-- | Convert from Agda's internal representation to our auxiliary AST.
module Agda.Compiler.Epic.FromAgda where

import Control.Applicative
import Control.Monad
import Control.Monad.State
import Data.Char
import qualified Data.Map as Map
import Data.Maybe

import Agda.Syntax.Common
import Agda.Syntax.Internal hiding (Term(..))
import qualified Agda.Syntax.Internal as T
import qualified Agda.Syntax.Literal  as TL
import qualified Agda.TypeChecking.CompiledClause as CC
import Agda.TypeChecking.Monad
import Agda.TypeChecking.Level (reallyUnLevelView)
import qualified Agda.TypeChecking.Substitute as S
import Agda.TypeChecking.Pretty
import Agda.Utils.List

import Agda.Compiler.Epic.AuxAST
import Agda.Compiler.Epic.CompileState
import Agda.Compiler.Epic.Interface
import Agda.Compiler.Epic.Static

import Agda.Compiler.Epic.Epic

#include "undefined.h"
import Agda.Utils.Impossible

-- | Convert from Agda's internal representation to our auxiliary AST.
fromAgda :: Maybe T.Term -> [(QName, Definition)] -> Compile TCM [Fun]
fromAgda msharp defs = catMaybes <$> mapM (translateDefn msharp) defs

-- | Translate an Agda definition to an Epic function where applicable
translateDefn :: Maybe T.Term -> (QName, Definition) -> Compile TCM (Maybe Fun)
translateDefn msharp (n, defini) =
  let n' = unqname n
      epDef = compiledEpic $ defCompiledRep defini
  in case theDef defini of
    d@(Datatype {}) -> do -- become functions returning unit
        vars <- replicateM (dataPars d + dataIxs d) newName
        return . return $ Fun True n' (Just n) ("datatype: " ++ show n) vars UNIT
    f@(Function{}) -> do
        let projArgs = projectionArgs f
            cc       = fromMaybe __IMPOSSIBLE__ $ funCompiled f
        ccs  <- reverseCCBody projArgs <$> normaliseStatic cc
        let len   = (+ projArgs) . length . clausePats . head .  funClauses $ f
            toEta = arity (defType defini) - len
        -- forcing <- lift $ gets (optForcing . stPersistentOptions)
        lift $ reportSDoc "epic.fromagda" 5 $ text "compiling fun:" <+> prettyTCM n
        lift $ reportSDoc "epic.fromagda" 5 $ text "len:" <+> (text . show) len
        lift $ reportSDoc "epic.fromagda" 5 $ text "pats:" <+> (text . show) (clausePats
                    $ head $ funClauses f)
        modify $ \s -> s {curFun = show n}
        lift $ reportSDoc "epic.fromagda" 5 $ text "ccs: " <+> (text . show) ccs
        res <- return <$> (etaExpand toEta =<< compileClauses n len ccs)
        pres <- case res of
          Nothing -> return Nothing
          Just  c -> return <$> prettyEpicFun c
        lift $ reportSDoc "" 5 $ text $ show pres -- (fmap prettyEpicFun res)
        return res
    Constructor{} -> do -- become functions returning a constructor with their tag
        arit <- lift $ constructorArity n
        tag   <- getConstrTag n
        -- Sharp has to use the primSharp function from AgdaPrelude.e
        case msharp of
          Just (T.Def sharp []) | sharp == n -> return <$> mkFun n n' "primSharp" 3
          _    -> return <$> mkCon n tag arit
    r@(Record{}) -> do
        vars <- replicateM (recPars r) newName
        return . return $ Fun True n' (Just n) ("record: " ++ show n) vars UNIT
    a@(Axiom{}) -> do -- Axioms get their code from COMPILED_EPIC pragmas
        case epDef of
            Nothing -> return . return $ EpicFun n' (Just n) ("AXIOM_UNDEFINED: " ++ show n)
                $ "() -> Any = lazy(error \"Axiom " ++ show n ++ " used but has no computation\")"
            Just x  -> return . return $ EpicFun n' (Just n) ("COMPILED_EPIC: " ++ show n) x
    p@(Primitive{}) -> do -- Primitives use primitive functions from AgdaPrelude.e of the same name.
                          -- Hopefully they are defined!
      let ar = arity $ defType defini
      return <$> mkFun n n' (primName p) ar
    mkFun q = mkFunGen q apps ("primitive: " ++)
    mkCon q tag ari = do
        let name = unqname q
        mkFunGen q (flip Con q) (const $ "constructor: " ++ show q) name tag ari
    mkFunGen :: QName                    -- ^ Original name
            -> (name -> [Expr] -> Expr) -- ^ combinator
            -> (name -> String)         -- ^ make comment
            -> Var                      -- ^ Name of the function
            -> name                     -- ^ Primitive function name
            -> Int                      -- ^ Arity ofthe function
            -> Compile TCM Fun            -- ^ Result?
    mkFunGen qn comb sh name primname arit = do
        vars <- replicateM arit newName
        return $ Fun True name (Just qn) (sh primname) vars (comb primname (map Var vars))

    etaExpand :: Int -> Fun -> Compile TCM Fun
    etaExpand num fun = return fun -- do
{-        names <- replicateM num newName
        return $ fun
            { funExpr = funExpr fun @@ names
            , funArgs = funArgs fun ++ names
    (@@) :: Expr -> [Var] -> Expr
    e @@ [] = e
    e @@ vs = let ts = map Var vs in case e of
      Var var -> apps var ts
      Lam var expr -> case vs of
          v:vs' -> subst var v expr @@ vs'
          []    -> __IMPOSSIBLE__
      Con tag qName es -> Con tag qName (es ++ ts)
      App var es       -> App var (es ++ ts)
      Case expr bs     -> Case expr (map (flip appBranch vs) bs)
      If ea eb ec      -> If ea (eb @@ vs) (ec @@ vs)
      Let var el e'    -> lett var el (e' @@ vs)
      Lazy e'          -> Lazy (e' @@ vs)
      Lit _lit         -> IMPOSSIBLE -- Right?
      UNIT             -> IMPOSSIBLE

    appBranch :: Branch -> [Var] -> Branch
    appBranch b vs = b {brExpr = brExpr b @@ vs}

reverseCCBody :: Int -> CC.CompiledClauses -> CC.CompiledClauses
reverseCCBody c cc = case cc of
    CC.Case n (CC.Branches cbr lbr cabr) -> CC.Case (c+n)
        $ CC.Branches (Map.map (fmap $ reverseCCBody c) cbr)
          (Map.map (reverseCCBody c) lbr)
          (fmap  (reverseCCBody c) cabr)
    CC.Done i t -> CC.Done i (S.applySubst
                                (S.parallelS $ map (flip T.Var []) $
                                   reverse $ take (length i) [c..])
    CC.Fail     -> CC.Fail

-- | Translate from Agda's desugared pattern matching (CompiledClauses) to our AuxAST.
--   This is all done by magic. It uses 'substTerm' to translate the actual
--   terms when the cases have been gone through.
--   The case expressions that we get use de Bruijn indices that change after
--   each case in the following way.
--   Say we have this pattern:
-- > f (X x y) (Y z) = term
--   Initially, the variables have these indexes:
-- > f 0@(X x y) 1@(Y z) = term
--   The first case will be on @0@, and the variables bound inside the @X@
--   pattern will replace the outer index, so we get something like this:
-- > f 0 2@(Y z) = case 0 of X 0 1 -> term
--   Notice how @(Y z)@ now has index @2@.
--   Then the second pattern is desugared in the same way:
-- > f 0 2 = case 0 of X 0 1 -> case 2 of Y 2 -> term
--   This replacement is what is done using the replaceAt function.
--   CompiledClauses also have default branches for when all branches fail (even
--   inner branches), the catchAllBranch. Epic does not support this, so
--   we have to add the catchAllBranch to each inner case (here we are calling
--   it omniDefault). To avoid code duplication it is first bound by a let
--   expression.
compileClauses :: QName
               -> Int -- ^ Number of arguments in the definition
               -> CC.CompiledClauses -> Compile TCM Fun
compileClauses name nargs c = do
    let n' = unqname name
    vars <- replicateM nargs newName
    e    <- compileClauses' vars Nothing c
    return $ Fun False n' (Just name) ("function: " ++ show name) vars e
    compileClauses' :: [Var] -> Maybe Var -> CC.CompiledClauses -> Compile TCM Expr
    compileClauses' env omniDefault cc = case cc of
        CC.Case n nc -> case length env <= n of
           True -> __IMPOSSIBLE__
           False -> case CC.catchAllBranch nc of
            Nothing -> Case (Var (fromMaybe __IMPOSSIBLE__ $ env !!! n)) <$>
                         compileCase env omniDefault n nc
            Just de -> do
                def <- compileClauses' env omniDefault de
                bindExpr (lazy def) $ \ var ->
                  Case (Var (fromMaybe __IMPOSSIBLE__ $ env !!! n)) <$>
                    compileCase env (Just var) n nc
        CC.Done _ t -> substTerm ({- reverse -} env) t
        CC.Fail     -> return IMPOSSIBLE

    compileCase :: [Var] -> Maybe Var -> Int -> CC.Case CC.CompiledClauses
                -> Compile TCM [Branch]
    compileCase env omniDefault casedvar nc = do
        cb <- if Map.null (CC.conBranches nc)
           -- Lit branch
           then forM (Map.toList (CC.litBranches nc)) $ \(l, cc) -> do
               cc' <- compileClauses' (replaceAt casedvar env []) omniDefault cc
               case l of
                   TL.LitChar _ cha -> return $ BrInt (ord cha) cc'
                   -- TODO: Handle other literals
                   _ -> epicError $ "case on literal not supported: " ++ show l
           -- Con branch
           else forM (Map.toList (CC.conBranches nc)) $ \(b, CC.WithArity ar cc) -> do
               arit  <- getConArity b -- Andreas, 2012-10-12: is the constructor arity @ar@ from Agda the same as the one from the Epic backen?
               tag  <- getConstrTag b
               vars <- replicateM arit newName
               cc'  <- compileClauses' (replaceAt casedvar env vars) omniDefault cc
               return $ Branch tag b vars cc'

        case omniDefault of
            Nothing -> return cb
            Just cc -> do
              return $ cb ++ [Default (Var cc)]

-- | Translate the actual Agda terms, with an environment of all the bound variables
--   from patternmatching. Agda terms are in de Bruijn so we just check the new
--   names in the position.
substTerm :: [Var] -> T.Term -> Compile TCM Expr
substTerm env term = case T.unSpine term of
    T.Var ind es -> do
      let args = fromMaybe __IMPOSSIBLE__ $ allApplyElims es
      case length env <= ind of
        True  -> __IMPOSSIBLE__
        False -> apps (fromMaybe __IMPOSSIBLE__ $ env !!! ind) <$>
                   mapM (substTerm env . unArg) args
    T.Lam _ (Abs _ te) -> do
       name <- newName
       Lam name <$> substTerm (name : env) te
    T.Lam _ (NoAbs _ te) -> do
       name <- newName
       Lam name <$> substTerm env te
    T.Lit l -> Lit <$> substLit l
    T.Level l -> substTerm env =<< lift (reallyUnLevelView l)
    T.Def q es -> do
      let args = fromMaybe __IMPOSSIBLE__ $ allApplyElims es
      let name = unqname q
      del <- getDelayed q
      def <- theDef <$> lift (getConstInfo q)
      let nr = projectionArgs def
      f <- apps name . (replicate nr UNIT ++) <$> mapM (substTerm env . unArg) args
      return $ case del of
        True  -> Lazy f
        False -> f
    T.Con c args -> do
        let con = unqname $ conName c
        apps con <$> mapM (substTerm env . unArg) args
    T.Shared p -> substTerm env $ derefPtr p
    T.Pi _ _ -> return UNIT
    T.Sort _  -> return UNIT
    T.MetaV _ _ -> return UNIT
    T.DontCare _ -> return UNIT
    T.ExtLam{} -> __IMPOSSIBLE__

-- | Translate Agda literals to our AUX definition
substLit :: TL.Literal -> Compile TCM Lit
substLit lit = case lit of
  TL.LitInt    _ i -> return $ LInt i
  TL.LitString _ s -> return $ LString s
  TL.LitChar   _ c -> return $ LChar c
  TL.LitFloat  _ f -> return $ LFloat f
  _ -> epicError $ "literal not supported: " ++ show lit