module BNFC.Backend.Java.RegToJLex (printRegJLex, escapeChar) where -- modified from pretty-printer generated by the BNF converter import AbsBNF import BNFC.Options (JavaLexerParser(..)) -- the top-level printing method printRegJLex :: Reg -> String printRegJLex = render . prt 0 -- you may want to change render and parenth render :: [String] -> String render = rend (0 :: Int) where rend i ss = case ss of "[" :ts -> cons "[" $ rend i ts "(" :ts -> cons "(" $ rend i ts t : "," :ts -> cons t $ space "," $ rend i ts t : ")" :ts -> cons t $ cons ")" $ rend i ts t : "]" :ts -> cons t $ cons "]" $ rend i ts t :ts -> space t $ rend i ts _ -> "" cons s t = s ++ t space t s = if null s then t else t ++ s parenth :: [String] -> [String] parenth ss = ["("] ++ ss ++ [")"] -- the printer class does the job class Print a where prt :: Int -> a -> [String] prtList :: [a] -> [String] prtList = concatMap (prt 0) instance Print a => Print [a] where prt _ = prtList instance Print Char where prt _ c = [escapeChar JLexCup c] prtList = map (concat . prt 0) escapeChar :: JavaLexerParser -> Char -> String escapeChar _ '^' = "\\x5E" -- special case, since \^ is a control character escape escapeChar JFlexCup x | x `elem` jflexReserved = '\\' : [x] escapeChar _ x | x `elem` jlexReserved = '\\' : [x] escapeChar _ x = [x] -- Characters that must be escaped in JLex regular expressions jlexReserved :: [Char] jlexReserved = ['?','*','+','|','(',')','^','$','.','[',']','{','}','"','\\'] jflexReserved :: [Char] jflexReserved = '~':'!':'/':jlexReserved prPrec :: Int -> Int -> [String] -> [String] prPrec i j = if j prPrec i 2 (concat [prt 2 reg0 , prt 3 reg]) RAlt reg0 reg -> prPrec i 1 (concat [prt 1 reg0 , ["|"] , prt 2 reg]) -- JLex does not support set difference --RMinus reg0 reg -> prPrec i 1 (concat [prt 2 reg0 , ["#"] , prt 2 reg]) RMinus reg0 REps -> prt i reg0 -- REps is identity for set difference RMinus RAny reg@(RChar _) -> prPrec i 3 (concat [["[^"],prt 0 reg,["]"]]) RMinus RAny (RAlts str) -> prPrec i 3 (concat [["[^"],prt 0 str,["]"]]) -- FIXME: maybe we could add cases for char - RDigit, RLetter etc. RMinus _ _ -> error "JLex does not support general set difference" RStar reg -> prPrec i 3 (concat [prt 3 reg , ["*"]]) RPlus reg -> prPrec i 3 (concat [prt 3 reg , ["+"]]) ROpt reg -> prPrec i 3 (concat [prt 3 reg , ["?"]]) REps -> prPrec i 3 ["[^.]"] RChar c -> prPrec i 3 (prt 0 c) RAlts str -> prPrec i 3 (concat [["["],prt 0 str,["]"]]) RSeqs str -> prPrec i 2 (concatMap (prt 0) str) RDigit -> prPrec i 3 ["{DIGIT}"] RLetter -> prPrec i 3 ["{LETTER}"] RUpper -> prPrec i 3 ["{CAPITAL}"] RLower -> prPrec i 3 ["{SMALL}"] RAny -> prPrec i 3 ["."]