{-# LANGUAGE NoImplicitPrelude #-} {- BNF Converter: Java Top File Copyright (C) 2004 Author: Markus Forsberg, Peter Gammie, Michael Pellauer, Bjorn Bringert This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1335, USA -} ------------------------------------------------------------------- -- | -- Module : JavaTop -- Copyright : (C)opyright 2003, {markus, aarne, pellauer, peteg, bringert} at cs dot chalmers dot se -- License : GPL (see COPYING for details) -- -- Maintainer : {markus, aarne} at cs dot chalmers dot se -- Stability : alpha -- Portability : Haskell98 -- -- Top-level for the Java back end. -- -- > $Id: JavaTop15.hs,v 1.12 2007/01/08 18:20:23 aarne Exp $ ------------------------------------------------------------------- module BNFC.Backend.Java ( makeJava ) where import Prelude' import System.FilePath (pathSeparator, isPathSeparator) import Data.List ( intersperse ) import BNFC.Utils import BNFC.CF import BNFC.Options as Options import BNFC.Backend.Base import BNFC.Backend.Java.Utils import BNFC.Backend.Java.CFtoCup15 ( cf2Cup ) import BNFC.Backend.Java.CFtoJLex15 import BNFC.Backend.Java.CFtoAntlr4Lexer import BNFC.Backend.Java.CFtoAntlr4Parser import BNFC.Backend.Java.CFtoJavaAbs15 ( cf2JavaAbs ) import BNFC.Backend.Java.CFtoJavaPrinter15 import BNFC.Backend.Java.CFtoVisitSkel15 import BNFC.Backend.Java.CFtoComposVisitor import BNFC.Backend.Java.CFtoAbstractVisitor import BNFC.Backend.Java.CFtoFoldVisitor import BNFC.Backend.Java.CFtoAllVisitor import BNFC.Backend.Common.NamedVariables (SymEnv, firstLowerCase) import qualified BNFC.Backend.Common.Makefile as Makefile import BNFC.PrettyPrint ------------------------------------------------------------------- -- | Build the Java output. ------------------------------------------------------------------- -- | This creates the Java files. makeJava :: SharedOptions -> CF -> MkFiles () makeJava options@Options{..} cf = do -- Create the package directories if necessary. let packageBase = case inPackage of Nothing -> lang Just p -> p ++ "." ++ lang packageAbsyn = packageBase ++ "." ++ "Absyn" dirBase = pkgToDir packageBase dirAbsyn = pkgToDir packageAbsyn javaex str = dirBase ++ str +.+ "java" bnfcfiles = bnfcVisitorsAndTests packageBase packageAbsyn cf cf2JavaPrinter cf2VisitSkel cf2ComposVisitor cf2AbstractVisitor cf2FoldVisitor cf2AllVisitor (testclass parselexspec (head $ results lexmake) -- lexer class (head $ results parmake) -- parser class ) makebnfcfile x = mkfile (javaex (fst $ x bnfcfiles)) (snd $ x bnfcfiles) let absynFiles = remDups $ cf2JavaAbs packageBase packageAbsyn cf rp absynBaseNames = map fst absynFiles absynFileNames = map (dirAbsyn ++) absynBaseNames let writeAbsyn (filename, contents) = mkfile (dirAbsyn ++ filename ++ ".java") contents mapM_ writeAbsyn absynFiles makebnfcfile bprettyprinter makebnfcfile bskel makebnfcfile bcompos makebnfcfile babstract makebnfcfile bfold makebnfcfile ball makebnfcfile btest let (lex, env) = lexfun packageBase cf -- Where the lexer file is created. lex is the content! mkfile (dirBase ++ inputfile lexmake ) lex liftIO $ putStrLn $ " (Tested with "+++ toolname lexmake +++ toolversion lexmake +++")" -- where the parser file is created. mkfile (dirBase ++ inputfile parmake) $ parsefun packageBase packageAbsyn cf rp env liftIO $ putStrLn $ if supportsEntryPoints parmake then "(Parser created for all categories)" else " (Parser created only for category " ++ show (firstEntry cf) ++ ")" liftIO $ putStrLn $ " (Tested with " +++ toolname parmake +++ toolversion parmake +++ ")" Makefile.mkMakefile options $ makefile dirBase dirAbsyn absynFileNames parselexspec where remDups [] = [] remDups ((a,b):as) = case lookup a as of Just {} -> remDups as Nothing -> (a, b) : remDups as pkgToDir :: String -> FilePath pkgToDir s = replace '.' pathSeparator s ++ [pathSeparator] parselexspec = parserLexerSelector lang javaLexerParser rp lexfun = cf2lex $ lexer parselexspec parsefun = cf2parse $ parser parselexspec parmake = makeparserdetails (parser parselexspec) lexmake = makelexerdetails (lexer parselexspec) rp = (Options.linenumbers options) makefile :: FilePath -> FilePath -> [String] -> ParserLexerSpecification -> String -> Doc makefile dirBase dirAbsyn absynFileNames jlexpar basename = vcat $ makeVars [ ("JAVAC", "javac"), ("JAVAC_FLAGS", "-sourcepath ."), ( "JAVA", "java"), ( "JAVA_FLAGS", ""), -- parser executable ( "PARSER", executable parmake), -- parser flags ( "PARSER_FLAGS", flags parmake dirBase), -- lexer executable (and flags?) ( "LEXER", executable lexmake), ( "LEXER_FLAGS", flags lexmake dirBase) ] ++ makeRules [ ("all", [ "test" ], []), ( "test", "absyn" : classes, []), ( ".PHONY", ["absyn"], []), ("%.class", [ "%.java" ], [ runJavac "$^" ]), ("absyn", [absynJavaSrc],[ runJavac "$^" ]) ]++ [-- running the lexergen: output of lexer -> input of lexer : calls lexer let ff = filename lexmake -- name of input file without extension dirBaseff = dirBase ++ ff -- prepend directory inp = dirBase ++ inputfile lexmake in Makefile.mkRule (dirBaseff +.+ "java") [ inp ] [ "${LEXER} ${LEXER_FLAGS} "++ inp ] -- running the parsergen, these there are its outputs -- output of parser -> input of parser : calls parser , let inp = dirBase ++ inputfile parmake in Makefile.mkRule (unwords (map (dirBase++) (dotJava $ results parmake))) [ inp ] $ ("${PARSER} ${PARSER_FLAGS} " ++ inp) : ["mv " ++ unwords (dotJava $ results parmake) +++ dirBase | moveresults parmake] -- Class of the output of lexer generator wants java of : -- output of lexer and parser generator , let lexerOutClass = dirBase ++ filename lexmake +.+ "class" outname x = dirBase ++ x +.+ "java" deps = map outname (results lexmake ++ results parmake) in Makefile.mkRule lexerOutClass deps [] ]++ reverse [Makefile.mkRule tar dep [] | (tar,dep) <- partialParserGoals dirBase (results parmake)] ++[ Makefile.mkRule (dirBase ++ "PrettyPrinter.class") [ dirBase ++ "PrettyPrinter.java" ] [] -- Removes all the class files created anywhere , Makefile.mkRule "clean" [] [ "rm -f " ++ dirAbsyn ++ "*.class" ++ " " ++ dirBase ++ "*.class" ] -- Remains the same , Makefile.mkRule "distclean" [ "vclean" ] [] -- removes everything , Makefile.mkRule "vclean" [] [ " rm -f " ++ absynJavaSrc ++ " " ++ absynJavaClass , " rm -f " ++ dirAbsyn ++ "*.class" , " rmdir " ++ dirAbsyn , " rm -f " ++ unwords (map (dirBase ++) $ [ inputfile lexmake , inputfile parmake ] ++ dotJava (results lexmake) ++ [ "VisitSkel.java" , "ComposVisitor.java" , "AbstractVisitor.java" , "FoldVisitor.java" , "AllVisitor.java" , "PrettyPrinter.java" , "Skeleton.java" , "Test.java" ] ++ dotJava (results parmake) ++ ["*.class"] ++ other_results lexmake ++ other_results parmake) , " rm -f " ++ basename , " rmdir -p " ++ dirBase ] ] where makeVars x = [Makefile.mkVar n v | (n,v) <- x] makeRules x = [Makefile.mkRule tar dep recipe | (tar, dep, recipe) <- x] parmake = makeparserdetails (parser jlexpar) lexmake = makelexerdetails (lexer jlexpar) absynJavaSrc = unwords (dotJava absynFileNames) absynJavaClass = unwords (dotClass absynFileNames) classes = prependPath dirBase lst lst = dotClass (results lexmake) ++ [ "PrettyPrinter.class", "Test.class" , "ComposVisitor.class", "AbstractVisitor.class" , "FoldVisitor.class", "AllVisitor.class"]++ dotClass (results parmake) ++ ["Test.class"] type TestClass = String -- ^ class of the lexer -> String -- ^ class of the parser -> String -- ^ package where the non-abstract syntax classes are created -> String -- ^ package where the abstract syntax classes are created -> CF -- ^ the CF bundle -> String -- | Record to name arguments of 'javaTest'. data JavaTestParams = JavaTestParams { jtpImports :: [Doc] -- ^ List of imported packages. , jtpErr :: String -- ^ Name of the exception thrown in case of parsing failure. , jtpErrHand :: (String -> [Doc]) -- ^ Handler for the exception thrown. , jtpLexerConstruction :: (Doc -> Doc -> Doc) -- ^ Function formulating the construction of the lexer object. , jtpParserConstruction :: (Doc -> Doc -> Doc) -- ^ As above, for parser object. , jtpShowAlternatives :: ([Cat] -> [Doc]) -- ^ Pretty-print the names of the methods corresponding to entry points to the user. , jtpInvocation :: (Doc -> Doc -> Doc -> Doc -> Doc) -- ^ Function formulating the invocation of the parser tool within Java. , jtpErrMsg :: String -- ^ Error string output in consequence of a parsing failure. } -- | Test class details for J(F)Lex + CUP cuptest :: TestClass cuptest = javaTest $ JavaTestParams { jtpImports = ["java_cup.runtime"] , jtpErr = "Throwable" , jtpErrHand = const [] , jtpLexerConstruction = \ x i -> x <> i <> ";" , jtpParserConstruction = \ x i -> x <> "(" <> i <> ", " <> i <> ".getSymbolFactory());" , jtpShowAlternatives = const $ ["not available."] , jtpInvocation = \ _ pabs dat enti -> hcat [ pabs, ".", dat, " ast = p.p", enti, "();" ] , jtpErrMsg = unwords $ [ "At line \" + String.valueOf(t.l.line_num()) + \"," , "near \\\"\" + t.l.buff() + \"\\\" :" ] } -- | Test class details for ANTLR4 antlrtest :: TestClass antlrtest = javaTest $ JavaTestParams { jtpImports = [ "org.antlr.v4.runtime" , "org.antlr.v4.runtime.atn" , "org.antlr.v4.runtime.dfa" , "java.util" ] , jtpErr = "TestError" , jtpErrHand = antlrErrorHandling , jtpLexerConstruction = \ x i -> vcat [ x <> "(new ANTLRInputStream" <> i <>");" , "l.addErrorListener(new BNFCErrorListener());" ] , jtpParserConstruction = \ x i -> vcat [ x <> "(new CommonTokenStream(" <> i <>"));" , "p.addErrorListener(new BNFCErrorListener());" ] , jtpShowAlternatives = showOpts , jtpInvocation = \ pbase pabs dat enti -> vcat [ let rulename = getRuleName (show enti) typename = text rulename methodname = text $ firstLowerCase rulename in pbase <> "." <> typename <> "Context pc = p." <> methodname <> "();" , "org.antlr.v4.runtime.Token _tkn = p.getInputStream().getTokenSource().nextToken();" , "if(_tkn.getType() != -1) throw new TestError" <> "(\"Stream does not end with EOF\"," <> "_tkn.getLine(),_tkn.getCharPositionInLine());" , pabs <> "." <> dat <+> "ast = pc.result;" ] , jtpErrMsg = "At line \" + e.line + \", column \" + e.column + \" :" } where showOpts [] = [] showOpts (x:xs) | normCat x /= x = showOpts xs | otherwise = text (firstLowerCase $ identCat x) : showOpts xs parserLexerSelector :: String -> JavaLexerParser -> RecordPositions -- ^Pass line numbers to the symbols -> ParserLexerSpecification parserLexerSelector _ JLexCup rp = ParseLexSpec { lexer = cf2JLex rp , parser = cf2cup rp , testclass = cuptest } parserLexerSelector _ JFlexCup rp = (parserLexerSelector "" JLexCup rp){lexer = cf2JFlex rp} parserLexerSelector l Antlr4 _ = ParseLexSpec { lexer = cf2AntlrLex' l , parser = cf2AntlrParse' l , testclass = antlrtest } data ParserLexerSpecification = ParseLexSpec { parser :: CFToParser , lexer :: CFToLexer , testclass :: TestClass } -- |CF -> LEXER GENERATION TOOL BRIDGE -- | function translating the CF to an appropriate lexer generation tool. type CF2LexerFunction = String -> CF -> (Doc, SymEnv) -- Chooses the translation from CF to the lexer data CFToLexer = CF2Lex { cf2lex :: CF2LexerFunction , makelexerdetails :: MakeFileDetails } -- | Instances of cf-lexergen bridges cf2JLex, cf2JFlex :: RecordPositions -> CFToLexer cf2JLex rp = CF2Lex { cf2lex = BNFC.Backend.Java.CFtoJLex15.cf2jlex JLexCup rp , makelexerdetails = jlexmakedetails } cf2JFlex rp = CF2Lex { cf2lex = BNFC.Backend.Java.CFtoJLex15.cf2jlex JFlexCup rp , makelexerdetails = jflexmakedetails } cf2AntlrLex' :: String -> CFToLexer cf2AntlrLex' l = CF2Lex { cf2lex = BNFC.Backend.Java.CFtoAntlr4Lexer.cf2AntlrLex , makelexerdetails = antlrmakedetails $ l++"Lexer" } -- | CF -> PARSER GENERATION TOOL BRIDGE -- | function translating the CF to an appropriate parser generation tool. type CF2ParserFunction = String -> String -> CF -> RecordPositions -> SymEnv -> String -- | Chooses the translation from CF to the parser data CFToParser = CF2Parse { cf2parse :: CF2ParserFunction , makeparserdetails :: MakeFileDetails } -- | Instances of cf-parsergen bridges cf2cup :: RecordPositions -> CFToParser cf2cup rp = CF2Parse { cf2parse = BNFC.Backend.Java.CFtoCup15.cf2Cup , makeparserdetails = cupmakedetails rp } cf2AntlrParse' :: String -> CFToParser cf2AntlrParse' l = CF2Parse { cf2parse = BNFC.Backend.Java.CFtoAntlr4Parser.cf2AntlrParse , makeparserdetails = antlrmakedetails $ l++"Parser" } -- | shorthand for Makefile command running javac or java runJavac , runJava:: String -> String runJava = mkRunProgram "JAVA" runJavac = mkRunProgram "JAVAC" -- | function returning a string executing a program contained in a variable j -- on input s mkRunProgram :: String -> String -> String mkRunProgram j s = Makefile.refVar j +++ Makefile.refVar (j +-+ "FLAGS") +++ s type OutputDirectory = String -- | Makefile details from running the parser-lexer generation tools. data MakeFileDetails = MakeDetails { -- | The string that executes the generation tool executable :: String -- | Flags to pass to the tool , flags :: OutputDirectory -> String -- | Input file to the tool , filename :: String -- | Extension of input file to the tool , fileextension :: String -- | name of the tool , toolname :: String -- | Tool version , toolversion :: String -- | true if the tool is a parser and supports entry points, -- false otherwise , supportsEntryPoints :: Bool -- | list of names (without extension!) of files resulting from the -- application of the tool which are relevant to a make rule , results :: [String] -- | list of names of files resulting from the application of -- the tool which are irrelevant to the make rules but need to -- be cleaned , other_results :: [String] -- | if true, the files are moved to the base directory, otherwise -- they are left where they are , moveresults :: Bool } mapEmpty :: a -> String mapEmpty _ = "" -- Instances of makefile details. jflexmakedetails, jlexmakedetails :: MakeFileDetails cupmakedetails :: RecordPositions -> MakeFileDetails jlexmakedetails = MakeDetails { executable = runJava "JLex.Main" , flags = mapEmpty , filename = "Yylex" , fileextension = "" , toolname = "JLex" , toolversion = "1.2.6." , supportsEntryPoints = False , results = ["Yylex"] , other_results = [] , moveresults = False } jflexmakedetails = jlexmakedetails { executable = "jflex" , toolname = "JFlex" , toolversion = "1.4.3" } cupmakedetails rp = MakeDetails { executable = runJava "java_cup.Main" , flags = const (lnFlags ++ " -expect 100") , filename = "_cup" , fileextension = "cup" , toolname = "CUP" , toolversion = "0.11b" , supportsEntryPoints = False , results = ["parser", "sym"] , other_results = [] , moveresults = True } where lnFlags = if rp == RecordPositions then "-locations" else "-nopositions" antlrmakedetails :: String -> MakeFileDetails antlrmakedetails l = MakeDetails { executable = runJava "org.antlr.v4.Tool" , flags = \x -> unwords $ let path = take (length x - 1) x pointed = map cnv path cnv y = if isPathSeparator y then '.' else y in [ "-lib", path , "-package", pointed] , filename = l , fileextension = "g4" , toolname = "ANTLRv4" , toolversion = "4.5.1" , supportsEntryPoints = True , results = [l] , other_results = map (l ++) [".tokens","BaseListener.java","Listener.java"] , moveresults = False } prependPath , appendExtension :: String -> [String] -> [String] prependPath s fi = [ s ++ x | x <- fi ] appendExtension s fi = [ x +.+ s | x <- fi ] dotJava,dotClass :: [String] -> [String] dotJava = appendExtension "java" dotClass = appendExtension "class" type CFToJava = String -> String -> CF -> String -- | Contains the pairs filename/content for all the non-abstract syntax files -- generated by BNFC. data BNFCGeneratedEntities = BNFCGenerated { bprettyprinter :: (String, String) , btest :: (String, String) , bcompos :: (String, String) , babstract :: (String, String) , bfold :: (String, String) , ball :: (String, String) , bskel :: (String, String) } bnfcVisitorsAndTests :: String -> String -> CF -> CFToJava -> CFToJava -> CFToJava -> CFToJava -> CFToJava -> CFToJava -> CFToJava -> BNFCGeneratedEntities bnfcVisitorsAndTests pbase pabsyn cf cf0 cf1 cf2 cf3 cf4 cf5 cf6 = BNFCGenerated { bprettyprinter = ( "PrettyPrinter" , app cf0) , bskel = ( "VisitSkel", app cf1) , bcompos = ( "ComposVisitor" , app cf2) , babstract = ( "AbstractVisitor" , app cf3) , bfold = ( "FoldVisitor", app cf4) , ball = ( "AllVisitor", app cf5) , btest = ( "Test" , app cf6) } where app x = x pbase pabsyn cf inputfile x = filename x ++ case fileextension x of "" -> "" a -> '.':a -- | constructs the rules regarding the parser in the makefile partialParserGoals :: String -> [String] -> [(String, [String])] partialParserGoals _ [] = [] partialParserGoals dbas (x:rest) = (dbas ++ x +.+ "class", map (\ y -> dbas ++ y +.+ "java") (x:rest)) : partialParserGoals dbas rest -- | Creates the Test.java class. javaTest :: JavaTestParams -> TestClass javaTest (JavaTestParams imports err errhand lexerconstruction parserconstruction showOpts invocation errmsg) lexer parser packageBase packageAbsyn cf = render $ vcat $ concat $ [ [ "package" <+> text packageBase <> ";" , "import" <+> text packageBase <> ".*;" , "import" <+> text packageAbsyn <> ".*;" , "import java.io.*;" ] , map importfun imports , errhand err , [ "" , "public class Test" , codeblock 2 [ lx <+> "l;" , px <+> "p;" , "" , "public Test(String[] args)" , codeblock 2 [ "try" , codeblock 2 [ "Reader input;" , "if (args.length == 0)" <> "input = new InputStreamReader(System.in);" , "else input = new FileReader(args[0]);" , "l = new "<>lexerconstruction lx "(input)" ] , "catch(IOException e)" , codeblock 2 [ "System.err.println" <>"(\"Error: File not found: \" + args[0]);" , "System.exit(1);" ] , "p = new "<> parserconstruction px "l" ] , "" , "public" <+> text packageAbsyn <> "." <> dat <+> "parse() throws Exception" , codeblock 2 [ "/* The default parser is the first-defined entry point. */" , "/* Other options are: */" , "/* " <> fsep (punctuate "," (showOpts (tail eps))) <> " */" , invocation px (text packageAbsyn) dat absentity , printOuts [ "\"Parse Succesful!\"" , "\"[Abstract Syntax]\"" , "PrettyPrinter.show(ast)" , "\"[Linearized Tree]\"" , "PrettyPrinter.print(ast)" ] , "return ast;" ] , "" , "public static void main(String args[]) throws Exception" , codeblock 2 [ "Test t = new Test(args);" , "try" , codeblock 2 [ "t.parse();" ] ,"catch("<>text err<+>"e)" , codeblock 2 [ "System.err.println(\""<>text errmsg<>"\");" , "System.err.println(\" \" + e.getMessage());" , "System.exit(1);" ] ] ] ] ] where printOuts x = vcat $ map javaPrintOut (messages x) messages x = "" : intersperse "" x javaPrintOut x = text $ "System.out.println(" ++ x ++ ");" importfun x = "import" <+> x <> ".*;" lx = text lexer px = text parser dat = text $ identCat $ normCat def -- Use for AST types. absentity = text $ identCat def -- Use for parser/printer name. eps = allEntryPoints cf def = head eps -- | Error handling in ANTLR. -- By default, ANTLR does not stop after any parsing error and attempts to go -- on, delivering what it has been able to parse. -- It does not throw any exception, unlike J(F)lex+CUP. -- The below code makes the test class behave as with J(F)lex+CUP. antlrErrorHandling :: String -> [Doc] antlrErrorHandling te = [ "class"<+>tedoc<+>"extends RuntimeException" , codeblock 2 [ "int line;" , "int column;" , "public"<+>tedoc<>"(String msg, int l, int c)" , codeblock 2 [ "super(msg);" , "line = l;" , "column = c;" ] ] , "class BNFCErrorListener implements ANTLRErrorListener" , codeblock 2 [ "@Override" , "public void syntaxError(Recognizer recognizer, Object o, int i" <> ", int i1, String s, RecognitionException e)" , codeblock 2 [ "throw new"<+>tedoc<>"(s,i,i1);"] , "@Override" , "public void reportAmbiguity(Parser parser, DFA dfa, int i, int i1, " <>"boolean b, BitSet bitSet, ATNConfigSet atnConfigSet)" , codeblock 2[ "throw new"<+>tedoc<>"(\"Ambiguity at\",i,i1);" ] , "@Override" , "public void reportAttemptingFullContext(Parser parser, DFA dfa, " <>"int i, int i1, BitSet bitSet, ATNConfigSet atnConfigSet)" , codeblock 2 [] , "@Override" ,"public void reportContextSensitivity(Parser parser, DFA dfa, int i, " <>"int i1, int i2, ATNConfigSet atnConfigSet)" ,codeblock 2 [] ] ] where tedoc = text te