module Agda.Compiler.MAlonzo.Primitives where

import Control.Monad.State
import Data.Char
import Data.List as L
import Data.Map as M
import qualified Agda.Utils.Haskell.Syntax as HS

import Agda.Compiler.Common
import Agda.Compiler.ToTreeless
import {-# SOURCE #-} Agda.Compiler.MAlonzo.Compiler (closedTerm)
import Agda.Compiler.MAlonzo.Misc
import Agda.Compiler.MAlonzo.Pretty
import Agda.Syntax.Common
import Agda.Syntax.Internal
import Agda.Syntax.Treeless
import Agda.TypeChecking.Monad
import Agda.TypeChecking.Monad.Builtin
import Agda.TypeChecking.Primitive
import Agda.TypeChecking.Reduce
import Agda.TypeChecking.Pretty
import Agda.Utils.Monad
import Agda.Utils.Except
import qualified Agda.Utils.HashMap as HMap

#include "undefined.h"
import Agda.Utils.Impossible

{- OLD
-- | Check that the main function has type IO a, for some a.
checkTypeOfMain :: QName -> Type -> TCM ()
checkTypeOfMain q ty
  | show (qnameName q) /= "main" = return ()
  | otherwise = do
    Def io _ <- ignoreSharing <$> primIO
    ty <- normalise ty
    case ignoreSharing $ unEl ty of
      Def d _ | d == io -> return ()
      _                 -> do
        err <- fsep $
          pwords "The type of main should be" ++
          [prettyTCM io] ++ pwords " A, for some A. The given type is" ++ [prettyTCM ty]
        typeError $ GenericError $ show err

-- | Check that the main function has type IO a, for some a.
checkTypeOfMain :: QName -> Type -> TCM [HS.Decl] -> TCM [HS.Decl]
checkTypeOfMain q ty ret
  | show (nameConcrete $ qnameName q) /= "main" = ret
  | otherwise = do
    Def io _ <- ignoreSharing <$> primIO
    ty <- normalise ty
    case ignoreSharing $ unEl ty of
      Def d _ | d == io -> (mainAlias :) <$> ret
      _                 -> do
        err <- fsep $
          pwords "The type of main should be" ++
          [prettyTCM io] ++ pwords " A, for some A. The given type is" ++ [prettyTCM ty]
        typeError $ GenericError $ show err
    mainAlias = HS.FunBind [HS.Match mainLHS [] mainRHS emptyBinds ]
    mainLHS   = HS.Ident "main"
    mainRHS   = HS.UnGuardedRhs $ HS.Var $ HS.UnQual $ unqhname "d" q

treelessPrimName :: TPrim -> String
treelessPrimName p =
  case p of
    PQuot -> "quotInt"
    PRem  -> "remInt"
    PSub  -> "subInt"
    PAdd  -> "addInt"
    PMul  -> "mulInt"
    PGeq  -> "geqInt"
    PLt   -> "ltInt"
    PEqI  -> "eqInt"
    PEqF  -> "eqFloat"
    -- MAlonzo uses literal patterns, so we don't need equality for the other primitive types
    PEqC  -> __IMPOSSIBLE__
    PEqS  -> __IMPOSSIBLE__
    PEqQ  -> __IMPOSSIBLE__
    PSeq  -> "seq"
    -- primitives only used by GuardsToPrims transformation, which MAlonzo doesn't use
    PIf   -> __IMPOSSIBLE__

-- Haskell modules to be imported for BUILT-INs
importsForPrim :: TCM [HS.ModuleName]
importsForPrim =
  fmap (++ [HS.ModuleName "Data.Text"]) $
  xForPrim $
  L.map (\(s, ms) -> (s, return (L.map HS.ModuleName ms))) $
  [ "CHAR"              |-> ["Data.Char"]
  , "primIsAlpha"       |-> ["Data.Char"]
  , "primIsAscii"       |-> ["Data.Char"]
  , "primIsDigit"       |-> ["Data.Char"]
  , "primIsHexDigit"    |-> ["Data.Char"]
  , "primIsLatin1"      |-> ["Data.Char"]
  , "primIsLower"       |-> ["Data.Char"]
  , "primIsPrint"       |-> ["Data.Char"]
  , "primIsSpace"       |-> ["Data.Char"]
  , "primToLower"       |-> ["Data.Char"]
  , "primToUpper"       |-> ["Data.Char"]
  where (|->) = (,)


xForPrim :: [(String, TCM [a])] -> TCM [a]
xForPrim table = do
  qs <- HMap.keys <$> curDefs
  bs <- toList <$> gets stBuiltinThings
  let getName (Builtin (Def q _))    = q
      getName (Builtin (Con q _ _))  = conName q
      getName (Builtin (Shared p))   = getName (Builtin $ derefPtr p)
      getName (Builtin (Lam _ b))    = getName (Builtin $ unAbs b)
      getName (Builtin _)            = __IMPOSSIBLE__
      getName (Prim (PrimFun q _ _)) = q
  concat <$> sequence [ maybe (return []) id $ L.lookup s table
                        | (s, def) <- bs, getName def `elem` qs ]

-- Definition bodies for primitive functions
primBody :: String -> TCM HS.Exp
primBody s = maybe unimplemented (either (hsVarUQ . HS.Ident) id <$>) $
             L.lookup s $
  -- Integer functions
    "primIntegerPlus"    |-> binAsis "(+)" "Integer"
  , "primIntegerMinus"   |-> binAsis "(-)" "Integer"
  , "primIntegerTimes"   |-> binAsis "(*)" "Integer"
  , "primIntegerDiv"     |-> binAsis "div" "Integer"
  , "primIntegerMod"     |-> binAsis "mod" "Integer"
  , "primIntegerEquality"|-> rel "(==)" "Integer"
  , "primIntegerLess"    |-> rel "(<)"  "Integer"
  , "primIntegerAbs"     |-> return "(abs :: Integer -> Integer)"
  , "primNatToInteger"   |-> return "(id :: Integer -> Integer)"
  , "primShowInteger"    |-> return "(Data.Text.pack . show :: Integer -> Data.Text.Text)"

  -- Levels
  , "primLevelZero"   |-> return "()"
  , "primLevelSuc"    |-> return "(\\ _ -> ())"
  , "primLevelMax"    |-> return "(\\ _ _ -> ())"

  -- Natural number functions
  , "primNatPlus"      |-> binNat "(+)"
  , "primNatMinus"     |-> binNat "(\\ x y -> max 0 (x - y))"
  , "primNatTimes"     |-> binNat "(*)"
  , "primNatDivSucAux" |-> binNat4 "(\\ k m n j -> k + div (max 0 $ n + m - j) (m + 1))"
  , "primNatModSucAux" |-> binNat4 "(\\ k m n j -> if n > j then mod (n - j - 1) (m + 1) else (k + n))"
  , "primNatEquality"  |-> relNat "(==)"
  , "primNatLess"      |-> relNat "(<)"

  -- Floating point functions
  , "primNatToFloat"        |-> return "(fromIntegral :: Integer -> Double)"
  , "primFloatPlus"         |-> return "((+)          :: Double -> Double -> Double)"
  , "primFloatMinus"        |-> return "((-)          :: Double -> Double -> Double)"
  , "primFloatTimes"        |-> return "((*)          :: Double -> Double -> Double)"
  , "primFloatNegate"       |-> return "(negate       :: Double -> Double)"
  , "primFloatDiv"          |-> return "((/)          :: Double -> Double -> Double)"
  -- ASR (2016-09-14). We use bitwise equality for comparing Double
  -- because Haskell's Eq, which equates 0.0 and -0.0, allows to prove
  -- a contradiction (see Issue #2169).
  , "primFloatEquality"     |-> return "MAlonzo.RTE.eqFloat"
  , "primFloatNumericalEquality" |-> return "MAlonzo.RTE.eqNumFloat"
  , "primFloatNumericalLess" |-> return "MAlonzo.RTE.ltNumFloat"
  , "primFloatSqrt"         |-> return "(sqrt :: Double -> Double)"
  , "primRound"             |-> return "(round :: Double -> Integer)"
  , "primFloor"             |-> return "(floor :: Double -> Integer)"
  , "primCeiling"           |-> return "(ceiling :: Double -> Integer)"
  , "primExp"               |-> return "(exp :: Double -> Double)"
  , "primLog"               |-> return "(log :: Double -> Double)"
  , "primSin"               |-> return "(sin :: Double -> Double)"
  , "primCos"               |-> return "(cos :: Double -> Double)"
  , "primTan"               |-> return "(tan :: Double -> Double)"
  , "primASin"              |-> return "(asin :: Double -> Double)"
  , "primACos"              |-> return "(acos :: Double -> Double)"
  , "primATan"              |-> return "(atan :: Double -> Double)"
  , "primATan2"             |-> return "(atan2 :: Double -> Double -> Double)"
  , "primShowFloat"         |-> return "(Data.Text.pack . show :: Double -> Data.Text.Text)"

  -- Character functions
  , "primCharEquality"   |-> rel "(==)" "Char"
  , "primIsLower"        |-> return "Data.Char.isLower"
  , "primIsDigit"        |-> return "Data.Char.isDigit"
  , "primIsAlpha"        |-> return "Data.Char.isAlpha"
  , "primIsSpace"        |-> return "Data.Char.isSpace"
  , "primIsAscii"        |-> return "Data.Char.isAscii"
  , "primIsLatin1"       |-> return "Data.Char.isLatin1"
  , "primIsPrint"        |-> return "Data.Char.isPrint"
  , "primIsHexDigit"     |-> return "Data.Char.isHexDigit"
  , "primToUpper"        |-> return "Data.Char.toUpper"
  , "primToLower"        |-> return "Data.Char.toLower"
  , "primCharToNat" |-> return "(fromIntegral . fromEnum :: Char -> Integer)"
  , "primNatToChar" |-> return "(toEnum . fromIntegral :: Integer -> Char)"
  , "primShowChar"  |-> return "(Data.Text.pack . show :: Char -> Data.Text.Text)"

  -- String functions
  , "primStringToList"   |-> return "Data.Text.unpack"
  , "primStringFromList" |-> return "Data.Text.pack"
  , "primStringAppend"   |-> binAsis "Data.Text.append" "Data.Text.Text"
  , "primStringEquality" |-> rel "(==)" "Data.Text.Text"
  , "primShowString"     |-> return "id"

  -- Reflection
  , "primQNameEquality"   |-> rel "(==)" "MAlonzo.RTE.QName"
  , "primQNameLess"       |-> rel "(<)" "MAlonzo.RTE.QName"
  , "primShowQName"       |-> return "Data.Text.pack . MAlonzo.RTE.qnameString"
  , "primQNameFixity"     |-> return "MAlonzo.RTE.qnameFixity"
  , "primMetaEquality"    |-> rel "(==)" "Integer"
  , "primMetaLess"        |-> rel "(<)" "Integer"
  , "primShowMeta"        |-> return "\\ x -> Data.Text.pack (\"_\" ++ show (x :: Integer))"

  -- Seq
  , "primForce"      |-> return "\\ _ _ _ _ x f -> f $! x"
  , "primForceLemma" |-> return "erased"

  -- Trust me
  , ("primTrustMe"       , Right <$> do
       refl <- primRefl
       closedTerm =<< (closedTermToTreeless $ lam "a" (lam "A" (lam "x" (lam "y" refl)))))
  x |-> s = (x, Left <$> s)
  bin blt op ty from to = do
    from' <- bltQual' blt from
    to'   <- bltQual' blt to
    return $ repl [op, opty ty, from', to'] $
               "\\ x y -> <<3>> ((<<0>> :: <<1>>) (<<2>> x) (<<2>> y))"
  binNat  op = return $ repl [op] "(<<0>> :: Integer -> Integer -> Integer)"
  binNat4 op = return $ repl [op] "(<<0>> :: Integer -> Integer -> Integer -> Integer -> Integer)"
  binAsis op ty = return $ repl [op, opty ty] $ "((<<0>>) :: <<1>>)"
  rel' toTy op ty = do
    return $ repl [op, ty, toTy] $
      "(\\ x y -> (<<0>> :: <<1>> -> <<1>> -> Bool) (<<2>> x) (<<2>> y))"
  relNat op = do
    return $ repl [op] $
      "(<<0>> :: Integer -> Integer -> Bool)"
  rel op ty  = rel' "" op ty
  opty t = t ++ "->" ++ t ++ "->" ++ t
  unimplemented = typeError $ NotImplemented s

  lam x t = Lam (setHiding Hidden defaultArgInfo) (Abs x t)

noCheckCover :: QName -> TCM Bool
noCheckCover q = (||) <$> isBuiltin q builtinNat <*> isBuiltin q builtinInteger


pconName :: String -> TCM String
pconName s = toS . ignoreSharing =<< getBuiltin s where
  toS (Con q _ _) = prettyPrint <$> conhqn (conName q)
  toS (Lam _ t) = toS (unAbs t)
  toS _ = mazerror $ "pconName" ++ s

bltQual' :: String -> String -> TCM String
bltQual' b s = prettyPrint <$> bltQual b s