{-# OPTIONS_GHC -fno-warn-orphans #-} {-# LANGUAGE CPP #-} -- Test suite for Codec.Archive.Zip -- runghc Test.hs import Codec.Archive.Zip import System.Directory import Test.HUnit.Base import Test.HUnit.Text import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8 as BS import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as BL import Control.Applicative import System.Exit import System.IO.Temp (withTempDirectory) #ifndef _WINDOWS import System.Posix.Files #endif -- define equality for Archives so timestamps aren't distinguished if they -- correspond to the same MSDOS datetime. instance Eq Archive where (==) a1 a2 = zSignature a1 == zSignature a2 && zComment a1 == zComment a2 && (all id $ zipWith (\x y -> x { eLastModified = eLastModified x `div` 2 } == y { eLastModified = eLastModified y `div` 2 }) (zEntries a1) (zEntries a2)) main :: IO Counts main = withTempDirectory "." "test-zip-archive." $ \tmpDir -> do res <- runTestTT $ TestList $ map (\f -> f tmpDir) [ testReadWriteArchive , testReadExternalZip , testFromToArchive , testReadWriteEntry , testAddFilesOptions , testDeleteEntries , testExtractFiles #ifndef _WINDOWS , testExtractFilesWithPosixAttrs #endif ] exitWith $ case (failures res + errors res) of 0 -> ExitSuccess n -> ExitFailure n testReadWriteArchive :: FilePath -> Test testReadWriteArchive tmpDir = TestCase $ do archive <- addFilesToArchive [OptRecursive] emptyArchive ["LICENSE", "src"] BL.writeFile (tmpDir ++ "/test1.zip") $ fromArchive archive archive' <- toArchive <$> BL.readFile (tmpDir ++ "/test1.zip") assertEqual "for writing and reading test1.zip" archive archive' assertEqual "for writing and reading test1.zip" archive archive' testReadExternalZip :: FilePath -> Test testReadExternalZip _tmpDir = TestCase $ do archive <- toArchive <$> BL.readFile "tests/test4.zip" let files = filesInArchive archive assertEqual "for results of filesInArchive" ["test4/","test4/a.txt","test4/b.bin","test4/c/", "test4/c/with spaces.txt"] files bContents <- BL.readFile "tests/test4/b.bin" case findEntryByPath "test4/b.bin" archive of Nothing -> assertFailure "test4/b.bin not found in archive" Just f -> assertEqual "for contents of test4/b.bin in archive" bContents (fromEntry f) case findEntryByPath "test4/" archive of Nothing -> assertFailure "test4/ not found in archive" Just f -> assertEqual "for contents of test4/ in archive" BL.empty (fromEntry f) testFromToArchive :: FilePath -> Test testFromToArchive _tmpDir = TestCase $ do archive <- addFilesToArchive [OptRecursive] emptyArchive ["LICENSE", "src"] assertEqual "for (toArchive $ fromArchive archive)" archive (toArchive $ fromArchive archive) testReadWriteEntry :: FilePath -> Test testReadWriteEntry tmpDir = TestCase $ do entry <- readEntry [] "zip-archive.cabal" setCurrentDirectory tmpDir writeEntry [] entry setCurrentDirectory ".." entry' <- readEntry [] (tmpDir ++ "/zip-archive.cabal") let entry'' = entry' { eRelativePath = eRelativePath entry, eLastModified = eLastModified entry } assertEqual "for readEntry -> writeEntry -> readEntry" entry entry'' testAddFilesOptions :: FilePath -> Test testAddFilesOptions _tmpDir = TestCase $ do archive1 <- addFilesToArchive [OptVerbose] emptyArchive ["LICENSE", "src"] archive2 <- addFilesToArchive [OptRecursive, OptVerbose] archive1 ["LICENSE", "src"] assertBool "for recursive and nonrecursive addFilesToArchive" (length (filesInArchive archive1) < length (filesInArchive archive2)) testDeleteEntries :: FilePath -> Test testDeleteEntries _tmpDir = TestCase $ do archive1 <- addFilesToArchive [] emptyArchive ["LICENSE", "src"] let archive2 = deleteEntryFromArchive "LICENSE" archive1 let archive3 = deleteEntryFromArchive "src" archive2 assertEqual "for deleteFilesFromArchive" emptyArchive archive3 testExtractFiles :: FilePath -> Test testExtractFiles tmpDir = TestCase $ do createDirectory (tmpDir ++ "/dir1") createDirectory (tmpDir ++ "/dir1/dir2") let hiMsg = BS.pack "hello there" let helloMsg = BS.pack "Hello there. This file is very long. Longer than 31 characters." BS.writeFile (tmpDir ++ "/dir1/hi") hiMsg BS.writeFile (tmpDir ++ "/dir1/dir2/hello") helloMsg archive <- addFilesToArchive [OptRecursive] emptyArchive [(tmpDir ++ "/dir1")] removeDirectoryRecursive (tmpDir ++ "/dir1") extractFilesFromArchive [OptVerbose] archive hi <- BS.readFile (tmpDir ++ "/dir1/hi") hello <- BS.readFile (tmpDir ++ "/dir1/dir2/hello") assertEqual ("contents of " ++ tmpDir ++ "/dir1/hi") hiMsg hi assertEqual ("contents of " ++ tmpDir ++ "/dir1/dir2/hello") helloMsg hello #ifndef _WINDOWS testExtractFilesWithPosixAttrs :: FilePath -> Test testExtractFilesWithPosixAttrs tmpDir = TestCase $ do createDirectory (tmpDir ++ "/dir3") let hiMsg = "hello there" writeFile (tmpDir ++ "/dir3/hi") hiMsg let perms = unionFileModes ownerReadMode $ unionFileModes ownerWriteMode ownerExecuteMode setFileMode (tmpDir ++ "/dir3/hi") perms archive <- addFilesToArchive [OptRecursive] emptyArchive [(tmpDir ++ "/dir3")] removeDirectoryRecursive (tmpDir ++ "/dir3") extractFilesFromArchive [OptVerbose] archive hi <- readFile (tmpDir ++ "/dir3/hi") fm <- fmap fileMode $ getFileStatus (tmpDir ++ "/dir3/hi") assertEqual "file modes" perms (intersectFileModes perms fm) assertEqual ("contents of " ++ tmpDir ++ "/dir3/hi") hiMsg hi #endif