module Agda.TypeChecking.Pretty.Warning where import Prelude hiding ( null ) import Control.Monad ( guard ) -- Control.Monad.Fail import is redundant since GHC 8.8.1 import Control.Monad.Fail ( MonadFail ) import Data.Char ( toLower ) import Data.Function import Data.Maybe import qualified Data.Set as Set import Data.Set (Set) import qualified Data.List as List import qualified Data.Text as T import Agda.TypeChecking.Monad.Base import {-# SOURCE #-} Agda.TypeChecking.Errors import Agda.TypeChecking.Monad.MetaVars import Agda.TypeChecking.Monad.Options import Agda.TypeChecking.Monad.Debug import Agda.TypeChecking.Monad.State ( getScope ) import Agda.TypeChecking.Monad ( localTCState ) import Agda.TypeChecking.Positivity () --instance only import Agda.TypeChecking.Pretty import Agda.TypeChecking.Pretty.Call import {-# SOURCE #-} Agda.TypeChecking.Pretty.Constraint (prettyInterestingConstraints, interestingConstraint) import Agda.TypeChecking.Warnings (MonadWarning, isUnsolvedWarning, onlyShowIfUnsolved, classifyWarning, WhichWarnings(..), warning_) import Agda.TypeChecking.Monad.Constraints (getAllConstraints) import Agda.Syntax.Common ( ImportedName'(..), fromImportedName, partitionImportedNames ) import Agda.Syntax.Position import qualified Agda.Syntax.Concrete as C import Agda.Syntax.Scope.Base ( concreteNamesInScope, NameOrModule(..) ) import Agda.Syntax.Internal import Agda.Syntax.Translation.InternalToAbstract import Agda.Interaction.Options import Agda.Interaction.Options.Warnings import Agda.Utils.Lens import Agda.Utils.List ( editDistance ) import qualified Agda.Utils.List1 as List1 import Agda.Utils.Null import Agda.Utils.Pretty ( Pretty, prettyShow ) import qualified Agda.Utils.Pretty as P instance PrettyTCM TCWarning where prettyTCM w@(TCWarning loc _ _ _ _) = do reportSLn "warning" 2 $ "Warning raised at " ++ prettyShow loc pure $ tcWarningPrintedWarning w prettyWarning :: MonadPretty m => Warning -> m Doc prettyWarning = \case UnsolvedMetaVariables ms -> fsep ( pwords "Unsolved metas at the following locations:" ) $$ nest 2 (vcat $ map prettyTCM ms) UnsolvedInteractionMetas is -> fsep ( pwords "Unsolved interaction metas at the following locations:" ) $$ nest 2 (vcat $ map prettyTCM is) UnsolvedConstraints cs -> do pcs <- prettyInterestingConstraints cs if null pcs then fsep $ pwords "Unsolved constraints" -- #4065: keep minimal warning text else vcat [ fsep $ pwords "Failed to solve the following constraints:" , nest 2 $ return $ P.vcat $ List.nub pcs ] TerminationIssue because -> do dropTopLevel <- topLevelModuleDropper fwords "Termination checking failed for the following functions:" $$ nest 2 (fsep $ punctuate comma $ map (pretty . dropTopLevel) $ concatMap termErrFunctions because) $$ fwords "Problematic calls:" $$ nest 2 (fmap (P.vcat . List.nub) $ mapM prettyTCM $ List.sortOn getRange $ concatMap termErrCalls because) UnreachableClauses f pss -> fsep $ pwords "Unreachable" ++ pwords (plural (length pss) "clause") where plural 1 thing = thing plural n thing = thing ++ "s" CoverageIssue f pss -> fsep ( pwords "Incomplete pattern matching for" ++ [prettyTCM f <> "."] ++ pwords "Missing cases:") $$ nest 2 (vcat $ map display pss) where display (tel, ps) = prettyTCM $ NamedClause f True $ empty { clauseTel = tel, namedClausePats = ps } CoverageNoExactSplit f cs -> vcat $ fsep (pwords "Exact splitting is enabled, but the following" ++ pwords (P.singPlural cs "clause" "clauses") ++ pwords "could not be preserved as definitional equalities in the translation to a case tree:" ) : map (nest 2 . prettyTCM . NamedClause f True) cs NotStrictlyPositive d ocs -> fsep $ [prettyTCM d] ++ pwords "is not strictly positive, because it occurs" ++ [prettyTCM ocs] UnsupportedIndexedMatch doc -> vcat [ fsep (pwords "This clause uses pattern-matching features that are not yet supported by Cubical Agda," ++ pwords "the function to which it belongs will not compute when applied to transports." ) , "" , "Reason:" <+> pure doc , "" ] CantGeneralizeOverSorts ms -> vcat [ text "Cannot generalize over unsolved sort metas:" , nest 2 $ vcat [ prettyTCM x <+> text "at" <+> (pretty =<< getMetaRange x) | x <- ms ] , fsep $ pwords "Suggestion: add a `variable Any : Set _` and replace unsolved metas by Any" ] AbsurdPatternRequiresNoRHS ps -> fwords $ "The right-hand side must be omitted if there " ++ "is an absurd pattern, () or {}, in the left-hand side." OldBuiltin old new -> fwords $ "Builtin " ++ old ++ " no longer exists. " ++ "It is now bound by BUILTIN " ++ new EmptyRewritePragma -> fsep . pwords $ "Empty REWRITE pragma" EmptyWhere -> fsep . pwords $ "Empty `where' block (ignored)" IllformedAsClause s -> fsep . pwords $ "`as' must be followed by an identifier" ++ s ClashesViaRenaming nm xs -> fsep $ concat $ [ [ case nm of NameNotModule -> "Name"; ModuleNotName -> "Module" ] , pwords "clashes introduced by `renaming':" , map prettyTCM xs ] UselessPatternDeclarationForRecord s -> fwords $ unwords [ "`pattern' attribute ignored for", s, "record" ] -- the @s@ is a qualifier like "eta" or "coinductive" UselessPublic -> fwords $ "Keyword `public' is ignored here" UselessHiding xs -> fsep $ concat [ pwords "Ignoring names in `hiding' directive:" , punctuate "," $ map pretty xs ] UselessInline q -> fsep $ pwords "It is pointless for INLINE'd function" ++ [prettyTCM q] ++ pwords "to have a separate Haskell definition" WrongInstanceDeclaration -> fwords "Terms marked as eligible for instance search should end with a name, so `instance' is ignored here." InstanceWithExplicitArg q -> fsep $ pwords "Instance declarations with explicit arguments are never considered by instance search," ++ pwords "so making" ++ [prettyTCM q] ++ pwords "into an instance has no effect." InstanceNoOutputTypeName b -> fsep $ pwords "Instance arguments whose type does not end in a named or variable type are never considered by instance search," ++ pwords "so having an instance argument" ++ [return b] ++ pwords "has no effect." InstanceArgWithExplicitArg b -> fsep $ pwords "Instance arguments with explicit arguments are never considered by instance search," ++ pwords "so having an instance argument" ++ [return b] ++ pwords "has no effect." InversionDepthReached f -> do maxDepth <- maxInversionDepth fsep $ pwords "Refusing to invert pattern matching of" ++ [prettyTCM f] ++ pwords ("because the maximum depth (" ++ show maxDepth ++ ") has been reached.") ++ pwords "Most likely this means you have an unsatisfiable constraint, but it could" ++ pwords "also mean that you need to increase the maximum depth using the flag" ++ pwords "--inversion-max-depth=N" NoGuardednessFlag q -> fsep $ [ prettyTCM q ] ++ pwords "is declared coinductive, but option" ++ pwords "--guardedness is not enabled. Coinductive functions on" ++ pwords "this type will likely be rejected by the termination" ++ pwords "checker unless this flag is enabled." GenericWarning d -> return d GenericNonFatalError d -> return d GenericUseless _r d -> return d SafeFlagPostulate e -> fsep $ pwords "Cannot postulate" ++ [pretty e] ++ pwords "with safe flag" SafeFlagPragma xs -> let plural | length xs == 1 = "" | otherwise = "s" in fsep $ [fwords ("Cannot set OPTIONS pragma" ++ plural)] ++ map text xs ++ [fwords "with safe flag."] SafeFlagNonTerminating -> fsep $ pwords "Cannot use NON_TERMINATING pragma with safe flag." SafeFlagTerminating -> fsep $ pwords "Cannot use TERMINATING pragma with safe flag." SafeFlagWithoutKFlagPrimEraseEquality -> fsep (pwords "Cannot use primEraseEquality with safe and without-K flags.") WithoutKFlagPrimEraseEquality -> fsep (pwords "Using primEraseEquality with the without-K flag is inconsistent.") SafeFlagNoPositivityCheck -> fsep $ pwords "Cannot use NO_POSITIVITY_CHECK pragma with safe flag." SafeFlagPolarity -> fsep $ pwords "Cannot use POLARITY pragma with safe flag." SafeFlagNoUniverseCheck -> fsep $ pwords "Cannot use NO_UNIVERSE_CHECK pragma with safe flag." SafeFlagEta -> fsep $ pwords "Cannot use ETA pragma with safe flag." SafeFlagInjective -> fsep $ pwords "Cannot use INJECTIVE pragma with safe flag." SafeFlagNoCoverageCheck -> fsep $ pwords "Cannot use NON_COVERING pragma with safe flag." OptionWarning ow -> pretty ow ParseWarning pw -> pretty pw DeprecationWarning old new version -> fsep $ [text old] ++ pwords "has been deprecated. Use" ++ [text new] ++ pwords "instead. This will be an error in Agda" ++ [text version <> "."] NicifierIssue w -> sayWhere (getRange w) $ pretty w UserWarning str -> text (T.unpack str) ModuleDoesntExport m names modules xs -> vcat [ fsep $ pwords "The module" ++ [pretty m] ++ pwords "doesn't export the following:" , prettyNotInScopeNames False (suggestion names) ys , prettyNotInScopeNames False (suggestion modules) ms ] where ys, ms :: [C.ImportedName] ys = map ImportedName ys0 ms = map ImportedModule ms0 (ys0, ms0) = partitionImportedNames xs suggestion zs = maybe empty parens . didYouMean (map C.QName zs) fromImportedName DuplicateUsing xs -> fsep $ pwords "Duplicates in `using` directive:" ++ map pretty (List1.toList xs) FixityInRenamingModule _rs -> fsep $ pwords "Modules do not have fixity" LibraryWarning lw -> pretty lw InfectiveImport msg -> return msg CoInfectiveImport msg -> return msg RewriteNonConfluent lhs rhs1 rhs2 err -> fsep [ "Local confluence check failed:" , prettyTCM lhs , "reduces to both" , prettyTCM rhs1 , "and" , prettyTCM rhs2 , "which are not equal because" , return err ] RewriteMaybeNonConfluent lhs1 lhs2 cs -> vcat $ concat [ [ fsep $ concat [ pwords "Couldn't determine overlap between left-hand sides" , [ prettyTCM lhs1 , text "and" , prettyTCM lhs2 ] , pwords "because of unsolved constraints:" ] ] , map (nest 2 . return) cs ] RewriteAmbiguousRules lhs rhs1 rhs2 -> vcat [ ( fsep $ concat [ pwords "Global confluence check failed:" , [prettyTCM lhs] , pwords "can be rewritten to either" , [prettyTCM rhs1] , pwords "or" , [prettyTCM rhs2 <> "."] ]) , fsep $ concat [ pwords "Possible fix: add a rewrite rule with left-hand side" , [prettyTCM lhs] , pwords "to resolve the ambiguity." ] ] RewriteMissingRule u v rhou -> vcat [ fsep $ concat [ pwords "Global confluence check failed:" , [prettyTCM u] , pwords "unfolds to" , [prettyTCM v] , pwords "which should further unfold to" , [prettyTCM rhou] , pwords "but it does not." ] , fsep $ concat [ pwords "Possible fix: add a rule to rewrite" , [ prettyTCM v , "to" , prettyTCM rhou ] ] ] PragmaCompileErased bn qn -> fsep $ concat [ pwords "The backend" , [ text bn , "erases" , prettyTCM qn ] , pwords "so the COMPILE pragma will be ignored." ] NotInScopeW xs -> vcat [ fsep $ pwords "Not in scope:" , do inscope <- Set.toList . concreteNamesInScope <$> getScope prettyNotInScopeNames True (suggestion inscope) xs ] where suggestion inscope x = nest 2 $ par $ concat [ [ "did you forget space around the ':'?" | ':' `elem` s ] , [ "did you forget space around the '->'?" | "->" `List.isInfixOf` s ] , maybeToList $ didYouMean inscope C.unqualify x ] where par [] = empty par [d] = parens d par ds = parens $ vcat ds s = P.prettyShow x AsPatternShadowsConstructorOrPatternSynonym patsyn -> fsep $ concat [ pwords "Name bound in @-pattern ignored because it shadows" , if patsyn then pwords "pattern synonym" else [ "constructor" ] ] RecordFieldWarning w -> prettyRecordFieldWarning w prettyRecordFieldWarning :: MonadPretty m => RecordFieldWarning -> m Doc prettyRecordFieldWarning = \case DuplicateFieldsWarning xrs -> prettyDuplicateFields $ map fst xrs TooManyFieldsWarning q ys xrs -> prettyTooManyFields q ys $ map fst xrs prettyDuplicateFields :: MonadPretty m => [C.Name] -> m Doc prettyDuplicateFields xs = fsep $ concat [ pwords "Duplicate" , fields xs , punctuate comma (map pretty xs) , pwords "in record" ] where fields ys = P.singPlural ys [text "field"] [text "fields"] prettyTooManyFields :: MonadPretty m => QName -> [C.Name] -> [C.Name] -> m Doc prettyTooManyFields r missing xs = fsep $ concat [ pwords "The record type" , [prettyTCM r] , pwords "does not have the" , fields xs , punctuate comma (map pretty xs) , if null missing then [] else concat [ pwords "but it would have the" , fields missing , punctuate comma (map pretty missing) ] ] where fields ys = P.singPlural ys [text "field"] [text "fields"] -- | Report a number of names that are not in scope. prettyNotInScopeNames :: (MonadPretty m, Pretty a, HasRange a) => Bool -- ^ Print range? -> (a -> m Doc) -- ^ Correction suggestion generator. -> [a] -- ^ Names that are not in scope. -> m Doc prettyNotInScopeNames printRange suggestion xs = nest 2 $ vcat $ map name xs where name x = fsep [ pretty x , if printRange then "at" <+> prettyTCM (getRange x) else empty , suggestion x ] -- | Suggest some corrections to a misspelled name. didYouMean :: (MonadPretty m, Pretty a, Pretty b) => [C.QName] -- ^ Names in scope. -> (a -> b) -- ^ Canonization function for similarity search. -> a -- ^ A name which is not in scope. -> Maybe (m Doc) -- ^ "did you mean" hint. didYouMean inscope canon x | null ys = Nothing | otherwise = Just $ sep [ "did you mean" , nest 2 (vcat $ punctuate " or" $ map (\ y -> text $ "'" ++ y ++ "'") ys) <> "?" ] where strip :: Pretty b => b -> String strip = map toLower . filter (/= '_') . prettyShow -- dropModule x = fromMaybe x $ List.stripPrefix "module " x maxDist n = div n 3 close a b = editDistance a b <= maxDist (length a) ys = map prettyShow $ filter (close (strip $ canon x) . strip . C.unqualify) inscope prettyTCWarnings :: [TCWarning] -> TCM String prettyTCWarnings = fmap (unlines . List.intersperse "") . prettyTCWarnings' prettyTCWarnings' :: [TCWarning] -> TCM [String] prettyTCWarnings' = mapM (fmap P.render . prettyTCM) . filterTCWarnings -- | If there are several warnings, remove the unsolved-constraints warning -- in case there are no interesting constraints to list. filterTCWarnings :: [TCWarning] -> [TCWarning] filterTCWarnings = \case -- #4065: Always keep the only warning [w] -> [w] -- Andreas, 2019-09-10, issue #4065: -- If there are several warnings, remove the unsolved-constraints warning -- in case there are no interesting constraints to list. ws -> (`filter` ws) $ \ w -> case tcWarning w of UnsolvedConstraints cs -> any interestingConstraint cs _ -> True -- | Turns warnings, if any, into errors. tcWarningsToError :: [TCWarning] -> TCM () tcWarningsToError mws = case (unsolvedHoles, otherWarnings) of ([], []) -> return () (_unsolvedHoles@(_:_), []) -> typeError SolvedButOpenHoles (_, ws@(_:_)) -> typeError $ NonFatalErrors ws where -- filter out unsolved interaction points for imported module so -- that we get the right error message (see test case Fail/Issue1296) (unsolvedHoles, otherWarnings) = List.partition (isUnsolvedIM . tcWarning) mws isUnsolvedIM UnsolvedInteractionMetas{} = True isUnsolvedIM _ = False -- | Depending which flags are set, one may happily ignore some -- warnings. applyFlagsToTCWarningsPreserving :: HasOptions m => Set WarningName -> [TCWarning] -> m [TCWarning] applyFlagsToTCWarningsPreserving additionalKeptWarnings ws = do -- For some reason some SafeFlagPragma seem to be created multiple times. -- This is a way to collect all of them and remove duplicates. let pragmas w = case tcWarning w of { SafeFlagPragma ps -> ([w], ps); _ -> ([], []) } let sfp = case fmap List.nub (foldMap pragmas ws) of (TCWarning loc r w p b:_, sfp) -> [TCWarning loc r (SafeFlagPragma sfp) p b] _ -> [] pragmaWarnings <- (^. warningSet) . optWarningMode <$> pragmaOptions let warnSet = Set.union pragmaWarnings additionalKeptWarnings -- filter out the warnings the flags told us to ignore let cleanUp w = let wName = warningName w in wName /= SafeFlagPragma_ && wName `Set.member` warnSet && case w of UnsolvedMetaVariables ums -> not $ null ums UnsolvedInteractionMetas uis -> not $ null uis UnsolvedConstraints ucs -> not $ null ucs _ -> True return $ sfp ++ filter (cleanUp . tcWarning) ws applyFlagsToTCWarnings :: HasOptions m => [TCWarning] -> m [TCWarning] applyFlagsToTCWarnings = applyFlagsToTCWarningsPreserving Set.empty getAllUnsolvedWarnings :: (MonadFail m, ReadTCState m, MonadWarning m) => m [TCWarning] getAllUnsolvedWarnings = do unsolvedInteractions <- getUnsolvedInteractionMetas unsolvedConstraints <- getAllConstraints unsolvedMetas <- getUnsolvedMetas let checkNonEmpty c rs = c rs <$ guard (not $ null rs) mapM warning_ $ catMaybes [ checkNonEmpty UnsolvedInteractionMetas unsolvedInteractions , checkNonEmpty UnsolvedMetaVariables unsolvedMetas , checkNonEmpty UnsolvedConstraints unsolvedConstraints ] -- | Collect all warnings that have accumulated in the state. getAllWarnings :: (MonadFail m, ReadTCState m, MonadWarning m) => WhichWarnings -> m [TCWarning] getAllWarnings = getAllWarningsPreserving Set.empty getAllWarningsPreserving :: (MonadFail m, ReadTCState m, MonadWarning m) => Set WarningName -> WhichWarnings -> m [TCWarning] getAllWarningsPreserving keptWarnings ww = do unsolved <- getAllUnsolvedWarnings collectedTCWarnings <- useTC stTCWarnings let showWarn w = classifyWarning w <= ww && not (null unsolved && onlyShowIfUnsolved w) fmap (filter (showWarn . tcWarning)) $ applyFlagsToTCWarningsPreserving keptWarnings $ reverse $ unsolved ++ collectedTCWarnings getAllWarningsOfTCErr :: TCErr -> TCM [TCWarning] getAllWarningsOfTCErr err = case err of TypeError _ tcst cls -> case clValue cls of NonFatalErrors{} -> return [] _ -> localTCState $ do putTC tcst ws <- getAllWarnings AllWarnings -- We filter out the unsolved(Metas/Constraints) to stay -- true to the previous error messages. return $ filter (not . isUnsolvedWarning . tcWarning) ws _ -> return []