# Zeolite Code Highlighter This example is a fully-functional syntax highlighter for Zeolite source files. **You can see the highlighting of the code in this example [here](https://ta0kira.github.io/zeolite/example/highlighter/).** To build and test the example code: ```shell # This is just to locate the example code. Not for normal use! ZEOLITE_PATH=$(zeolite --get-path) # Compile the example. zeolite -p "$ZEOLITE_PATH" -r example/highlighter # Run the unit tests. zeolite -p "$ZEOLITE_PATH" -t example/highlighter ``` To generate an HTML file for Zeolite source files (after building the example): ```shell example/highlighter/ZeoliteHighlight "Your Page Title" your-source-file.0rx ```