When releasing a new version of Agda, the following procedure can be followed: * Get a clean Agda repository. darcs get http://code.haskell.org/Agda/ Agda.release cd Agda.release * Finish the release notes in doc/release-notes/.txt. * Update the README, if necessary. * Update the version numbers in Agda.cabal (twice) and src/data/emacs-mode/agda2-mode.el. * Add a second source-repository section to Agda.cabal: source-repository this type: darcs location: http://code.haskell.org/Agda/ tag: * Remove -Werror from Agda.cabal. (Agda uses code generated by Cabal, Paths_Agda, and under some configurations this code gives rise to warnings.) * Ensure that cabal haddock works: cabal configure && cabal haddock * Ensure that the Emacs mode can be compiled without errors or warnings (except for the "cl package required at runtime" warning): (cd src/data/emacs-mode && \ emacs --batch -L . -f batch-byte-compile *.el; \ rm -f *.elc) * Tag and build source distributions. (Do not forget to record the changes above first.) VERSION= darcs tag $VERSION cabal configure && cabal sdist && cabal check cabal install darcs dist --dist-name=Agda-$VERSION * Ensure that all the packages build properly. BASE=`pwd` cd ${TMPDIR:-/tmp} tar xzf $BASE/Agda-$VERSION.tar.gz cd Agda-$VERSION make install CABAL_OPTIONS="--prefix=$PWD/usr" autoconf ./configure make test tar xzf $BASE/dist/Agda-$VERSION.tar.gz cd Agda-$VERSION cabal install cd .. Do not forget to test the Emacs mode. * Upload the Cabal package using cabal upload. cd $BASE cabal upload dist/Agda-$VERSION.tar.gz * Upload the darcs tar-ball to code.haskell.org. scp Agda-$VERSION.tar.gz code.haskell.org:/srv/code/Agda/ * Update the download page on the Agda Wiki. * Announce the release of the new version on the Agda mailing list. * Update the version numbers again, so that released and development versions are not confused, and remove the "this" source-repository section from the Cabal file. (This would be unnecessary if we had two repositories, one stable and one for development.) * Push all changes. darcs push