{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-} {-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-} -- | -- Module : Yi.UI.Vty -- License : GPL-2 -- Maintainer : yi-devel@googlegroups.com -- Stability : experimental -- Portability : portable -- -- This module defines a user interface implemented using vty. -- -- Originally derived from: riot/UI.hs Copyright (c) Tuomo Valkonen 2004. module Yi.UI.Vty ( start ) where import Prelude hiding (concatMap, error, reverse) import Control.Applicative (Applicative ((<*>)), (<$>)) import Control.Concurrent (MVar, forkIO, isEmptyChan, myThreadId, newEmptyMVar, readChan, takeMVar, tryPutMVar, tryTakeMVar) import Control.Exception (IOException, handle) import Control.Lens (use) import Control.Monad (void, when) import Data.Char (chr, ord) import qualified Data.DList as D (empty, snoc, toList) import Data.Foldable (concatMap, toList) import Data.IORef (IORef, newIORef, readIORef, writeIORef) import qualified Data.List.PointedList.Circular as PL (PointedList (_focus), withFocus) import qualified Data.Map.Strict as M ((!)) import Data.Maybe (maybeToList) import Data.Monoid (Endo (appEndo), (<>)) import qualified Data.Text as T (Text, cons, empty, justifyLeft, length, pack, singleton, snoc, take, unpack) import GHC.Conc (labelThread) import qualified Graphics.Vty as Vty (Attr, Cursor (Cursor, NoCursor), Event (EvResize), Image, Input (_eventChannel), Output (displayBounds), Picture (picCursor), Vty (inputIface, outputIface, refresh, shutdown, update), bold, char, charFill, defAttr, emptyImage, horizCat, mkVty, picForLayers, reverseVideo, text', translate, underline, vertCat, withBackColor, withForeColor, withStyle, (<|>)) import Yi.Buffer import Yi.Config import Yi.Debug (logError, logPutStrLn) import Yi.Editor import Yi.Event (Event) import Yi.Style import qualified Yi.UI.Common as Common import qualified Yi.UI.SimpleLayout as SL import Yi.UI.TabBar (TabDescr (TabDescr), tabBarDescr) import Yi.UI.Utils (arrangeItems, attributesPictureAndSelB) import Yi.UI.Vty.Conversions (colorToAttr, fromVtyEvent) import Yi.Window (Window (bufkey, isMini, wkey)) data Rendered = Rendered { picture :: !Vty.Image , cursor :: !(Maybe (Int,Int)) } data FrontendState = FrontendState { fsVty :: Vty.Vty , fsConfig :: Config , fsEndMain :: MVar () , fsEndInputLoop :: MVar () , fsEndRenderLoop :: MVar () , fsDirty :: MVar () , fsEditorRef :: IORef Editor } start :: UIBoot start config submitEvents submitActions editor = do vty <- (Vty.mkVty . configVty . configUI) config let inputChan = Vty._eventChannel (Vty.inputIface vty) endInput <- newEmptyMVar endMain <- newEmptyMVar endRender <- newEmptyMVar dirty <- newEmptyMVar editorRef <- newIORef editor let -- | Action to read characters into a channel inputLoop :: IO () inputLoop = tryTakeMVar endInput >>= maybe (do let go evs = do e <- getEvent done <- isEmptyChan inputChan if done then submitEvents (D.toList (evs `D.snoc` e)) else go (evs `D.snoc` e) go D.empty inputLoop) (const $ return ()) -- | Read a key. UIs need to define a method for getting events. getEvent :: IO Yi.Event.Event getEvent = do event <- readChan inputChan case event of (Vty.EvResize _ _) -> do submitActions [] getEvent _ -> return (fromVtyEvent event) renderLoop :: IO () renderLoop = do takeMVar dirty tryTakeMVar endRender >>= maybe (handle (\(except :: IOException) -> do logPutStrLn "refresh crashed with IO Error" logError (T.pack (show except))) (readIORef editorRef >>= refresh fs >> renderLoop)) (const $ return ()) fs = FrontendState vty config endMain endInput endRender dirty editorRef inputThreadId <- forkIO inputLoop labelThread inputThreadId "VtyInput" renderThreadId <- forkIO renderLoop labelThread renderThreadId "VtyRender" return $! Common.dummyUI { Common.main = main fs , Common.end = end fs , Common.refresh = requestRefresh fs , Common.userForceRefresh = Vty.refresh vty , Common.layout = layout fs } main :: FrontendState -> IO () main fs = do tid <- myThreadId labelThread tid "VtyMain" takeMVar (fsEndMain fs) layout :: FrontendState -> Editor -> IO Editor layout fs e = do (colCount, rowCount) <- Vty.displayBounds (Vty.outputIface (fsVty fs)) let (e', _layout) = SL.layout colCount rowCount e return e' end :: FrontendState -> Bool -> IO () end fs mustQuit = do -- setTerminalAttributes stdInput (oAttrs ui) Immediately void $ tryPutMVar (fsEndInputLoop fs) () void $ tryPutMVar (fsEndRenderLoop fs) () Vty.shutdown (fsVty fs) when mustQuit $ void (tryPutMVar (fsEndMain fs) ()) requestRefresh :: FrontendState -> Editor -> IO () requestRefresh fs e = do writeIORef (fsEditorRef fs) e void $ tryPutMVar (fsDirty fs) () refresh :: FrontendState -> Editor -> IO () refresh fs e = do (colCount, rowCount) <- Vty.displayBounds (Vty.outputIface (fsVty fs)) let (_e, SL.Layout _tabbarRect winRects promptRect) = SL.layout colCount rowCount e ws = windows e (cmd, cmdSty) = statusLineInfo e niceCmd = arrangeItems cmd (SL.sizeX promptRect) (maxStatusHeight e) mkLine = T.justifyLeft colCount ' ' . T.take colCount formatCmdLine text = withAttributes statusBarStyle (mkLine text) winImage (win, hasFocus) = let rect = winRects M.! wkey win in renderWindow (configUI $ fsConfig fs) e rect (win, hasFocus) windowsAndImages = fmap (\(w, f) -> (w, winImage (w, f))) (PL.withFocus ws) bigImages = map (picture . snd) (filter (not . isMini . fst) (toList windowsAndImages)) miniImages = map (picture . snd) (filter (isMini . fst) (toList windowsAndImages)) statusBarStyle = ((appEndo <$> cmdSty) <*> baseAttributes) (configStyle (configUI (fsConfig fs))) tabBarImage = renderTabBar (configStyle (configUI (fsConfig fs))) (map (\(TabDescr t f) -> (t, f)) (toList (tabBarDescr e))) cmdImage = if null cmd then Vty.emptyImage else Vty.translate (SL.offsetX promptRect) (SL.offsetY promptRect) (Vty.vertCat (fmap formatCmdLine niceCmd)) cursorPos = let (w, image) = PL._focus windowsAndImages in case (isMini w, cursor image) of (False, Just (y, x)) -> Vty.Cursor (toEnum x) (toEnum y) (True, Just (_, x)) -> Vty.Cursor (toEnum x) (toEnum (rowCount - 1)) (_, Nothing) -> Vty.NoCursor logPutStrLn "refreshing screen." Vty.update (fsVty fs) (Vty.picForLayers ([tabBarImage, cmdImage] ++ bigImages ++ miniImages)) { Vty.picCursor = cursorPos } renderWindow :: UIConfig -> Editor -> SL.Rect -> (Window, Bool) -> Rendered renderWindow cfg e (SL.Rect x y w h) (win, focused) = Rendered (Vty.translate x y pict) (fmap (\(i, j) -> (i + y, j + x)) cur) where b = findBufferWith (bufkey win) e sty = configStyle cfg notMini = not (isMini win) -- off reserves space for the mode line. The mini window does not have a mode line. off = if notMini then 1 else 0 h' = h - off ground = baseAttributes sty wsty = attributesToAttr ground Vty.defAttr eofsty = appEndo (eofStyle sty) ground (point, _) = runBuffer win b pointB region = mkSizeRegion fromMarkPoint (Size (w*h')) -- Work around a problem with the mini window never displaying it's contents due to a -- fromMark that is always equal to the end of the buffer contents. (Just (MarkSet fromM _ _), _) = runBuffer win b (getMarks win) fromMarkPoint = if notMini then fst $ runBuffer win b $ use $ markPointA fromM else Point 0 (text, _) = runBuffer win b (indexedStreamB Forward fromMarkPoint) (attributes, _) = runBuffer win b $ attributesPictureAndSelB sty (currentRegex e) region -- TODO: I suspect that this costs quite a lot of CPU in the "dry run" which determines the window size; -- In that case, since attributes are also useless there, it might help to replace the call by a dummy value. -- This is also approximately valid of the call to "indexedAnnotatedStreamB". colors = map (fmap (($ Vty.defAttr) . attributesToAttr)) attributes bufData = paintChars Vty.defAttr colors text tabWidth = tabSize . fst $ runBuffer win b indentSettingsB prompt = if isMini win then miniIdentString b else "" cur = (fmap (\(SL.Point2D curx cury) -> (cury, T.length prompt + curx)) . fst) (runBuffer win b (SL.coordsOfCharacterB (SL.Size2D w h) fromMarkPoint point)) rendered = drawText wsty h' w tabWidth ([(c, wsty) | c <- T.unpack prompt] ++ bufData ++ [(' ', wsty)]) -- we always add one character which can be used to position the cursor at the end of file commonPref = T.pack <$> commonNamePrefix e (modeLine0, _) = runBuffer win b $ getModeLine commonPref modeLine = if notMini then Just modeLine0 else Nothing prepare = withAttributes modeStyle . T.justifyLeft w ' ' . T.take w modeLines = map prepare $ maybeToList modeLine modeStyle = (if focused then appEndo (modelineFocusStyle sty) else id) (modelineAttributes sty) filler :: T.Text filler = if w == 0 -- justify would return a single char at w = 0 then T.empty else T.justifyLeft w ' ' $ T.singleton (configWindowFill cfg) pict = Vty.vertCat (take h' (rendered <> repeat (withAttributes eofsty filler)) <> modeLines) withAttributes :: Attributes -> T.Text -> Vty.Image withAttributes sty = Vty.text' (attributesToAttr sty Vty.defAttr) attributesToAttr :: Attributes -> Vty.Attr -> Vty.Attr attributesToAttr (Attributes fg bg reverse bd _itlc underline') = (if reverse then (`Vty.withStyle` Vty.reverseVideo) else id) . (if bd then (`Vty.withStyle` Vty.bold) else id) . (if underline' then (`Vty.withStyle` Vty.underline) else id) . colorToAttr (flip Vty.withForeColor) fg . colorToAttr (flip Vty.withBackColor) bg -- | Apply the attributes in @sty@ and @changes@ to @cs@. If the -- attributes are not used, @sty@ and @changes@ are not evaluated. paintChars :: a -> [(Point, a)] -> [(Point, Char)] -> [(Char, a)] paintChars sty changes cs = zip (fmap snd cs) attrs where attrs = stys sty changes cs stys :: a -> [(Point, a)] -> [(Point, Char)] -> [a] stys sty [] cs = [ sty | _ <- cs ] stys sty ((endPos, sty') : xs) cs = [ sty | _ <- previous ] <> stys sty' xs later where (previous, later) = break ((endPos <=) . fst) cs drawText :: Vty.Attr -- ^ "Ground" attribute. -> Int -- ^ The height of the part of the window we are in -> Int -- ^ The width of the part of the window we are in -> Int -- ^ The number of spaces to represent a tab character with. -> [(Char, Vty.Attr)] -- ^ The data to draw. -> [Vty.Image] drawText wsty h w tabWidth bufData | h == 0 || w == 0 = [] | otherwise = renderedLines where -- the number of lines that taking wrapping into account, -- we use this to calculate the number of lines displayed. wrapped = concatMap (wrapLine w . addSpace . concatMap expandGraphic) $ take h $ lines' bufData lns0 = take h wrapped -- fill lines with blanks, so the selection looks ok. renderedLines = map fillColorLine lns0 colorChar (c, a) = Vty.char a c fillColorLine :: [(Char, Vty.Attr)] -> Vty.Image fillColorLine [] = Vty.charFill Vty.defAttr ' ' w 1 fillColorLine l = Vty.horizCat (map colorChar l) Vty.<|> Vty.charFill a ' ' (w - length l) 1 where (_, a) = last l addSpace :: [(Char, Vty.Attr)] -> [(Char, Vty.Attr)] addSpace [] = [(' ', wsty)] addSpace l = case mod lineLength w of 0 -> l _ -> l ++ [(' ', wsty)] where lineLength = length l -- | Cut a string in lines separated by a '\n' char. Note -- that we remove the newline entirely since it is no longer -- significant for drawing text. lines' :: [(Char, a)] -> [[(Char, a)]] lines' [] = [] lines' s = case s' of [] -> [l] ((_,_):s'') -> l : lines' s'' where (l, s') = break ((== '\n') . fst) s wrapLine :: Int -> [x] -> [[x]] wrapLine _ [] = [] wrapLine n l = let (x,rest) = splitAt n l in x : wrapLine n rest expandGraphic ('\t', p) = replicate tabWidth (' ', p) expandGraphic (c, p) | numeric < 32 = [('^', p), (chr (numeric + 64), p)] | otherwise = [(c, p)] where numeric = ord c renderTabBar :: UIStyle -> [(T.Text, Bool)] -> Vty.Image renderTabBar uiStyle = Vty.horizCat . fmap render where render (text, inFocus) = Vty.text' (tabAttr inFocus) (tabTitle text) tabTitle text = ' ' `T.cons` text `T.snoc` ' ' tabAttr b = baseAttr b $ tabBarAttributes uiStyle baseAttr True sty = attributesToAttr (appEndo (tabInFocusStyle uiStyle) sty) Vty.defAttr baseAttr False sty = attributesToAttr (appEndo (tabNotFocusedStyle uiStyle) sty) Vty.defAttr `Vty.withStyle` Vty.underline