{-# OPTIONS_GHC -Wall                   #-}
{-# LANGUAGE GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveGeneric              #-}
-- |
-- Module      :  ZMidi.Score.Show
-- Copyright   :  (c) 2012--2014, Utrecht University 
-- License     :  LGPL-3
-- Maintainer  :  W. Bas de Haas <w.b.dehaas@uu.nl>
-- Stability   :  experimental
-- Portability :  non-portable
-- Summary: functions for representing a 'MidiScore' as text.
module ZMidi.Score.Show ( showMidiScore
                        , showVoices
                        ) where

import ZMidi.Score.Datatypes
import Control.Monad.State ( State, modify, get
                           , evalState )
import Control.Monad       ( mapAndUnzipM )
import Data.List           ( intercalate )
import Text.Printf         ( printf )

-- Printing MidiScores

-- | Show a MidiScore in a readable way
showMidiScore :: MidiScore -> String
showMidiScore ms@(MidiScore k ts tb mf tp st _vs) = "Key: "      ++ show k 
                                     ++ "\nMeter: "  ++ show ts
                                     ++ "\nTicks per Beat: "  ++ show tb 
                                     ++ "\nMidi format: " ++ show mf 
                                     ++ "\nTempo: "  ++ show tp 
                                     ++ "\nShortest tick: "   ++ show st
                                     ++ "\nNotes:\n" ++ showVoices ms

-- | Shows the voices in a MidiScore in a readable way, but this function
-- only works for monophonic channels. TODO: fix
showVoices :: MidiScore -> String
showVoices ms = intercalate "\n" $ evalState (showTimeSlice . getVoices $ ms) 0 
  -- shows a the sounding notes at a specific time 
  showTimeSlice :: [Voice] -> State Time [String]
  showTimeSlice vs = 
    do (str, vs') <- mapAndUnzipM showVoiceAtTime vs
       case noMoreNotesToShow vs' of        -- the stopping condition
         True  -> return []
         False -> do t <- get
                     --  update the clock
                     modify (+ minDur ms)
                     x <- showTimeSlice vs' -- recursively calculate a next slice
                     -- the output string:
                     let out = intercalate "\t" (printf "%7d" (time t) : str)                                    
                     return (out : x)

  -- The stopping condition: when there are no more notes in all of the tracks
  noMoreNotesToShow :: [Voice] -> Bool
  noMoreNotesToShow = and . map null 
  -- Takes a Voice and shows the head of the voice appropriately depending on
  -- the location in time. showVoicAtTime also returns the tail of the voice.
  showVoiceAtTime :: Voice -> State Time (String, Voice)
  showVoiceAtTime []       = return ("  ",[])
  showVoiceAtTime x@(v:vs) = 
    do t <- get
       case hasStarted t v of
         True  -> case hasEnded t v of
                    -- if v has ended, an new note at the same voice
                    -- might start at the same time. Hence, call ourselves again
                    True  -> showVoiceAtTime vs 
                    False -> return (show . pitch . getEvent $ v, x)
         False ->            return ("  "                       , x)

  hasStarted, hasEnded :: Time -> Timed ScoreEvent -> Bool
  -- returns true if the Timed ScoreEvent is has started to sound at Time t
  hasStarted t tse = t >= onset tse 
  -- returns true if the Timed ScoreEvent is still sounding at Time t
  hasEnded t (Timed ons se) = ons + duration se  <  t