" ] where cvs = [c | (_,_,c) <- cs] pvs = ['p' : show i | ((_,_,_),i) <- zip cs [1..]] conargs = intercalate ", " [x +++ pointerIf st v | ((x,st,_),v) <- zip cs pvs] --Copy constructor and copy assignment prCopyC :: CAbsRule -> String prCopyC (c,cs) = unlines [ c ++ "::" ++ c ++ "(const" +++ c +++ "& other)", "{", unlines [" " ++ cv ++ " = other." ++ cloneIf st cv ++ ";" | (_,st,cv) <- cs], "}", "", c +++ "&" ++ c ++ "::" ++ "operator=(const" +++ c +++ "& other)", "{", " " ++ c +++ "tmp(other);", " swap(tmp);", " return *this;", "}", "", "void" +++ c ++ "::swap(" ++ c +++ "& other)", "{", unlines [" std::swap(" ++ cv ++ ", other." ++ cv ++ ");" | (_,_,cv) <- cs], "}" ] where cloneIf st cv = if st then (cv ++ "->clone()") else cv --The destructor deletes all a class's members. prDestructorC :: CAbsRule -> String prDestructorC (c,cs) = unlines [ c ++ "::~" ++ c ++"()", "{", unlines [" delete(" ++ cv ++ ");" | (_,isPointer,cv) <- cs, isPointer], "}" ]