module BNFC.Options where import BNFC.CF (CF) import BNFC.WarningM import Control.Monad (liftM, when,unless) import Control.Monad.State import Control.Monad.Trans (lift) import Data.Char import Data.List (elemIndex, foldl', sort, intercalate) import Data.Maybe (catMaybes, listToMaybe, isJust, fromMaybe) import Data.Version ( showVersion ) import ErrM import Paths_BNFC ( version ) import System.Console.GetOpt import System.FilePath (takeBaseName, takeFileName) import System.IO (stderr, hPutStrLn,hPutStr) import Text.Printf (printf) -- ~~~ Option data structures ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ -- | To decouple the option parsing from the execution of the program, -- we introduce a data structure that holds the result of the -- parsing of the arguments. data Mode -- An error has been made by the user -- e.g. invalid argument/combination of arguments = UsageError String -- Basic modes: print some info and exits | Help | Version -- Normal mode, specifying the back end to use, -- the option record to be passed to the backend -- and the path of the input grammar file | Target SharedOptions FilePath deriving (Eq,Show,Ord) -- | Target languages data Target = TargetC | TargetCpp | TargetCppNoStl | TargetCSharp | TargetHaskell | TargetHaskellGadt | TargetLatex | TargetJava | TargetOCaml | TargetProfile deriving (Eq,Bounded, Enum,Ord) -- Create a list of all target using the enum and bounded classes targets :: [Target] targets = [minBound..] instance Show Target where show TargetC = "C" show TargetCpp = "C++" show TargetCppNoStl = "C++ (without STL)" show TargetCSharp = "C#" show TargetHaskell = "Haskell" show TargetHaskellGadt = "Haskell (with GADT)" show TargetLatex = "Latex" show TargetJava = "Java" show TargetOCaml = "OCaml" show TargetProfile = "Haskell (with permutation profiles)" -- | Which version of Alex is targeted? data AlexVersion = Alex1 | Alex2 | Alex3 deriving (Show,Eq,Ord,Bounded,Enum) -- | Happy modes data HappyMode = Standard | GLR deriving (Eq,Show,Bounded,Enum,Ord) -- | This is the option record that is passed to the different backends data SharedOptions = Options -- Option shared by at least 2 backends { target :: Target , make :: Maybe String -- ^ The name of the Makefile to generate -- or Nothing for no Makefile. , inPackage :: Maybe String -- ^ The hierarchical package to put -- the modules in, or Nothing. , cnf :: Bool -- ^ Generate CNF-like tables? , lang :: String -- Haskell specific: , alexMode :: AlexVersion , inDir :: Bool , shareStrings :: Bool , byteStrings :: Bool , glr :: HappyMode , xml :: Int , ghcExtensions :: Bool -- C++ specific , linenumbers :: Bool -- ^ Add and set line_number field for syntax classes -- C# specific , visualStudio :: Bool -- ^ Generate Visual Studio solution/project files , wcf :: Bool -- ^ Windows Communication Foundation } deriving (Eq,Show,Ord) -- | We take this oportunity to define the type of the backend functions type Backend = SharedOptions -- ^ options -> CF -- ^ Grammar -> IO () defaultOptions = Options { cnf = False , target = TargetHaskell , inPackage = Nothing , make = Nothing , alexMode = Alex3 , inDir = False , shareStrings = False , byteStrings = False , glr = Standard , xml = 0 , ghcExtensions = False , lang = error "lang not set" , linenumbers = False , visualStudio = False , wcf = False } -- ~~~ Option definition ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ -- This defines bnfc's "global" options, like --help globalOptions :: [ OptDescr Mode ] globalOptions = [ Option [] ["help"] (NoArg Help) "show help", Option [] ["version","numeric-version"] (NoArg Version) "show version number"] -- | Options for the target languages -- targetOptions :: [ OptDescr Target ] targetOptions :: [ OptDescr (SharedOptions -> SharedOptions)] targetOptions = [ Option "" ["java"] (NoArg (\o -> o {target = TargetJava})) "Output Java code for use with JLex and CUP" , Option "" ["haskell"] (NoArg (\o -> o {target = TargetHaskell})) "Output Haskell code for use with Alex and Happy (default)" , Option "" ["haskell-gadt"] (NoArg (\o -> o {target = TargetHaskellGadt})) "Output Haskell code which uses GADTs" , Option "" ["latex"] (NoArg (\o -> o {target = TargetLatex})) "Output LaTeX code to generate a PDF description of the language" , Option "" ["c"] (NoArg (\o -> o {target = TargetC})) "Output C code for use with FLex and Bison" , Option "" ["cpp"] (NoArg (\o -> o {target = TargetCpp})) "Output C++ code for use with FLex and Bison" , Option "" ["cpp-nostl"] (NoArg (\o -> o {target = TargetCppNoStl})) "Output C++ code (without STL) for use with FLex and Bison" , Option "" ["csharp"] (NoArg (\o -> o {target = TargetCSharp})) "Output C# code for use with GPLEX and GPPG" , Option "" ["ocaml"] (NoArg (\o -> o {target = TargetOCaml})) "Output OCaml code for use with ocamllex and ocamlyacc" , Option "" ["profile"] (NoArg (\o -> o {target = TargetProfile})) "Output Haskell code for rules with permutation profiles" ] -- | A list of the options and for each of them, the target language -- they apply to. specificOptions :: [(OptDescr (SharedOptions -> SharedOptions), [Target])] specificOptions = [ ( Option ['l'] [] (NoArg (\o -> o {linenumbers = True})) "Add and set line_number field for all syntax classes" , [TargetCpp] ) , ( Option ['p'] [] (ReqArg (\n o -> o {inPackage = Just n}) "") "Prepend to the package/module name" , [TargetCpp, TargetCSharp, TargetHaskell, TargetHaskellGadt, TargetProfile, TargetJava] ) , ( Option [] ["vs"] (NoArg (\o -> o {visualStudio = True})) "Generate Visual Studio solution/project files" , [TargetCSharp] ) , ( Option [] ["wcf"] (NoArg (\o -> o {wcf = True})) "Add support for Windows Communication Foundation,\n by marking abstract syntax classes as DataContracts" , [TargetCSharp] ) , ( Option ['d'] [] (NoArg (\o -> o {inDir = True})) "Put Haskell code in modules Lang.* instead of Lang*" , [TargetHaskell, TargetHaskellGadt, TargetProfile] ) , ( Option [] ["alex1"] (NoArg (\o -> o {alexMode = Alex1})) "Use Alex 1.1 as Haskell lexer tool" , [TargetHaskell, TargetHaskellGadt, TargetProfile] ) , ( Option [] ["alex2"] (NoArg (\o -> o {alexMode = Alex2})) "Use Alex 2 as Haskell lexer tool" , [TargetHaskell, TargetHaskellGadt, TargetProfile] ) , ( Option [] ["alex3"] (NoArg (\o -> o {alexMode = Alex3})) "Use Alex 3 as Haskell lexer tool (default)" , [TargetHaskell, TargetHaskellGadt, TargetProfile] ) , ( Option [] ["sharestrings"] (NoArg (\o -> o {shareStrings = True})) "Use string sharing in Alex 2 lexer" , [TargetHaskell, TargetHaskellGadt, TargetProfile] ) , ( Option [] ["bytestrings"] (NoArg (\o -> o {byteStrings = True})) "Use byte string in Alex 2 lexer" , [TargetHaskell, TargetHaskellGadt, TargetProfile] ) , ( Option [] ["glr"] (NoArg (\o -> o {glr = GLR})) "Output Happy GLR parser" , [TargetHaskell, TargetHaskellGadt, TargetProfile] ) , ( Option [] ["xml"] (NoArg (\o -> o {xml = 1})) "Also generate a DTD and an XML printer" , [TargetHaskell, TargetHaskellGadt, TargetProfile] ) , ( Option [] ["xmlt"] (NoArg (\o -> o {xml = 2})) "DTD and an XML printer, another encoding" , [TargetHaskell, TargetHaskellGadt, TargetProfile] ) , ( Option [] ["cnf"] (NoArg (\o -> o {cnf = True})) "Use the CNF parser instead of happy" , [TargetHaskell, TargetHaskellGadt, TargetProfile] ) , ( Option [] ["ghc"] (NoArg (\o -> o {ghcExtensions = True})) "Use ghc-specific language extensions" , [TargetHaskell, TargetHaskellGadt, TargetProfile] ) ] makefileOption = [ Option "m" ["makefile"] (OptArg (setMakefile . fromMaybe "Makefile") "MAKEFILE") "generate Makefile" ] where setMakefile = \mf -> \o -> o { make = Just mf } allOptions = targetOptions ++ makefileOption ++ map fst specificOptions -- ~~~ Help strings ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ title = unlines [ "The BNF Converter, "++showVersion version, "(c) Jonas Almström Duregård, Krasimir Angelov, Jean-Philippe Bernardy, Björn Bringert, Johan Broberg, Paul Callaghan, ", " Grégoire Détrez, Markus Forsberg, Ola Frid, Peter Gammie, Thomas Hallgren, Patrik Jansson, ", " Kristofer Johannisson, Antti-Juhani Kaijanaho, Ulf Norell, ", " Michael Pellauer and Aarne Ranta 2002 - 2013.", "Free software under GNU General Public License (GPL).", "Bug reports to" ] usage :: String usage = "usage: bnfc [--version] [--help] []" help :: String help = unlines $ usage:"" :usageInfo "Global options" globalOptions :usageInfo "Make option" makefileOption :usageInfo "Target languages" targetOptions :map targetUsage targets where targets = [TargetHaskell, TargetJava, TargetCpp, TargetCSharp ] targetUsage t = usageInfo (printf "Special options for the %s backend" (show t)) (map fst $ filter(elem t . snd)specificOptions) -- ~~~ Parsing machinery ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ -- | Main parsing function parseMode :: [String] -> Mode parseMode args = case args' of [] -> Help _ -> case getOpt' Permute globalOptions args' of (mode:_,_,_,_) -> mode _ -> case getOpt Permute allOptions args' of (_,_,e:_) -> UsageError e (_,[],_) -> UsageError "Missing grammar file" (optionsUpdates, [grammar], []) -> let options = foldl (.) id optionsUpdates defaultOptions in Target (options {lang = takeBaseName grammar}) grammar (_,_,_) -> UsageError "Too many arguments" where args' = translateOldOptions args isUsageError :: Mode -> Bool isUsageError (UsageError _) = True isUsageError _ = False -- ~~~ Backward compatibility ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ -- A translating function to maintain backward compatiblicy -- with the old option syntay translateOldOptions :: [String] -> [String] translateOldOptions = concatMap translateOne where translateOne "-java" = return "--java" translateOne "-java1.5" = return "--java" translateOne "-c" = return "--c" translateOne "-cpp" = return "--cpp" translateOne "-cpp_stl" = return "--cpp" translateOne "-cpp_no_stl" = return "--cpp-nostl" translateOne "-csharp" = return "--csharp" translateOne "-ocaml" = return "--ocaml" translateOne "-fsharp" = return "fsharp" translateOne "-haskell" = return "--haskell" translateOne "-prof" = return "--profile" translateOne "-gadt" = return "--haskell-gadt" translateOne "-alex1" = return "--alex1" translateOne "-alex2" = return "--alex2" translateOne "-alex3" = return "--alex3" translateOne "-sharestrings" = return "--sharestring" translateOne "-bytestrings" = return "--bytestring" translateOne "-glr" = return "--glr" translateOne "-xml" = return "--xml" translateOne "-xmlt" = return "--xmlt" translateOne "-vs" = return "--vs" translateOne "-wcf" = return "--wcf" translateOne other = return other