## Zip 0.1.10 * Made `getEntrySource` polymorphic in terms of the `Source` it returns. * Numerous cosmetic corrections to the docs. * Derived `Eq` and `Ord` for `EntrySelectorException` and `ZipException`. ## Zip 0.1.9 * Fixed a bug with modification time serialization on 32 bit systems. ## Zip 0.1.8 * Fixed a bug that caused `zip` to write incorrect number of entries (instead of `0xffff`) in central directory when Zip64 feature is enabled. ## Zip 0.1.7 * Fix literal overflows on 32 bit systems. ## Zip 0.1.6 * Allowed `time-1.7`. * Fixed an issue when empty archives with Zip 64 feature enabled could not be read (the “Parsing of archive structure failed: Cannot locate end of central directory”). ## Zip 0.1.5 * Switched to using `withBinaryFile` instead of `withFile`, because the latter does nasty conversions on Windows, see docs for `openBinaryFile`. ## Zip 0.1.4 * Added several simple code examples in `Codec.Archive.Zip`. * Derived `Typeable`, `Data`, `Generic` for `EntrySelector`. * Derived `Typeable` for `EntryDescription`. * Derived `Show`, `Ord`, `Bounded`, `Data`, and `Typeable` for `CompressionMethod`. * Derived `Read`, `Ord`, `Typeable`, and `Data` for `ArchiveDescription`. ## Zip 0.1.3 * Improved speed of detection of invalid archives. * Introduced `getEntrySource` function. ## Zip 0.1.2 * Relaxed dependency on `semigroups`. * Added explicit check of “version needed to extract”, so if archive uses some advanced features that we do not support yet, parsing fails. * Value of “version needed to extract” field is now calculated dynamically with respect to actually used features, e.g. if you just store or deflate a not very big file, `2.0` version will be written (previously we wrote `4.6` unconditionally). This is needed to avoid scaring tools that can only handle basic Zip archives. ## Zip 0.1.1 * Make decoding of CP437 faster. ## Zip 0.1.0 * Initial release.