Agda- A dependently typed functional programming language and proof assistant

Safe HaskellSafe-Infered




getMetaStore :: TCM MetaStoreSource

Get the meta store.

lookupMeta :: MetaId -> TCM MetaVariableSource

Lookup a meta variable

isInteractionMeta :: MetaId -> TCM BoolSource

Does the meta variable correspond to an interaction point?

newMeta :: MetaInfo -> MetaPriority -> Permutation -> Judgement Type a -> TCM MetaIdSource

Generate new meta variable.

newMeta' :: MetaInstantiation -> MetaInfo -> MetaPriority -> Permutation -> Judgement Type a -> TCM MetaIdSource

Generate a new meta variable with some instantiation given. For instance, the instantiation could be a PostponedTypeCheckingProblem.

listenToMeta :: Listener -> MetaId -> TCM ()Source

listenToMeta l m: register l as a listener to m. This is done when the type of l is blocked by m.

unlistenToMeta :: Listener -> MetaId -> TCM ()Source

Unregister a listener.

getMetaListeners :: MetaId -> TCM [Listener]Source

Get the listeners to a meta.

freezeMetas :: TCM ()Source

Freeze all meta variables.