module Data.Number.ER.Real.Base.Float
import qualified Data.Number.ER.BasicTypes.ExtendedInteger as EI
import Data.Number.ER.BasicTypes.PlusMinus
import Data.Number.ER.Misc
import Data.Number.ER.BasicTypes
import qualified Data.Number.ER.Real.Base as B
import Data.Ratio
import Data.Typeable
import Data.Generics.Basics
import Data.Binary
debugMsg msg = id
data ERFloat =
apfltGran :: Granularity
| ERFloatInfty
apfltGran :: Granularity,
apfltSign :: PlusMinus
| ERFloatZero
apfltGran :: Granularity,
apfltSign :: PlusMinus
| ERFloat
apfltGran :: Granularity,
apfltSign :: PlusMinus,
apfltMant :: Integer,
apfltExp :: Integer
deriving (Typeable, Data)
zero = ERFloatZero 10 Plus
instance Binary ERFloat where
put (ERFloatNaN a) = putWord8 0 >> put a
put (ERFloatInfty a b) = putWord8 1 >> put a >> put b
put (ERFloatZero a b) = putWord8 2 >> put a >> put b
put (ERFloat a b c d) = putWord8 3 >> put a >> put b >> put c >> put d
get = do
tag_ <- getWord8
case tag_ of
0 -> get >>= \a -> return (ERFloatNaN a)
1 -> get >>= \a -> get >>= \b -> return (ERFloatInfty a b)
2 -> get >>= \a -> get >>= \b -> return (ERFloatZero a b)
3 -> get >>= \a -> get >>= \b -> get >>= \c -> get >>= \d -> return (ERFloat a b c d)
_ -> fail "no parse"
normaliseERFloat :: ERFloat -> ERFloat
normaliseERFloat flt@(ERFloat gr s m e)
| m < 0 =
normaliseERFloat $
ERFloat gr s (2*m + grmax) (e 1)
| m >= grmax =
normaliseERFloat $
ERFloat gr s ((m grmax + (rndCorr s)) `div` 2) (e + 1)
| e > grmax =
case s of
Plus -> ERFloatInfty gr Plus
Minus -> minERFloat gr
| e < grmax =
case s of
Plus -> ulpERFloat gr
Minus -> ERFloatZero gr Minus
| otherwise = flt
grmax = 2^gr
normaliseERFloat flt = flt
ulpERFloat gr =
ERFloat gr Plus 0 (2^gr)
minERFloat gr =
ERFloat gr Minus (grmax 1) grmax
grmax = 2^gr
maxERFloat gr =
ERFloat gr Plus (grmax 1) grmax
grmax = 2^gr
rndCorr Plus = 1
rndCorr Minus = 0
increaseERFloatExp e flt@(ERFloat gr s m eOld) =
ERFloat gr s mNew e
mNew =
grmax + ((m + grmax + (rndCorr s) * (ediff 1)) `div` ediff)
grmax = 2^gr
ediff = 2^(e eOld)
increaseERFloatExp _ flt = flt
decreaseERFloatExp e flt@(ERFloat gr s m eOld) =
ERFloat gr s mNew e
mNew =
grmax + ediff * (m + grmax)
grmax = 2^gr
ediff = 2^(eOld e)
decreaseERFloatExp _ flt = flt
apFloatExponent :: ERFloat -> EI.ExtendedInteger
apFloatExponent (ERFloatInfty _ _) = EI.PlusInfinity
apFloatExponent (ERFloatZero _ _) = EI.MinusInfinity
apFloatExponent (ERFloatNaN _) = EI.PlusInfinity
apFloatExponent flt = EI.Finite $ apfltExp flt
setERFloatGranularity ::
Granularity -> ERFloat -> ERFloat
setERFloatGranularity gr flt@(ERFloat oldGr s m e)
| gr > 0 =
normaliseERFloat $ ERFloat gr s newM e
| otherwise =
newM =
(m * (2^gr)
+ ((rndCorr s)*(2^oldGr 1)))
`div` (2^oldGr)
setERFloatGranularity gr f = f { apfltGran = gr }
setERFloatMinGranularity ::
Granularity -> ERFloat -> ERFloat
setERFloatMinGranularity gr flt
| gr > oldGr =
setERFloatGranularity gr flt
| otherwise = flt
oldGr = apfltGran flt
apfltGranularity = apfltGran
apfltGetMaxRounding ::
ERFloat -> ERFloat
apfltGetMaxRounding f@(ERFloatNaN _) = f
apfltGetMaxRounding f@(ERFloatInfty _ _) = f
apfltGetMaxRounding (ERFloatZero gr _) =
ERFloat gr Plus 0 ((2^gr))
apfltGetMaxRounding (ERFloat gr s m e) =
ERFloat gr Plus 0 (max (e (toInteger gr)) ((2^gr)))
instance Show ERFloat where
show = showERFloat 6 True False
showERFloat numDigits showGran showComponents flt =
showERF flt
maybeGran gr
| showGran = "{g=" ++ show gr ++ "}"
| otherwise = ""
showPM Plus = ""
showPM Minus = "-"
showERF (ERFloatNaN gr) = "NaN" ++ (maybeGran gr)
showERF (ERFloatZero gr pm) = showPM pm ++ "0.0" ++ (maybeGran gr)
showERF (ERFloatInfty gr pm) = showPM pm ++ "oo" ++ (maybeGran gr)
showERF f@(ERFloat gr s m e) =
decimal ++ (maybeGran gr) ++ maybeComps
| showComponents = "{val="++ show (s,m,e) ++ "}"
| otherwise = ""
decimal =
showPM s
++ show digit1 ++ "." ++ (concat $ map show $ take numDigits digits)
++ (if dexp == 0 then "" else "e" ++ show dexp)
(dexp, digit1 : digits)
| noLeadingZerosDexp == 1 =
(0, 0 : noLeadingZeroDigits)
| otherwise =
(noLeadingZerosDexp, noLeadingZeroDigits)
noLeadingZerosDexp = dexpBound zerosCount
(zerosCount, noLeadingZeroDigits) =
stripCountZeros 0 preDigits
stripCountZeros prevZeros ds@(d : dsRest)
| d == 0 = stripCountZeros (prevZeros + 1) dsRest
| otherwise = (prevZeros, ds)
| e >= 0 = intLogUp 10 (2^e)
| e < 0 = 2 (intLogUp 10 (2^(e)))
preDigits =
getDigits $ (abs $ setERFloatGranularity gran f) / (ten ^^ dexpBound)
ten = setERFloatGranularity gran 10
gran = 10 + (max (4 * numDigits) gr)
getDigits ff =
digit : digits
digit :: Integer
digit = truncate ff
digits =
getDigits ((ff (fromInteger digit)) * ten)
instance Eq ERFloat where
(ERFloatNaN _) == _ =
_ == (ERFloatNaN _) =
(ERFloatZero _ _) == (ERFloatZero _ _) = True
(ERFloatInfty _ pm1) == (ERFloatInfty _ pm2) = (pm1 == pm2)
f1@(ERFloat gr1 s1 m1 e1) == f2@(ERFloat gr2 s2 m2 e2)
| gr1 < gr2 =
(setERFloatGranularity gr2 f1) == f2
| gr1 > gr2 =
f1 == (setERFloatGranularity gr1 f2)
| otherwise =
s1 == s2 && m1 == m2 && e1 == e2
_ == _ = False
isERFloatNaN (ERFloatNaN _) = True
isERFloatNaN _ = False
instance Ord ERFloat where
compare a b@(ERFloatNaN _) =
unsafePrint ("ERFloat: comparing NaN: " ++ show a ++ " vs. " ++ show b) EQ
compare a@(ERFloatNaN _) b =
unsafePrint ("ERFloat: comparing NaN: " ++ show a ++ " vs. " ++ show b) EQ
compare (ERFloatInfty gr1 pm1) (ERFloatInfty gr2 pm2) =
compare pm1 pm2
compare _ (ERFloatInfty _ Plus) = LT
compare _ (ERFloatInfty _ Minus) = GT
compare (ERFloatInfty _ Plus) _ = GT
compare (ERFloatInfty _ Minus) _ = LT
compare (ERFloatZero gr1 pm1) (ERFloatZero gr2 pm2) = EQ
compare (ERFloatZero _ _) (ERFloat _ Plus _ _) = LT
compare (ERFloatZero _ _) (ERFloat _ Minus _ _) = GT
compare (ERFloat _ Minus _ _) (ERFloatZero _ _) = LT
compare (ERFloat _ Plus _ _) (ERFloatZero _ _) = GT
compare (ERFloat _ Minus _ _) (ERFloat _ Plus _ _) = LT
compare (ERFloat _ Plus _ _) (ERFloat _ Minus _ _) = GT
compare (ERFloat gr1 Plus m1 e1) (ERFloat gr2 _ m2 e2)
| e1 < e2 = LT
| e1 > e2 = GT
| gr1 == gr2 = compare m1 m2
| otherwise = compare ((2^gr2)*m1) ((2^gr1)*m2)
compare f1@(ERFloat _ Minus _ _) f2@(ERFloat _ _ _ _) =
compare (f2) (f1)
instance Num ERFloat where
fromInteger n
| n == 0 = ERFloatZero (B.defaultGranularity zero) Plus
| n < 0 =
normaliseERFloat $ ERFloat gr Minus m e
| otherwise =
normaliseERFloat $ ERFloat gr Plus m e
gr = fromInteger e
e = max (toInteger (B.defaultGranularity zero)) $ (intLogUp 2 $ abs n) 1
m = (abs n) 2^gr
abs f@(ERFloatNaN _) = f
abs f = f { apfltSign = Plus }
signum f@(ERFloatNaN _) = f
signum (ERFloatZero gr Plus) = setERFloatMinGranularity gr 1
signum (ERFloatZero gr Minus) = setERFloatMinGranularity gr (1)
signum (ERFloatInfty gr Plus) = setERFloatMinGranularity gr 1
signum (ERFloatInfty gr Minus) = setERFloatMinGranularity gr (1)
signum flt =
case apfltSign flt of { Plus -> 1; Minus -> 1 }
negate (ERFloat gr s m e) = ERFloat gr (signNeg s) m e
negate (ERFloatZero gr s) = ERFloatZero gr (signNeg s)
negate (ERFloatInfty gr s) = ERFloatInfty gr (signNeg s)
negate f@(ERFloatNaN _) = f
f1 + f2
| gr1 > gr2 = f1 + (setERFloatGranularity gr1 f2)
| gr1 < gr2 = (setERFloatGranularity gr2 f1) + f2
gr1 = apfltGran f1
gr2 = apfltGran f2
f@(ERFloatNaN _) + _ = f
_ + f@(ERFloatNaN _) = f
(ERFloatZero _ _) + f = f
f + (ERFloatZero _ _) = f
(ERFloatInfty gr Plus) + (ERFloatInfty _ Minus) =
debugMsg ("ERFloat: infty - infty -> NaN\n") $
ERFloatNaN gr
(ERFloatInfty gr Minus) + (ERFloatInfty _ Plus) =
debugMsg ("ERFloat: -infty + infty -> NaN\n") $
ERFloatNaN gr
f@(ERFloatInfty gr s) + _ = f
_ + f@(ERFloatInfty gr s) = f
f1@(ERFloat gr s1 m1 e1) + f2@(ERFloat _ s2 m2 e2)
| e1 < e2 = f1 + (decreaseERFloatExp e1 f2)
| e1 > e2 = (decreaseERFloatExp e2 f1) + f2
| s1 == Minus && s2 == Plus =
f2 + f1
| s1 == Plus && s2 == Minus && m1 == m2 =
ERFloatZero gr Plus
| s1 == Plus && s2 == Minus && m1 > m2 =
normaliseERFloat $
ERFloat gr s1 (m1 m2 2^gr) e1
| s1 == Plus && s2 == Minus && m1 < m2 =
normaliseERFloat $
ERFloat gr s2 (m2 m1 2^gr) e1
| otherwise =
normaliseERFloat $
ERFloat gr s1 (m1 + m2 + 2^gr) e1
f1 * f2
| gr1 > gr2 = f1 * (setERFloatGranularity gr1 f2)
| gr1 < gr2 = (setERFloatGranularity gr2 f1) * f2
gr1 = apfltGran f1
gr2 = apfltGran f2
f@(ERFloatNaN _) * _ = f
_ * f@(ERFloatNaN _) = f
(ERFloatInfty gr _) * (ERFloatZero _ _) =
debugMsg ("ERFloat: infty * 0 -> NaN\n") $
ERFloatNaN gr
(ERFloatZero gr _) * (ERFloatInfty _ _) =
debugMsg ("ERFloat: 0 * infty -> NaN\n") $
ERFloatNaN gr
f * (ERFloatInfty gr s) = ERFloatInfty gr $ signMult s (apfltSign f)
(ERFloatInfty gr s) * f = ERFloatInfty gr $ signMult s (apfltSign f)
(ERFloatZero gr s) * f = ERFloatZero gr $ signMult s (apfltSign f)
f * (ERFloatZero gr s) = ERFloatZero gr $ signMult s (apfltSign f)
f1@(ERFloat gr s1 m1 e1) * f2@(ERFloat _ s2 m2 e2) =
normaliseERFloat $
ERFloat gr s mNew (e1 + e2)
s = signMult s1 s2
mNew =
m1 + m2
+ ((m1 * m2 + (rndCorr s) * (2^gr 1))
`div` 2^gr)
instance Fractional ERFloat where
fromRational rat =
(fromInteger $ numerator rat)
/ (fromInteger $ denominator rat)
f1 / f2
| gr1 > gr2 = f1 / (setERFloatGranularity gr1 f2)
| gr1 < gr2 = (setERFloatGranularity gr2 f1) / f2
gr1 = apfltGran f1
gr2 = apfltGran f2
f@(ERFloatNaN _) / _ = f
f1 / f2 =
case apfltSign f1 of
Plus -> f1 * (recip f2)
Minus -> ( f1) * (recip ( f2))
recip f@(ERFloatNaN _) = f
recip (ERFloatZero gr s) = ERFloatInfty gr s
recip (ERFloatInfty gr s) = ERFloatZero gr s
recip (ERFloat gr s m e) =
normaliseERFloat $
ERFloat gr s mNew (e)
mNew =
( grmax * m
+ (rndCorr s) * (grmax + m 1))
(grmax + m)
grmax = 2^gr
apfloatFromRational ::
Granularity -> Rational -> ERFloat
apfloatFromRational gran rat =
(setERFloatMinGranularity gran (fromInteger $ numerator rat))
/ (fromInteger $ denominator rat)
instance Real ERFloat where
toRational (ERFloat gr s m e) =
case s of
Plus -> r
Minus -> r
r = (eOn2R) * (1 + mR/(grOn2R))
mR = toRational m
eOn2R = toRational $ 2 ^^ e
grOn2R = toRational $ 2 ^ gr
toRational (ERFloatZero _ _) = 0
toRational f =
error $ "cannot covert " ++ show f ++ " to a rational"
instance RealFrac ERFloat where
properFraction (ERFloatNaN _) =
error "no integral part in ERFloatNaN"
properFraction (ERFloatZero _ _) =
(0, 0)
properFraction (ERFloatInfty _ _) =
error "no integral part in ERFloatInfty"
properFraction f@(ERFloat gr s m e)
| e < 0 = (0, f)
| s == Plus =
(n, frac)
| s == Minus =
(n, frac)
n = fromInteger $ 2^e + (m*(2^e) `div` 2^gr)
frac = f (fromInteger $ toInteger n)
instance B.ERRealBase ERFloat
typeName _ = "ERFloat (pure Haskell implementation)"
defaultGranularity _ = 10
getApproxBinaryLog = apFloatExponent
getGranularity = apfltGran
setMinGranularity = setERFloatMinGranularity
setGranularity = setERFloatGranularity
getMaxRounding = apfltGetMaxRounding
isERNaN (ERFloatNaN _) = True
isERNaN _ = False
erNaN = ERFloatNaN (B.defaultGranularity zero)
isPlusInfinity (ERFloatInfty _ Plus) = True
isPlusInfinity _ = False
plusInfinity = ERFloatInfty (B.defaultGranularity zero) Plus
fromIntegerUp i = fromInteger i
fromDouble d
| isNaN d = ERFloatNaN (B.defaultGranularity zero)
| otherwise = (fromRational . toRational) d
toDouble (ERFloatInfty _ s) = signToNum s * (1/0)
toDouble (ERFloatNaN _) = 0/0
toDouble flt =
(fromInteger $ numerator rat) / (fromInteger $ denominator rat)
rat = toRational flt
fromFloat f
| isNaN f = ERFloatNaN (B.defaultGranularity zero)
| otherwise = (fromRational . toRational) f
toFloat (ERFloatInfty _ s) = signToNum s * (1/0)
toFloat (ERFloatNaN _) = 0/0
toFloat flt =
(fromInteger $ numerator rat) / (fromInteger $ denominator rat)
rat = toRational flt
showDiGrCmp = showERFloat