-- |Stream the extraction of a zip file, e.g., as it's being downloaded.
{-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards #-}
{-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes #-}
module Codec.Archive.Zip.Conduit.UnZip
  ( unZipStream
  , ZipEntry(..)
  , ZipInfo(..)
  ) where

import           Control.Applicative ((<|>), empty)
import           Control.Monad (when, unless, guard)
import           Control.Monad.Base (MonadBase)
import           Control.Monad.Catch (MonadThrow)
import           Control.Monad.Primitive (PrimMonad)
import qualified Data.Binary.Get as G
import           Data.Bits ((.&.), testBit, clearBit, shiftL, shiftR)
import qualified Data.ByteString as BS
import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8 as BSC
import qualified Data.Conduit as C
import qualified Data.Conduit.List as CL
import           Data.Conduit.Serialization.Binary (sinkGet)
import qualified Data.Conduit.Zlib as CZ
import           Data.Time (LocalTime(..), TimeOfDay(..), fromGregorian)
import           Data.Word (Word16, Word32, Word64)

import           Codec.Archive.Zip.Conduit.Types
import           Codec.Archive.Zip.Conduit.Internal

data Header m
  = FileHeader
    { fileDecompress :: C.Conduit BS.ByteString m BS.ByteString
    , fileEntry :: !ZipEntry
    , fileCRC :: !Word32
    , fileCSize :: !Word64
    , fileZip64 :: !Bool
  | EndOfCentralDirectory
    { endInfo :: ZipInfo

data ExtField = ExtField
  { extZip64 :: Bool
  , extZip64USize
  , extZip64CSize :: Word64

{- ExtUnix
  { extUnixATime
  , extUnixMTime :: UTCTime
  , extUnixUID
  , extUnixGID :: Word16
  , extUnixData :: BS.ByteString

pass :: (MonadThrow m, Integral n) => n -> C.Conduit BS.ByteString m BS.ByteString
pass 0 = return ()
pass n = C.await >>= maybe
  (zipError $ "EOF in file data, expecting " ++ show ni ++ " more bytes")
  (\b ->
    let n' = ni - toInteger (BS.length b) in
    if n' < 0
      then do
        let (b', r) = BS.splitAt (fromIntegral n) b
        C.yield b'
        C.leftover r
      else do
        C.yield b
        pass n')
  where ni = toInteger n

foldGet :: (a -> G.Get a) -> a -> G.Get a
foldGet g z = do
  e <- G.isEmpty
  if e then return z else g z >>= foldGet g

fromDOSTime :: Word16 -> Word16 -> LocalTime
fromDOSTime time date = LocalTime
    (fromIntegral $ date `shiftR` 9 + 1980)
    (fromIntegral $ date `shiftR` 5 .&. 0x0f)
    (fromIntegral $ date            .&. 0x1f))
    (fromIntegral $ time `shiftR` 11)
    (fromIntegral $ time `shiftR` 5 .&. 0x3f)
    (fromIntegral $ time `shiftL` 1 .&. 0x3f))

-- |Stream process a zip file, producing a sequence of entry headers and data blocks.
-- For example, this might produce: @Left (ZipEntry "directory\/" ...), Left (ZipEntry "directory\/file.txt" ...), Right "hello w", Right "orld!\\n", Left ...@
-- The final result is summary information taken from the end of the zip file.
-- No state is maintained during processing, and, in particular, any information in the central directory is discarded.
-- This only supports a limited number of zip file features, including deflate compression and zip64.
-- It does not (ironically) support uncompressed zip files that have been created as streams, where file sizes are not known beforehand.
-- Since it does not use the offset information at the end of the file, it assumes all entries are packed sequentially, which is usually the case.
-- Any errors are thrown in the underlying monad (as 'ZipError's or 'Data.Conduit.Serialization.Binary.ParseError').
unZipStream :: (MonadBase b m, PrimMonad b, MonadThrow m) => C.ConduitM BS.ByteString (Either ZipEntry BS.ByteString) m ZipInfo
unZipStream = next where
  next = do -- local header, or start central directory
    h <- sinkGet $ do
      sig <- G.getWord32le
      case sig of
        0x04034b50 -> fileHeader
        _ -> centralBody sig
    case h of
      FileHeader{..} -> do
        C.yield $ Left fileEntry
        r <- C.mapOutput Right $
          case zipEntrySize fileEntry of
            Nothing -> do -- unknown size
              (csize, (size, crc)) <- inputSize fileDecompress `C.fuseBoth` sizeCRC
              -- traceM $ "csize=" ++ show csize ++ " size=" ++ show size ++ " crc=" ++ show crc
              -- required data description
              sinkGet $ dataDesc h
                { fileCSize = csize
                , fileCRC = crc
                , fileEntry = fileEntry
                  { zipEntrySize = Just size
            Just usize -> do -- known size
              (size, crc) <- pass fileCSize
                C..| (fileDecompress >> CL.sinkNull)
                C..| sizeCRC
              -- traceM $ "size=" ++ show size ++ "," ++ show (zipEntrySize fileEntry) ++ " crc=" ++ show crc ++ "," ++ show fileCRC
              -- optional data description (possibly ambiguous!)
              sinkGet $ (guard =<< dataDesc h) <|> return ()
              return (size == usize && crc == fileCRC)
        unless r $ zipError $ BSC.unpack (zipEntryName fileEntry) ++ ": data integrity check failed"
      EndOfCentralDirectory{..} -> do
        return endInfo
  dataDesc h = -- this takes a bit of flexibility to account for the various cases
    (do -- with signature
      sig <- G.getWord32le
      guard (sig == 0x08074b50)
      dataDescBody h)
    <|> dataDescBody h -- without signature
  dataDescBody FileHeader{..} = do
    crc <- G.getWord32le
    let getSize = if fileZip64 then G.getWord64le else fromIntegral <$> G.getWord32le
    csiz <- getSize
    usiz <- getSize
    -- traceM $ "crc=" ++ show crc ++ "," ++ show fileCRC ++ " csiz=" ++ show csiz ++ "," ++ show fileCSize ++ " usiz=" ++ show usiz ++ "," ++ show (zipEntrySize fileEntry)
    return $ crc == fileCRC && csiz == fileCSize && (usiz ==) `all` zipEntrySize fileEntry
  dataDescBody _ = empty
  central = G.getWord32le >>= centralBody
  centralBody 0x02014b50 = centralHeader >> central
  centralBody 0x06064b50 = zip64EndDirectory >> central
  centralBody 0x07064b50 = G.skip 16 >> central
  centralBody 0x06054b50 = EndOfCentralDirectory <$> endDirectory
  centralBody sig = fail $ "Unknown header signature: " ++ show sig
  fileHeader = do
    ver <- G.getWord16le
    when (ver > zipVersion) $ fail $ "Unsupported version: " ++ show ver
    gpf <- G.getWord16le
    -- when (gpf .&. complement (bit 1 .|. bit 2 .|. bit 3) /= 0) $ fail $ "Unsupported flags: " ++ show gpf
    when (gpf `clearBit` 1 `clearBit` 2 `clearBit` 3 /= 0) $ fail $ "Unsupported flags: " ++ show gpf
    comp <- G.getWord16le
    dcomp <- case comp of
      0 | testBit gpf 3 -> fail "Unsupported uncompressed streaming file data"
        | otherwise -> return idConduit
      8 -> return $ CZ.decompress deflateWindowBits
      _ -> fail $ "Unsupported compression method: " ++ show comp
    time <- fromDOSTime <$> G.getWord16le <*> G.getWord16le
    crc <- G.getWord32le
    csiz <- G.getWord32le
    usiz <- G.getWord32le
    nlen <- fromIntegral <$> G.getWord16le
    elen <- fromIntegral <$> G.getWord16le
    name <- G.getByteString nlen
    let getExt ext = do
          t <- G.getWord16le
          z <- fromIntegral <$> G.getWord16le
          G.isolate z $ case t of
            0x0001 -> do
              -- the zip specs claim "the Local header MUST include BOTH" but "only if the corresponding field is set to 0xFFFFFFFF"
              usiz' <- if usiz == maxBound32 then G.getWord64le else return $ extZip64USize ext
              csiz' <- if csiz == maxBound32 then G.getWord64le else return $ extZip64CSize ext
              return ext
                { extZip64 = True
                , extZip64USize = usiz'
                , extZip64CSize = csiz'
            0x000d -> do
              atim <- G.getWord32le
              mtim <- G.getWord32le
              uid <- G.getWord16le
              gid <- G.getWord16le
              dat <- G.getByteString $ z - 12
              return ExtUnix
                { extUnixATime = posixSecondsToUTCTime atim
                , extUnixMTime = posixSecondsToUTCTime mtim
                , extUnixUID = uid
                , extUnixGID = gid
                , extUnixData = dat
            _ -> ext <$ G.skip z
    ExtField{..} <- G.isolate elen $ foldGet getExt ExtField
      { extZip64 = False
      , extZip64USize = fromIntegral usiz
      , extZip64CSize = fromIntegral csiz
    return FileHeader
      { fileEntry = ZipEntry
        { zipEntryName = name
        , zipEntryTime = time
        , zipEntrySize = if testBit gpf 3 then Nothing else Just extZip64USize
      , fileDecompress = dcomp
      , fileCSize = extZip64CSize
      , fileCRC = crc
      , fileZip64 = extZip64
  centralHeader = do
    -- ignore everything
    G.skip 24
    nlen <- fromIntegral <$> G.getWord16le
    elen <- fromIntegral <$> G.getWord16le
    clen <- fromIntegral <$> G.getWord16le
    G.skip $ 12 + nlen + elen + clen
  zip64EndDirectory = do
    len <- G.getWord64le
    G.skip $ fromIntegral len -- would not expect to overflow...
  endDirectory = do
    G.skip 16
    clen <- fromIntegral <$> G.getWord16le
    comm <- G.getByteString clen
    return ZipInfo
      { zipComment = comm