{-# LANGUAGE LambdaCase #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell #-}
{-# OPTIONS_GHC -fno-warn-orphans #-}
{-# OPTIONS_HADDOCK show-extensions #-}

-- |
-- Module      :  Yi.Editor
-- License     :  GPL-2
-- Maintainer  :  yi-devel@googlegroups.com
-- Stability   :  experimental
-- Portability :  portable
-- The top level editor state, and operations on it. This is inside an
-- internal module for easy re-export with Yi.Types bits.

module Yi.Editor ( Editor(..), EditorM(..), MonadEditor(..)
                 , runEditor
                 , acceptedInputsOtherWindow
                 , addJumpAtE
                 , addJumpHereE
                 , alternateBufferE
                 , askConfigVariableA
                 , bufferSet
                 , buffersA
                 , closeBufferAndWindowE
                 , closeBufferE
                 , closeOtherE
                 , clrStatus
                 , commonNamePrefix
                 , currentBuffer
                 , currentRegexA
                 , currentWindowA
                 , deleteBuffer
                 , deleteTabE
                 , emptyEditor
                 , findBuffer
                 , findBufferWith
                 , findBufferWithName
                 , findWindowWith
                 , focusWindowE
                 , getBufferStack
                 , getBufferWithName
                 , getBufferWithNameOrCurrent
                 , getEditorDyn
                 , getRegE
                 , jumpBackE
                 , jumpForwardE
                 , killringA
                 , layoutManagerNextVariantE
                 , layoutManagerPreviousVariantE
                 , layoutManagersNextE
                 , layoutManagersPreviousE
                 , moveTabE
                 , moveWinNextE
                 , moveWinPrevE
                 , newBufferE
                 , newEmptyBufferE
                 , newTabE
                 , newTempBufferE
                 , newWindowE
                 , nextTabE
                 , nextWinE
                 , pendingEventsA
                 , prevWinE
                 , previousTabE
                 , printMsg
                 , printMsgs
                 , printStatus
                 , pushWinToFirstE
                 , putEditorDyn
                 , searchDirectionA
                 , setDividerPosE
                 , setRegE
                 , setStatus
                 , shiftOtherWindow
                 , splitE
                 , statusLine
                 , statusLineInfo
                 , statusLinesA
                 , stringToNewBuffer
                 , swapWinWithFirstE
                 , switchToBufferE
                 , switchToBufferWithNameE
                 , tabsA
                 , tryCloseE
                 , windows
                 , windowsA
                 , windowsOnBufferE
                 , withCurrentBuffer
                 , withEveryBuffer
                 , withGivenBuffer
                 , withGivenBufferAndWindow
                 , withOtherWindow
                 , withWindowE
                 ) where

import           Control.Applicative
import           Control.Lens
import           Control.Monad
import           Control.Monad.Reader hiding (mapM, forM_ )
import           Control.Monad.State hiding (get, put, mapM, forM_)
import           Data.Binary
import           Data.Default
import qualified Data.DelayList as DelayList
import           Data.DynamicState.Serializable
import           Data.Foldable hiding (forM_)
import           Data.List (delete, (\\))
import           Data.List.NonEmpty (fromList, NonEmpty(..), nub)
import qualified Data.List.NonEmpty as NE
import qualified Data.List.PointedList as PL (atEnd, moveTo)
import qualified Data.List.PointedList.Circular as PL
import qualified Data.Map as M
import           Data.Maybe
import qualified Data.Monoid as Mon
import           Data.Semigroup
import qualified Data.Text as T
import           Prelude hiding (foldl,concatMap,foldr,all)
import           System.FilePath (splitPath)
import           Yi.Buffer
import           Yi.Config
import           Yi.Interact as I
import           Yi.JumpList
import           Yi.KillRing
import           Yi.Layout
import           Yi.Monad
import           Yi.Rope (YiString, fromText, empty)
import qualified Yi.Rope as R
import           Yi.String
import           Yi.Style (defaultStyle)
import           Yi.Tab
import           Yi.Types
import           Yi.Utils hiding ((+~))
import           Yi.Window

instance Binary Editor where
  put (Editor bss bs supply ts dv _sl msh kr regex _dir _ev _cwa ) =
    let putNE (x :| xs) = put x >> put xs
    in putNE bss >> put bs >> put supply >> put ts
       >> put dv >> put msh >> put kr >> put regex
  get = do
    bss <- (:|) <$> get <*> get
    bs <- get
    supply <- get
    ts <- get
    dv <- get
    msh <- get
    kr <- get
    regex <- get
    return $ emptyEditor { bufferStack = bss
                         , buffers = bs
                         , refSupply = supply
                         , tabs_ = ts
                         , dynamic = dv
                         , maxStatusHeight = msh
                         , killring = kr
                         , currentRegex = regex

-- | The initial state
emptyEditor :: Editor
emptyEditor = Editor
  { buffers      = M.singleton (bkey buf) buf
  , tabs_        = PL.singleton tab
  , bufferStack  = bkey buf :| []
  , refSupply    = 3
  , currentRegex = Nothing
  , searchDirection = Forward
  , dynamic      = mempty
  , statusLines  = DelayList.insert (maxBound, ([""], defaultStyle)) []
  , killring     = krEmpty
  , pendingEvents = []
  , maxStatusHeight = 1
  , onCloseActions = M.empty
  where buf = newB 0 (MemBuffer "console") mempty
        win = (dummyWindow (bkey buf)) { wkey = WindowRef 1 , isMini = False }
        tab = makeTab1 2 win

-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------

makeLensesWithSuffix "A" ''Editor

windows :: Editor -> PL.PointedList Window
windows e = e ^. windowsA

windowsA :: Lens' Editor (PL.PointedList Window)
windowsA = currentTabA . tabWindowsA

tabsA :: Lens' Editor (PL.PointedList Tab)
tabsA = fixCurrentBufferA_ . tabs_A

currentTabA :: Lens' Editor Tab
currentTabA = tabsA . PL.focus

askConfigVariableA :: (YiConfigVariable b, MonadEditor m) => m b
askConfigVariableA = do cfg <- askCfg
                        return $ cfg ^. configVariable

-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------
-- Buffer operations

newRef :: MonadEditor m => m Int
newRef = withEditor (refSupplyA %= (+ 1) >> use refSupplyA)

newBufRef :: MonadEditor m => m BufferRef
newBufRef = liftM BufferRef newRef

-- | Create and fill a new buffer, using contents of string.
-- | Does not focus the window, or make it the current window.
-- | Call newWindowE or switchToBufferE to take care of that.
stringToNewBuffer :: MonadEditor m
                  => BufferId -- ^ The buffer indentifier
                  -> YiString -- ^ The contents with which to populate
                              -- the buffer
                  -> m BufferRef
stringToNewBuffer nm cs = withEditor $ do
    u <- newBufRef
    defRegStyle <- configRegionStyle <$> askCfg
    insertBuffer $ newB u nm cs
    m <- asks configFundamentalMode
    withGivenBuffer u $ do
        putRegionStyle defRegStyle
        setAnyMode m
    return u

insertBuffer :: MonadEditor m => FBuffer -> m ()
insertBuffer b = withEditor . modify $ \e ->
    -- insert buffers at the end, so that
    -- "background" buffers do not interfere.
    e { bufferStack = nub (bufferStack e <> (bkey b :| []))
      , buffers = M.insert (bkey b) b (buffers e)}

-- Prevent possible space leaks in the editor structure
forceFold1 :: Foldable t => t a -> t a
forceFold1 x = foldr seq x x

forceFoldTabs :: Foldable t => t Tab -> t Tab
forceFoldTabs x = foldr (seq . forceTab) x x

-- | Delete a buffer (and release resources associated with it).
deleteBuffer :: MonadEditor m => BufferRef -> m ()
deleteBuffer k = withEditor $ do
  -- If the buffer has an associated close action execute that now.
  -- Unless the buffer is the last buffer in the editor. In which case
  -- it cannot be closed and, I think, the close action should not be
  -- applied.
  -- The close actions seem dangerous, but I know of no other simple
  -- way to resolve issues related to what buffer receives actions
  -- after the minibuffer closes.
  gets bufferStack >>= \case
    _ :| [] -> return ()
    _ -> M.lookup k <$> gets onCloseActions
         >>= \m_action -> fromMaybe (return ()) m_action
  -- Now try deleting the buffer. Checking, once again, that it is not
  -- the last buffer.
  bs <- gets bufferStack
  ws <- use windowsA
  case bs of
    b0 :| nextB : _ -> do
      let pickOther w = if bufkey w == k then w {bufkey = other} else w
          visibleBuffers = bufkey <$> toList ws

          -- This ‘head’ always works because we witness that length of
          -- bs ≥ 2 (through case) and ‘delete’ only deletes up to 1
          -- element so we at worst we end up with something like
          -- ‘head $ [] ++ [foo]’ when bs ≡ visibleBuffers
          bs' = NE.toList bs
          other = head $ (bs' \\ visibleBuffers) ++ delete k bs'
      when (b0 == k) $
        -- we delete the currently selected buffer: the next buffer
        -- will become active in the main window, therefore it must be
        -- assigned a new window.
        switchToBufferE nextB

      -- NOTE: This *only* works if not all bufferStack buffers are
      -- equivalent to ‘k’. Assuring that there are no duplicates in
      -- the bufferStack is equivalent in this case because of its
      -- length.
      modify $ \e ->
        e & bufferStackA %~ fromList . forceFold1 . NE.filter (k /=)
          & buffersA %~ M.delete k
          & tabs_A %~ forceFoldTabs . fmap (mapWindows pickOther)
          -- all windows open on that buffer must switch to another
          -- buffer.

      windowsA . mapped . bufAccessListA %= forceFold1 . filter (k /=)
    _ -> return () -- Don't delete the last buffer.

-- | Return the buffers we have, /in no particular order/
bufferSet :: Editor -> [FBuffer]
bufferSet = M.elems . buffers

-- | Return a prefix that can be removed from all buffer paths while
-- keeping them unique.
commonNamePrefix :: Editor -> [FilePath]
commonNamePrefix = commonPrefix . fmap (dropLast . splitPath)
                   . fbufs . fmap (^. identA) . bufferSet
  where dropLast [] = []
        dropLast x = init x
        fbufs xs = [ x | FileBuffer x <- xs ]
          -- drop the last component, so that it is never hidden.

getBufferStack :: MonadEditor m => m (NonEmpty FBuffer)
getBufferStack = withEditor $ do
  bufMap <- gets buffers
  gets $ fmap (bufMap M.!) . bufferStack

findBuffer :: MonadEditor m => BufferRef -> m (Maybe FBuffer)
findBuffer k = withEditor (gets (M.lookup k . buffers))

-- | Find buffer with this key
findBufferWith :: BufferRef -> Editor -> FBuffer
findBufferWith k e = case M.lookup k (buffers e) of
  Just x -> x
  Nothing -> error "Editor.findBufferWith: no buffer has this key"

-- | Find buffers with this name
findBufferWithName :: T.Text -> Editor -> [BufferRef]
findBufferWithName n e =
  let bufs = M.elems $ buffers e
      sameIdent b = shortIdentString (length $ commonNamePrefix e) b == n
  in map bkey $ filter sameIdent bufs

-- | Find buffer with given name. Fail if not found.
getBufferWithName :: MonadEditor m => T.Text -> m BufferRef
getBufferWithName bufName = withEditor $ do
  bs <- gets $ findBufferWithName bufName
  case bs of
    [] -> fail ("Buffer not found: " ++ T.unpack bufName)
    b:_ -> return b

-- | Make all buffers visible by splitting the current window list.
-- FIXME: rename to displayAllBuffersE; make sure buffers are not open twice.
openAllBuffersE :: EditorM ()
openAllBuffersE = do
  bs <- gets bufferSet
  forM_ bs $ ((%=) windowsA . PL.insertRight =<<) . newWindowE False . bkey

-- | Perform action with any given buffer, using the last window that
-- was used for that buffer.
withGivenBuffer :: MonadEditor m => BufferRef -> BufferM a -> m a
withGivenBuffer k f = do
    b <- gets (findBufferWith k)

    withGivenBufferAndWindow (b ^. lastActiveWindowA) k f

-- | Perform action with any given buffer
withGivenBufferAndWindow :: MonadEditor m
    => Window -> BufferRef -> BufferM a -> m a
withGivenBufferAndWindow w k f = withEditor $ do
  accum <- asks configKillringAccumulate
  let edit e = let b = findBufferWith k e
                   (v, us, b') = runBufferFull w b f
               in (e & buffersA .~ mapAdjust' (const b') k (buffers e)
                     & killringA %~
                        if accum && all updateIsDelete us
                        then foldl (.) id $ reverse [ krPut dir s
                                                    | Delete _ dir s <- us ]
                        else id

                  , (us, v))
  (us, v) <- getsAndModify edit

  updHandler <- return . bufferUpdateHandler =<< ask
  unless (null us || null updHandler) $
    forM_ updHandler (\h -> withGivenBufferAndWindow w k (h us))
  return v

-- | Perform action with current window's buffer
withCurrentBuffer :: MonadEditor m => BufferM a -> m a
withCurrentBuffer f = withEditor $ do
  w <- use currentWindowA
  withGivenBufferAndWindow w (bufkey w) f

withEveryBuffer :: MonadEditor m => BufferM a -> m [a]
withEveryBuffer action =
    withEditor (gets bufferStack) >>= mapM (`withGivenBuffer` action) . NE.toList

currentWindowA :: Lens' Editor Window
currentWindowA = windowsA . PL.focus

-- | Return the current buffer
currentBuffer :: Editor -> BufferRef
currentBuffer = NE.head . bufferStack

-- Handling of status

-- | Prints a message with 'defaultStyle'.
printMsg :: MonadEditor m => T.Text -> m ()
printMsg s = printStatus ([s], defaultStyle)

-- | Prints a all given messages with 'defaultStyle'.
printMsgs :: MonadEditor m => [T.Text] -> m ()
printMsgs s = printStatus (s, defaultStyle)

printStatus :: MonadEditor m => Status -> m ()
printStatus = setTmpStatus 1

-- | Set the "background" status line
setStatus :: MonadEditor m => Status -> m ()
setStatus = setTmpStatus maxBound

-- | Clear the status line
clrStatus :: EditorM ()
clrStatus = setStatus ([""], defaultStyle)

statusLine :: Editor -> [T.Text]
statusLine = fst . statusLineInfo

statusLineInfo :: Editor -> Status
statusLineInfo = snd . head . statusLines

setTmpStatus :: MonadEditor m => Int -> Status -> m ()
setTmpStatus delay s = withEditor $ do
  statusLinesA %= DelayList.insert (delay, s)
  -- also show in the messages buffer, so we don't loose any message
  bs <- gets (filter ((== MemBuffer "messages") . view identA) . M.elems . buffers)

  b <- case bs of
         (b':_) -> return $ bkey b'
         [] -> stringToNewBuffer (MemBuffer "messages") mempty
  let m = listify $ R.fromText <$> fst s
  withGivenBuffer b $ botB >> insertN (m `R.snoc` '\n')

-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------
-- kill-register (vim-style) interface to killring.
-- Note that our vim keymap currently has its own registers
-- and doesn't use killring.

-- | Put string into yank register
setRegE :: R.YiString -> EditorM ()
setRegE s = killringA %= krSet s

-- | Return the contents of the yank register
getRegE :: EditorM R.YiString
getRegE = uses killringA krGet

-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------
-- | Dynamically-extensible state components.
-- These hooks are used by keymaps to store values that result from
-- Actions (i.e. that restult from IO), as opposed to the pure values
-- they generate themselves, and can be stored internally.
-- The `dynamic' field is a type-indexed map.

-- | Retrieve a value from the extensible state
getEditorDyn :: (MonadEditor m, YiVariable a, Default a, Functor m) => m a
getEditorDyn = fromMaybe def <$> getDyn (use dynamicA) (assign dynamicA)

-- | Insert a value into the extensible state, keyed by its type
putEditorDyn :: (MonadEditor m, YiVariable a, Functor m) => a -> m ()
putEditorDyn = putDyn (use dynamicA) (assign dynamicA)

-- | Like fnewE, create a new buffer filled with the String @s@,
-- Switch the current window to this buffer. Doesn't associate any
-- file with the buffer (unlike fnewE) and so is good for popup
-- internal buffers (like scratch)
newBufferE :: BufferId   -- ^ buffer name
           -> YiString -- ^ buffer contents
           -> EditorM BufferRef
newBufferE f s = do
    b <- stringToNewBuffer f s
    switchToBufferE b
    return b

-- | Like 'newBufferE' but defaults to empty contents.
newEmptyBufferE :: BufferId -> EditorM BufferRef
newEmptyBufferE f = newBufferE f Yi.Rope.empty

alternateBufferE :: Int -> EditorM ()
alternateBufferE n = do
    Window { bufAccessList = lst } <- use currentWindowA
    if null lst || (length lst - 1) < n
      then fail "no alternate buffer"
      else switchToBufferE $ lst!!n

-- | Create a new zero size window on a given buffer
newZeroSizeWindow :: Bool -> BufferRef -> WindowRef -> Window
newZeroSizeWindow mini bk ref = Window mini bk [] 0 0 emptyRegion ref 0 Nothing

-- | Create a new window onto the given buffer.
newWindowE :: Bool -> BufferRef -> EditorM Window
newWindowE mini bk = newZeroSizeWindow mini bk . WindowRef <$> newRef

-- | Attach the specified buffer to the current window
switchToBufferE :: BufferRef -> EditorM ()
switchToBufferE bk = windowsA . PL.focus %= \w ->
  w & bufkeyA .~ bk
    & bufAccessListA %~ forceFold1 . (bufkey w:) . filter (bk /=)

-- | Attach the specified buffer to some other window than the current one
switchToBufferOtherWindowE :: BufferRef -> EditorM ()
switchToBufferOtherWindowE b = shiftOtherWindow >> switchToBufferE b

-- | Switch to the buffer specified as parameter. If the buffer name
-- is empty, switch to the next buffer.
switchToBufferWithNameE :: T.Text -> EditorM ()
switchToBufferWithNameE "" = alternateBufferE 0
switchToBufferWithNameE bufName = switchToBufferE =<< getBufferWithName bufName

-- | Close a buffer.
-- Note: close the current buffer if the empty string is given
closeBufferE :: T.Text -> EditorM ()
closeBufferE nm = deleteBuffer =<< getBufferWithNameOrCurrent nm

getBufferWithNameOrCurrent :: MonadEditor m => T.Text -> m BufferRef
getBufferWithNameOrCurrent t = withEditor $
    case T.null t of
        True -> gets currentBuffer
        False -> getBufferWithName t


-- | Close current buffer and window, unless it's the last one.
closeBufferAndWindowE :: EditorM ()
closeBufferAndWindowE = do
  -- Fetch the current buffer *before* closing the window. Required
  -- for the onCloseBufferE actions to work as expected by the
  -- minibuffer. The tryCloseE, since it uses tabsA, will have the
  -- current buffer "fixed" to the buffer of the window that is
  -- brought into focus. If the current buffer is accessed after the
  -- tryCloseE then the current buffer may not be the same as the
  -- buffer before tryCloseE. This would be bad.
  b <- gets currentBuffer
  deleteBuffer b

-- | Rotate focus to the next window
nextWinE :: EditorM ()
nextWinE = windowsA %= PL.next

-- | Rotate focus to the previous window
prevWinE :: EditorM ()
prevWinE = windowsA %= PL.previous

-- | Swaps the focused window with the first window. Useful for
-- layouts such as 'HPairOneStack', for which the first window is the
-- largest.
swapWinWithFirstE :: EditorM ()
swapWinWithFirstE = windowsA %= swapFocus (fromJust . PL.moveTo 0)

-- | Moves the focused window to the first window, and moves all other
-- windows down the stack.
pushWinToFirstE :: EditorM ()
pushWinToFirstE = windowsA %= pushToFirst
      pushToFirst ws = case PL.delete ws of
          Nothing -> ws
          Just ws' -> PL.insertLeft (ws ^. PL.focus) (fromJust $ PL.moveTo 0 ws')

-- | Swap focused window with the next one
moveWinNextE :: EditorM ()
moveWinNextE = windowsA %= swapFocus PL.next

-- | Swap focused window with the previous one
moveWinPrevE :: EditorM ()
moveWinPrevE = windowsA %= swapFocus PL.previous

-- | A "fake" accessor that fixes the current buffer after a change of
-- the current window.
-- Enforces invariant that top of buffer stack is the buffer of the
-- current window.
fixCurrentBufferA_ :: Lens' Editor Editor
fixCurrentBufferA_ = lens id (\_old new -> let
  ws = windows new
  b = findBufferWith (bufkey $ PL._focus ws) new
  newBufferStack = nub (bkey b NE.<| bufferStack new)
  -- make sure we do not hold to old versions by seqing the length.
  in NE.length newBufferStack `seq` new & bufferStackA .~ newBufferStack)

-- | Counterpart of fixCurrentBufferA_: fix the current window to point to the
-- right buffer.
fixCurrentWindowE :: EditorM ()
fixCurrentWindowE =
  gets currentBuffer >>= \b -> windowsA . PL.focus . bufkeyA .= b

withWindowE :: Window -> BufferM a -> EditorM a
withWindowE w = withGivenBufferAndWindow w (bufkey w)

findWindowWith :: WindowRef -> Editor -> Window
findWindowWith k e =
    head $ concatMap (\win -> [win | wkey win == k]) $ windows e

-- | Return the windows that are currently open on the buffer whose
-- key is given
windowsOnBufferE :: BufferRef -> EditorM [Window]
windowsOnBufferE k = do
  ts <- use tabsA
  let tabBufEq = concatMap (\win -> [win | bufkey win == k]) . (^. tabWindowsA)
  return $ concatMap tabBufEq ts

-- | bring the editor focus the window with the given key.
-- Fails if no window with the given key is found.
focusWindowE :: WindowRef -> EditorM ()
focusWindowE k = do
    -- Find the tab index and window index
    ts <- use tabsA
    let check (False, i) win = if wkey win == k
                                    then (True, i)
                                    else (False, i + 1)
        check r@(True, _) _win = r

        searchWindowSet (False, tabIndex, _) ws =
            case foldl check (False, 0) (ws ^. tabWindowsA) of
                (True, winIndex) -> (True, tabIndex, winIndex)
                (False, _)       -> (False, tabIndex + 1, 0)
        searchWindowSet r@(True, _, _) _ws = r

    case foldl searchWindowSet  (False, 0, 0) ts of
        (False, _, _) -> fail $ "No window with key " ++ show wkey ++ "found. (focusWindowE)"
        (True, tabIndex, winIndex) -> do
            assign tabsA (fromJust $ PL.moveTo tabIndex ts)
            windowsA %= fromJust . PL.moveTo winIndex

-- | Split the current window, opening a second window onto current buffer.
-- TODO: unfold newWindowE here?
splitE :: EditorM ()
splitE = do
  w <- gets currentBuffer >>= newWindowE False
  windowsA %= PL.insertRight w

-- | Cycle to the next layout manager, or the first one if the current
-- one is nonstandard.
layoutManagersNextE :: EditorM ()
layoutManagersNextE = withLMStackE PL.next

-- | Cycle to the previous layout manager, or the first one if the
-- current one is nonstandard.
layoutManagersPreviousE :: EditorM ()
layoutManagersPreviousE = withLMStackE PL.previous

-- | Helper function for 'layoutManagersNext' and 'layoutManagersPrevious'
withLMStackE :: (PL.PointedList AnyLayoutManager
                -> PL.PointedList AnyLayoutManager)
            -> EditorM ()
withLMStackE f = askCfg >>= \cfg ->
  currentTabA . tabLayoutManagerA %= go (layoutManagers cfg)
   go [] lm = lm
   go lms lm =
     case findPL (layoutManagerSameType lm) lms of
       Nothing -> head lms
       Just lmsPL -> f lmsPL ^. PL.focus

-- | Next variant of the current layout manager, as given by 'nextVariant'
layoutManagerNextVariantE :: EditorM ()
layoutManagerNextVariantE = currentTabA . tabLayoutManagerA %= nextVariant

-- | Previous variant of the current layout manager, as given by
-- 'previousVariant'
layoutManagerPreviousVariantE :: EditorM ()
layoutManagerPreviousVariantE =
  currentTabA . tabLayoutManagerA %= previousVariant

-- | Sets the given divider position on the current tab
setDividerPosE :: DividerRef -> DividerPosition -> EditorM ()
setDividerPosE ref = assign (currentTabA . tabDividerPositionA ref)

-- | Creates a new tab containing a window that views the current buffer.
newTabE :: EditorM ()
newTabE = do
    bk <- gets currentBuffer
    win <- newWindowE False bk
    ref <- newRef
    tabsA %= PL.insertRight (makeTab1 ref win)

-- | Moves to the next tab in the round robin set of tabs
nextTabE :: EditorM ()
nextTabE = tabsA %= PL.next

-- | Moves to the previous tab in the round robin set of tabs
previousTabE :: EditorM ()
previousTabE = tabsA %= PL.previous

-- | Moves the focused tab to the given index, or to the end if the
-- index is not specified.
moveTabE :: Maybe Int -> EditorM ()
moveTabE Nothing  = do
    count <- uses tabsA PL.length
    tabsA %= fromJust . PL.moveTo (pred count)
moveTabE (Just n) = do
    newTabs <- uses tabsA (PL.moveTo n)
    when (isNothing newTabs) failure
    assign tabsA $ fromJust newTabs
  where failure = fail $ "moveTab " ++ show n ++ ": no such tab"

-- | Deletes the current tab. If there is only one tab open then error out.
--   When the last tab is focused, move focus to the left, otherwise
--   move focus to the right.
deleteTabE :: EditorM ()
deleteTabE = tabsA %= fromMaybe failure . deleteTab
  where failure = error "deleteTab: cannot delete sole tab"
        deleteTab tabs = if PL.atEnd tabs
                         then PL.deleteLeft tabs
                         else PL.deleteRight tabs

-- | Close the current window. If there is only one tab open and the tab
-- contains only one window then do nothing.
tryCloseE :: EditorM ()
tryCloseE = do
    ntabs <- uses tabsA PL.length
    nwins <- uses windowsA PL.length
    unless (ntabs == 1 && nwins == 1) $ if nwins == 1
      -- Could the Maybe response from deleteLeft be used instead of the
      -- def 'if'?
      then tabsA %= fromJust . PL.deleteLeft
      else windowsA %= fromJust . PL.deleteLeft

-- | Make the current window the only window on the screen
closeOtherE :: EditorM ()
closeOtherE = windowsA %= PL.deleteOthers

-- | Switch focus to some other window. If none is available, create one.
shiftOtherWindow :: MonadEditor m => m ()
shiftOtherWindow = withEditor $ do
  len <- uses windowsA PL.length
  if len == 1
    then splitE
    else nextWinE

-- | Execute the argument in the context of an other window. Create
-- one if necessary. The current window is re-focused after the
-- argument has completed.
withOtherWindow :: MonadEditor m => m a -> m a
withOtherWindow f = do
  x <- f
  withEditor prevWinE
  return x

acceptedInputs :: EditorM [T.Text]
acceptedInputs = do
  km <- defaultKm <$> askCfg
  keymap <- withCurrentBuffer $ gets (withMode0 modeKeymap)
  let l = I.accepted 3 . I.mkAutomaton . extractTopKeymap . keymap $ km
  return $ fmap T.unwords l

-- | Shows the current key bindings in a new window
acceptedInputsOtherWindow :: EditorM ()
acceptedInputsOtherWindow = do
  ai <- acceptedInputs
  b <- stringToNewBuffer (MemBuffer "keybindings") (fromText $ T.unlines ai)
  w <- newWindowE False b
  windowsA %= PL.insertRight w

-- | Defines an action to be executed when the current buffer is closed.
-- Used by the minibuffer to assure the focus is restored to the
-- buffer that spawned the minibuffer.
-- todo: These actions are not restored on reload.
-- todo: These actions should probably be very careful at what they
-- do.
-- TODO: All in all, this is a very ugly way to achieve the purpose.
-- The nice way to proceed is to somehow attach the miniwindow to the
-- window that has spawned it.
onCloseBufferE :: BufferRef -> EditorM () -> EditorM ()
onCloseBufferE b a =
  onCloseActionsA %= M.insertWith' (\_ old_a -> old_a >> a) b a

addJumpHereE :: EditorM ()
addJumpHereE = addJumpAtE =<< withCurrentBuffer pointB

addJumpAtE :: Point -> EditorM ()
addJumpAtE point = do
  w <- use currentWindowA
  shouldAddJump <- case jumpList w of
    Just (PL.PointedList _ (Jump mark bf) _) -> do
      bfStillAlive <- gets (M.lookup bf . buffers)
      case bfStillAlive of
        Nothing -> return False
        _ -> do
          p <- withGivenBuffer bf . use $ markPointA mark
          return $! (p, bf) /= (point, bufkey w)
    _ -> return True
  when shouldAddJump $ do
    m <- withCurrentBuffer setMarkHereB
    let bf = bufkey w
        j = Jump m bf
    assign currentWindowA $ w & jumpListA %~ addJump j
    return ()

jumpBackE :: EditorM ()
jumpBackE = addJumpHereE >> modifyJumpListE jumpBack

jumpForwardE :: EditorM ()
jumpForwardE = modifyJumpListE jumpForward

modifyJumpListE :: (JumpList -> JumpList) -> EditorM ()
modifyJumpListE f = do
  w <- use currentWindowA
  case f $ w ^. jumpListA of
    Nothing -> return ()
    Just (PL.PointedList _ (Jump mark bf) _) -> do
      switchToBufferE bf
      withCurrentBuffer $ use (markPointA mark) >>= moveTo
      currentWindowA . jumpListA %= f

-- | Creates an in-memory buffer with a unique name.
newTempBufferE :: EditorM BufferRef
newTempBufferE = do
  e <- gets id
  -- increment the index of the hint until no buffer is found with that name
  let find_next currentName (nextName:otherNames) =
          case findBufferWithName currentName e of
            (_b : _) -> find_next nextName otherNames
            []      -> currentName
      find_next _ [] = error "Looks like nearly infinite list has just ended."
      next_tmp_name = find_next name names
      (name : names) = (fmap (("tmp-" Mon.<>) . T.pack . show) [0 :: Int ..])

  newEmptyBufferE (MemBuffer next_tmp_name)