{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-}

-- | Wrapper for Control.Monad.Except from the mtl package

module Agda.Utils.Except
  ( Error(noMsg, strMsg)
  , ExceptT
  , mkExceptT
  , MonadError(catchError, throwError)
  , runExceptT
  ) where

#if MIN_VERSION_mtl(2,2,1)
-- New mtl, reexport ExceptT, define class Error for backward compat.

import Control.Monad.Except

-- | We cannot define data constructors synonymous, so we define the
-- @mkExceptT@ function to be used instead of the data constructor
-- @ExceptT@.
mkExceptT :: m (Either e a) -> ExceptT e m a
mkExceptT = ExceptT

-- From Control.Monad.Trans.Error of transformers

class Error a where
  noMsg  :: a
  strMsg :: String -> a

  noMsg    = strMsg ""
  strMsg _ = noMsg

-- | A string can be thrown as an error.
instance Error String where
    strMsg = id

-- Old mtl, need to define ExceptT from ErrorT

import Control.Monad.Error

type ExceptT = ErrorT

-- | We cannot define data constructors synonymous, so we define the
-- @mkExceptT@ function to be used instead of the data constructor
-- @ErrorT@.
mkExceptT :: m (Either e a) -> ExceptT e m a
mkExceptT = ErrorT

-- | 'runExcept' function using mtl 2.1.*.
runExceptT ::  ExceptT e m a -> m (Either e a)
runExceptT = runErrorT
