-- | Classes that enumerate the index structure necessary for actually
-- performing the indexing.
-- TODO Currently, we only provide dense index generation.

module ADP.Fusion.SynVar.Indices.Classes where

import Data.Proxy (Proxy(..))
import Data.Vector.Fusion.Stream.Monadic (map,Stream,head,mapM,flatten,Step(..))
import Prelude hiding (map,head,mapM)

import Data.PrimitiveArray hiding (map)

import ADP.Fusion.Core.Classes
import ADP.Fusion.Core.Multi
import ADP.Fusion.Core.TyLvlIx

-- | This type classes enable enumeration both in single- and multi-dim
-- cases. The type @a@ is the type of the /full stack/ of indices, i.e. the
-- full multi-tape problem.

class AddIndexDense s u c i where
    :: (Monad m)
    => c -> Context i -> i -> i -> Stream m (SvState s a Z Z) -> Stream m (SvState s a u i)

instance AddIndexDense a Z Z Z where
  addIndexDenseGo _ _ _ _ = id
  {-# Inline addIndexDenseGo #-}

-- | @SvState@ holds the state that is currently being built up by
-- @AddIndexDense@. We have both @tIx@ (and @tOx@) and @iIx@ (and @iOx@).
-- For most index structures, the indices will co-incide; however for some,
-- this will not be true -- herein for @Set@ index structures.

data SvState s a u i = SvS
  { sS  :: !s -- ^ state coming in from the left
--  , sIx :: !(RunningIndex a) --  @I/C@ index from @sS@
  , tx  :: !u -- ^ @I/C@ building up state to index the @table@.
  , iIx :: !(RunningIndex i) -- ^ @I/C@ building up state to hand over to next symbol

-- | Given an incoming stream with indices, this adds indices for the
-- current syntactic variable / symbol.

  :: ( Monad m
     , AddIndexDense s u c i
     , s ~ Elm x0 i0
     , Element x0 i0
  => c -> Context i -> i -> i -> Stream m s -> Stream m (s,u,RunningIndex i)
addIndexDense t c u i = map (\(SvS s z i') -> (s,z,i')) . addIndexDenseGo t c u i . map (\s -> (SvS s Z RiZ))
{-# Inline addIndexDense #-}

-- | In case of 1-dim tables, we wrap the index creation in a multi-dim
-- system and remove the @Z@ later on. This allows us to have to write only
-- a single instance.

  :: ( Monad m
     , AddIndexDense (Elm (SynVar1 (Elm x0 a)) (Z:.i)) (Z:.u) (Z:.c) (Z:.i)
     , GetIndex (Z:.a) (Z:.i)
     , s ~ Elm x0 a
     , Element x0 a
  => c -> Context i -> i -> i -> Stream m s -> Stream m (s,u,RunningIndex i)
addIndexDense1 t c u i = map (\(SvS (ElmSynVar1 s) (Z:.z) (RiZ:.:i')) -> (s,z,i'))
                       . addIndexDenseGo (Z:.t) (Z:.c) (Z:.u) (Z:.i)
                       . map (\s -> (SvS (elmSynVar1 s i) Z RiZ))
{-# Inline addIndexDense1 #-}

newtype SynVar1 s = SynVar1 s

elmSynVar1 :: s -> i -> Elm (SynVar1 s) (Z:.i)
elmSynVar1 s _ = ElmSynVar1 s
{-# Inline elmSynVar1 #-}

instance (s ~ Elm x0 i, Element x0 i) => Element (SynVar1 s) (Z:.i) where
  newtype Elm (SynVar1 s) (Z:.i) = ElmSynVar1 s
  getIdx (ElmSynVar1 s) = RiZ :.: getIdx s
  {-# Inline getIdx #-}

-- | Instance headers, we typically need.

type IndexHdr s x0 i0 us u cs c is i =
  ( AddIndexDense s us cs is
  , GetIndex (RunningIndex i0) (RunningIndex (is:.i))
  , GetIx (RunningIndex i0) (RunningIndex (is:.i)) ~ (RunningIndex i)
  , Element x0 i0
  , s ~ Elm x0 i0