{-# LANGUAGE CPP                        #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveDataTypeable         #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveFoldable             #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveFunctor              #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveTraversable          #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ExistentialQuantification  #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts           #-}
{-# LANGUAGE GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ImpredicativeTypes         #-}
{-# LANGUAGE LambdaCase                 #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings          #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables        #-}
{-# LANGUAGE StandaloneDeriving         #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell            #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TupleSections              #-}
{-# OPTIONS_GHC -fno-warn-orphans #-}
{-# OPTIONS_HADDOCK show-extensions #-}

-- |
-- Module      :  Yi.Buffer.Misc
-- License     :  GPL-2
-- Maintainer  :  yi-devel@googlegroups.com
-- Stability   :  experimental
-- Portability :  portable
-- The 'Buffer' module defines monadic editing operations over one-dimensional
-- buffers, maintaining a current /point/.

module Yi.Buffer.Misc
  ( FBuffer (FBuffer, bmode)
  , BufferM (..)
  , WinMarks, MarkSet (..)
  , bkey
  , getMarks
  , runBuffer
  , runBufferFull
  , runBufferDummyWindow
  , screenTopLn
  , screenMidLn
  , screenBotLn
  , curLn
  , curCol
  , colOf
  , lineOf
  , lineCountB
  , sizeB
  , pointB
  , pointOfLineColB
  , solPointB
  , eolPointB
  , markLines
  , moveTo
  , moveToColB
  , moveToLineColB
  , lineMoveRel
  , lineUp
  , lineDown
  , newB
  , MarkValue (..)
  , Overlay
      (overlayAnnotation, overlayBegin, overlayEnd, overlayOwner, overlayStyle)
  , mkOverlay
  , gotoLn
  , gotoLnFrom
  , leftB
  , rightB
  , moveN
  , leftN
  , rightN
  , insertN
  , insertNAt
  , insertB
  , deleteN
  , nelemsB
  , writeB
  , writeN
  , newlineB
  , deleteNAt
  , readB
  , elemsB
  , undosA
  , undoB
  , redoB
  , getMarkB
  , setMarkHereB
  , setNamedMarkHereB
  , mayGetMarkB
  , getMarkValueB
  , markPointA
  , modifyMarkB
  , newMarkB
  , deleteMarkB
  , getVisibleSelection
  , setVisibleSelection
  , isUnchangedBuffer
  , setAnyMode
  , setMode
  , setMode0
  , modifyMode
  , regexRegionB
  , regexB
  , readAtB
  , getModeLine
  , getPercent
  , setInserting
  , savingPrefCol
  , forgetPreferCol
  , movingToPrefCol
  , movingToPrefVisCol
  , preferColA
  , markSavedB
  , retroactivelyAtSavePointB
  , addOverlayB
  , delOverlayB
  , delOverlaysOfOwnerB
  , getOverlaysOfOwnerB
  , isPointInsideOverlay
  , savingExcursionB
  , savingPointB
  , savingPositionB
  , pendingUpdatesA
  , highlightSelectionA
  , rectangleSelectionA
  , readOnlyA
  , insertingA
  , pointFollowsWindowA
  , revertPendingUpdatesB
  , askWindow
  , clearSyntax
  , focusSyntax
  , Mode (..)
  , modeNameA
  , modeAppliesA
  , modeHLA
  , modePrettifyA
  , modeKeymapA
  , modeIndentA
  , modeAdjustBlockA
  , modeFollowA
  , modeIndentSettingsA
  , modeToggleCommentSelectionA
  , modeGetStrokesA
  , modeOnLoadA
  , modeGotoDeclarationA
  , modeModeLineA
  , AnyMode (..)
  , IndentBehaviour (..)
  , IndentSettings (..)
  , expandTabsA
  , tabSizeA
  , shiftWidthA
  , modeAlwaysApplies
  , modeNeverApplies
  , emptyMode
  , withModeB
  , withMode0
  , onMode
  , withSyntaxB
  , withSyntaxB'
  , keymapProcessA
  , strokesRangesB
  , streamB
  , indexedStreamB
  , askMarks
  , pointAt
  , SearchExp
  , lastActiveWindowA
  , putBufferDyn
  , getBufferDyn
  , shortIdentString
  , identString
  , miniIdentString
  , identA
  , directoryContentA
  , BufferId (..)
  , file
  , lastSyncTimeA
  , replaceCharB
  , replaceCharWithBelowB
  , replaceCharWithAboveB
  , insertCharWithBelowB
  , insertCharWithAboveB
  , pointAfterCursorB
  , destinationOfMoveB
  , withEveryLineB
  , startUpdateTransactionB
  , commitUpdateTransactionB
  , applyUpdate
  , betweenB
  , decreaseFontSize
  , increaseFontSize
  , indentSettingsB
  , fontsizeVariationA
  , encodingConverterNameA
  , stickyEolA
  ) where

import           Prelude                        hiding (foldr, mapM, notElem)

import           Lens.Micro.Platform                     (Lens', lens, (%~), (^.), use, (.=), (%=), view)
import           Control.Monad.RWS.Strict       (Endo (Endo, appEndo),
                                                 MonadReader (ask), MonadState,
                                                 MonadWriter (tell),
                                                 asks, gets, join, modify,
                                                 replicateM_, runRWS, void,
                                                 when, (<>))
import           Data.Binary                    (Binary (..), Get)
import           Data.Char                      (ord)
import           Data.Default                   (Default (def))
import           Data.DynamicState.Serializable (getDyn, putDyn)
import           Data.Foldable                  (Foldable (foldr), forM_, notElem)
import qualified Data.Map                       as M (Map, empty, insert, lookup)
import           Data.Maybe                     (fromMaybe, isNothing)
import qualified Data.Set                       as Set (Set)
import qualified Data.Text                      as T (Text, concat, justifyRight, pack, snoc, unpack)
import qualified Data.Text.Encoding             as E (decodeUtf8, encodeUtf8)
import           Data.Time                      (UTCTime (UTCTime))
import           Data.Traversable               (Traversable (mapM), forM)
import           Numeric                        (showHex)
import           System.FilePath                (joinPath, splitPath)
import           Yi.Buffer.Basic                (BufferRef, Point (..), Size (Size), WindowRef)
import           Yi.Buffer.Implementation
import           Yi.Buffer.Undo
import           Yi.Interact                    as I (P (End))
import           Yi.Monad                       (getsAndModify)
import           Yi.Region                      (Region, mkRegion)
import           Yi.Rope                        (YiString)
import qualified Yi.Rope                        as R
import           Yi.Syntax                      (ExtHL (ExtHL), Stroke, noHighlighter)
import           Yi.Types
import           Yi.Utils                       (SemiNum ((+~)), makeClassyWithSuffix, makeLensesWithSuffix)
import           Yi.Window                      (Window (width, wkey, actualLines), dummyWindow)

uses l f = f <$> use l

-- In addition to Buffer's text, this manages (among others):
--  * Log of updates mades
--  * Undo

makeClassyWithSuffix "A" ''Attributes

instance HasAttributes FBuffer where
    attributesA = lens attributes (\(FBuffer f1 f2 _) a -> FBuffer f1 f2 a)

-- | Gets a short identifier of a buffer. If we're given a 'MemBuffer'
-- then just wraps the buffer name like so: @*name*@. If we're given a
-- 'FileBuffer', it drops the the number of characters specified.
-- >>> shortIdentString 3 (MemBuffer "hello")
-- "*hello*"
-- >>> shortIdentString 3 (FileBuffer "hello")
-- "lo"
shortIdentString :: Int -- ^ Number of characters to drop from FileBuffer names
                 -> FBuffer -- ^ Buffer to work with
                 -> T.Text
shortIdentString dl b = case b ^. identA of
  MemBuffer bName -> "*" <> bName <> "*"
  FileBuffer fName -> T.pack . joinPath . drop dl $ splitPath fName

-- | Gets the buffer's identifier string, emphasising the 'MemBuffer':
-- >>> identString (MemBuffer "hello")
-- "*hello*"
-- >>> identString (FileBuffer "hello")
-- "hello"
identString :: FBuffer -> T.Text
identString b = case b ^. identA of
  MemBuffer bName -> "*" <> bName <> "*"
  FileBuffer fName -> T.pack fName

-- TODO: proper instance + de-orphan
instance Show FBuffer where
    show b = Prelude.concat [ "Buffer #", show (bkey b)
                            , " (",  T.unpack (identString b), ")" ]

miniIdentString :: FBuffer -> T.Text
miniIdentString b = case b ^. identA of
  MemBuffer bufName -> bufName
  FileBuffer _ -> "MINIFILE:"

-- unfortunately the dynamic stuff can't be read.
instance Binary FBuffer where
    put (FBuffer binmode r attributes_) =
      let strippedRaw :: BufferImpl ()
          strippedRaw = setSyntaxBI (modeHL emptyMode) r
      in do
          put binmode
          put strippedRaw
          put attributes_
    get =
        FBuffer <$> get <*> getStripped <*> get
      where getStripped :: Get (BufferImpl ())
            getStripped = get

-- | update the syntax information (clear the dirty "flag")
clearSyntax :: FBuffer -> FBuffer
clearSyntax = modifyRawbuf updateSyntax

queryRawbuf :: (forall syntax. BufferImpl syntax -> x) -> FBuffer -> x
queryRawbuf f (FBuffer _ fb _) = f fb

modifyRawbuf :: (forall syntax. BufferImpl syntax -> BufferImpl syntax) -> FBuffer -> FBuffer
modifyRawbuf f (FBuffer f1 f2 f3) = FBuffer f1 (f f2) f3

queryAndModifyRawbuf :: (forall syntax. BufferImpl syntax -> (BufferImpl syntax,x)) ->
                     FBuffer -> (FBuffer, x)
queryAndModifyRawbuf f (FBuffer f1 f5 f3) =
    let (f5', x) = f f5
    in (FBuffer f1 f5' f3, x)

file :: FBuffer -> Maybe FilePath
file b = case b ^. identA of
  FileBuffer f -> Just f
  MemBuffer _ -> Nothing

highlightSelectionA :: Lens' FBuffer Bool
highlightSelectionA = selectionStyleA .
  lens highlightSelection (\e x -> e { highlightSelection = x })

rectangleSelectionA :: Lens' FBuffer Bool
rectangleSelectionA = selectionStyleA .
  lens rectangleSelection (\e x -> e { rectangleSelection = x })

-- | Just stores the mode name.
instance Binary (Mode syntax) where
    put = put . E.encodeUtf8 . modeName
    get = do
      n <- E.decodeUtf8 <$> get
      return (emptyMode {modeName = n})

-- | Increases the font size in the buffer by specified number. What
-- this number actually means depends on the front-end.
increaseFontSize :: Int -> BufferM ()
increaseFontSize x = fontsizeVariationA %= \fs -> max 1 (fs + x)

-- | Decreases the font size in the buffer by specified number. What
-- this number actually means depends on the front-end.
decreaseFontSize :: Int -> BufferM ()
decreaseFontSize x = fontsizeVariationA %= \fs -> max 1 (fs - x)

-- | Given a buffer, and some information update the modeline
-- N.B. the contents of modelines should be specified by user, and
-- not hardcoded.
getModeLine :: [T.Text] -> BufferM T.Text
getModeLine prefix = withModeB (`modeModeLine` prefix)

defaultModeLine :: [T.Text] -> BufferM T.Text
defaultModeLine prefix = do
    col <- curCol
    pos <- pointB
    ln <- curLn
    p <- pointB
    s <- sizeB
    curChar <- readB
    ro <-use readOnlyA
    modeNm <- gets (withMode0 modeName)
    unchanged <- gets isUnchangedBuffer
    enc <- use encodingConverterNameA >>= return . \case
      Nothing -> mempty :: T.Text
      Just cn -> T.pack $ R.unCn cn
    let pct
          | pos == 0 || s == 0 = " Top"
          | pos == s = " Bot"
          | otherwise = getPercent p s
        changed = if unchanged then "-" else "*"
        readOnly' = if ro then "%" else changed
        hexxed = T.pack $ showHex (ord curChar) ""
        hexChar = "0x" <> T.justifyRight 2 '0' hexxed
        toT = T.pack . show

    nm <- gets $ shortIdentString (length prefix)
    return $ T.concat [ enc, " ", readOnly', changed, " ", nm
                      , "     ", hexChar, "  "
                      , "L", T.justifyRight 5 ' ' (toT ln)
                      , "  "
                      , "C", T.justifyRight 3 ' ' (toT col)
                      , "  ", pct , "  ", modeNm , "  ", toT $ fromPoint p

-- | Given a point, and the file size, gives us a percent string
getPercent :: Point -> Point -> T.Text
getPercent a b = T.justifyRight 3 ' ' (T.pack $ show p) `T.snoc` '%'
    where p = ceiling (aa / bb * 100.0 :: Double) :: Int
          aa = fromIntegral a :: Double
          bb = fromIntegral b :: Double

queryBuffer :: (forall syntax. BufferImpl syntax -> x) -> BufferM x
queryBuffer = gets . queryRawbuf

modifyBuffer :: (forall syntax. BufferImpl syntax -> BufferImpl syntax) -> BufferM ()
modifyBuffer = modify . modifyRawbuf

queryAndModify :: (forall syntax. BufferImpl syntax -> (BufferImpl syntax,x)) -> BufferM x
queryAndModify = getsAndModify . queryAndModifyRawbuf

-- | Adds an "overlay" to the buffer
addOverlayB :: Overlay -> BufferM ()
addOverlayB ov = do
  pendingUpdatesA %= (++ [overlayUpdate ov])
  modifyBuffer $ addOverlayBI ov

getOverlaysOfOwnerB :: R.YiString -> BufferM (Set.Set Overlay)
getOverlaysOfOwnerB owner = queryBuffer (getOverlaysOfOwnerBI owner)

-- | Remove an existing "overlay"
delOverlayB :: Overlay -> BufferM ()
delOverlayB ov = do
  pendingUpdatesA %= (++ [overlayUpdate ov])
  modifyBuffer $ delOverlayBI ov

delOverlaysOfOwnerB :: R.YiString -> BufferM ()
delOverlaysOfOwnerB owner =
  modifyBuffer $ delOverlaysOfOwnerBI owner

isPointInsideOverlay :: Point -> Overlay -> Bool
isPointInsideOverlay point overlay =
    let Overlay _ (MarkValue start _) (MarkValue finish _) _ _ = overlay
    in start <= point && point <= finish

-- | Execute a @BufferM@ value on a given buffer and window.  The new state of
-- the buffer is returned alongside the result of the computation.
runBuffer :: Window -> FBuffer -> BufferM a -> (a, FBuffer)
runBuffer w b f =
    let (a, _, b') = runBufferFull w b f
    in (a, b')

getMarks :: Window -> BufferM (Maybe WinMarks)
getMarks = gets . getMarksRaw

getMarksRaw :: Window -> FBuffer -> Maybe WinMarks
getMarksRaw w b = M.lookup (wkey w) (b ^. winMarksA)

runBufferFull :: Window -> FBuffer -> BufferM a -> (a, [Update], FBuffer)
runBufferFull w b f =
    let (a, b', updates) = runRWS (fromBufferM f') w b
        f' = do
            ms <- getMarks w
            when (isNothing ms) $ do
                -- this window has no marks for this buffer yet; have to create them.
                newMarkValues <- if wkey (b ^. lastActiveWindowA) == def
                    then return
                        -- no previous window, create some marks from scratch.
                         MarkSet { insMark = MarkValue 0 Forward,
                                   selMark = MarkValue 0 Backward, -- sel
                                   fromMark = MarkValue 0 Backward } -- from
                    else do
                        Just mrks  <- uses winMarksA (M.lookup $ wkey (b ^. lastActiveWindowA))  
                        forM mrks getMarkValueB
                newMrks <- forM newMarkValues newMarkB
                winMarksA %= M.insert (wkey w) newMrks
            lastActiveWindowA .= w
    in (a, updates, pendingUpdatesA %~ (++ fmap TextUpdate updates) $ b')

getMarkValueRaw :: Mark -> FBuffer -> MarkValue
getMarkValueRaw m = fromMaybe (MarkValue 0 Forward) . queryRawbuf (getMarkValueBI m)

getMarkValueB :: Mark -> BufferM MarkValue
getMarkValueB = gets . getMarkValueRaw

newMarkB :: MarkValue -> BufferM Mark
newMarkB v = queryAndModify $ newMarkBI v

deleteMarkB :: Mark -> BufferM ()
deleteMarkB m = modifyBuffer $ deleteMarkValueBI m

-- | Execute a @BufferM@ value on a given buffer, using a dummy window.  The new state of
-- the buffer is discarded.
runBufferDummyWindow :: FBuffer -> BufferM a -> a
runBufferDummyWindow b = fst . runBuffer (dummyWindow $ bkey b) b

-- | Mark the current point in the undo list as a saved state.
markSavedB :: UTCTime -> BufferM ()
markSavedB t = do undosA %= setSavedFilePointU
                  lastSyncTimeA .= t

bkey :: FBuffer -> BufferRef
bkey = view bkey__A

isUnchangedBuffer :: FBuffer -> Bool
isUnchangedBuffer = isAtSavedFilePointU . view undosA

startUpdateTransactionB :: BufferM ()
startUpdateTransactionB = do
  transactionPresent <- use updateTransactionInFlightA
  if transactionPresent
  then error "Already started update transaction"
  else do
    undosA %= addChangeU InteractivePoint
    updateTransactionInFlightA .= True

commitUpdateTransactionB :: BufferM ()
commitUpdateTransactionB = do
  transactionPresent <- use updateTransactionInFlightA
  if not transactionPresent
  then error "Not in update transaction"
  else do
    updateTransactionInFlightA .= False
    transacAccum <- use updateTransactionAccumA
    updateTransactionAccumA .= []

    undosA %= (appEndo . mconcat) (Endo . addChangeU . AtomicChange <$> transacAccum)
    undosA %= addChangeU InteractivePoint

undoRedo :: (forall syntax. Mark -> URList -> BufferImpl syntax
             -> (BufferImpl syntax, (URList, [Update])))
         -> BufferM ()
undoRedo f = do
  isTransacPresent <- use updateTransactionInFlightA
  if isTransacPresent
  then error "Can't undo while undo transaction is in progress"
  else do
      m <- getInsMark
      ur <- use undosA
      (ur', updates) <- queryAndModify (f m ur)
      undosA .= ur'
      tell updates

undoB :: BufferM ()
undoB = undoRedo undoU

redoB :: BufferM ()
redoB = undoRedo redoU

-- | Undo all updates that happened since last save,
-- perform a given action and redo all updates again.
-- Given action must not modify undo history.
retroactivelyAtSavePointB :: BufferM a -> BufferM a
retroactivelyAtSavePointB action = do
    (undoDepth, result) <- go 0
    replicateM_ undoDepth redoB
    return result
        go step = do
            atSavedPoint <- gets isUnchangedBuffer
            if atSavedPoint
            then (step,) <$> action
            else undoB >> go (step + 1)

-- | Analogous to const, but returns a function that takes two parameters,
-- rather than one.
const2 :: t -> t1 -> t2 -> t
const2 x _ _ = x

-- | Mode applies function that always returns True.
modeAlwaysApplies :: a -> b -> Bool
modeAlwaysApplies = const2 True

-- | Mode applies function that always returns False.
modeNeverApplies :: a -> b -> Bool
modeNeverApplies = const2 False

emptyMode :: Mode syntax
emptyMode = Mode
   modeName = "empty",
   modeApplies = modeNeverApplies,
   modeHL = ExtHL noHighlighter,
   modePrettify = const $ return (),
   modeKeymap = id,
   modeIndent = \_ _ -> return (),
   modeAdjustBlock = \_ _ -> return (),
   modeFollow = const emptyAction,
   modeIndentSettings = IndentSettings
   { expandTabs = True
   , tabSize = 8
   , shiftWidth = 4
   modeToggleCommentSelection = Nothing,
   modeGetStrokes = \_ _ _ _ -> [],
   modeOnLoad = return (),
   modeGotoDeclaration = return (),
   modeModeLine = defaultModeLine

-- | Create buffer named @nm@ with contents @s@
newB :: BufferRef -> BufferId -> YiString -> FBuffer
newB unique nm s =
 FBuffer { bmode  = emptyMode
         , rawbuf = newBI s
         , attributes =
 Attributes { ident  = nm
            , bkey__ = unique
            , undos  = emptyU
            , preferCol = Nothing
            , preferVisCol = Nothing
            , stickyEol = False
            , bufferDynamic = mempty
            , pendingUpdates = []
            , selectionStyle = SelectionStyle False False
            , keymapProcess = I.End
            , winMarks = M.empty
            , lastActiveWindow = dummyWindow unique
            , lastSyncTime = epoch
            , readOnly = False
            , directoryContent = False
            , inserting = True
            , pointFollowsWindow = const False
            , updateTransactionInFlight = False
            , updateTransactionAccum = []
            , fontsizeVariation = 0
            , encodingConverterName = Nothing
            } }

epoch :: UTCTime
epoch = UTCTime (toEnum 0) (toEnum 0)

-- | Point of eof
sizeB :: BufferM Point
sizeB = queryBuffer sizeBI

-- | Extract the current point
pointB :: BufferM Point
pointB = use . markPointA =<< getInsMark

nelemsB :: Int -> Point -> BufferM YiString
nelemsB n i = R.take n <$> streamB Forward i

streamB :: Direction -> Point -> BufferM YiString
streamB dir i = queryBuffer $ getStream dir i

indexedStreamB :: Direction -> Point -> BufferM [(Point,Char)]
indexedStreamB dir i = queryBuffer $ getIndexedStream dir i

strokesRangesB :: Maybe SearchExp -> Region -> BufferM [[Stroke]]
strokesRangesB regex r = do
  p <- pointB
  getStrokes <- withSyntaxB modeGetStrokes
  queryBuffer $ strokesRangesBI getStrokes regex r p

-- Point based operations

-- | Move point in buffer to the given index
moveTo :: Point -> BufferM ()
moveTo x = do
  maxP <- sizeB
  let p = case () of
        _ | x < 0 -> Point 0
          | x > maxP -> maxP
          | otherwise -> x
  (.= p) . markPointA =<< getInsMark


setInserting :: Bool -> BufferM ()
setInserting = (insertingA .=)

checkRO :: BufferM Bool
checkRO = do
  ro <- use readOnlyA
  when ro (fail "Read Only Buffer")
  return ro

applyUpdate :: Update -> BufferM ()
applyUpdate update = do
  ro    <- checkRO
  valid <- queryBuffer (isValidUpdate update)
  when (not ro && valid) $ do
    let reversed = reverseUpdateI update
    modifyBuffer (applyUpdateI update)

    isTransacPresent <- use updateTransactionInFlightA
    if isTransacPresent
    then updateTransactionAccumA %= (reversed:)
    else undosA %= addChangeU (AtomicChange reversed)

    tell [update]
   -- otherwise, just ignore.

-- | Revert all the pending updates; don't touch the point.
revertPendingUpdatesB :: BufferM ()
revertPendingUpdatesB = do
  updates <- use pendingUpdatesA
  modifyBuffer (flip (foldr (\u bi -> applyUpdateI (reverseUpdateI u) bi)) [u | TextUpdate u <- updates])

-- | Write an element into the buffer at the current point.
writeB :: Char -> BufferM ()
writeB c = do
  deleteN 1
  insertB c

-- | Write the list into the buffer at current point.
writeN :: YiString -> BufferM ()
writeN cs = do
  off <- pointB
  deleteNAt Forward (R.length cs) off
  insertNAt cs off

-- | Insert newline at current point.
newlineB :: BufferM ()
newlineB = insertB '\n'


-- | Insert given 'YiString' at specified point, extending size of the
-- buffer.
insertNAt :: YiString -> Point -> BufferM ()
insertNAt rope pnt = applyUpdate (Insert pnt Forward rope)

-- | Insert the 'YiString' at current point, extending size of buffer
insertN :: YiString -> BufferM ()
insertN cs = pointB >>= insertNAt cs

-- | Insert the char at current point, extending size of buffer
-- Implementation note: This just 'insertB's a 'R.singleton'. This
-- seems sub-optimal because we should be able to do much better
-- without spewing chunks of size 1 everywhere. This approach is
-- necessary however so an 'Update' can be recorded. A possible
-- improvement for space would be to have ‘yi-rope’ package optimise
-- for appends with length 1.
insertB :: Char -> BufferM ()
insertB = insertN . R.singleton


-- | @deleteNAt n p@ deletes @n@ characters forwards from position @p@
deleteNAt :: Direction -> Int -> Point -> BufferM ()
deleteNAt _ 0 _ = return ()
deleteNAt dir n pos = do
  els <- R.take n <$> streamB Forward pos
  applyUpdate $ Delete pos dir els

-- Line based editing

-- | Return the current line number
curLn :: BufferM Int
curLn = do
    p <- pointB
    queryBuffer (lineAt p)

-- | Top line of the screen
screenTopLn :: BufferM Int
screenTopLn = do
    p <- use . markPointA =<< fromMark <$> askMarks
    queryBuffer (lineAt p)

-- | Middle line of the screen
screenMidLn :: BufferM Int
screenMidLn = (+) <$> screenTopLn <*> (div <$> screenLines <*> pure 2)

-- | Bottom line of the screen
screenBotLn :: BufferM Int
screenBotLn = (+) <$> screenTopLn <*> screenLines

-- | Amount of lines in the screen
screenLines :: BufferM Int
screenLines = pred <$> askWindow actualLines

-- | Return line numbers of marks
markLines :: BufferM (MarkSet Int)
markLines = mapM getLn =<< askMarks
        where getLn m = use (markPointA m) >>= lineOf

-- | Go to line number @n@. @n@ is indexed from 1. Returns the
-- actual line we went to (which may be not be the requested line,
-- if it was out of range)
gotoLn :: Int -> BufferM Int
gotoLn x = do
  moveTo 0
  succ <$> gotoLnFrom (x - 1)


setMode0 :: forall syntax. Mode syntax -> FBuffer -> FBuffer
setMode0 m (FBuffer _ rb at) = FBuffer m (setSyntaxBI (modeHL m) rb) at

modifyMode0 :: (forall syntax. Mode syntax -> Mode syntax) -> FBuffer -> FBuffer
modifyMode0 f (FBuffer m rb f3) = FBuffer m' (setSyntaxBI (modeHL m') rb) f3
  where m' = f m

-- | Set the mode
setAnyMode :: AnyMode -> BufferM ()
setAnyMode (AnyMode m) = setMode m

setMode :: Mode syntax -> BufferM ()
setMode m = do
  modify (setMode0 m)
  -- reset the keymap process so we use the one of the new mode.
  keymapProcessA .= I.End
  modeOnLoad m

-- | Modify the mode
modifyMode :: (forall syntax. Mode syntax -> Mode syntax) -> BufferM ()
modifyMode f = do
  modify (modifyMode0 f)
  -- reset the keymap process so we use the one of the new mode.
  keymapProcessA .= I.End

onMode :: (forall syntax. Mode syntax -> Mode syntax) -> AnyMode -> AnyMode
onMode f (AnyMode m) = AnyMode (f m)

withMode0 :: (forall syntax. Mode syntax -> a) -> FBuffer -> a
withMode0 f FBuffer {bmode = m} = f m

withModeB :: (forall syntax. Mode syntax -> BufferM a) -> BufferM a
withModeB = join . gets . withMode0

withSyntax0 :: (forall syntax. Mode syntax -> syntax -> a) -> WindowRef -> FBuffer -> a
withSyntax0 f wk (FBuffer bm rb _attrs) = f bm (getAst wk rb)

withSyntaxB :: (forall syntax. Mode syntax -> syntax -> a) -> BufferM a
withSyntaxB f = withSyntax0 f <$> askWindow wkey <*> use id

focusSyntax ::  M.Map WindowRef Region -> FBuffer -> FBuffer
focusSyntax r = modifyRawbuf (focusAst r)

withSyntaxB' :: (forall syntax. Mode syntax -> syntax -> BufferM a) -> BufferM a
withSyntaxB' = join . withSyntaxB

-- | Return indices of strings in buffer matched by regex in the
-- given region.
regexRegionB :: SearchExp -> Region -> BufferM [Region]
regexRegionB regex region = queryBuffer $ regexRegionBI regex region

-- | Return indices of next string in buffer matched by regex in the
-- given direction
regexB :: Direction -> SearchExp -> BufferM [Region]
regexB dir rx = do
  p <- pointB
  s <- sizeB
  regexRegionB rx (mkRegion p (case dir of Forward -> s; Backward -> 0))


modifyMarkRaw :: Mark -> (MarkValue -> MarkValue) -> FBuffer -> FBuffer
modifyMarkRaw m f = modifyRawbuf $ modifyMarkBI m f

modifyMarkB :: Mark -> (MarkValue -> MarkValue) -> BufferM ()
modifyMarkB = (modify .) . modifyMarkRaw

setMarkHereB :: BufferM Mark
setMarkHereB = getMarkB Nothing

setNamedMarkHereB :: String -> BufferM ()
setNamedMarkHereB name = do
    p <- pointB
    getMarkB (Just name) >>= (.= p) . markPointA

-- | Highlight the selection
setVisibleSelection :: Bool -> BufferM ()
setVisibleSelection = (highlightSelectionA .=)

-- | Whether the selection is highlighted
getVisibleSelection :: BufferM Bool
getVisibleSelection = use highlightSelectionA

getInsMark :: BufferM Mark
getInsMark = insMark <$> askMarks

askMarks :: BufferM WinMarks
askMarks = do
    Just ms <- getMarks =<< ask
    return ms

getMarkB :: Maybe String -> BufferM Mark
getMarkB m = do
  p <- pointB
  queryAndModify (getMarkDefaultPosBI m p)

mayGetMarkB :: String -> BufferM (Maybe Mark)
mayGetMarkB m = queryBuffer (getMarkBI m)

-- | Move point by the given number of characters.
-- A negative offset moves backwards a positive one forward.
moveN :: Int -> BufferM ()
moveN n = do
    s <- sizeB
    moveTo =<< min s . max 0 . (+~ Size n) <$> pointB

-- | Move point -1
leftB :: BufferM ()
leftB = leftN 1

-- | Move cursor -n
leftN :: Int -> BufferM ()
leftN n = moveN (-n)

-- | Move cursor +1
rightB :: BufferM ()
rightB = rightN 1

-- | Move cursor +n
rightN :: Int -> BufferM ()
rightN = moveN

-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------
-- Line based movement and friends

-- | Move point down by @n@ lines. @n@ can be negative.
-- Returns the actual difference in lines which we moved which
-- may be negative if the requested line difference is negative.
lineMoveRel :: Int -> BufferM Int
lineMoveRel = movingToPrefCol . gotoLnFrom

movingToPrefCol :: BufferM a -> BufferM a
movingToPrefCol f = do
  prefCol <- use preferColA
  targetCol <- maybe curCol return prefCol
  r <- f
  moveToColB targetCol
  preferColA .= Just targetCol
  return r

-- | Moves to a visual column within the current line as shown
-- on the editor (ie, moving within the current width of a
-- single visual line)
movingToPrefVisCol :: BufferM a -> BufferM a
movingToPrefVisCol f = do
  prefCol <- use preferVisColA
  targetCol <- maybe curVisCol return prefCol
  r <- f
  moveToVisColB targetCol
  preferVisColA .= Just targetCol
  return r

moveToColB :: Int -> BufferM ()
moveToColB targetCol = do
  solPnt <- solPointB =<< pointB
  chrs <- R.toString <$> nelemsB targetCol solPnt
  is <- indentSettingsB
  let cols = scanl (colMove is) 0 chrs    -- columns corresponding to the char
      toSkip = takeWhile (\(char,col) -> char /= '\n' && col < targetCol) (zip chrs cols)
  moveTo $ solPnt +~ fromIntegral (length toSkip)

moveToVisColB :: Int -> BufferM ()
moveToVisColB targetCol = do
  col <- curCol
  wid <- width <$> use lastActiveWindowA
  let jumps = col `div` wid
  moveToColB $ jumps * wid + targetCol

moveToLineColB :: Int -> Int -> BufferM ()
moveToLineColB line col = gotoLn line >> moveToColB col

pointOfLineColB :: Int -> Int -> BufferM Point
pointOfLineColB line col = savingPointB $ moveToLineColB line col >> pointB

forgetPreferCol :: BufferM ()
forgetPreferCol = preferColA .= Nothing >> preferVisColA .= Nothing

savingPrefCol :: BufferM a -> BufferM a
savingPrefCol f = do
  pc <- use preferColA
  pv <- use preferVisColA
  result <- f
  preferColA .= pc
  preferVisColA .= pv
  return result

-- | Move point up one line
lineUp :: BufferM ()
lineUp = void (lineMoveRel (-1))

-- | Move point down one line
lineDown :: BufferM ()
lineDown = void (lineMoveRel 1)

-- | Return the contents of the buffer.
elemsB :: BufferM YiString
elemsB = queryBuffer mem

-- | Returns the contents of the buffer between the two points.
-- If the @startPoint >= endPoint@, empty string is returned. If the
-- points are out of bounds, as much of the content as possible is
-- taken: you're not guaranteed to get @endPoint - startPoint@
-- characters.
betweenB :: Point -- ^ Point to start at
         -> Point -- ^ Point to stop at
         -> BufferM YiString
betweenB (Point s) (Point e) =
  if s >= e
  then return (mempty :: YiString)
  else snd . R.splitAt s . fst . R.splitAt e <$> elemsB

-- | Read the character at the current point
readB :: BufferM Char
readB = pointB >>= readAtB

-- | Read the character at the given index
-- This is an unsafe operation: character NUL is returned when out of bounds
readAtB :: Point -> BufferM Char
readAtB i = R.head <$> nelemsB 1 i >>= return . \case
  Nothing -> '\0'
  Just c  -> c

replaceCharB :: Char -> BufferM ()
replaceCharB c = do
    writeB c

replaceCharWithBelowB :: BufferM ()
replaceCharWithBelowB = replaceCharWithVerticalOffset 1

replaceCharWithAboveB :: BufferM ()
replaceCharWithAboveB = replaceCharWithVerticalOffset (-1)

insertCharWithBelowB :: BufferM ()
insertCharWithBelowB = maybe (return ()) insertB =<< maybeCharBelowB

insertCharWithAboveB :: BufferM ()
insertCharWithAboveB = maybe (return ()) insertB =<< maybeCharAboveB

replaceCharWithVerticalOffset :: Int -> BufferM ()
replaceCharWithVerticalOffset offset =
    maybe (return ()) replaceCharB =<< maybeCharWithVerticalOffset offset

maybeCharBelowB :: BufferM (Maybe Char)
maybeCharBelowB = maybeCharWithVerticalOffset 1

maybeCharAboveB :: BufferM (Maybe Char)
maybeCharAboveB = maybeCharWithVerticalOffset (-1)

maybeCharWithVerticalOffset :: Int -> BufferM (Maybe Char)
maybeCharWithVerticalOffset offset = savingPointB $ do
    l0 <- curLn
    c0 <- curCol
    void $ lineMoveRel offset
    l1 <- curLn
    c1 <- curCol
    curChar <- readB
    return $ if c0 == c1
                && l0 + offset == l1
                && curChar `notElem` ("\n\0" :: String)
             then Just curChar
             else Nothing

-- | Delete @n@ characters forward from the current point
deleteN :: Int -> BufferM ()
deleteN n = pointB >>= deleteNAt Forward n


-- | Gives the 'IndentSettings' for the current buffer.
indentSettingsB :: BufferM IndentSettings
indentSettingsB = withModeB $ return . modeIndentSettings

-- | Current column.
-- Note that this is different from offset or number of chars from sol.
-- (This takes into account tabs, unicode chars, etc.)
curCol :: BufferM Int
curCol = colOf =<< pointB

-- | Current column, visually.
curVisCol :: BufferM Int
curVisCol = rem <$> curCol <*> (width <$> use lastActiveWindowA)

colOf :: Point -> BufferM Int
colOf p = do
  is <- indentSettingsB
  R.foldl' (colMove is) 0 <$> queryBuffer (charsFromSolBI p)

lineOf :: Point -> BufferM Int
lineOf p = queryBuffer $ lineAt p

lineCountB :: BufferM Int
lineCountB = lineOf =<< sizeB

-- | Decides which column we should be on after the given character.
colMove :: IndentSettings -> Int -> Char -> Int
colMove is col '\t' | tabSize is > 1 = col + tabSize is
colMove _  col _    = col + 1

-- | Returns start of line point for a given point @p@
solPointB :: Point -> BufferM Point
solPointB p = queryBuffer $ solPoint' p

-- | Returns end of line for given point.
eolPointB :: Point -> BufferM Point
eolPointB p = queryBuffer $ eolPoint' p

-- | Go to line indexed from current point
-- Returns the actual moved difference which of course
-- may be negative if the requested difference was negative.
gotoLnFrom :: Int -> BufferM Int
gotoLnFrom x = do
    l <- curLn
    p' <- queryBuffer $ solPoint (l + x)
    moveTo p'
    l' <- curLn
    return (l' - l)

-- | Access to a value into the extensible state, keyed by its type.
--   This allows you to retrieve inside a 'BufferM' monad, ie:
-- > value <- getBufferDyn
getBufferDyn :: forall m a. (Default a, YiVariable a, MonadState FBuffer m, Functor m) => m a
getBufferDyn = fromMaybe (def :: a) <$> getDyn (use bufferDynamicA) (bufferDynamicA .=)

-- | Access to a value into the extensible state, keyed by its type.
--   This allows you to save inside a 'BufferM' monad, ie:
-- > putBufferDyn updatedvalue
putBufferDyn :: (YiVariable a, MonadState FBuffer m, Functor m) => a -> m ()
putBufferDyn = putDyn (use bufferDynamicA) (bufferDynamicA .=)

-- | perform a @BufferM a@, and return to the current point. (by using a mark)
savingExcursionB :: BufferM a -> BufferM a
savingExcursionB f = do
    m <- getMarkB Nothing
    res <- f
    moveTo =<< use (markPointA m)
    return res

markPointA :: Mark -> Lens' FBuffer Point
markPointA mark = lens getter setter where
  getter b = markPoint $ getMarkValueRaw mark b
  setter b pos = modifyMarkRaw mark (\v -> v {markPoint = pos}) b

-- | Perform an @BufferM a@, and return to the current point.
savingPointB :: BufferM a -> BufferM a
savingPointB f = savingPrefCol $ do
  p <- pointB
  res <- f
  moveTo p
  return res

-- | Perform an @BufferM a@, and return to the current line and column
-- number. The difference between this and 'savingPointB' is that here
-- we attempt to return to the specific line and column number, rather
-- than a specific number of characters from the beginning of the
-- buffer.
-- In case the column is further away than EOL, the point is left at
-- EOL: 'moveToLineColB' is used internally.
savingPositionB :: BufferM a -> BufferM a
savingPositionB f = savingPrefCol $ do
  (c, l) <- (,) <$> curCol <*> curLn
  res <- f
  moveToLineColB l c
  return res

pointAt :: BufferM a -> BufferM Point
pointAt f = savingPointB (f *> pointB)

pointAfterCursorB :: Point -> BufferM Point
pointAfterCursorB p = pointAt $ do
  moveTo p

-- | What would be the point after doing the given action?
-- The argument must not modify the buffer.
destinationOfMoveB :: BufferM a -> BufferM Point
destinationOfMoveB f = savingPointB (f >> pointB)

-- Window

askWindow :: (Window -> a) -> BufferM a
askWindow = asks

withEveryLineB :: BufferM () -> BufferM ()
withEveryLineB action = savingPointB $ do
  lineCount <- lineCountB
  forM_ [1 .. lineCount] $ \l -> do
    void $ gotoLn l

makeLensesWithSuffix "A" ''IndentSettings
makeLensesWithSuffix "A" ''Mode