{-# LANGUAGE NoImplicitPrelude #-} {- ************************************************************** BNF Converter Module Description : This module generates the C++ Pretty Printer. It also generates the "show" method for printing an abstract syntax tree. The generated files use the Visitor design pattern. Author : Michael Pellauer (pellauer@cs.chalmers.se) License : GPL (GNU General Public License) Created : 10 August, 2003 Modified : 3 September, 2003 * Added resizable buffers ************************************************************** -} module BNFC.Backend.CPP.PrettyPrinter (cf2CPPPrinter, prRender) where import Prelude' import BNFC.CF import BNFC.Utils ((+++)) import BNFC.Backend.Common import BNFC.Backend.Common.NamedVariables import BNFC.Backend.Common.StrUtils (renderCharOrString) import Data.Char(toLower) import BNFC.Backend.CPP.STL.STLUtils import BNFC.PrettyPrint --Produces (.H file, .C file) cf2CPPPrinter :: Bool -> Maybe String -> CF -> (String, String) cf2CPPPrinter useStl inPackage cf = (mkHFile useStl inPackage cf groups, mkCFile useStl inPackage cf groups) where groups = positionRules cf ++ fixCoercions (ruleGroupsInternals cf) positionRules :: CF -> [(Cat,[Rule])] positionRules cf = [(cat,[Rule (show cat) cat [Left catString, Left catInteger]]) | cat <- filter (isPositionCat cf) $ fst (unzip (tokenPragmas cf))] {- **** Header (.H) File Methods **** -} --An extremely large function to make the Header File mkHFile :: Bool -> Maybe String -> CF -> [(Cat,[Rule])] -> String mkHFile useStl inPackage cf groups = unlines [ printHeader, concatMap prDataH groups, classFooter, showHeader, concatMap prDataH groups, classFooter, footer ] where printHeader = unlines [ "#ifndef " ++ hdef, "#define " ++ hdef, "", "#include \"Absyn.H\"", "#include ", "#include ", "#include ", "", nsStart inPackage, "/* Certain applications may improve performance by changing the buffer size */", "#define " ++ nsDefine inPackage "BUFFER_INITIAL" ++ " 2000", "/* You may wish to change _L_PAREN or _R_PAREN */", "#define " ++ nsDefine inPackage "_L_PAREN" ++ " '('", "#define " ++ nsDefine inPackage "_R_PAREN" ++ " ')'", "", "class PrintAbsyn : public Visitor", "{", " protected:", " int _n_, _i_;", " /* The following are simple heuristics for rendering terminals */", " /* You may wish to change them */", " void render(Char c);", if useStl then " void render(String s);" else "", " void render(const char *s);", " void indent(void);", " void backup(void);", " public:", " PrintAbsyn(void);", " ~PrintAbsyn(void);", " char *print(Visitable *v);" ] hdef = nsDefine inPackage "PRINTER_HEADER" classFooter = unlines $ [ " void visitInteger(Integer i);", " void visitDouble(Double d);", " void visitChar(Char c);", " void visitString(String s);", " void visitIdent(String s);" ] ++ [" void visit" ++ t ++ "(String s);" | t <- tokenNames cf] ++ [ " protected:", " char *buf_;", " int cur_, buf_size;", "", " void inline bufAppend(const char *s)", " {", " int len = strlen(s);", " while (cur_ + len >= buf_size)", " {", " buf_size *= 2; /* Double the buffer size */", " }", " resizeBuffer();", " for(int n = 0; n < len; n++)", " {", " buf_[cur_ + n] = s[n];", " }", " cur_ += len;", " buf_[cur_] = 0;", " }", "", " void inline bufAppend(const char c)", " {", " if (cur_ >= buf_size)", " {", " buf_size *= 2; /* Double the buffer size */", " resizeBuffer();", " }", " buf_[cur_] = c;", " cur_++;", " buf_[cur_] = 0;", " }", "", if useStl then render (nest 2 bufAppendString) else "", " void inline bufReset(void)", " {", " if (buf_) free(buf_);", " buf_size = " ++ nsDefine inPackage "BUFFER_INITIAL" ++ ";", " buf_ = (char *) malloc(buf_size);", " if (!buf_) {", " fprintf(stderr, \"Error: Out of memory while allocating buffer!\\n\");", " exit(1);", " }", " memset(buf_, 0, buf_size);", " cur_ = 0;", " }", "", " void inline resizeBuffer(void)", " {", " char *temp = (char *) malloc(buf_size);", " if (!temp)", " {", " fprintf(stderr, \"Error: Out of memory while attempting to grow buffer!\\n\");", " exit(1);", " }", " if (buf_)", " {", " strcpy(temp, buf_);", " free(buf_);", " }", " buf_ = temp;", " }", "};", "" ] bufAppendString :: Doc bufAppendString = "void inline bufAppend(String str)" $$ codeblock 2 [ "const char *s = str.c_str();" , "bufAppend(s);"] showHeader = unlines [ "", "class ShowAbsyn : public Visitor", "{", " public:", " ShowAbsyn(void);", " ~ShowAbsyn(void);", " char *show(Visitable *v);" ] footer = unlines [ nsEnd inPackage, "", "#endif" ] --Prints all the required method names and their parameters. prDataH :: (Cat, [Rule]) -> String prDataH (cat, rules) = if isList cat then concat [" void visit", cl, "(", cl, " *p);\n"] else abstract ++ concatMap prRuleH rules where cl = identCat (normCat cat) abstract = case lookupRule (show cat) rules of Just _ -> "" Nothing -> " void visit" ++ cl ++ "(" ++ cl ++ " *p); /* abstract class */\n" --Prints all the methods to visit a rule. prRuleH :: Rule -> String prRuleH (Rule fun _ _) | isProperLabel fun = concat [" void visit", fun, "(", fun, " *p);\n"] prRuleH _ = "" {- **** Implementation (.C) File Methods **** -} --This makes the .C file by a similar method. mkCFile :: Bool -> Maybe String -> CF -> [(Cat,[Rule])] -> String mkCFile useStl inPackage cf groups = concat [ header, nsStart inPackage ++ "\n", prRender useStl, printEntries, concatMap (prPrintData useStl inPackage cf) groups, printBasics, printTokens, showEntries, concatMap (prShowData useStl) groups, showBasics, showTokens, nsEnd inPackage ++ "\n" ] where header = unlines [ "/*** BNFC-Generated Pretty Printer and Abstract Syntax Viewer ***/", "", "#include ", "#include \"Printer.H\"", "#define INDENT_WIDTH 2", "" ] printEntries = unlines [ "PrintAbsyn::PrintAbsyn(void)", "{", " _i_ = 0; _n_ = 0;", " buf_ = 0;", " bufReset();", "}", "", "PrintAbsyn::~PrintAbsyn(void)", "{", "}", "", "char *PrintAbsyn::print(Visitable *v)", "{", " _i_ = 0; _n_ = 0;", " bufReset();", " v->accept(this);", " return buf_;", "}", "" ] showEntries = unlines [ "ShowAbsyn::ShowAbsyn(void)", "{", " buf_ = 0;", " bufReset();", "}", "", "ShowAbsyn::~ShowAbsyn(void)", "{", "}", "", "char *ShowAbsyn::show(Visitable *v)", "{", " bufReset();", " v->accept(this);", " return buf_;", "}", "" ] printBasics = unlines [ "void PrintAbsyn::visitInteger(Integer i)", "{", " char tmp[16];", " sprintf(tmp, \"%d\", i);", " bufAppend(tmp);", "}", "", "void PrintAbsyn::visitDouble(Double d)", "{", " char tmp[16];", " sprintf(tmp, \"%g\", d);", " bufAppend(tmp);", "}", "", "void PrintAbsyn::visitChar(Char c)", "{", " bufAppend('\\'');", " bufAppend(c);", " bufAppend('\\'');", "}", "", "void PrintAbsyn::visitString(String s)", "{", " bufAppend('\\\"');", " bufAppend(s);", " bufAppend('\\\"');", "}", "", "void PrintAbsyn::visitIdent(String s)", "{", " render(s);", "}", "" ] printTokens = unlines [unlines [ "void PrintAbsyn::visit" ++ t ++ "(String s)", "{", " render(s);", "}", "" ] | t <- tokenNames cf ] showBasics = unlines [ "void ShowAbsyn::visitInteger(Integer i)", "{", " char tmp[16];", " sprintf(tmp, \"%d\", i);", " bufAppend(tmp);", "}", "void ShowAbsyn::visitDouble(Double d)", "{", " char tmp[16];", " sprintf(tmp, \"%g\", d);", " bufAppend(tmp);", "}", "void ShowAbsyn::visitChar(Char c)", "{", " bufAppend('\\'');", " bufAppend(c);", " bufAppend('\\'');", "}", "void ShowAbsyn::visitString(String s)", "{", " bufAppend('\\\"');", " bufAppend(s);", " bufAppend('\\\"');", "}", "void ShowAbsyn::visitIdent(String s)", "{", " bufAppend('\\\"');", " bufAppend(s);", " bufAppend('\\\"');", "}", "" ] showTokens = unlines [unlines [ "void ShowAbsyn::visit" ++ t ++ "(String s)", "{", " bufAppend('\\\"');", " bufAppend(s);", " bufAppend('\\\"');", "}", "" ] | t <- tokenNames cf ] {- **** Pretty Printer Methods **** -} --Generates methods for the Pretty Printer prPrintData :: Bool -> Maybe String -> CF -> (Cat, [Rule]) -> String prPrintData True {- use STL -} _ _ (cat@(ListCat _), rules) = render $ genPrintVisitorList (cat, rules) prPrintData False {- use STL -} _ _ (cat@(ListCat _), rules) = genPrintVisitorListNoStl (cat, rules) prPrintData _ inPackage cf (cat, rules) = -- Not a list -- a position token if isPositionCat cf cat then unlines [ "void PrintAbsyn::visit" ++ show cat ++ "(" ++ show cat ++ " *p)", "{", " visitIdent(p->string_);", "}", "" ] else abstract ++ concatMap (prPrintRule inPackage) rules where cl = identCat (normCat cat) abstract = case lookupRule (show cat) rules of Just _ -> "" Nothing -> "void PrintAbsyn::visit" ++ cl ++ "(" ++ cl +++ "*p) {} //abstract class\n\n" -- | Generate pretty printer visitor for a list category: -- -- >>> let c = Cat "C" ; lc = ListCat c -- >>> let rules = [Rule "[]" lc [], Rule "(:)" lc [Left c, Right "-", Left lc]] -- >>> genPrintVisitorList (lc, rules) -- void PrintAbsyn::visitListC(ListC *listc) -- { -- for (ListC::const_iterator i = listc->begin() ; i != listc->end() ; ++i) -- { -- (*i)->accept(this); -- render('-'); -- } -- } -- -- >>> let c2 = CoercCat "C" 2 ; lc2 = ListCat c2 -- >>> let rules2 = rules ++ [Rule "[]" lc2 [], Rule "(:)" lc2 [Left c2, Right "+", Left lc2]] -- >>> genPrintVisitorList (lc, rules2) -- void PrintAbsyn::visitListC(ListC *listc) -- { -- for (ListC::const_iterator i = listc->begin() ; i != listc->end() ; ++i) -- { -- (*i)->accept(this); -- switch(_i_) -- { -- case 2: render('+'); break; -- default: render('-'); -- } -- } -- } genPrintVisitorList :: (Cat, [Rule]) -> Doc genPrintVisitorList (cat@(ListCat c), rules) = "void PrintAbsyn::visit" <> text cl <> "("<> text cl <> " *" <> vname <> ")" $$ codeblock 2 [ "for ("<> text cl <> "::const_iterator i = " <> vname <> "->begin() ; i != " <> vname <> "->end() ; ++i)" , codeblock 2 [ if isTokenCat c then "visit" <> text (baseName cl) <> "(*i) ;" else "(*i)->accept(this);" , (if hasOneFunc rules then "if (i != " <> vname <> "->end() - 1)" else empty) <+> renderListSepByPrecedence "_i_" renderSep separators ] ] where separators = getSeparatorByPrecedence rules cl = identCat (normCat cat) vname = text $ map toLower cl renderSep s = "render(" <> text (snd (renderCharOrString s)) <> ")" genPrintVisitorList _ = error "genPrintVisitorList expects a ListCat" -- | This is the only part of the pretty printer that differs significantly -- between the versions with and without STL. genPrintVisitorListNoStl :: (Cat, [Rule]) -> String genPrintVisitorListNoStl (cat@(ListCat c), rules) = unlines [ "void PrintAbsyn::visit" ++ cl ++ "("++ cl ++ " *" ++ vname ++ ")" , "{" , " while(" ++ vname +++ "!= 0)" , " {" , " if (" ++ vname ++ "->" ++ vname ++ "_ == 0)" , " {" , visitMember , optsep , " " ++ vname +++ "= 0;" , " }" , " else" , " {" , visitMember , render $ nest 6 $ renderListSepByPrecedence "_i_" renderSep separators , " " ++ vname +++ "=" +++ vname ++ "->" ++ vname ++ "_;" , " }" , " }" , "}" , "" ] where visitMember = if isTokenCat c then " visit" ++ funName c ++ "(" ++ vname ++ "->" ++ member ++ ");" else " " ++ vname ++ "->" ++ member ++ "->accept(this);" cl = identCat (normCat cat) ecl = identCat (normCatOfList cat) vname = map toLower cl member = map toLower ecl ++ "_" optsep = if hasOneFunc rules then "" else " render(" ++ sep ++ ");" sep = snd (renderCharOrString sep') sep' = getCons rules renderSep s = "render(" <> text (snd (renderCharOrString s)) <> ")" separators = getSeparatorByPrecedence rules genPrintVisitorListNoStl _ = error "genPrintVisitorListNoStl expects a ListCat" --Pretty Printer methods for a rule. prPrintRule :: Maybe String -> Rule -> String prPrintRule inPackage r@(Rule fun _ cats) | isProperLabel fun = unlines [ "void PrintAbsyn::visit" ++ fun ++ "(" ++ fun +++ "*" ++ fnm ++ ")", "{", " int oldi = _i_;", lparen, cats', rparen, " _i_ = oldi;", "}", "" ] where p = precRule r (lparen, rparen) = (" if (oldi > " ++ show p ++ ") render(" ++ nsDefine inPackage "_L_PAREN" ++ ");\n", " if (oldi > " ++ show p ++ ") render(" ++ nsDefine inPackage "_R_PAREN" ++ ");\n") cats' = concatMap (prPrintCat fnm) (numVars cats) fnm = "p" --old names could cause conflicts prPrintRule _ _ = "" --This goes on to recurse to the instance variables. prPrintCat :: String -> Either (Cat, Doc) String -> String prPrintCat _ (Right t) = " render(" ++ t' ++ ");\n" where t' = snd (renderCharOrString t) prPrintCat fnm (Left (c, nt)) | isTokenCat c = " visit" ++ funName c ++ "(" ++ fnm ++ "->" ++ render nt ++ ");\n" | isList c = " if(" ++ fnm ++ "->" ++ render nt ++ ") {" ++ accept ++ "}\n" | otherwise = " " ++ accept ++ "\n" where accept | c == InternalCat = "/* Internal Category */\n" | otherwise = setI (precCat c) ++ fnm ++ "->" ++ render nt ++ "->accept(this);" {- **** Abstract Syntax Tree Printer **** -} --This prints the functions for Abstract Syntax tree printing. prShowData :: Bool -> (Cat, [Rule]) -> String prShowData True (cat@(ListCat c), _) = unlines [ "void ShowAbsyn::visit" ++ cl ++ "("++ cl ++ " *" ++ vname ++ ")", "{", " for ("++ cl ++"::const_iterator i = " ++ vname++"->begin() ; i != " ++vname ++"->end() ; ++i)", " {", if isTokenCat c then " visit" ++ baseName cl ++ "(*i) ;" else " (*i)->accept(this);", " if (i != " ++ vname ++ "->end() - 1) bufAppend(\", \");", " }", "}", "" ] where cl = identCat (normCat cat) vname = map toLower cl prShowData False (cat@(ListCat c), _) = unlines [ "void ShowAbsyn::visit" ++ cl ++ "("++ cl ++ " *" ++ vname ++ ")", "{", " while(" ++ vname ++ "!= 0)", " {", " if (" ++ vname ++ "->" ++ vname ++ "_)", " {", visitMember, " bufAppend(\", \");", " " ++ vname +++ "=" +++ vname ++ "->" ++ vname ++ "_;", " }", " else", " {", visitMember, " " ++ vname ++ " = 0;", " }", " }", "}", "" ] where cl = identCat (normCat cat) ecl = identCat (normCatOfList cat) vname = map toLower cl member = map toLower ecl ++ "_" visitMember = if isTokenCat c then " visit" ++ funName c ++ "(" ++ vname ++ "->" ++ member ++ ");" else " " ++ vname ++ "->" ++ member ++ "->accept(this);" prShowData _ (cat, rules) = --Not a list: abstract ++ concatMap prShowRule rules where cl = identCat (normCat cat) abstract = case lookupRule (show cat) rules of Just _ -> "" Nothing -> "void ShowAbsyn::visit" ++ cl ++ "(" ++ cl ++ " *p) {} //abstract class\n\n" --This prints all the methods for Abstract Syntax tree rules. prShowRule :: Rule -> String prShowRule (Rule fun _ cats) | isProperLabel fun = concat [ "void ShowAbsyn::visit" ++ fun ++ "(" ++ fun +++ "*" ++ fnm ++ ")\n", "{\n", lparen, " bufAppend(\"" ++ fun ++ "\");\n", optspace, cats', rparen, "}\n" ] where (optspace, lparen, rparen) = if allTerms cats then ("","","") else (" bufAppend(' ');\n", " bufAppend('(');\n"," bufAppend(')');\n") cats' = if allTerms cats then "" else concat (insertSpaces (map (prShowCat fnm) (numVars cats))) insertSpaces [] = [] insertSpaces (x:[]) = [x] insertSpaces (x:xs) = if x == "" then insertSpaces xs else x : " bufAppend(' ');\n" : insertSpaces xs allTerms [] = True allTerms (Left _:_) = False allTerms (_:zs) = allTerms zs fnm = "p" --other names could cause conflicts prShowRule _ = "" -- This recurses to the instance variables of a class. prShowCat :: String -> Either (Cat, Doc) String -> String prShowCat _ (Right _) = "" prShowCat fnm (Left (cat,nt)) | isTokenCat cat = " visit" ++ funName cat ++ "(" ++ fnm ++ "->" ++ render nt ++ ");\n" | cat == InternalCat = "/* Internal Category */\n" | show (normCat $ strToCat $ render nt) /= render nt = accept | otherwise = concat [ " bufAppend('[');\n", " if (" ++ fnm ++ "->" ++ render nt ++ ")" ++ accept, " bufAppend(']');\n" ] where accept = " " ++ fnm ++ "->" ++ render nt ++ "->accept(this);\n" {- **** Helper Functions Section **** -} -- from ListIdent to Ident baseName = drop 4 --The visit-function name of a basic type funName :: Cat -> String funName (TokenCat c) | c `elem` builtin = c where builtin = ["Integer", "Char", "String", "Double", "Ident" ] funName _ = "Ident" --User-defined type --The visit-function name of a basic type -- funName :: String -> String -- funName v = -- if "integer_" `isPrefixOf` v then "Integer" -- else if "char_" `isPrefixOf` v then "Char" -- else if "string_" `isPrefixOf` v then "String" -- else if "double_" `isPrefixOf` v then "Double" -- else if "ident_" `isPrefixOf` v then "Ident" -- else "Ident" --User-defined type --Just sets the coercion level for parentheses in the Pretty Printer. setI :: Integer -> String setI n = "_i_ = " ++ show n ++ "; " --An extremely simple renderer for terminals. prRender :: Bool -> String prRender useStl = unlines [ "//You may wish to change render", "void PrintAbsyn::render(Char c)", "{", " if (c == '{')", " {", " bufAppend('\\n');", " indent();", " bufAppend(c);", " _n_ = _n_ + INDENT_WIDTH;", " bufAppend('\\n');", " indent();", " }", " else if (c == '(' || c == '[')", " bufAppend(c);", " else if (c == ')' || c == ']')", " {", " backup();", " bufAppend(c);", " }", " else if (c == '}')", " {", " int t;", " _n_ = _n_ - INDENT_WIDTH;", " for (t=0; t 0)" , codeblock 2 [ "bufAppend(s);" , "bufAppend(' ');" ] ] in if useStl then render renderString else "", "void PrintAbsyn::render(const char *s)", "{", " if(strlen(s) > 0)", " {", " bufAppend(s);", " bufAppend(' ');", " }", "}", "", "void PrintAbsyn::indent()", "{", " int n = _n_;", " while (n > 0)", " {", " bufAppend(' ');", " n--;", " }", "}", "", "void PrintAbsyn::backup()", "{", " if (buf_[cur_ - 1] == ' ')", " {", " buf_[cur_ - 1] = 0;", " cur_--;", " }", "}", "" ]