{-# LANGUAGE NoImplicitPrelude #-} {-# LANGUAGE TupleSections #-} {- BNF Converter: C flex generator Copyright (C) 2004 Author: Michael Pellauer This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1335, USA -} {- ************************************************************** BNF Converter Module Description : This module generates the Flex file. It is similar to JLex but with a few peculiarities. Author : Michael Pellauer (pellauer@cs.chalmers.se) License : GPL (GNU General Public License) Created : 5 August, 2003 Modified : 10 August, 2003 ************************************************************** -} module BNFC.Backend.C.CFtoFlexC (cf2flex, lexComments, cMacros, commentStates) where import Prelude hiding ((<>)) import Data.Bifunctor (first) import Data.List (isInfixOf) import Data.Maybe (fromMaybe) import qualified Data.Map as Map import BNFC.CF import BNFC.Backend.C.RegToFlex import BNFC.Backend.Common.NamedVariables import BNFC.PrettyPrint import BNFC.Utils (cstring, unless) -- | Entrypoint. cf2flex :: String -> CF -> (String, SymMap) -- The environment is reused by the parser. cf2flex name cf = (, env) $ unlines [ prelude name , cMacros cf , lexSymbols env0 , restOfFlex cf env ] where env = Map.fromList env1 env0 = makeSymEnv (cfgSymbols cf ++ reservedWords cf) [0 :: Int ..] env1 = map (first Keyword )env0 ++ makeSymEnv (map Tokentype $ tokenNames cf) [length env0 ..] makeSymEnv = zipWith $ \ s n -> (s, "_SYMB_" ++ show n) prelude :: String -> String prelude name = unlines [ "/* -*- c -*- This FLex file was machine-generated by the BNF converter */", -- noinput and nounput are most often unused -- https://stackoverflow.com/questions/39075510/option-noinput-nounput-what-are-they-for "%option noyywrap noinput nounput", "%{", "#define yylval " ++ name ++ "lval", "#define yylloc " ++ name ++ "lloc", "#define YY_BUFFER_APPEND " ++ name ++ "_BUFFER_APPEND", "#define YY_BUFFER_RESET " ++ name ++ "_BUFFER_RESET", "#define init_lexer " ++ name ++ "_init_lexer", "#include ", "#include \"Parser.h\"", "#define YY_BUFFER_LENGTH 4096", "char YY_PARSED_STRING[YY_BUFFER_LENGTH];", "void YY_BUFFER_APPEND(char *s)", "{", " strcat(YY_PARSED_STRING, s); /* Do something better here! */", "}", "void YY_BUFFER_RESET(void)", "{", " int x;", " for(x = 0; x < YY_BUFFER_LENGTH; x++)", " YY_PARSED_STRING[x] = 0;", "}", -- https://www.gnu.org/software/bison/manual/html_node/Token-Locations.html -- Flex is responsible for keeping tracking of the yylloc for Bison. -- Flex also doesn't do this automatically so we need this function -- https://stackoverflow.com/a/22125500/425756 "static void update_loc(YYLTYPE* loc, char* text)", "{", " loc->first_line = loc->last_line;", " loc->first_column = loc->last_column;", " int i = 0;", -- put this here as @for (int i...)@ is only allowed in C99 " for (; text[i] != '\\0'; ++i) {", " if (text[i] == '\\n') {", " ++loc->last_line;", " loc->last_column = 0; ", " } else {", " ++loc->last_column; ", " }", " }", "}", "#define YY_USER_ACTION update_loc(&yylloc, yytext);", "", "%}" ] -- For now all categories are included. -- Optimally only the ones that are used should be generated. cMacros :: CF -> String cMacros cf = unlines [ "LETTER [a-zA-Z]" , "CAPITAL [A-Z]" , "SMALL [a-z]" , "DIGIT [0-9]" , "IDENT [a-zA-Z0-9'_]" , unwords $ concat [ [ "%START YYINITIAL CHAR CHARESC CHAREND STRING ESCAPED" ] , take (numberOfBlockCommentForms cf) commentStates ] , "%%" ] lexSymbols :: KeywordEnv -> String lexSymbols ss = concatMap transSym ss where transSym (s,r) = "\"" ++ s' ++ "\" \t return " ++ r ++ ";\n" where s' = escapeChars s restOfFlex :: CF -> SymMap -> String restOfFlex cf env = unlines $ concat [ [ render $ lexComments Nothing (comments cf) , "" ] , userDefTokens , ifC catString strStates , ifC catChar chStates , ifC catDouble [ "{DIGIT}+\".\"{DIGIT}+(\"e\"(\\-)?{DIGIT}+)? \t yylval._double = atof(yytext); return _DOUBLE_;" ] , ifC catInteger [ "{DIGIT}+ \t yylval._int = atoi(yytext); return _INTEGER_;" ] , ifC catIdent [ "{LETTER}{IDENT}* \t yylval._string = strdup(yytext); return _IDENT_;" ] , [ "[ \\t\\r\\n\\f] \t /* ignore white space. */;" , ". \t return _ERROR_;" , "%%" ] , footer ] where ifC cat s = if isUsedCat cf (TokenCat cat) then s else [] userDefTokens = [ "" ++ printRegFlex exp ++ " \t yylval._string = strdup(yytext); return " ++ sName name ++ ";" | (name, exp) <- tokenPragmas cf ] where sName n = fromMaybe n $ Map.lookup (Tokentype n) env strStates = --These handle escaped characters in Strings. [ "\"\\\"\" \t BEGIN STRING;" , "\\\\ \t BEGIN ESCAPED;" , "\\\" \t yylval._string = strdup(YY_PARSED_STRING); YY_BUFFER_RESET(); BEGIN YYINITIAL; return _STRING_;" , ". \t YY_BUFFER_APPEND(yytext);" , "n \t YY_BUFFER_APPEND(\"\\n\"); BEGIN STRING;" , "\\\" \t YY_BUFFER_APPEND(\"\\\"\"); BEGIN STRING ;" , "\\\\ \t YY_BUFFER_APPEND(\"\\\\\"); BEGIN STRING;" , "t \t YY_BUFFER_APPEND(\"\\t\"); BEGIN STRING;" , ". \t YY_BUFFER_APPEND(yytext); BEGIN STRING;" ] chStates = --These handle escaped characters in Chars. [ "\"'\" \tBEGIN CHAR;" , "\\\\ \t BEGIN CHARESC;" , "[^'] \t BEGIN CHAREND; yylval._char = yytext[0]; return _CHAR_;" , "n \t BEGIN CHAREND; yylval._char = '\\n'; return _CHAR_;" , "t \t BEGIN CHAREND; yylval._char = '\\t'; return _CHAR_;" , ". \t BEGIN CHAREND; yylval._char = yytext[0]; return _CHAR_;" , "\"'\" \t BEGIN YYINITIAL;" ] footer = [ "void init_lexer(FILE *inp)", "{", " yyrestart(inp);", " yylloc.first_line = 1;", " yylloc.first_column = 1;", " yylloc.last_line = 1;", " yylloc.last_column = 1;", " BEGIN YYINITIAL;", "}" ] -- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Comments -- | Create flex rules for single-line and multi-lines comments. -- The first argument is an optional namespace (for C++); the second -- argument is the set of comment delimiters as returned by BNFC.CF.comments. -- -- This function is only compiling the results of applying either -- lexSingleComment or lexMultiComment on each comment delimiter or pair of -- delimiters. -- -- >>> lexComments (Just "myns.") ([("{-","-}")],["--"]) -- "--"[^\n]* /* skip */; /* BNFC: comment "--" */ -- "{-" BEGIN COMMENT; /* BNFC: block comment "{-" "-}" */ -- "-}" BEGIN YYINITIAL; -- . /* skip */; -- [\n] /* skip */; lexComments :: Maybe String -> ([(String, String)], [String]) -> Doc lexComments _ (m,s) = vcat $ concat [ map lexSingleComment s , zipWith lexMultiComment m commentStates ] -- | If we have several block comments, we need different COMMENT lexing states. commentStates :: [String] commentStates = map ("COMMENT" ++) $ "" : map show [1..] -- | Create a lexer rule for single-line comments. -- The first argument is -- an optional c++ namespace -- The second argument is the delimiter that marks the beginning of the -- comment. -- -- >>> lexSingleComment "--" -- "--"[^\n]* /* skip */; /* BNFC: comment "--" */ -- -- >>> lexSingleComment "\"" -- "\""[^\n]* /* skip */; /* BNFC: comment "\"" */ lexSingleComment :: String -> Doc lexSingleComment c = "" <> cstring c <> "[^\\n]*" <+> "/* skip */;" <+> unless (containsCCommentMarker c) ("/* BNFC: comment" <+> cstring c <+> "*/") containsCCommentMarker :: String -> Bool containsCCommentMarker s = "/*" `isInfixOf` s || "*/" `isInfixOf` s -- | Create a lexer rule for multi-lines comments. -- The first argument is -- an optional c++ namespace -- The second arguments is the pair of delimiter for the multi-lines comment: -- start deleminiter and end delimiter. -- There might be a possible bug here if a language includes 2 multi-line -- comments. They could possibly start a comment with one character and end it -- with another. However this seems rare. -- -- >>> lexMultiComment ("{-", "-}") "COMMENT" -- "{-" BEGIN COMMENT; /* BNFC: block comment "{-" "-}" */ -- "-}" BEGIN YYINITIAL; -- . /* skip */; -- [\n] /* skip */; -- -- >>> lexMultiComment ("\"'", "'\"") "COMMENT" -- "\"'" BEGIN COMMENT; /* BNFC: block comment "\"'" "'\"" */ -- "'\"" BEGIN YYINITIAL; -- . /* skip */; -- [\n] /* skip */; lexMultiComment :: (String, String) -> String -> Doc lexMultiComment (b,e) comment = vcat [ "" <> cstring b <+> "BEGIN" <+> text comment <> ";" <+> unless (containsCCommentMarker b || containsCCommentMarker e) ("/* BNFC: block comment" <+> cstring b <+> cstring e <+> "*/") , commentTag <> cstring e <+> "BEGIN YYINITIAL;" , commentTag <> ". /* skip */;" , commentTag <> "[\\n] /* skip */;" ] where commentTag = text $ "<" ++ comment ++ ">" -- | Helper function that escapes characters in strings. escapeChars :: String -> String escapeChars [] = [] escapeChars ('\\':xs) = '\\' : ('\\' : (escapeChars xs)) escapeChars ('\"':xs) = '\\' : ('\"' : (escapeChars xs)) escapeChars (x:xs) = x : (escapeChars xs)