{- BNF Converter: GADT Abstract syntax Generator Copyright (C) 2004-2005 Author: Markus Forberg, Björn Bringert This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1335, USA -} {-# LANGUAGE PatternGuards #-} module BNFC.Backend.HaskellGADT.CFtoAbstractGADT (cf2Abstract) where import qualified Data.List as List import BNFC.CF import BNFC.Backend.HaskellGADT.HaskellGADTCommon import BNFC.Backend.Haskell.Utils import BNFC.Backend.Haskell.CFtoAbstract (definedRules) import BNFC.Options import BNFC.Utils ((+++), when) cf2Abstract :: TokenText -> String -> CF -> String -> String cf2Abstract tokenText name cf composOpMod = unlines $ concat $ [ [ "{-# LANGUAGE GADTs, KindSignatures, DataKinds #-}" , "{-# LANGUAGE EmptyCase #-}" , "" , "module" +++ name +++ "(" ++ List.intercalate ", " exports ++ ")" +++ "where" , "" , "import Prelude (" ++ typeImports ++ ", (.), (>), (&&), (==))" , "import qualified Prelude as P" , "import qualified Data.Monoid as P" , "" , "import " ++ composOpMod ] , tokenTextImport tokenText , [ "" , "-- Haskell module generated by the BNF converter" , "" ] , prDummyTypes cf , [""] , prTreeType tokenText cf , [""] , prCompos cf , [""] , prShow cf , [""] , prEq cf , [""] , prOrd cf , [""] , map ((++ "\n") . show) $ definedRules False cf ] where exports = concat $ [ [ "Tree(..)" ] , getTreeCats cf , map mkDefName $ getDefinitions cf , [ "johnMajorEq" , "module " ++ composOpMod ] ] typeImports = List.intercalate ", " $ concat [ [ "Char", "Double" ] , [ "Int" | hasPositionTokens cf ] , [ "Integer", "String" ] ] getTreeCats :: CF -> [String] getTreeCats cf = List.nub $ map show $ filter (not . isList) $ map consCat $ cf2cons cf getDefinitions :: CF -> [String] getDefinitions cf = [ funName f | FunDef f _ _ <- cfgPragmas cf ] prDummyTypes :: CF -> [String] prDummyTypes cf = prDummyData : map prDummyType cats where cats = getTreeCats cf prDummyData | null cats = "data Tag" | otherwise = "data Tag =" +++ List.intercalate " | " (map mkRealType cats) prDummyType cat = "type" +++ cat +++ "= Tree" +++ mkRealType cat mkRealType :: String -> String mkRealType cat = cat ++ "_" -- FIXME: make sure that there is no such category already prTreeType :: TokenText -> CF -> [String] prTreeType tokenText cf = "data Tree :: Tag -> * where" : map ((" " ++) . prTreeCons) (cf2cons cf) where prTreeCons c | TokenCat tok <- cat, isPositionCat cf tok = fun +++ ":: ((Int,Int),"++ tokenTextType tokenText ++") -> Tree" +++ mkRealType tok | otherwise = fun +++ "::" +++ concat [show c +++ "-> " | (c,_) <- consVars c] ++ "Tree" +++ mkRealType (show cat) where (cat,fun) = (consCat c, consFun c) prCompos :: CF -> [String] prCompos cf = ["instance Compos Tree where", " compos r a f t = case t of"] ++ map (" "++) (concatMap prComposCons cs ++ ["_ -> r t" | not (all isRecursive cs)]) where cs = cf2cons cf prComposCons c | isRecursive c = [consFun c +++ unwords (map snd (consVars c)) +++ "->" +++ rhs c] | otherwise = [] isRecursive c = any (isTreeType cf) (map fst (consVars c)) rhs c = "r" +++ consFun c +++ unwords (map prRec (consVars c)) where prRec (cat,var) | not (isTreeType cf cat) = "`a`" +++ "r" +++ var | isList cat = "`a` P.foldr (\\ x z -> r (:) `a` f x `a` z) (r [])" +++ var | otherwise = "`a`" +++ "f" +++ var prShow :: CF -> [String] prShow cf = ["instance P.Show (Tree c) where", " showsPrec n t = case t of"] ++ map ((" "++) .prShowCons) cs ++ [" where opar n = if n > 0 then P.showChar '(' else P.id", " cpar n = if n > 0 then P.showChar ')' else P.id"] where cs = cf2cons cf prShowCons c | null vars = fun +++ "->" +++ "P.showString" +++ show fun | otherwise = fun +++ unwords (map snd vars) +++ "->" +++ "opar n . P.showString" +++ show fun +++ unwords [". P.showChar ' ' . P.showsPrec 1 " ++ x | (_,x) <- vars] +++ ". cpar n" where (fun, vars) = (consFun c, consVars c) prEq :: CF -> [String] prEq cf = ["instance P.Eq (Tree c) where (==) = johnMajorEq", "", "johnMajorEq :: Tree a -> Tree b -> P.Bool"] ++ map prEqCons (cf2cons cf) ++ ["johnMajorEq _ _ = P.False"] where prEqCons c | null vars = "johnMajorEq" +++ fun +++ fun +++ "=" +++ "P.True" | otherwise = "johnMajorEq" +++ "(" ++ fun +++ unwords vars ++ ")" +++ "(" ++ fun +++ unwords vars' ++ ")" +++ "=" +++ List.intercalate " && " (zipWith (\x y -> x +++ "==" +++ y) vars vars') where (fun, vars) = (consFun c, map snd (consVars c)) vars' = map (++ "_") vars prOrd :: CF -> [String] prOrd cf = concat [ [ "instance P.Ord (Tree c) where" , " compare x y = P.compare (index x) (index y) `P.mappend` compareSame x y" ] , [ "", "index :: Tree c -> P.Int" ] , zipWith mkIndex cs [0..] , when (null cs) [ "index = P.undefined" ] , [ "", "compareSame :: Tree c -> Tree c -> P.Ordering" ] , map mkCompareSame cs , [ "compareSame x y = P.error \"BNFC error:\" compareSame" ] ] where cs = cf2cons cf mkCompareSame c | null vars = "compareSame" +++ fun +++ fun +++ "=" +++ "P.EQ" | otherwise = "compareSame" +++ "(" ++ fun +++ unwords vars ++ ")" +++ "(" ++ fun +++ unwords vars' ++ ")" +++ "=" +++ foldr1 (\x y -> "P.mappend (" ++ x ++") ("++y++")") cc where (fun, vars) = (consFun c, map snd (consVars c)) vars' = map (++"_") vars cc = zipWith (\x y -> "P.compare"+++x+++y) vars vars' mkIndex c i = "index" +++ "(" ++ consFun c +++ unwords (replicate (length (consVars c)) "_") ++ ")" +++ "=" +++ show i