-- | This module implements the ZeroMQ reliable pub-sub (clone) pattern. -- -- See -- for more information. -- -- Example usage -- -- @ -- import Control.Concurrent (threadDelay) -- import Control.Concurrent.MVar -- import Control.Concurrent.Async -- -- import Control.Monad (forever) -- -- import System.ZMQ4.Patterns.Clone (server, client) -- -- -- | Produce an infinite stream of numbers -- producer :: IO () -- producer = do -- chan <- newEmptyMVar -- withAsync (server "tcp:\/\/:5009" "tcp:\/\/:5010" chan) $ \\_ -> -- let send i = putMVar chan i >> threadDelay (100*1000) -- mapM_ send [(1 :: Integer)..] -- -- -- | Consume the stream of numbers -- consumer :: IO () -- consumer = do -- chan <- newEmptyMVar -- withAsync (client "tcp:\/\/" "tcp:\/\/" chan) $ \\_ -> -- forever $ do -- n <- takeMVar chan -- print n -- @ -- module System.ZMQ4.Patterns.Clone ( -- * Server and client publisher , subscriber ) where import System.ZMQ4.Patterns.Clone.Internal (publisher, subscriber)