{-# LANGUAGE DeriveDataTypeable   #-}
    Module      :  Data.Number.ER.RnToRm.BisectionTree
    Description :  hierarchical domain partitions 
    Copyright   :  (c) 2007-2008 Michal Konecny
    License     :  BSD3

    Maintainer  :  mik@konecny.aow.cz
    Stability   :  experimental
    Portability :  portable

    Defines a representation for recursive bisections of @R^n@
    by hyperplanes, each of which is perpendicular to a base axis.
    Arbitrary data can be associated with the sections of a partition.
    To be imported qualified, usually with prefix BISTR.
module Data.Number.ER.RnToRm.BisectionTree 

import Prelude hiding (const, map, compare)
import qualified Prelude

import qualified Data.Number.ER.Real.Approx as RA
import qualified Data.Number.ER.BasicTypes.DomainBox as DBox
import Data.Number.ER.BasicTypes.DomainBox (VariableID(..), DomainBox, DomainBoxMappable, DomainIntBox)
import Data.Number.ER.BasicTypes

import Data.Number.ER.Misc

import Data.Number.ER.ShowHTML
import qualified Text.Html as H

import Data.Typeable
import Data.Generics.Basics
import Data.Binary
--import BinaryDerive

import Data.Maybe

    * The root of the tree often represents the whole @R^n@.
    * Each node splits the parent's space into two using
      a specified variable (ie direction) and an optional splitting point.
    * By default, a split is taken at the point defined by the method 'RA.bisect'.
data BisectionTree box varid d v =
        bistrDepth :: Depth,
        bistrDom :: box, -- ^ domain
        bistrVal :: v -- ^ value estimate
        bistrDepth :: Depth, -- ^ depth of this node
        bistrDom :: box, -- ^ domain
        bistrDir :: varid, -- ^ direction to split in
        bistrPt :: d, -- ^ point that the split is at
        bistrLO :: BisectionTree box varid d v, -- ^ the half towards -Infty in split dir
        bistrHI :: BisectionTree box varid d v -- ^ the half towards +Infty in split dir
    deriving (Typeable, Data)
type Depth = Int  
{- the following has been generated by BinaryDerive -}
instance (Binary a, Binary b, Binary c, Binary d) => Binary (BisectionTree a b c d) where
  put (Leaf a b c) = putWord8 0 >> put a >> put b >> put c
  put (Node a b c d e f) = putWord8 1 >> put a >> put b >> put c >> put d >> put e >> put f
  get = do
    tag_ <- getWord8
    case tag_ of
      0 -> get >>= \a -> get >>= \b -> get >>= \c -> return (Leaf a b c)
      1 -> get >>= \a -> get >>= \b -> get >>= \c -> get >>= \d -> get >>= \e -> get >>= \f -> return (Node a b c d e f)
      _ -> fail "no parse"
{- the above has been generated by BinaryDerive -}
instance (VariableID varid, Show d, Show v, DomainBox box varid d) => 
    Show (BisectionTree box varid d v)
    show = showBisectionTree show
showBisectionTree showValue =
    showB (Leaf depth domB val) =
        "\n" ++
        (concat (replicate (depth * 2) ".")) ++ "o "
        (concatWith "," (Prelude.map showVD $ DBox.toList domB))
        " |---> " ++ showValue val
    showB (Node depth domB dir pt lo hi) =
        "\n" ++
        (concat (replicate (depth * 2) ".")) ++ "o "
        (concatWith "," (Prelude.map showVD $ DBox.toList domB))
        " //" ++ showVar dir ++ "\\\\"
        (concat $ Prelude.map (showBisectionTree showValue) [lo,hi])
    showVD (v,d) =
        showVar v ++ "->" ++ show d

instance (Show d, H.HTML v, DomainBox box varid d) => 
    H.HTML (BisectionTree box varid d v)
    toHtml (Leaf depth domB val) =
        H.toHtmlFromList $
                H.toHtml $ concatWith "," (Prelude.map showVD $ DBox.toList domB)
                H.primHtml " &rarr; "
                H.toHtml val
        showVD (v,d) =
            showVar v ++ " in " ++ show d
    toHtml (Node depth domB dir pt lo hi) =
        H.toHtml $
        besidesTable [H.border 2]
             abovesTable [] [H.toHtml $ "(" ++ showVar dir ++ ")"]
             abovesTable [] [H.toHtml lo, H.toHtml hi]

isLeaf ::
    BisectionTree box varid d v ->
isLeaf (Leaf _ _ _) = True
isLeaf (Node _ _ _ _ _ _) = False

const ::
--    (DomainIntBox box varid d) =>
    box ->
    v ->
    BisectionTree box varid d v     
const domB value =
    Leaf 0 domB value
    value splitter function - parameters are: 
    depth, domain of value, value, variable to split by, 
    point to split at; returns the two split values
type ValueSplitter box varid d v =
    (EffortIndex -> Depth -> box -> v -> varid -> d -> (v,v))

type ValueCombiner box varid d v =    
    (EffortIndex -> Depth -> (BisectionTree box varid d v) -> v) 
setDepth ::
    Depth ->
    BisectionTree box varid d v ->
    BisectionTree box varid d v
setDepth depth bistr 
    | isLeaf bistr =
        bistr { bistrDepth = depth }
    | otherwise =
            bistrLO = setDepth depthInc $ bistrLO bistr,
            bistrHI = setDepth depthInc $ bistrHI bistr
    depthInc = depth + 1

split ::
    (RA.ERIntApprox d, DomainBox box varid d) =>
    ValueSplitter box varid d v ->
    EffortIndex ->
    varid {-^ variable @x@ to split by -} ->
    d {-^ point in domain of @x@ to split at -} ->
    box {-^ domain to lookup @x@ in if tree's domain does not have @x@ -} ->
    BisectionTree box varid d v ->
    BisectionTree box varid d v
split valSplitter ix splitDir splitPt fallbackDom bistr =
    resultBistr = spl bistr
    spl (Leaf depth domB val) =
        Node depth domB splitDir splitPt childLO childHI
        childLO =
            Leaf depthInc domLO valLO
        childHI =
            Leaf depthInc domHI valHI 
        (valLO, valHI) = 
            valSplitter ix depth domB val splitDir splitPt
        depthInc = depth + 1
        domLO = 
            DBox.insert splitDir dirDomLO domB
        domHI = 
            DBox.insert splitDir dirDomHI domB
        (dirDomLO, dirDomHI) =
            RA.bisectDomain (Just splitPt) dirDom
        dirDom =
                (DBox.lookup "BisectionTree: split: fallbackDom: " splitDir fallbackDom)
                splitDir domB
    spl bistr@(Node depth domB dir pt childLO childHI)
        | dir == splitDir =
            case RA.compareReals pt splitPt of
                Just LT -> -- split on lower half
                    Node depth domB dir pt
                        (Node depthInc domChildLO splitDir splitPt childLOsplitLO childLOsplitHI)
                Just GT -> -- split on higher half
                    Node depth domB dir pt
                        (Node depthInc domChildHI splitDir splitPt childHIsplitLO childHIsplitHI)
                _ -> bistr
        | otherwise = -- splitDir < dir =
            Node depth domB dir pt
                    depthInc domChildLO splitDir splitPt childLOsplitLO childLOsplitHI)
                    depthInc domChildHI splitDir splitPt childHIsplitLO childHIsplitHI)
    --    | dir < splitDir =
    --        Node depth domB dir childLOsplit childHIsplit
        depthInc = depth + 1
        domChildLO = bistrDom childLO
        domChildHI = bistrDom childHI
        childLOsplit@(Node _ _ _ _ childLOsplitLO childLOsplitHI) = 
            spl childLO
        childHIsplit@(Node _ _ _ _ childHIsplitLO childHIsplitHI) = 
            spl childHI
    Apply a function to all values, thus creating a new tree.
mapWithDom ::
    (DomainBox box varid d) =>
    (box -> v1 -> v2) ->
    BisectionTree box varid d v1 ->
    BisectionTree box varid d v2
mapWithDom f bistr@(Leaf _ domB val) =
    bistr { bistrVal = f domB val }
mapWithDom f bistr@(Node _ _ _ _ cLO cHI) =
            bistrLO = mapWithDom f cLO,
            bistrHI = mapWithDom f cHI
    Apply a function to all values, thus creating a new tree.
mapLeaves ::
    (BisectionTree box varid d v1 -> BisectionTree box varid d v2) ->
    BisectionTree box varid d v1 ->
    BisectionTree box varid d v2
mapLeaves f bistr@(Leaf _ domB val) =
    f bistr
mapLeaves f bistr@(Node _ _ _ _ cLO cHI) =
            bistrLO = mapLeaves f cLO,
            bistrHI = mapLeaves f cHI
    Apply a function to all values, thus creating a list of new trees.
mapMultiLeaves ::
    (BisectionTree box varid d v1 -> [BisectionTree box varid d v2]) ->
    BisectionTree box varid d v1 ->
    [BisectionTree box varid d v2]
mapMultiLeaves f bistr@(Leaf _ domB val) =
    f bistr
mapMultiLeaves f bistr@(Node _ _ _ _ cLO cHI) =
    Prelude.map (replaceChildren bistr) $ zip (mapMultiLeaves f cLO) (mapMultiLeaves f cHI)
    replaceChildren bistr (newLO, newHI) =
                bistrLO = newLO,
                bistrHI = newHI
    Perform a given action on all branches of a bisection tree, left to right.
    (optionally now going below the given depth)
doBistr ::
    (box -> v -> IO ()) ->
    Maybe Int ->
    BisectionTree box varid d v ->
    IO ()
doBistr f Nothing bistr =
    m bistr
    m (Node _ _ _ _ lo hi) =
        m lo
        m hi
    m (Leaf _ domB val) =
        f domB val        
doBistr f (Just maxDepth) bistr =
    m maxDepth bistr
    m maxDepth (Node depth domB _ _ lo hi) 
        | maxDepth > 0 =
            m (maxDepth - 1) lo
            m (maxDepth - 1) hi
        | otherwise =
            error $ "BisectionTree: doBistr: maxDepth (=" ++ show maxDepth ++ ") breached"
--            m err (Leaf depth domB val)
--        where
--        val = head $ collectValues lo
--        err =  
    m _ (Leaf _ domB val) =
        f domB val

    Perform a given action on all branches of a bisection tree, left to right.
    (optionally now going below the given depth)
doMap ::
    (Depth -> box -> v -> IO v) ->
    Maybe Int ->
    BisectionTree box varid d v ->
    IO (BisectionTree box varid d v)
doMap f Nothing bistr =
    m bistr
    m bistr@(Node _ _ _ _ lo hi) =
        newLo <- m lo
        newHi <- m hi
        return $ bistr { bistrLO = newLo, bistrHI = newHi }
    m bistr@(Leaf depth domB val) =
        newVal <- f depth domB val
        return $ bistr { bistrVal = newVal }
doMap f (Just maxDepth) bistr =
    m maxDepth bistr
    m maxDepth bistr@(Node depth domB _ _ lo hi) 
        | maxDepth > 0 =
            newLo <- m (maxDepth - 1) lo
            newHi <- m (maxDepth - 1) hi
            return $ bistr { bistrLO = newLo, bistrHI = newHi }
        | otherwise =
            error $ "BisectionTree: doBistr: maxDepth (=" ++ show maxDepth ++ ") breached"
--            m err (Leaf depth domB val)
--        where
--        val = head $ collectValues lo
--        err =  
    m _ bistr@(Leaf depth domB val) =
        newVal <- f depth domB val
        return $ bistr { bistrVal = newVal }
    Perform a given action on all branches of a bisection tree, left to right
    with the option of further branching the tree.
    (optionally now going below the given depth)
doMapLeaves ::
    (BisectionTree box varid d v -> IO (BisectionTree box varid d v)) ->
    Maybe Int ->
    BisectionTree box varid d v ->
    IO (BisectionTree box varid d v)
doMapLeaves f Nothing bistr =
    m bistr
    m bistr@(Node _ _ _ _ lo hi) =
        newLo <- m lo
        newHi <- m hi
        return $ bistr { bistrLO = newLo, bistrHI = newHi }
    m bistr@(Leaf depth domB val) =
        f bistr
doMapLeaves f (Just maxDepth) bistr =
    m maxDepth bistr
    m maxDepth bistr@(Node depth domB _ _ lo hi) 
        | maxDepth > 0 =
            newLo <- m (maxDepth - 1) lo
            newHi <- m (maxDepth - 1) hi
            return $ bistr { bistrLO = newLo, bistrHI = newHi }
        | otherwise =
            error $ "BisectionTree: doBistr: maxDepth (=" ++ show maxDepth ++ ") breached"
--            m err (Leaf depth domB val)
--        where
--        val = head $ collectValues lo
--        err =  
    m _ bistr@(Leaf depth domB val) =
        f bistr

removeVars ::
    (RA.ERIntApprox d, DomainIntBox box varid d, 
     DomainBoxMappable box box varid d d) =>
    box ->
    BisectionTree box varid d v -> 
    BisectionTree box varid d v 
removeVars substitutions bistr =
    aux (bistrDepth bistr) bistr
    aux depth (Leaf _ domB val) =
        Leaf depth domNoVars val
        domNoVars =
            DBox.difference domB substitutions
    aux depth (Node _ domB v pt lo hi) 
        | v `DBox.member` substitutions =
            case (vVal `RA.refines` vDomLO, vVal `RA.refines` vDomHI) of
                (True, _) -> aux depth lo
                (_, True) -> aux depth hi
        | otherwise =
            Node depth domNoVars v pt loNoVars hiNoVars
        vVal = DBox.lookup loc v substitutions
        vDomLO = DBox.lookup loc v $ bistrDom lo
        vDomHI = DBox.lookup loc v $ bistrDom hi
        loc = "RnToRm.BisectionTree: removeVars: "
        domNoVars =
            DBox.difference domB substitutions
        loNoVars = aux (depth + 1) lo            
        hiNoVars = aux (depth + 1) hi            

    Ensure both trees have equal structure at the top level:
    either they are all leaves or they all split at the same
    direction with the same splitting point.
    Also, unify the domains at the top level.
sync2 :: 
    (RA.ERIntApprox d, DomainIntBox box varid d) =>
    ValueSplitter box varid d v1 ->
    ValueSplitter box varid d v2 ->
    EffortIndex ->
    BisectionTree box varid d v1 -> 
    BisectionTree box varid d v2 -> 
    (BisectionTree box varid d v1, BisectionTree box varid d v2)
sync2 valSplitter1 valSplitter2 ix bistr1 bistr2 =
    case getPt bistr1 bistr2 of
        Nothing -> 
            unifyDom bistr1 bistr2
        Just (var, pt, domB) ->
            (split valSplitter1 ix var pt domB bistr1)
            (split valSplitter2 ix var pt domB bistr2)
    getPt bistr1 bistr2 
        | isLeaf bistr1 && isLeaf bistr2 = Nothing
        | isLeaf bistr1 =
            Just (bistrDir bistr2, bistrPt bistr2, bistrDom bistr2)  
        | otherwise =
            Just (bistrDir bistr1, bistrPt bistr1, bistrDom bistr1)  
    unifyDom bistr1 bistr2 =
        (bistr1 { bistrDom = domB }, 
         bistr2 { bistrDom = domB })
        domB =
            DBox.unify "RnToRm.BisectionTree: sync: " dom1 dom2
        dom1 = bistrDom bistr1 
        dom2 = bistrDom bistr2 
    Ensure all the trees have equal structure at the top level:
    either they are all leaves or they all split at the same
    direction with the same splitting point.
    Also, unify the domains at the top level.
syncMany :: 
    (RA.ERIntApprox d, DomainIntBox box varid d) =>
    ValueSplitter box varid d v ->
    EffortIndex ->
    [BisectionTree box varid d v] -> 
    [BisectionTree box varid d v]
syncMany valSplitter ix bistrs =
    case getPt bistrs of
        Nothing -> unifyDom bistrs
        Just (var, pt, domB) ->
          unifyDom $
            Prelude.map (split valSplitter ix var pt domB) bistrs
    getPt [] = Nothing
    getPt (bistr : rest) 
        | isLeaf bistr = getPt rest
        | otherwise = Just (bistrDir bistr, bistrPt bistr, bistrDom bistr)  
    unifyDom bistrs =
        Prelude.map (setDom domB) bistrs
        setDom domB bistr = bistr { bistrDom = domB }
        domB = 
            foldl (DBox.unify "RnToRm.BisectionTree: sync: ") DBox.noinfo $
                Prelude.map bistrDom bistrs 
    Combine two bisection trees using a given value combining function.
    Where necessary, leaves are split so that the resulting tree's structure
    is the union of the two argument tree structures.  Such splitting of
    values in leaves is performed by the provided functions.
combineWith ::
    (RA.ERIntApprox d, DomainIntBox box varid d) =>
    ValueSplitter box varid d v1
        {-^ value splitter function for tree 1 -} ->
    ValueSplitter box varid d v2
        {-^ value splitter function for tree 2 -} ->
    (box -> v1 -> v2 -> (Maybe res, aux)) 
        {-^ partial function to combine values with -} ->
    EffortIndex ->
    (BisectionTree box varid d v1) ->
    (BisectionTree box varid d v2) ->
    (Maybe (BisectionTree box varid d res), [aux])
combineWith valSplitter1 valSplitter2 f ix bistr1 bistr2 =
    combineAux bistr1sync bistr2sync
    (bistr1sync, bistr2sync) = 
        sync2 valSplitter1 valSplitter2 ix bistr1 bistr2
            bistr1@(Leaf _ domB val1) 
            bistr2@(Leaf _ _ val2) =
        case f domB val1 val2 of
            (Nothing, aux) -> (Nothing, [aux])
            (Just val, aux) -> (Just $ bistr1 { bistrVal = val }, [aux])
            bistr1@(Node _ domB _ _ lo1 hi1)
            bistr2@(Node _ _   _ _ lo2 hi2) =
            Just $ bistr1 
                bistrLO = fromJust mbistrLO,
                bistrHI = fromJust mbistrHI
            auxLO ++ auxHI
        (mbistrLO, auxLO) = combineAux lo1Sync lo2Sync
        (mbistrHI, auxHI) = combineAux hi1Sync hi2Sync
        (lo1Sync, lo2Sync) = 
            sync2 valSplitter1 valSplitter2 ix lo1 lo2
        (hi1Sync, hi2Sync) = 
            sync2 valSplitter1 valSplitter2 ix hi1 hi2
    return all values in leafs (except those within some CE subtree)
    as a list (from the leftmost to the rightmost)
collectValues ::
    BisectionTree box varid b a -> [a]
collectValues (Leaf _ _ val) = [val]
collectValues (Node _ _ _ _ cLO cHI) =
    (collectValues cLO) ++ (collectValues cHI)
    return all values in leafs (except those within some CE subtree)
    as a list (from the leftmost to the rightmost)
collectDomValues ::
    BisectionTree box varid d v -> [(box, v)]
collectDomValues (Leaf _ domB val) = [(domB,val)]
collectDomValues (Node _ _ _ _ cLO cHI) =
    (collectDomValues cLO) ++ (collectDomValues cHI)
    linear ordering on bisection trees
compare ::
    (Ord varid, DomainBox box varid d) =>
    (d -> d -> Ordering) ->
    (v -> v -> Ordering) ->
    (BisectionTree box varid d v) ->
    (BisectionTree box varid d v) ->
compare compDoms compValues (Leaf _ _ _) (Node _ _ _ _ _ _) = LT
compare compDoms compValues (Node _ _ _ _ _ _) (Leaf _ _ _) = GT
compare compDoms compValues (Leaf depth1 dom1 val1) (Leaf depth2 dom2 val2) =
            Prelude.compare depth1 depth2,
            DBox.compare compDoms dom1 dom2,
            compValues val1 val2
compare compDoms compValues 
        (Node depth1 dom1 dir1 pt1 lo1 hi1) 
        (Node depth2 dom2 dir2 pt2 lo2 hi2) =
            Prelude.compare dir1 dir2,
            compDoms pt1 pt2,
            compare compDoms compValues lo1 lo2,
            compare compDoms compValues hi1 hi2

    lookup all maximal subtrees whose domain intersect the given rectangle
lookupSubtreeDoms ::
    (RA.ERIntApprox d, DomainBox box varid d) =>
    (BisectionTree box varid d v) ->
    box {-^ domain to look up within the tree -} ->
    [BisectionTree box varid d v]
lookupSubtreeDoms origBistr domB = 
    lk origBistr
    lk bistr@(Leaf _ _ _) = [bistr]
    lk bistr@(Node _ _ _ _ lo hi)
        | loDisjoint = lk hi
        | hiDisjoint = lk lo
        | otherwise = (lk lo) ++ (lk hi)
        loDisjoint =
            and $ Prelude.map snd $ 
                DBox.zipWithDefault RA.bottomApprox (RA.isDisjoint) domB domLO  
        hiDisjoint =
            and $ Prelude.map snd $ 
                DBox.zipWithDefault RA.bottomApprox (RA.isDisjoint) domB domHI  
        domLO = bistrDom lo
        domHI = bistrDom hi

    Update a value on a given sub-domain,
    bisecting the tree if necessary to obtain
    a better fit for the domain, but not below
    a given depth limit.
    With multiple domain dimensions, split the domain according to
updateVal ::
    (RA.ERIntApprox d, DomainIntBox box varid d,
     DomainBoxMappable box box varid d d) =>
    ValueSplitter box varid d v ->
    EffortIndex ->
        {-^ depth limit -} ->
        {-^ domain to update on -} ->
    (box -> v -> v) 
        {-^ how to update values that intersect the above domain -} ->
    (BisectionTree box varid d v) ->
    (BisectionTree box varid d v)
updateVal valSplitter ix maxDepth updateDom updateFn bistr =
    upd bistr
    upd bistr
        | noOverlap = bistr
        | edgeTouch && (isLeaf bistr) =
            updateLeaf bistr
             -- assuming we can update values on edges without
             -- influence on the interior
        | insideUpdateDom =
            mapLeaves updateLeaf bistr
        | depth >= maxDepth =
            mapLeaves updateLeaf bistr
        | otherwise = 
            -- divide and conquer:
            Node depth domB dir pt bistrLdone bistrRdone 
        updateLeaf bistr =
            bistr { bistrVal = updateFn (bistrDom bistr) (bistrVal bistr) }
        noOverlap = 
            or $ Prelude.map (not . RA.isConsistent) $ DBox.elems domOverlap
        domOverlap = 
            DBox.intersectionWith (RA./\) domB updateDom
        insideUpdateDom = 
            and $ Prelude.map snd $ DBox.zipWith RA.refines domB updateDom
        edgeTouch =
            and $ Prelude.map snd $ DBox.zipWithDefaultSecond RA.bottomApprox endPointTouch domB updateDom
        endPointTouch i1 i2 =
            i1L == i2R || i1R == i2L
            (==) = RA.eqSingletons
            (i1L, i1R) = RA.bounds i1
            (i2L, i2R) = RA.bounds i2            
        depth = bistrDepth bistr
        domB = bistrDom bistr
        bistrLdone = upd bistrL
        bistrRdone = upd bistrR
        (Node _ _ _ _ bistrL bistrR) 
            | (isLeaf bistr) =
                split valSplitter ix dir pt DBox.noinfo bistr
            | otherwise = bistr
        (dir, (_,pt)) = DBox.bestSplit domB