{-| Pretty printing functions. -} module Agda.Utils.Pretty ( module Agda.Utils.Pretty , module Text.PrettyPrint -- This re-export can be removed once ), sep, fsep, hsep, hcat, vcat, punctuate) import Data.Semigroup ((<>)) import Agda.Utils.Float import Agda.Utils.List1 (List1) import qualified Agda.Utils.List1 as List1 import Agda.Utils.Null import Agda.Utils.Size import Agda.Utils.Impossible -- * Pretty class -- | While 'Show' is for rendering data in Haskell syntax, -- 'Pretty' is for displaying data to the world, i.e., the -- user and the environment. -- -- Atomic data has no inner document structure, so just -- implement 'pretty' as @pretty a = text $ ... a ...@. class Pretty a where pretty :: a -> Doc prettyPrec :: Int -> a -> Doc prettyList :: [a] -> Doc pretty = prettyPrec 0 prettyPrec = const pretty prettyList = brackets . prettyList_ -- | Use instead of 'show' when printing to world. prettyShow :: Pretty a => a -> String prettyShow = render . pretty -- * Pretty instances instance Pretty Bool where pretty = text . show instance Pretty Int where pretty = text . show instance Pretty Int32 where pretty = text . show instance Pretty Integer where pretty = text . show instance Pretty Word64 where pretty = text . show instance Pretty Double where pretty = text . toStringWithoutDotZero instance Pretty Text where pretty = text . T.unpack instance Pretty Char where pretty c = text [c] prettyList = text instance Pretty Doc where pretty = id instance Pretty () where pretty _ = P.empty instance Pretty a => Pretty (Maybe a) where prettyPrec p Nothing = "(nothing)" prettyPrec p (Just x) = prettyPrec p x instance Pretty a => Pretty [a] where pretty = prettyList instance Pretty a => Pretty (List1 a) where pretty = prettyList . List1.toList instance Pretty IntSet where pretty = prettySet . IntSet.toList instance Pretty a => Pretty (Set a) where pretty = prettySet . Set.toList instance Pretty a => Pretty (IntMap a) where pretty = prettyMap . IntMap.toList instance (Pretty k, Pretty v) => Pretty (Map k v) where pretty = prettyMap . Map.toList -- * Generalizing the original type from list to Foldable sep, fsep, hsep, hcat, vcat :: Foldable t => t Doc -> Doc sep = P.sep . Fold.toList fsep = P.fsep . Fold.toList hsep = P.hsep . Fold.toList hcat = P.hcat . Fold.toList vcat = P.vcat . Fold.toList punctuate :: Foldable t => Doc -> t Doc -> [Doc] punctuate d = P.punctuate d . Fold.toList -- * 'Doc' utilities pwords :: String -> [Doc] pwords = map text . words fwords :: String -> Doc fwords = fsep . pwords -- | Separate, but only if both separees are not null. hsepWith :: Doc -> Doc -> Doc -> Doc hsepWith sep d1 d2 | null d2 = d1 | null d1 = d2 | otherwise = d1 <+> sep <+> d2 -- | Comma separated list, without the brackets. prettyList_ :: Pretty a => [a] -> Doc prettyList_ = fsep . punctuate comma . map pretty -- | Pretty print a set. prettySet :: Pretty a => [a] -> Doc prettySet = braces . prettyList_ -- | Pretty print an association list. prettyMap :: (Pretty k, Pretty v) => [(k,v)] -> Doc prettyMap = braces . fsep . punctuate comma . map prettyAssign -- | Pretty print a single association. prettyAssign :: (Pretty k, Pretty v) => (k,v) -> Doc prettyAssign (k, v) = sep [ prettyPrec 1 k <+> "->", nest 2 $ pretty v ] -- ASR (2016-12-13): In pretty >= the below function 'mparens' -- is called 'maybeParens'. I didn't use that name due to the issue -- https://github.com/haskell/pretty/issues/40. -- | Apply 'parens' to 'Doc' if boolean is true. mparens :: Bool -> Doc -> Doc mparens True = parens mparens False = id -- | Only wrap in parens if not 'empty' parensNonEmpty :: Doc -> Doc parensNonEmpty d = if null d then empty else parens d -- | @align max rows@ lays out the elements of @rows@ in two columns, -- with the second components aligned. The alignment column of the -- second components is at most @max@ characters to the right of the -- left-most column. -- -- Precondition: @max > 0@. align :: Int -> [(String, Doc)] -> Doc align max rows = vcat $ map (\(s, d) -> text s $$ nest (maxLen + 1) d) $ rows where maxLen = maximum $ 0 : filter (< max) (map (length . fst) rows) -- | Handles strings with newlines properly (preserving indentation) multiLineText :: String -> Doc multiLineText = vcat . map text . lines -- cheating because you shouldn't be digging this far anyway instance Data Doc where gunfold _ _ _ = __IMPOSSIBLE__ toConstr = __IMPOSSIBLE__ dataTypeOf = __IMPOSSIBLE__ infixl 6 -- | @a b = hang a 2 b@ () :: Doc -> Doc -> Doc a b = hang a 2 b -- | @pshow = text . show@ pshow :: Show a => a -> Doc pshow = text . show singPlural :: Sized a => a -> c -> c -> c singPlural xs singular plural = if size xs == 1 then singular else plural -- | Used for with-like 'telescopes' prefixedThings :: Doc -> [Doc] -> Doc prefixedThings kw = \case [] -> P.empty (doc : docs) -> fsep $ (kw <+> doc) : map ("|" <+>) docs