{-# LANGUAGE CPP                        #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances          #-}
{-# LANGUAGE GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables        #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeSynonymInstances       #-}
{-# LANGUAGE UndecidableInstances       #-}

{-| Primitive functions, such as addition on builtin integers.
module Agda.TypeChecking.Primitive where

import Control.Monad
import Control.Applicative

import Data.Char
import Data.Map (Map)
import qualified Data.Map as Map
import Data.Maybe

import Agda.Interaction.Options

import Agda.Syntax.Position
import Agda.Syntax.Common hiding (Nat)
import Agda.Syntax.Internal as I
import Agda.Syntax.Literal
import Agda.Syntax.Concrete.Pretty ()

import Agda.TypeChecking.Monad hiding (getConstInfo, typeOfConst)
import qualified Agda.TypeChecking.Monad as TCM
import Agda.TypeChecking.Monad.Builtin
import Agda.TypeChecking.Reduce
import Agda.TypeChecking.Reduce.Monad
import Agda.TypeChecking.Substitute
import Agda.TypeChecking.Errors
import Agda.TypeChecking.Level
import Agda.TypeChecking.Quote (QuotingKit, quoteTermWithKit, quoteTypeWithKit, quoteClauseWithKit, quotingKit)
import Agda.TypeChecking.Pretty ()  -- instances only

import Agda.Utils.Monad
import Agda.Utils.Pretty (pretty)
import Agda.Utils.String ( Str(Str), unStr )

#include "undefined.h"
import Agda.Utils.Impossible
import Debug.Trace

-- * Primitive functions

data PrimitiveImpl = PrimImpl Type PrimFun

-- Haskell type to Agda type

newtype Nat = Nat { unNat :: Integer }
    deriving (Eq, Ord, Num, Enum, Real)

-- TODO: ghc-7.7 bug: deriving Integral causes an unnecessary toInteger
-- warning. Once 7.8 is out check if we can go back to deriving.
instance Integral Nat where
  toInteger = unNat
  quotRem (Nat a) (Nat b) = (Nat q, Nat r)
    where (q, r) = quotRem a b

newtype Lvl = Lvl { unLvl :: Integer }
  deriving (Eq, Ord)

instance Show Lvl where
  show = show . unLvl

instance Show Nat where
    show = show . unNat

class PrimType a where
    primType :: a -> TCM Type

instance (PrimType a, PrimType b) => PrimTerm (a -> b) where
    primTerm _ = unEl <$> (primType (undefined :: a) --> primType (undefined :: b))

instance PrimTerm a => PrimType a where
    primType _ = el $ primTerm (undefined :: a)

class    PrimTerm a       where primTerm :: a -> TCM Term
instance PrimTerm Integer where primTerm _ = primInteger
instance PrimTerm Bool    where primTerm _ = primBool
instance PrimTerm Char    where primTerm _ = primChar
instance PrimTerm Double  where primTerm _ = primFloat
instance PrimTerm Str     where primTerm _ = primString
instance PrimTerm Nat     where primTerm _ = primNat
instance PrimTerm Lvl     where primTerm _ = primLevel
instance PrimTerm QName   where primTerm _ = primQName
instance PrimTerm Type    where primTerm _ = primAgdaType

instance PrimTerm a => PrimTerm [a] where
    primTerm _ = list (primTerm (undefined :: a))

instance PrimTerm a => PrimTerm (IO a) where
    primTerm _ = io (primTerm (undefined :: a))

-- From Agda term to Haskell value

class ToTerm a where
    toTerm  :: TCM (a -> Term)
    toTermR :: TCM (a -> ReduceM Term)

    toTermR = (pure .) <$> toTerm

instance ToTerm Integer where toTerm = return $ Lit . LitInt noRange
instance ToTerm Nat     where toTerm = return $ Lit . LitInt noRange . unNat
instance ToTerm Lvl     where toTerm = return $ Level . Max . (:[]) . ClosedLevel . unLvl
instance ToTerm Double  where toTerm = return $ Lit . LitFloat noRange
instance ToTerm Char    where toTerm = return $ Lit . LitChar noRange
instance ToTerm Str     where toTerm = return $ Lit . LitString noRange . unStr
instance ToTerm QName   where toTerm = return $ Lit . LitQName noRange

instance ToTerm Bool where
    toTerm = do
        true  <- primTrue
        false <- primFalse
        return $ \b -> if b then true else false

instance ToTerm Term where
    toTerm  = do kit <- quotingKit; runReduceF (quoteTermWithKit kit)
    toTermR = do kit <- quotingKit; return (quoteTermWithKit kit)

instance ToTerm Type where
    toTerm  = do kit <- quotingKit; runReduceF (quoteTypeWithKit kit)
    toTermR = do kit <- quotingKit; return (quoteTypeWithKit kit)

instance ToTerm I.ArgInfo where
  toTerm = do
    info <- primArgArgInfo
    vis  <- primVisible
    hid  <- primHidden
    ins  <- primInstance
    rel  <- primRelevant
    irr  <- primIrrelevant
    return $ \(ArgInfo h r _) ->
      apply info $ map defaultArg
      [ case h of
          NotHidden -> vis
          Hidden    -> hid
          Instance  -> ins
      , case r of
          Relevant   -> rel
          Irrelevant -> irr
          NonStrict  -> rel
          Forced     -> irr
          UnusedArg  -> irr

-- | @buildList A ts@ builds a list of type @List A@. Assumes that the terms
--   @ts@ all have type @A@.
buildList :: TCM ([Term] -> Term)
buildList = do
    nil'  <- primNil
    cons' <- primCons
    let nil       = nil'
        cons x xs = cons' `apply` [defaultArg x, defaultArg xs]
    return $ foldr cons nil

instance (PrimTerm a, ToTerm a) => ToTerm [a] where
    toTerm = do
        mkList <- buildList
        fromA  <- toTerm
        return $ mkList . map fromA

-- From Haskell value to Agda term

type FromTermFunction a = I.Arg Term -> ReduceM (Reduced (MaybeReduced (I.Arg Term)) a)

class FromTerm a where
    fromTerm :: TCM (FromTermFunction a)

instance FromTerm Integer where
    fromTerm = fromLiteral $ \l -> case l of
        LitInt _ n -> Just n
        _          -> Nothing

instance FromTerm Nat where
    fromTerm = fromLiteral $ \l -> case l of
        LitInt _ n -> Just $ Nat n
        _          -> Nothing

instance FromTerm Lvl where
    fromTerm = fromReducedTerm $ \l -> case l of
        Level (Max [ClosedLevel n]) -> Just $ Lvl n
        _                           -> Nothing

instance FromTerm Double where
    fromTerm = fromLiteral $ \l -> case l of
        LitFloat _ x -> Just x
        _            -> Nothing

instance FromTerm Char where
    fromTerm = fromLiteral $ \l -> case l of
        LitChar _ c -> Just c
        _           -> Nothing

instance FromTerm Str where
    fromTerm = fromLiteral $ \l -> case l of
        LitString _ s -> Just $ Str s
        _             -> Nothing

instance FromTerm QName where
    fromTerm = fromLiteral $ \l -> case l of
        LitQName _ x -> Just x
        _             -> Nothing

instance FromTerm Bool where
    fromTerm = do
        true  <- primTrue
        false <- primFalse
        fromReducedTerm $ \t -> case t of
            _   | t === true  -> Just True
                | t === false -> Just False
                | otherwise   -> Nothing
            Def x [] === Def y []   = x == y
            Con x [] === Con y []   = x == y
            Var n [] === Var m []   = n == m
            _        === _          = False

instance (ToTerm a, FromTerm a) => FromTerm [a] where
  fromTerm = do
    nil'  <- primNil
    cons' <- primCons
    nil   <- isCon nil'
    cons  <- isCon cons'
    toA   <- fromTerm
    fromA <- toTerm
    return $ mkList nil cons toA fromA
      isCon (Lam _ b)  = isCon $ absBody b
      isCon (Con c _)  = return c
      isCon (Shared p) = __IMPOSSIBLE__ -- isCon (derefPtr p)
      isCon v          = __IMPOSSIBLE__

      mkList nil cons toA fromA t = do
        b <- reduceB' t
        let t = ignoreBlocking b
        let arg = Arg (ArgInfo { argInfoHiding = getHiding t
                               , argInfoRelevance = getRelevance t
                               , argInfoColors = argColors t
        case unArg t of
          Con c []
            | c == nil  -> return $ YesReduction NoSimplification []
          Con c [x,xs]
            | c == cons ->
              redBind (toA x)
                  (\x' -> notReduced $ arg $ Con c [ignoreReduced x',xs]) $ \y ->
                  (mkList nil cons toA fromA xs)
                  (fmap $ \xs' -> arg $ Con c [defaultArg $ fromA y, xs']) $ \ys ->
              redReturn (y : ys)
          _ -> return $ NoReduction (reduced b)

-- | Conceptually: @redBind m f k = either (return . Left . f) k =<< m@
redBind :: ReduceM (Reduced a a') -> (a -> b) ->
             (a' -> ReduceM (Reduced b b')) -> ReduceM (Reduced b b')
redBind ma f k = do
    r <- ma
    case r of
        NoReduction x    -> return $ NoReduction $ f x
        YesReduction _ y -> k y

redReturn :: a -> ReduceM (Reduced a' a)
redReturn = return . YesReduction YesSimplification

fromReducedTerm :: (Term -> Maybe a) -> TCM (FromTermFunction a)
fromReducedTerm f = return $ \t -> do
    b <- reduceB' t
    case f $ ignoreSharing $ unArg (ignoreBlocking b) of
        Just x  -> return $ YesReduction NoSimplification x
        Nothing -> return $ NoReduction (reduced b)

fromLiteral :: (Literal -> Maybe a) -> TCM (FromTermFunction a)
fromLiteral f = fromReducedTerm $ \t -> case t of
    Lit lit -> f lit
    _       -> Nothing

-- trustMe : {a : Level} {A : Set a} {x y : A} -> x ≡ y
primTrustMe :: TCM PrimitiveImpl
primTrustMe = do
  clo <- commandLineOptions
  when (optSafe clo) (typeError SafeFlagPrimTrustMe)
  t    <- hPi "a" (el primLevel) $
          hPi "A" (return $ sort $ varSort 0) $
          hPi "x" (El (varSort 1) <$> varM 0) $
          hPi "y" (El (varSort 2) <$> varM 1) $
          El (varSort 3) <$>
            primEquality <#> varM 3 <#> varM 2 <@> varM 1 <@> varM 0
  Con rf [] <- ignoreSharing <$> primRefl
  n         <- conPars . theDef <$> getConInfo rf
  let refl x | n == 2    = Con rf [setRelevance Forced $ hide $ defaultArg x]
             | n == 3    = Con rf []
             | otherwise = __IMPOSSIBLE__
  return $ PrimImpl t $ PrimFun __IMPOSSIBLE__ 4 $ \ts ->
      case ts of
        [a, t, u, v] -> do
            -- Andreas, 2013-07-22.
            -- Note that we cannot call the conversion checker here,
            -- because 'reduce' might be called in a context where
            -- some bound variables do not have a type (just 'Prop),
            -- and the conversion checker for eliminations does not
            -- like this.
            -- We can only do untyped equality, e.g., by normalisation.
            (u', v') <- normalise' (u, v)
            if u' == v' then redReturn (refl $ unArg u) else
              return (NoReduction $ map notReduced [a, t, u, v])
{- OLD:

              -- BAD:
              noConstraints $
                equalTerm (El (Type $ lvlView $ unArg a) (unArg t)) (unArg u) (unArg v)
              redReturn (refl $ unArg u)
            `catchError` \_ -> return (NoReduction $ map notReduced [a, t, u, v])
        _ -> __IMPOSSIBLE__

primQNameType :: TCM PrimitiveImpl
primQNameType = mkPrimFun1TCM (el primQName --> el primAgdaType)
                              (\q -> normalise' . defType =<< getConstInfo q)
  -- Note: gets the top-level type! All bounds variables have been lifted.

primQNameDefinition :: TCM PrimitiveImpl
primQNameDefinition = do
  kit                           <- quotingKit
  agdaFunDef                    <- primAgdaFunDef
  agdaFunDefCon                 <- primAgdaFunDefCon
  agdaDefinitionFunDef          <- primAgdaDefinitionFunDef
  agdaDefinitionDataDef         <- primAgdaDefinitionDataDef
  agdaDefinitionRecordDef       <- primAgdaDefinitionRecordDef
  agdaDefinitionPostulate       <- primAgdaDefinitionPostulate
  agdaDefinitionPrimitive       <- primAgdaDefinitionPrimitive
  agdaDefinitionDataConstructor <- primAgdaDefinitionDataConstructor
  list        <- buildList

  let qType        = quoteTypeWithKit kit
      qClause      = quoteClauseWithKit kit
      defapp f xs  = apply f . map defaultArg <$> sequence xs
      qFunDef t cs = defapp agdaFunDefCon [qType t, list <$> mapM qClause cs]
      qQName       = Lit . LitQName noRange
      con qn = do
        def <- getConstInfo qn
        case theDef def of
          Function{funClauses = cs}
                        -> defapp agdaDefinitionFunDef    [qFunDef (defType def) cs]
          Datatype{}    -> defapp agdaDefinitionDataDef   [pure $ qQName qn]
          Record{}      -> defapp agdaDefinitionRecordDef [pure $ qQName qn]
          Axiom{}       -> defapp agdaDefinitionPostulate []
          Primitive{}   -> defapp agdaDefinitionPrimitive []
          Constructor{} -> defapp agdaDefinitionDataConstructor []

  unquoteQName <- fromTerm
  t <- el primQName --> el primAgdaDefinition
  return $ PrimImpl t $ PrimFun __IMPOSSIBLE__ 1 $ \ts ->
    case ts of
      [v] ->
        redBind (unquoteQName v)
            (\v' -> [v']) $ \x ->
        redReturn =<< con x
      _ -> __IMPOSSIBLE__

primDataConstructors :: TCM PrimitiveImpl
primDataConstructors =
  mkPrimFun1TCM (el primAgdaDataDef --> el (list primQName))
                (fmap (dataCons . theDef) . getConstInfo)

mkPrimLevelZero :: TCM PrimitiveImpl
mkPrimLevelZero = do
  t <- primType (undefined :: Lvl)
  return $ PrimImpl t $ PrimFun __IMPOSSIBLE__ 0 $ \_ -> redReturn $ Level $ Max []

mkPrimLevelSuc :: TCM PrimitiveImpl
mkPrimLevelSuc = do
  t <- primType (id :: Lvl -> Lvl)
  return $ PrimImpl t $ PrimFun __IMPOSSIBLE__ 1 $ \ ~[a] -> do
    l <- levelView' $ unArg a
    redReturn $ Level $ levelSuc l

mkPrimLevelMax :: TCM PrimitiveImpl
mkPrimLevelMax = do
  t <- primType (max :: Op Lvl)
  return $ PrimImpl t $ PrimFun __IMPOSSIBLE__ 2 $ \ ~[a, b] -> do
    Max as <- levelView' $ unArg a
    Max bs <- levelView' $ unArg b
    redReturn $ Level $ levelMax $ as ++ bs

mkPrimFun1TCM :: (FromTerm a, ToTerm b) => TCM Type -> (a -> ReduceM b) -> TCM PrimitiveImpl
mkPrimFun1TCM mt f = do
    toA   <- fromTerm
    fromB <- toTermR
    t     <- mt
    return $ PrimImpl t $ PrimFun __IMPOSSIBLE__ 1 $ \ts ->
      case ts of
        [v] ->
          redBind (toA v)
              (\v' -> [v']) $ \x ->
          redReturn =<< fromB =<< f x
        _ -> __IMPOSSIBLE__

-- Tying the knot
mkPrimFun1 :: (PrimType a, PrimType b, FromTerm a, ToTerm b) =>
              (a -> b) -> TCM PrimitiveImpl
mkPrimFun1 f = do
    toA   <- fromTerm
    fromB <- toTerm
    t     <- primType f
    return $ PrimImpl t $ PrimFun __IMPOSSIBLE__ 1 $ \ts ->
      case ts of
        [v] ->
          redBind (toA v)
              (\v' -> [v']) $ \x ->
          redReturn $ fromB $ f x
        _ -> __IMPOSSIBLE__

mkPrimFun2 :: (PrimType a, PrimType b, PrimType c, FromTerm a, ToTerm a, FromTerm b, ToTerm c) =>
              (a -> b -> c) -> TCM PrimitiveImpl
mkPrimFun2 f = do
    toA   <- fromTerm
    fromA <- toTerm
    toB   <- fromTerm
    fromC <- toTerm
    t     <- primType f
    return $ PrimImpl t $ PrimFun __IMPOSSIBLE__ 2 $ \ts ->
      case ts of
        [v,w] ->
          redBind (toA v)
              (\v' -> [v', notReduced w]) $ \x ->
          redBind (toB w)
              (\w' -> [ reduced $ notBlocked $ Arg (argInfo v) (fromA x)
                      , w']) $ \y ->
          redReturn $ fromC $ f x y
        _ -> __IMPOSSIBLE__

mkPrimFun4 :: ( PrimType a, FromTerm a, ToTerm a
              , PrimType b, FromTerm b, ToTerm b
              , PrimType c, FromTerm c, ToTerm c
              , PrimType d, FromTerm d
              , PrimType e, ToTerm e) =>
              (a -> b -> c -> d -> e) -> TCM PrimitiveImpl
mkPrimFun4 f = do
    (toA, fromA) <- (,) <$> fromTerm <*> toTerm
    (toB, fromB) <- (,) <$> fromTerm <*> toTerm
    (toC, fromC) <- (,) <$> fromTerm <*> toTerm
    toD          <- fromTerm
    fromE        <- toTerm
    t <- primType f
    return $ PrimImpl t $ PrimFun __IMPOSSIBLE__ 4 $ \ts ->
      let argFrom fromX a x =
            reduced $ notBlocked $ Arg (argInfo a) (fromX x)
      in case ts of
        [a,b,c,d] ->
          redBind (toA a)
              (\a' -> a' : map notReduced [b,c,d]) $ \x ->
          redBind (toB b)
              (\b' -> [argFrom fromA a x, b', notReduced c, notReduced d]) $ \y ->
          redBind (toC c)
              (\c' -> [ argFrom fromA a x
                      , argFrom fromB b y
                      , c', notReduced d]) $ \z ->
          redBind (toD d)
              (\d' -> [ argFrom fromA a x
                      , argFrom fromB b y
                      , argFrom fromC c z
                      , d']) $ \w ->

          redReturn $ fromE $ f x y z w
        _ -> __IMPOSSIBLE__

-- Type combinators
infixr 4 -->

(-->) :: TCM Type -> TCM Type -> TCM Type
a --> b = do
    a' <- a
    b' <- b
    return $ El (getSort a' `sLub` getSort b') $ Pi (Dom defaultArgInfo a') (NoAbs "_" b')

infixr 4 .-->

(.-->) :: TCM Type -> TCM Type -> TCM Type
a .--> b = do
    a' <- a
    b' <- b
    return $ El (getSort a' `sLub` getSort b') $
             Pi (Dom (setRelevance Irrelevant defaultArgInfo) a') (NoAbs "_" b')

gpi :: I.ArgInfo -> String -> TCM Type -> TCM Type -> TCM Type
gpi info name a b = do
  a <- a
  b <- addContext (name, Dom info a) b
  let y = stringToArgName name
  return $ El (getSort a `dLub` Abs y (getSort b))
              (Pi (Dom info a) (Abs y b))

hPi, nPi :: String -> TCM Type -> TCM Type -> TCM Type
hPi = gpi $ setHiding Hidden defaultArgInfo
nPi = gpi defaultArgInfo

varM :: Int -> TCM Term
varM = return . var

infixl 9 <@>, <#>

gApply :: Hiding -> TCM Term -> TCM Term -> TCM Term
gApply h a b = do
    x <- a
    y <- b
    return $ x `apply` [Arg (setHiding h defaultArgInfo) y]

(<@>),(<#>) :: TCM Term -> TCM Term -> TCM Term
(<@>) = gApply NotHidden
(<#>) = gApply Hidden

list :: TCM Term -> TCM Term
list t = primList <@> t

io :: TCM Term -> TCM Term
io t = primIO <@> t

el :: TCM Term -> TCM Type
el t = El (mkType 0) <$> t

tset :: TCM Type
tset = return $ sort (mkType 0)

-- | Abbreviation: @argN = 'Arg' 'defaultArgInfo'@.
argN :: e -> I.Arg e
argN = Arg defaultArgInfo

domN :: e -> I.Dom e
domN = Dom defaultArgInfo

-- | Abbreviation: @argH = 'hide' 'Arg' 'defaultArgInfo'@.
argH :: e -> I.Arg e
argH = Arg $ setHiding Hidden defaultArgInfo

domH :: e -> I.Dom e
domH = Dom $ setHiding Hidden defaultArgInfo

-- * The actual primitive functions

type Op   a = a -> a -> a
type Fun  a = a -> a
type Rel  a = a -> a -> Bool
type Pred a = a -> Bool

primitiveFunctions :: Map String (TCM PrimitiveImpl)
primitiveFunctions = Map.fromList

    -- Integer functions
    [ "primIntegerPlus"     |-> mkPrimFun2 ((+)        :: Op Integer)
    , "primIntegerMinus"    |-> mkPrimFun2 ((-)        :: Op Integer)
    , "primIntegerTimes"    |-> mkPrimFun2 ((*)        :: Op Integer)
    , "primIntegerDiv"      |-> mkPrimFun2 (div        :: Op Integer)    -- partial
    , "primIntegerMod"      |-> mkPrimFun2 (mod        :: Op Integer)    -- partial
    , "primIntegerEquality" |-> mkPrimFun2 ((==)       :: Rel Integer)
    , "primIntegerLess"     |-> mkPrimFun2 ((<)        :: Rel Integer)
    , "primIntegerAbs"      |-> mkPrimFun1 (Nat . abs  :: Integer -> Nat)
    , "primNatToInteger"    |-> mkPrimFun1 (unNat      :: Nat -> Integer)
    , "primShowInteger"     |-> mkPrimFun1 (Str . show :: Integer -> Str)

    -- Natural number functions
    , "primNatPlus"         |-> mkPrimFun2 ((+)                     :: Op Nat)
    , "primNatMinus"        |-> mkPrimFun2 ((\x y -> max 0 (x - y)) :: Op Nat)
    , "primNatTimes"        |-> mkPrimFun2 ((*)                     :: Op Nat)
    , "primNatDivSucAux"    |-> mkPrimFun4 ((\k m n j -> k + div (max 0 $ n + m - j) (m + 1)) :: Nat -> Nat -> Nat -> Nat -> Nat)
    , "primNatModSucAux"    |->
        let aux :: Nat -> Nat -> Nat -> Nat -> Nat
            aux k m n j | n > j     = mod (n - j - 1) (m + 1)
                        | otherwise = k + n
        in mkPrimFun4 aux
    , "primNatEquality"     |-> mkPrimFun2 ((==)                    :: Rel Nat)
    , "primNatLess"         |-> mkPrimFun2 ((<)                     :: Rel Nat)
    , "primLevelZero"       |-> mkPrimLevelZero
    , "primLevelSuc"        |-> mkPrimLevelSuc
    , "primLevelMax"        |-> mkPrimLevelMax

    -- Floating point functions
    , "primIntegerToFloat"  |-> mkPrimFun1 (fromIntegral :: Integer -> Double)
    , "primFloatPlus"       |-> mkPrimFun2 ((+)          :: Op Double)
    , "primFloatMinus"      |-> mkPrimFun2 ((-)          :: Op Double)
    , "primFloatTimes"      |-> mkPrimFun2 ((*)          :: Op Double)
    , "primFloatDiv"        |-> mkPrimFun2 ((/)          :: Op Double)
    , "primFloatEquality"   |-> mkPrimFun2 ((==)         :: Rel Double)
    , "primFloatLess"       |-> mkPrimFun2 ((<)          :: Rel Double)
    , "primRound"           |-> mkPrimFun1 (round        :: Double -> Integer)
    , "primFloor"           |-> mkPrimFun1 (floor        :: Double -> Integer)
    , "primCeiling"         |-> mkPrimFun1 (ceiling      :: Double -> Integer)
    , "primExp"             |-> mkPrimFun1 (exp          :: Fun Double)
    , "primLog"             |-> mkPrimFun1 (log          :: Fun Double)    -- partial
    , "primSin"             |-> mkPrimFun1 (sin          :: Fun Double)
    , "primShowFloat"       |-> mkPrimFun1 (Str . show   :: Double -> Str)

    -- Character functions
    , "primCharEquality"    |-> mkPrimFun2 ((==) :: Rel Char)
    , "primIsLower"         |-> mkPrimFun1 isLower
    , "primIsDigit"         |-> mkPrimFun1 isDigit
    , "primIsAlpha"         |-> mkPrimFun1 isAlpha
    , "primIsSpace"         |-> mkPrimFun1 isSpace
    , "primIsAscii"         |-> mkPrimFun1 isAscii
    , "primIsLatin1"        |-> mkPrimFun1 isLatin1
    , "primIsPrint"         |-> mkPrimFun1 isPrint
    , "primIsHexDigit"      |-> mkPrimFun1 isHexDigit
    , "primToUpper"         |-> mkPrimFun1 toUpper
    , "primToLower"         |-> mkPrimFun1 toLower
    , "primCharToNat"       |-> mkPrimFun1 (fromIntegral . fromEnum :: Char -> Nat)
    , "primNatToChar"       |-> mkPrimFun1 (toEnum . fromIntegral   :: Nat -> Char)
    , "primShowChar"        |-> mkPrimFun1 (Str . show . pretty . LitChar noRange)

    -- String functions
    , "primStringToList"    |-> mkPrimFun1 unStr
    , "primStringFromList"  |-> mkPrimFun1 Str
    , "primStringAppend"    |-> mkPrimFun2 (\s1 s2 -> Str $ unStr s1 ++ unStr s2)
    , "primStringEquality"  |-> mkPrimFun2 ((==) :: Rel Str)
    , "primShowString"      |-> mkPrimFun1 (Str . show . pretty . LitString noRange . unStr)

    -- Reflection
    , "primQNameType"       |-> primQNameType
    , "primQNameDefinition" |-> primQNameDefinition
    , "primDataConstructors"|-> primDataConstructors

    -- Other stuff
    , "primTrustMe"         |-> primTrustMe
    , "primQNameEquality"   |-> mkPrimFun2 ((==) :: Rel QName)
    , "primShowQName"       |-> mkPrimFun1 (Str . show :: QName -> Str)
        (|->) = (,)

lookupPrimitiveFunction :: String -> TCM PrimitiveImpl
lookupPrimitiveFunction x =
  fromMaybe (typeError $ NoSuchPrimitiveFunction x)
            (Map.lookup x primitiveFunctions)

lookupPrimitiveFunctionQ :: QName -> TCM (String, PrimitiveImpl)
lookupPrimitiveFunctionQ q = do
  let s = case qnameName q of
            Name _ x _ _ -> show x
  PrimImpl t pf <- lookupPrimitiveFunction s
  return (s, PrimImpl t $ pf { primFunName = q })