module Zhp ( -- * Renamed functions sequence , sequence_ -- * Whole modules we re-export , module Control.Category , module Data.Bits , module Data.Int , module Data.Proxy , module Data.Word -- * Individual items re-exported as-is from parts of base. , (&&) , (&) , (<=<) , (=<<) , (>=>) , (^) , (^^) , (||) , (<$!>) , (<$>) , ($!) , getArgs , getProgName , getExecutablePath , lookupEnv , setEnv , unsetEnv , withArgs , withProgName , getEnvironment , ($) , all , Alternative(..) , and , any , appendFile , Applicative(..) , asTypeOf , asum , Bool(..) , Bounded(..) , break , BufferMode(..) , Char , concatMap , const , curry , cycle , catMaybes , fromMaybe , isJust , isNothing , mapMaybe , Double , drop , dropWhile , either , Either(..) , Enum(..) , Eq(..) , error , even , exitFailure , exitSuccess , exitWith , FilePath(..) , filter , flip , Float , Floating(..) , Foldable(foldMap, foldr, foldl', elem, sum, product) -- omit foldl , foldM_ , foldM , for , for_ , forever , Fractional(..) , fromIntegral , fst , Functor(..) , gcd , getChar , getContents , getLine , guard , Handle , hClose , hFileSize , hFlush , hGetBuffering , hGetChar , hGetContents , hGetLine , hIsEOF , hPrint , hPutChar , hPutStr , hPutStrLn , hSeek , hSetBinaryMode , hSetBuffering , hSetFileSize , Integral(..) , interact , IO(..) , IOError(..) , IOMode(..) , isEOF , IsString(..) , iterate , join , lcm , length , lines , map , maybe , Maybe(..) , Monad((>>=)) , MonadIO(..) , Monoid(mempty, mconcat) -- mappend is just (<>) from semigroup. , not , notElem , null , Num(..) , odd , openBinaryFile , openBinaryTempFile , openTempFile , or , Ord(..) , Ordering(..) , otherwise , print , printf , putChar , putStr , putStrLn , Rational , Read(..) , readFile , Real(..) , RealFloat(..) , RealFrac(..) , realToFrac , repeat , replicate , replicateM , replicateM_ , reverse , scanl , scanl1 , scanr , scanr1 , SeekMode(..) , Semigroup(..) , seq , Show(..) , snd , span , splitAt , stderr , stdin , stdout , String(..) , subtract , take , takeWhile , traverse , traverse_ , uncurry , undefined , unless , unlines , until , unwords , unzip , unzip3 , void , when , withBinaryFile , words , writeFile , zip , zip3 , zipWith , zipWith3 , isAlphaNum , isAscii , isControl , isDigit , isHexDigit , isLatin1 , isLetter , isLower , isOctDigit , isPrint , isSpace , isUpper , toLower , toUpper ) where -- TODO: -- -- * consider not re-exporting 'many' and (<|>); these conflict with parsec. -- * Data.Maybe import Control.Applicative (Alternative(..)) import Control.Category import Control.Monad hiding (sequence, sequence_) import Control.Monad.IO.Class (MonadIO(..)) import Data.Bits import Data.Char ( isAlphaNum , isAscii , isControl , isDigit , isHexDigit , isLatin1 , isLetter , isLower , isOctDigit , isPrint , isSpace , isUpper , toLower , toUpper ) import Data.Foldable hiding (sequence_) import Data.Function ((&)) import Data.Int import Data.Maybe (catMaybes, fromMaybe, isJust, isNothing, mapMaybe) import Data.Proxy import Data.String (IsString(..)) import Data.Traversable hiding (sequence) import Data.Word import Prelude hiding (id, sequence, sequence_, (.)) import System.Environment import System.Exit import System.IO import Text.Printf (printf) -- | Alias for 'sequenceA_' sequence_ :: (Foldable t, Applicative f) => t (f a) -> f () sequence_ = sequenceA_ -- | Alias for 'sequenceA' sequence :: (Traversable t, Applicative f) => t (f a) -> f (t a) sequence = sequenceA