{-# LANGUAGE DeriveDataTypeable, CPP #-}
module Agda.Utils.Permutation where

import Data.Generics (Typeable, Data)
import Data.List
import Agda.Utils.Size
import Agda.Utils.Impossible

#include "../undefined.h"

-- | @permute [2,3,1] [x,y,z] = [y,z,x]@
data Permutation = Perm Integer [Integer]
  deriving (Eq, Data, Typeable)

instance Show Permutation where
  show (Perm n xs) = showx [0..n - 1] ++ " -> " ++ showx xs
    where showx = showList "," (\ i -> "x" ++ show i)
          showList :: String -> (a -> String) -> [a] -> String
          showList sep f [] = ""
          showList sep f [e] = f e
          showList sep f (e:es) = f e ++ sep ++ showList sep f es 

instance Sized Permutation where
  size (Perm _ xs) = size xs

-- | @permute [2,3,1] [x1,x2,x3] = [x2,x3,x1]@
--   More precisely, @permute indices list = sublist@, generates @sublist@
--   from @list@ by picking the elements of list as indicated by @indices@. 
--   @permute [2,4,1] [x1,x2,x3,x4] = [x2,x4,x1]@
permute :: Permutation -> [a] -> [a]
permute (Perm _ is) xs = map (xs !!!) is
    []     !!! _ = __IMPOSSIBLE__
    (x:xs) !!! 0 = x
    (x:xs) !!! n = xs !!! (n - 1)

idP :: Integer -> Permutation
idP n = Perm n [0..n - 1]

takeP :: Integer -> Permutation -> Permutation
takeP n (Perm m xs) = Perm n $ filter (< n) xs

-- | @permute (compose p1 p2) == permute p1 . permute p2@
composeP :: Permutation -> Permutation -> Permutation
composeP p1 (Perm n xs) = Perm n $ permute p1 xs
  {- proof:
      permute (compose (Perm xs) (Perm ys)) zs
      == permute (Perm (permute (Perm xs) ys)) zs
      == map (zs !!) (permute (Perm xs) ys)
      == map (zs !!) (map (ys !!) xs)
      == map (zs !! . ys !!) xs
      == map (\x -> zs !! (ys !! x)) xs
      == map (\x -> map (zs !!) ys !! x) xs  {- map f xs !! n == f (xs !! n) -}
      == map (map (zs !!) ys !!) xs
      == permute (Perm xs) (permute (Perm ys) zs)

invertP :: Permutation -> Permutation
invertP p@(Perm n xs) = Perm (size xs) $ map inv [0..n - 1]
    inv x = case findIndex (x ==) xs of
	      Just y  -> fromIntegral y
	      Nothing -> error $ "invertP: non-surjective permutation " ++ show p

-- | Turn a possible non-surjective permutation into a surjective permutation.
compactP :: Permutation -> Permutation
compactP (Perm n xs) = Perm m $ map adjust xs
    m            = genericLength xs
    missing      = [0..n - 1] \\ xs
    holesBelow k = genericLength $ filter (< k) missing
    adjust k = k - holesBelow k

reverseP :: Permutation -> Permutation
reverseP (Perm n xs) = Perm n $ map ((n - 1) -) $ reverse xs

-- | @expandP i n π@ in the domain of @π@ replace the /i/th element by /n/ elements.
expandP :: Integer -> Integer -> Permutation -> Permutation
expandP i n (Perm m xs) = Perm (m + n - 1) $ concatMap expand xs
    expand j
      | j == i	  = [i..i + n - 1]
      | j < i	  = [j]
      | otherwise = [j + n - 1]

-- | Stable topologic sort. The first argument decides whether its first
--   argument is an immediate parent to its second argument.
topoSort :: (a -> a -> Bool) -> [a] -> Maybe Permutation
topoSort parent xs = fmap (Perm (size xs)) $ topo g
    nodes     = zip [0..] xs
    g	      = [ (n, parents x) | (n, x) <- nodes ]
    parents x = [ n | (n, y) <- nodes, parent y x ]

    topo :: Eq node => [(node, [node])] -> Maybe [node]
    topo [] = return []
    topo g  = case xs of
      []    -> fail "cycle detected"
      x : _ -> do
	ys <- topo $ remove x g
	return $ x : ys
	xs = [ x | (x, []) <- g ]
	remove x g = [ (y, filter (/= x) ys) | (y, ys) <- g, x /= y ]