{-# OPTIONS -Wall #-}

-- |
-- Module      :  ZMidi.Core.ReadFile
-- Copyright   :  (c) Stephen Tetley 2010
-- License     :  BSD3
-- Maintainer  :  Stephen Tetley <stephen.tetley@gmail.com>
-- Stability   :  unstable
-- Portability :  As per dependencies.
-- A MIDI file parser. 

module ZMidi.Core.ReadFile 
  -- * Read a MIDI file

  -- * Auxiallary types
  , ParseErr
  , Pos
  , ErrMsg
  ) where

import ZMidi.Core.Datatypes
import ZMidi.Core.Internal.ParserMonad

import Control.Applicative
import Control.Monad
import Data.Bits
import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy   as L
import Data.Word

readMidi :: FilePath -> IO (Either ParseErr MidiFile)
readMidi filename =
    liftM (runParser `flip` midiFile) (L.readFile filename)


midiFile :: ParserM MidiFile  
midiFile = {- printHexAll >> -} do
    hdr   <- header
    let i  = trackCount hdr
    trks  <- count i track
    return $ MidiFile hdr trks   
    trackCount :: Header -> Int 
    trackCount (Header _ n _) = fromIntegral n

header :: ParserM Header  
header = Header <$> (assertString "MThd" *> assertWord32 (6::Int) *> format)
                <*> word16be
                <*> timeDivision

track :: ParserM Track
track = liftM Track (trackHeader >>= messages)

trackHeader :: ParserM Word32
trackHeader = assertString "MTrk" >> word32be

messages :: Word32 -> ParserM [Message]
messages i = boundRepeat (fromIntegral i) message

message :: ParserM Message
message = (,) <$>  deltaTime <*> event

deltaTime :: ParserM Word32
deltaTime = "delta time" <??> getVarlen

event :: ParserM Event
event = word8 >>= step
    -- 00..7f  -- /data/
    step n | n    == 0xFF   = MetaEvent        <$> (word8 >>= metaEvent)
           | 0xF8 <= n      = SysRealTimeEvent <$> sysRealTimeEvent n
           | 0xF1 <= n      = SysCommonEvent   <$> sysCommonEvent n
           | n    == 0xF0   = SysExEvent       <$> sysExEvent
           | 0x80 <= n      = VoiceEvent       <$> voiceEvent (splitByte n)
           | otherwise      = DataEvent        <$> dataEvent n

dataEvent :: Word8 -> ParserM DataEvent
dataEvent tag = pure $ Data1 tag

voiceEvent :: SplitByte -> ParserM VoiceEvent
voiceEvent (SB 0x8 ch)  = 
    "note-off"          <??> (NoteOff ch)        <$> word8 <*> word8

voiceEvent (SB 0x9 ch)  = 
    "note-on"           <??> (NoteOn ch)         <$> word8 <*> word8

voiceEvent (SB 0xA ch)  = 
    "note aftertouch"   <??> (NoteAftertouch ch) <$> word8 <*> word8
voiceEvent (SB 0xB ch)  = 
    "controller"        <??> (Controller ch)     <$> word8 <*> word8

voiceEvent (SB 0xC ch)  = 
    "program change"    <??> (ProgramChange ch)  <$> word8 

voiceEvent (SB 0xD ch)  = 
    "chan aftertouch"   <??> (ChanAftertouch ch) <$> word8 

voiceEvent (SB 0xE ch)  = 
    "pitch bend"        <??> (PitchBend ch)      <$> word16be

voiceEvent (SB z   _ )  = reportError $ "voiceEvent " ++ hexStr z 

sysCommonEvent :: Word8 -> ParserM SysCommonEvent
sysCommonEvent 0xF1     = 
    "quarter frame"     <??> QuarterFrame . splitByte      <$> word8

sysCommonEvent 0xF2     = 
    "song pos. pointer" <??> SongPosPointer                <$> word8 <*> word8

sysCommonEvent 0xF3     = 
    "song select"       <??> SongSelect                    <$> word8

sysCommonEvent 0xF4     = pure $ Common_undefined 0xF4

sysCommonEvent 0xF5     = pure $ Common_undefined 0xF5

sysCommonEvent 0xF6     = pure TuneRequest

sysCommonEvent 0xF7     = pure EOX

sysCommonEvent tag      = pure $ Common_undefined tag

sysRealTimeEvent :: Word8 -> ParserM SysRealTimeEvent
sysRealTimeEvent 0xF8 = pure TimingClock
sysRealTimeEvent 0xF9 = pure $ RT_undefined 0xF9
sysRealTimeEvent 0xFA = pure StartSequence
sysRealTimeEvent 0xFB = pure ContinueSequence
sysRealTimeEvent 0xFC = pure StopSequence
sysRealTimeEvent 0xFD = pure $ RT_undefined 0xFD
sysRealTimeEvent 0xFE = pure ActiveSensing
sysRealTimeEvent 0xFF = pure SystemReset
sysRealTimeEvent tag  = pure $ RT_undefined tag

sysExEvent :: ParserM SysExEvent
sysExEvent = "sys-ex" <??> (uncurry SysEx) <$> getVarlenBytes

metaEvent :: Word8 -> ParserM MetaEvent
metaEvent 0x00          = 
    "sequence number"   <??> SequenceNumber <$> (assertWord8 2 *> word16be)

metaEvent 0x01          = "generic text"      <??> textEvent GENERIC_TEXT 
metaEvent 0x02          = "copyrightn notice" <??> textEvent COPYRIGHT_NOTICE
metaEvent 0x03          = "sequence name"     <??> textEvent SEQUENCE_NAME
metaEvent 0x04          = "instrument name"   <??> textEvent INSTRUMENT_NAME
metaEvent 0x05          = "lyrics"            <??> textEvent LYRICS
metaEvent 0x06          = "marker"            <??> textEvent MARKER
metaEvent 0x07          = "cue point"         <??> textEvent CUE_POINT

metaEvent 0x20          = 
    "channel prefix"    <??> ChannelPrefix <$> word8 <*> word8

metaEvent 0x2F          = 
    "end of track"      <??> EndOfTrack <$ assertWord8 0  

metaEvent 0x51          = 
    "set tempo"         <??> SetTempo <$> (assertWord8 3     *> word24be)

metaEvent 0x54          = 
    "smpte offset"      <??> SMPTEOffset  <$> (assertWord8 5   *> word8) 
                                          <*> word8           <*> word8
                                          <*> word8           <*> word8

metaEvent 0x58          = 
    "time signature"    <??> TimeSignature  <$> (assertWord8 4   *> word8)
                                            <*> word8           <*> word8 
                                            <*> word8 

metaEvent 0x59          = 
    "key signature"     <??> KeySignature   <$> (assertWord8 2   *> int8) 
                                            <*> scale

metaEvent 0x7F          = 
    "system specific meta event" <??> (uncurry SSME) <$> getVarlenBytes     

metaEvent z    = reportError $ "unreconized meta-event " ++ hexStr z

format :: ParserM Format
format = word16be >>= fn 
    fn 0 = return MF0
    fn 1 = return MF1
    fn 2 = return MF2
    fn z = reportError $ 
              "getFormat - unrecognized file format " ++ hexStr z
timeDivision :: ParserM TimeDivision
timeDivision = division <$> word16be
  where division i | i `testBit` 15 = FPS (i `clearBit` 15)
                   | otherwise      = TPB i

scale :: ParserM ScaleType
scale = word8 >>= fn 
    fn 0 = return MAJOR
    fn 1 = return MINOR
    fn z = reportError $ "scale expecting 0 or 1, got " ++ hexStr z
textEvent :: TextType -> ParserM MetaEvent
textEvent ty = (TextEvent ty . snd) <$> getVarlenText

-- helpers

assertWord8 :: Word8 -> ParserM Word8
assertWord8 i = postCheck word8 (==i) msg
    msg = "assertWord8 - input did not match " ++ show i
assertWord32 :: Integral a => a -> ParserM Word32
assertWord32 i = postCheck word32be ((==i) . fromIntegral) msg
    msg = "assertWord32 - input did not match " ++ show i

assertString :: String -> ParserM String
assertString s = postCheck (text $ length s) (==s) msg
    msg = "assertString - input did not match " ++ s

getVarlenText :: ParserM (Word32,String)  
getVarlenText = gencount getVarlen char8

getVarlenBytes :: ParserM (Word32,[Word8]) 
getVarlenBytes = gencount getVarlen word8

getVarlen :: ParserM Word32
getVarlen = liftM fromVarlen step1
    high a = a `testBit` 7

    step1     = word8 >>= \a -> if high a then step2 a else return (V1 a)
    step2 a   = word8 >>= \b -> if high b then step3 a b else return (V2 a b)
    step3 a b = word8 >>= \c -> if high c then do { d <- word8
                                                  ; return (V4 a b c d)}
                                          else return (V3 a b c)  

-- | Apply parse then apply the check, if the check fails report
-- the error message. 
postCheck :: ParserM a -> (a -> Bool) -> String -> ParserM a
postCheck p check msg = p >>= \ans -> 
    if check ans then return ans else reportError msg