{-# LANGUAGE DeriveDataTypeable #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveFoldable #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveFunctor #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveTraversable #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-}
{-# LANGUAGE GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving #-}
{-# LANGUAGE StandaloneDeriving #-}

{-| Abstract names carry unique identifiers and stuff.
module Agda.Syntax.Abstract.Name
  ( module Agda.Syntax.Abstract.Name
  , IsNoName(..)
  ) where

import Control.Monad.State

import Data.Foldable (Foldable)
import Data.Traversable (Traversable)
import Data.Typeable (Typeable)
import Data.List
import Data.Function
import Data.Hashable

import Test.QuickCheck

import Agda.Syntax.Position
import Agda.Syntax.Common
import {-# SOURCE #-} Agda.Syntax.Fixity
import Agda.Syntax.Concrete.Name (IsNoName(..))
import qualified Agda.Syntax.Concrete.Name as C

import Agda.Utils.Monad
import Agda.Utils.Pretty
import Agda.Utils.Size
import Agda.Utils.Suffix

#include "undefined.h"
import Agda.Utils.Impossible

-- | A name is a unique identifier and a suggestion for a concrete name. The
--   concrete name contains the source location (if any) of the name. The
--   source location of the binding site is also recorded.
data Name = Name { nameId          :: NameId
                 , nameConcrete    :: C.Name
                 , nameBindingSite :: Range
                 , nameFixity      :: Fixity'
    deriving (Typeable)

-- | Qualified names are non-empty lists of names. Equality on qualified names
--   are just equality on the last name, i.e. the module part is just
--   for show.
-- The 'SetRange' instance for qualified names sets all individual
-- ranges (including those of the module prefix) to the given one.
data QName = QName { qnameModule :: ModuleName
                   , qnameName   :: Name
    deriving (Typeable)

-- | Something preceeded by a qualified name.
data QNamed a = QNamed
  { qname  :: QName
  , qnamed :: a
  deriving (Typeable, Functor, Foldable, Traversable)

-- | A module name is just a qualified name.
-- The 'SetRange' instance for module names sets all individual ranges
-- to the given one.
newtype ModuleName = MName { mnameToList :: [Name] }
  deriving (Eq, Ord, Typeable)

-- | Ambiguous qualified names. Used for overloaded constructors.
-- Invariant: All the names in the list must have the same concrete,
-- unqualified name.  (This implies that they all have the same 'Range').
newtype AmbiguousQName = AmbQ { unAmbQ :: [QName] }
  deriving (Eq, Typeable)

-- | A module is anonymous if the qualification path ends in an underscore.
isAnonymousModuleName :: ModuleName -> Bool
isAnonymousModuleName (MName []) = False
isAnonymousModuleName (MName ms) = isNoName $ last ms

-- | Sets the ranges of the individual names in the module name to
-- match those of the corresponding concrete names. If the concrete
-- names are fewer than the number of module name name parts, then the
-- initial name parts get the range 'noRange'.
-- @C.D.E \`withRangesOf\` [A, B]@ returns @C.D.E@ but with ranges set
-- as follows:
-- * @C@: 'noRange'.
-- * @D@: the range of @A@.
-- * @E@: the range of @B@.
-- Precondition: The number of module name name parts has to be at
-- least as large as the length of the list.

withRangesOf :: ModuleName -> [C.Name] -> ModuleName
MName ms `withRangesOf` ns = if m < n then __IMPOSSIBLE__ else MName $
      zipWith setRange (replicate (m - n) noRange ++ map getRange ns) ms
    m = length ms
    n = length ns

-- | Like 'withRangesOf', but uses the name parts (qualifier + name)
-- of the qualified name as the list of concrete names.

withRangesOfQ :: ModuleName -> C.QName -> ModuleName
m `withRangesOfQ` q = m `withRangesOf` C.qnameParts q

mnameFromList :: [Name] -> ModuleName
mnameFromList = MName

noModuleName :: ModuleName
noModuleName = mnameFromList []

-- | Make a 'Name' from some kind of string.
class MkName a where
  -- | The 'Range' sets the /definition site/ of the name, not the use site.
  mkName :: Range -> NameId -> a -> Name

  mkName_ :: NameId -> a -> Name
  mkName_ = mkName noRange

instance MkName String where
  mkName r i s = Name i (C.Name noRange (C.stringNameParts s)) r defaultFixity'

qnameToList :: QName -> [Name]
qnameToList (QName m x) = mnameToList m ++ [x]

qnameFromList :: [Name] -> QName
qnameFromList [] = __IMPOSSIBLE__
qnameFromList xs = QName (mnameFromList $ init xs) (last xs)

qnameToMName :: QName -> ModuleName
qnameToMName = mnameFromList . qnameToList

mnameToQName :: ModuleName -> QName
mnameToQName = qnameFromList . mnameToList

showQNameId :: QName -> String
showQNameId q = show ns ++ "@" ++ show m
    is = map nameId $ mnameToList (qnameModule q) ++ [qnameName q]
    ns = [ n | NameId n _ <- is ]
    m  = head [ m | NameId _ m <- is ]

-- | Turn a qualified name into a concrete name. This should only be used as a
--   fallback when looking up the right concrete name in the scope fails.
qnameToConcrete :: QName -> C.QName
qnameToConcrete (QName m x) =
  foldr C.Qual (C.QName $ nameConcrete x) $ map nameConcrete $ mnameToList m

mnameToConcrete :: ModuleName -> C.QName
mnameToConcrete (MName []) = __IMPOSSIBLE__ -- C.QName C.noName_  -- should never happen?
mnameToConcrete (MName xs) = foldr C.Qual (C.QName $ last cs) $ init cs
    cs = map nameConcrete xs

-- | Computes the 'TopLevelModuleName' corresponding to the given
-- module name, which is assumed to represent a top-level module name.
-- Precondition: The module name must be well-formed.

toTopLevelModuleName :: ModuleName -> C.TopLevelModuleName
toTopLevelModuleName (MName []) = __IMPOSSIBLE__
toTopLevelModuleName (MName ms) = C.TopLevelModuleName $ map (C.nameToRawName . nameConcrete) ms

qualifyM :: ModuleName -> ModuleName -> ModuleName
qualifyM m1 m2 = mnameFromList $ mnameToList m1 ++ mnameToList m2

qualifyQ :: ModuleName -> QName -> QName
qualifyQ m x = qnameFromList $ mnameToList m ++ qnameToList x

qualify :: ModuleName -> Name -> QName
qualify = QName

-- | Convert a 'Name' to a 'QName' (add no module name).
qualify_ :: Name -> QName
qualify_ = qualify noModuleName

-- | Is the name an operator?

isOperator :: QName -> Bool
isOperator q = C.isOperator (nameConcrete (qnameName q))

isSubModuleOf :: ModuleName -> ModuleName -> Bool
isSubModuleOf x y = xs /= ys && isPrefixOf ys xs
    xs = mnameToList x
    ys = mnameToList y

isInModule :: QName -> ModuleName -> Bool
isInModule q m = mnameToList m `isPrefixOf` qnameToList q

-- | Get the next version of the concrete name. For instance, @nextName "x" = "x₁"@.
--   The name must not be a 'NoName'.
nextName :: Name -> Name
nextName x = x { nameConcrete = C.Name noRange $ nextSuf ps }
        C.Name _ ps = nameConcrete x
        -- NoName cannot appear here
        nextSuf [C.Id s]         = [C.Id $ nextStr s]
        nextSuf [C.Id s, C.Hole] = [C.Id $ nextStr s, C.Hole]
        nextSuf (p : ps)         = p : nextSuf ps
        nextSuf []               = __IMPOSSIBLE__
        nextStr s = case suffixView s of
            (s0, suf) -> addSuffix s0 (nextSuffix suf)

-- * Important instances: Eq, Ord, Hashable
--   For the identity and comparing of names, only the 'NameId' matters!

instance Eq Name where
  (==) = (==) `on` nameId

instance Ord Name where
  compare = compare `on` nameId

instance Hashable Name where
  {-# INLINE hashWithSalt #-}
  hashWithSalt salt = hashWithSalt salt . nameId

instance Eq QName where
  (==) = (==) `on` qnameName

instance Ord QName where
  compare = compare `on` qnameName

instance Hashable QName where
  {-# INLINE hashWithSalt #-}
  hashWithSalt salt = hashWithSalt salt . qnameName

-- * IsNoName instances (checking for "_")

-- | An abstract name is empty if its concrete name is empty.
instance IsNoName Name where
  isNoName = isNoName . nameConcrete

-- * Show instances

-- deriving instance Show Name
-- deriving instance Show ModuleName
-- deriving instance Show QName
deriving instance Show a => Show (QNamed a)
deriving instance Show AmbiguousQName

-- | Only use this @show@ function in debugging!  To convert an
--   abstract 'Name' into a string use @prettyShow@.
instance Show Name where
  -- Andreas, 2014-10-02: Reverted to nice printing.
  -- Reason: I do not have time just now to properly fix the
  -- use of Show Name for pretty printing everywhere, e.g. in
  -- the Epic backend.  But I want to push the fix for Issue 836 now.
  show = prettyShow

-- | Only use this @show@ function in debugging!  To convert an
--   abstract 'ModuleName' into a string use @prettyShow@.
instance Show ModuleName where
  show = prettyShow

-- | Only use this @show@ function in debugging!  To convert an
--   abstract 'QName' into a string use @prettyShow@.
instance Show QName where
  show = prettyShow

-- * Pretty instances

instance Pretty Name where
  pretty = pretty . nameConcrete

instance Pretty ModuleName where
  pretty = hcat . punctuate (text ".") . map pretty . mnameToList

instance Pretty QName where
  pretty = hcat . punctuate (text ".") . map pretty . qnameToList

instance Pretty AmbiguousQName where
  pretty (AmbQ qs) = hcat $ punctuate (text " | ") $ map pretty qs

instance Pretty a => Pretty (QNamed a) where
  pretty (QNamed a b) = pretty a <> text "." <> pretty b

-- * Range instances

-- ** HasRange

instance HasRange Name where
  getRange = getRange . nameConcrete

instance HasRange ModuleName where
  getRange (MName []) = noRange
  getRange (MName xs) = getRange xs

instance HasRange QName where
  getRange q = getRange (qnameModule q, qnameName q)

-- | The range of an @AmbiguousQName@ is the range of any of its
--   disambiguations (they are the same concrete name).
instance HasRange AmbiguousQName where
  getRange (AmbQ [])    = noRange
  getRange (AmbQ (c:_)) = getRange c

-- ** SetRange

instance SetRange Name where
  setRange r x = x { nameConcrete = setRange r $ nameConcrete x }

instance SetRange QName where
  setRange r q = q { qnameModule = setRange r $ qnameModule q
                   , qnameName   = setRange r $ qnameName   q

instance SetRange ModuleName where
  setRange r (MName ns) = MName (map (setRange r) ns)

-- ** KillRange

instance KillRange Name where
  killRange (Name a b c d) = killRange4 Name a b c d
  -- killRange x = x { nameConcrete = killRange $ nameConcrete x
  --                 -- Andreas, 2014-03-30
  --                 -- An experiment: what happens if we preserve
  --                 -- the range of the binding site, but kill all
  --                 -- other ranges before serialization?
  --                 -- Andreas, Makoto, 2014-10-18 AIM XX
  --                 -- Kill all ranges in signature, including nameBindingSite.
  --                 , nameBindingSite = noRange
  --                 }

instance KillRange ModuleName where
  killRange (MName xs) = MName $ killRange xs

instance KillRange QName where
  killRange (QName a b) = killRange2 QName a b
  -- killRange q = q { qnameModule = killRange $ qnameModule q
  --                 , qnameName   = killRange $ qnameName   q
  --                 }

instance KillRange AmbiguousQName where
  killRange (AmbQ xs) = AmbQ $ killRange xs

-- * Sized instances

instance Sized QName where
  size = size . qnameToList

instance Sized ModuleName where
  size = size . mnameToList

-- * Arbitrary instances

-- | The generated names all have the same 'Fixity'': 'noFixity''.

instance Arbitrary Name where
  arbitrary =
    Name <$> arbitrary <*> arbitrary <*> arbitrary
         <*> return noFixity'

instance CoArbitrary Name where
  coarbitrary = coarbitrary . nameId

instance Arbitrary QName where
  arbitrary = do
    ms <- arbitrary
    n  <- arbitrary
    return (QName (MName ms) n)

instance CoArbitrary QName where
  coarbitrary = coarbitrary . qnameName