module YamlUnscrambler ( -- * Execution parseText, parseByteString, getExpectations, -- * DSL -- ** Value Value, value, nullableValue, -- *** Helpers sequenceValue, mappingValue, scalarsValue, -- ** Scalar Scalar, stringScalar, nullScalar, boolScalar, scientificScalar, doubleScalar, rationalScalar, boundedIntegerScalar, unboundedIntegerScalar, timestampScalar, dayScalar, timeScalar, uuidScalar, binaryScalar, -- ** Mapping Mapping, foldMapping, byKeyMapping, -- ** Sequence Sequence, foldSequence, byOrderSequence, byKeySequence, -- ** String String, textString, enumString, formattedString, attoparsedString, -- ** ByKey ByKey, atByKey, atOneOfByKey, -- ** ByOrder ByOrder, fetchByOrder, -- * Value types MaxInputSize (..), Signed (..), NumeralSystem (..), CaseSensitive (..), ) where import qualified Attoparsec.Time.ByteString as AsciiAtto import qualified Control.Selective.Trans.Except as Selective.ExceptT import qualified Data.Attoparsec.ByteString.Char8 as AsciiAtto import qualified Data.Attoparsec.Text as TextAtto import qualified Data.ByteString as ByteString import qualified Data.ByteString.Base64 as Base64 import qualified Data.HashMap.Strict as HashMap import qualified Data.List as List import qualified Data.Map.Strict as Map import qualified Data.Text as Text import qualified Data.Text.Encoding as Text import qualified Data.UUID as UUID import qualified Data.Vector as Vector import qualified Data.Yaml.Parser as Yaml import qualified Text.Libyaml as Libyaml import qualified YamlUnscrambler.AsciiAtto as AsciiAtto import qualified YamlUnscrambler.CompactErrRendering as CompactErrRendering import qualified YamlUnscrambler.Err as Err import qualified YamlUnscrambler.Expectations as Ex import YamlUnscrambler.Model import YamlUnscrambler.Prelude hiding (String) import qualified YamlUnscrambler.Util.ByteString as ByteString import qualified YamlUnscrambler.Util.HashMap as HashMap import qualified YamlUnscrambler.Util.Vector as Vector import qualified YamlUnscrambler.Util.Yaml as Yaml -- * Execution -- | -- Run a value parser on strict text. parseText :: Value a -> Text -> Either Text a parseText value = parseByteString value . Text.encodeUtf8 -- | -- Run a value parser on strict bytestring. parseByteString :: Value a -> ByteString -> Either Text a parseByteString (Value {..}) input = do Yaml.RawDoc value map <- Yaml.parseByteStringToRawDoc input valueParser value map & first CompactErrRendering.renderErrAtPath -- | -- Get a tree of expectations, which can then be converted into -- documentation for people working with the YAML document or -- into one of the spec formats (e.g., YAML Spec, JSON Spec). getExpectations :: Value a -> Ex.Value getExpectations = valueExpectation -- * -- -- | Parser of any kind of YAML value: scalar, mapping or sequence. data Value a = Value { valueExpectation :: Ex.Value, valueParser :: Yaml.YamlValue -> Yaml.AnchorMap -> Either Err.ErrAtPath a } deriving (Functor) -- | Specification of various alternative ways of parsing a non-nullable value. value :: [Scalar a] -> Maybe (Mapping a) -> Maybe (Sequence a) -> Value a value scalars mappings sequences = Value expectations parse where expectations = Ex.Value scalarExpectations (fmap mappingExpectation mappings) (fmap sequenceExpectation sequences) scalarExpectations = fmap scalarExpectation scalars parse input anchorMap = case input of Yaml.Scalar bytes tag style _ -> case scalars of [] -> Left (Err.ErrAtPath [] (Err.UnexpectedScalarErr expectations)) _ -> runExcept (asum (fmap parse scalars)) & first convErr where parse scalar = except $ first (Last . Just) $ scalarParser scalar bytes tag style convErr (Last msg) = Err.ErrAtPath [] (Err.ScalarErr scalarExpectations bytes tag style msg) Yaml.Mapping input _ -> case mappings of Just mapping -> mappingParser mapping input anchorMap Nothing -> Left (Err.ErrAtPath [] (Err.UnexpectedMappingErr expectations)) Yaml.Sequence input _ -> case sequences of Just sequence -> sequenceParser sequence input anchorMap Nothing -> Left (Err.ErrAtPath [] (Err.UnexpectedSequenceErr expectations)) Yaml.Alias anchorName -> case Map.lookup anchorName anchorMap of Just value -> parse value anchorMap Nothing -> Left (Err.ErrAtPath [] (Err.UnknownAnchorErr (fromString anchorName))) -- | Specification of various alternative ways of parsing a nullable value. nullableValue :: [Scalar a] -> Maybe (Mapping a) -> Maybe (Sequence a) -> Value (Maybe a) nullableValue scalars mappings sequences = value ((nullScalar Nothing) : fmap (fmap Just) scalars) (fmap (fmap Just) mappings) (fmap (fmap Just) sequences) -- ** Helpers -- | Value parser, which only expects sequence values. sequenceValue :: Sequence a -> Value a sequenceValue sequence = value [] Nothing (Just sequence) -- | Value parser, which only expects mapping values. mappingValue :: Mapping a -> Value a mappingValue mapping = value [] (Just mapping) Nothing -- | Value parser, which only expects scalar values. scalarsValue :: [Scalar a] -> Value a scalarsValue scalars = value scalars Nothing Nothing -- * -- -- | Scalar value parser. data Scalar a = Scalar { scalarExpectation :: Ex.Scalar, scalarParser :: ByteString -> Libyaml.Tag -> Libyaml.Style -> Either Text a } deriving (Functor) -- | Custom parser function of a strict bytestring as a scalar value. bytesParsingScalar :: Ex.Scalar -> (ByteString -> Either Text a) -> Scalar a bytesParsingScalar expectation parser = Scalar expectation (\bytes _ _ -> parser bytes) -- | Custom ASCII attoparsec parser of a scalar value. attoparsedScalar :: Ex.Scalar -> AsciiAtto.Parser a -> Scalar a attoparsedScalar expectation parser = bytesParsingScalar expectation $ first (const "") . AsciiAtto.parseOnly (parser <* AsciiAtto.endOfInput) -- | Add protection on the maximum allowed input size over a scalar parser. sizedScalar :: MaxInputSize -> Scalar a -> Scalar a sizedScalar (MaxInputSize maxInputSize) (Scalar {..}) = Scalar scalarExpectation $ \bytes tag style -> if ByteString.length bytes <= maxInputSize then scalarParser bytes tag style else Left ("Input is longer then the expected maximum of " <> showAsText maxInputSize <> " bytes") -- | String scalar parser. stringScalar :: String a -> Scalar a stringScalar (String exp parse) = bytesParsingScalar (Ex.StringScalar exp) (\bytes -> first showAsText (Text.decodeUtf8' bytes) >>= parse) -- | A parser expecting a null value and resulting in the provided constant value when successful. nullScalar :: a -> Scalar a nullScalar a = Scalar Ex.NullScalar $ \bytes tag _ -> if tag == Libyaml.NullTag || ByteString.null bytes || bytes == "~" || ByteString.saysNullInCiAscii bytes then Right a else Left "Not null" -- | Boolean scalar parser. boolScalar :: Scalar Bool boolScalar = bytesParsingScalar Ex.BoolScalar $ \bytes -> if ByteString.length bytes <= 5 then let lowercased = ByteString.lowercaseInAscii bytes in if elem lowercased ["y", "yes", "on", "true", "t", "1"] then return True else if elem lowercased ["n", "no", "off", "false", "f", "0"] then return False else Left "Not a boolean" else Left "Not a boolean" -- | Numeric scalar as scientific parser. scientificScalar :: Scalar Scientific scientificScalar = attoparsedScalar Ex.ScientificScalar AsciiAtto.scientific -- | Numeric scalar as double parser. doubleScalar :: Scalar Double doubleScalar = attoparsedScalar Ex.DoubleScalar AsciiAtto.double -- | Numeric scalar as rational parser protected with maximum allowed input size. rationalScalar :: MaxInputSize -> Scalar Rational rationalScalar a = sizedScalar a $ attoparsedScalar (Ex.RationalScalar a) AsciiAtto.rational -- | -- Numeric scalar parser into a bounded integer value. -- E.g., 'Int', 'Int64', 'Word', but not 'Integer'. boundedIntegerScalar :: (Integral a, FiniteBits a) => Signed -> NumeralSystem -> Scalar a boundedIntegerScalar a b = attoparsedScalar (Ex.BoundedIntegerScalar a b) (AsciiAtto.integralScalar a b) -- | -- Numeric scalar parser into any integer value. unboundedIntegerScalar :: MaxInputSize -> Signed -> NumeralSystem -> Scalar Integer unboundedIntegerScalar a b c = sizedScalar a $ attoparsedScalar (Ex.UnboundedIntegerScalar a b c) (AsciiAtto.integralScalar b c) -- | String scalar parser as 'UTCTime' in ISO-8601. timestampScalar :: Scalar UTCTime timestampScalar = attoparsedScalar Ex.Iso8601TimestampScalar AsciiAtto.utcTimeInISO8601 -- | String scalar parser as 'Day' in ISO-8601. dayScalar :: Scalar Day dayScalar = attoparsedScalar Ex.Iso8601DayScalar AsciiAtto.dayInISO8601 -- | String scalar parser as 'TimeOfDay' in ISO-8601. timeScalar :: Scalar TimeOfDay timeScalar = attoparsedScalar Ex.Iso8601TimeScalar AsciiAtto.timeOfDayInISO8601 -- | String scalar parser as 'UUID'. uuidScalar :: Scalar UUID uuidScalar = bytesParsingScalar Ex.UuidScalar $ \bytes -> case UUID.fromASCIIBytes bytes of Just uuid -> return uuid Nothing -> Left "Invalid UUID" -- | String scalar parser as binary data encoded in Base-64. binaryScalar :: Scalar ByteString binaryScalar = bytesParsingScalar Ex.Base64BinaryScalar $ \bytes -> let bytesWithoutNewlines = ByteString.filter (/= 10) bytes in case Base64.decode bytesWithoutNewlines of Right res -> return res Left err -> Left $ fromString err -- * -- -- | Mapping value parser. data Mapping a = Mapping { mappingExpectation :: Ex.Mapping, mappingParser :: [(Text, Yaml.YamlValue)] -> Yaml.AnchorMap -> Either Err.ErrAtPath a } deriving (Functor) -- | Mapping parser which folds pairs into some final data-structure. foldMapping :: (key -> val -> assoc) -> Fold assoc a -> String key -> Value val -> Mapping a foldMapping zip (Fold foldStep foldInit foldExtract) key val = Mapping (Ex.MonomorphicMapping (stringExpectation key) (valueExpectation val)) parser where parser input anchorMap = foldM step foldInit input & fmap foldExtract where step state (keyInput, valInput) = do parsedKey <- first keyErr (stringParser key keyInput) parsedVal <- first (Err.atSegment keyInput) (valueParser val valInput anchorMap) return $! foldStep state (zip parsedKey parsedVal) where keyErr = Err.ErrAtPath [] . Err.KeyErr (stringExpectation key) keyInput -- | Mapping parser which allows the user to look up fields and process them with individual parsers. byKeyMapping :: CaseSensitive -> ByKey Text a -> Mapping a byKeyMapping caseSensitive byKey = Mapping expectation parser where expectation = Ex.ByKeyMapping caseSensitive (byKeyExpectation byKey) parser input = either Left (first keysErr) . runExceptT . parser where parser = if coerce caseSensitive then let map = HashMap.fromList input lookup k = HashMap.lookup k map lookupFirst kl = HashMap.lookupFirst kl map in byKeyParser byKey id lookup lookupFirst else let map = HashMap.fromList (fmap (first Text.toLower) input) lookup k = HashMap.lookup (Text.toLower k) map lookupFirst kl = HashMap.lookupFirst (fmap Text.toLower kl) map in byKeyParser byKey id lookup lookupFirst keysErr keys = Err.ErrAtPath [] $ Err.NoneOfMappingKeysFoundErr (byKeyExpectation byKey) caseSensitive keysAvail (toList keys) where keysAvail = fmap fst input -- * -- -- | Sequence value parser. data Sequence a = Sequence { sequenceExpectation :: Ex.Sequence, sequenceParser :: [Yaml.YamlValue] -> Yaml.AnchorMap -> Either Err.ErrAtPath a } deriving (Functor) -- | Homogenous sequence parser which folds into a final data-structure. foldSequence :: Fold a b -> Value a -> Sequence b foldSequence (Fold foldStep foldInit foldExtract) value = Sequence (Ex.MonomorphicSequence (valueExpectation value)) parser where parser input anchorMap = foldM step (0 :: Int, foldInit) input & fmap (foldExtract . snd) where step (!index, !state) input = valueParser value input anchorMap & first (Err.atSegment (showAsText index)) & fmap (\a -> (succ index, foldStep state a)) -- | Heterogenous sequence parser by order in the sequence, which lets you apply individual parsers to elements. byOrderSequence :: ByOrder a -> Sequence a byOrderSequence (ByOrder {..}) = Sequence (Ex.ByOrderSequence byOrderExpectation) parser where parser input anchorMap = runExceptT (runReaderT (evalStateT byOrderParser (0, input)) anchorMap) & either Left (first mapErr) where mapErr = \case NotEnoughElementsByOrderErr a -> Err.ErrAtPath [] $ Err.NotEnoughElementsErr byOrderExpectation a -- | Heterogenous sequence parser by index in the sequence, which lets you apply individual parsers to elements. byKeySequence :: ByKey Int a -> Sequence a byKeySequence (ByKey {..}) = Sequence expectation parser where expectation = Ex.ByKeySequence byKeyExpectation parser input = let vector = Vector.fromList input lookup k = vector Vector.!? k lookupFirst kl = Vector.lookupFirst kl vector in \anchorMap -> runExceptT (byKeyParser showAsText lookup lookupFirst anchorMap) & either Left (first keysErr) where keysErr keys = Err.ErrAtPath [] $ Err.NoneOfSequenceKeysFoundErr byKeyExpectation (toList keys) -- * -- -- | String value parser applicable to string scalars and mapping keys. data String a = String { stringExpectation :: Ex.String, stringParser :: Text -> Either Text a } deriving (Functor) -- | String as is. textString :: String Text textString = String Ex.AnyString return -- | Look the string up as a key in the provided dictionary. enumString :: CaseSensitive -> [(Text, a)] -> String a enumString (CaseSensitive caseSensitive) assocList = String expectation parser where expectation = Ex.OneOfString (CaseSensitive caseSensitive) (fmap fst assocList) {-# NOINLINE lookup #-} lookup = if length assocList > 512 then if caseSensitive then let hashMap = HashMap.fromList assocList in flip HashMap.lookup hashMap else let hashMap = HashMap.fromList (fmap (first Text.toLower) assocList) in flip HashMap.lookup hashMap . Text.toLower else if caseSensitive then flip List.lookup assocList else flip List.lookup (fmap (first Text.toLower) assocList) . Text.toLower parser text = case lookup text of Just a -> return a _ -> Left "Unexpected value" -- | String parsed using the provided function. formattedString :: -- | Format name for documentation and expectations. Text -> (Text -> Either Text a) -> String a formattedString format parser = String (Ex.FormattedString format) parser -- | String parsed using the provided textual attoparsec parser. attoparsedString :: -- | Format name for documentation and expectations. Text -> TextAtto.Parser a -> String a attoparsedString format parser = String (Ex.FormattedString format) (first fromString . TextAtto.parseOnly parser) -- * -- -- | General abstraction for specification of parsers performing lookups by keys. data ByKey key a = ByKey { byKeyExpectation :: Ex.ByKey key, byKeyParser :: (key -> Text) -> (key -> Maybe Yaml.YamlValue) -> ([key] -> Maybe (key, Yaml.YamlValue)) -> Yaml.AnchorMap -> ExceptT (Acc key) (Either Err.ErrAtPath) a } deriving (Functor) instance Applicative (ByKey key) where pure = ByKey Ex.AnyByKey . const . const . const . const . pure (<*>) (ByKey le lp) (ByKey re rp) = ByKey (Ex.BothByKey le re) (\a b c d -> lp a b c d <*> rp a b c d) instance Selective (ByKey key) where select (ByKey le lp) (ByKey re rp) = ByKey (Ex.BothByKey le re) (\a b c d -> Selective.ExceptT.unwrap (select (Selective.ExceptT.ExceptT (lp a b c d)) (Selective.ExceptT.ExceptT (rp a b c d)))) instance Alternative (ByKey key) where empty = ByKey Ex.NoByKey (const (const (const (const empty)))) (<|>) (ByKey le lp) (ByKey re rp) = ByKey (Ex.EitherByKey le re) (\a b c d -> lp a b c d <|> rp a b c d) -- | Parse a value at a key using the provided parser. atByKey :: key -> Value a -> ByKey key a atByKey key valueSpec = ByKey (Ex.LookupByKey [key] (valueExpectation valueSpec)) parser where parser renderKey lookup _ env = case lookup key of Just val -> lift $ first (Err.atSegment (renderKey key)) $ valueParser valueSpec val env Nothing -> throwE (pure key) -- | Parse a value at one of keys (whichever exists) using the provided parser. atOneOfByKey :: [key] -> Value a -> ByKey key a atOneOfByKey keys valueSpec = ByKey (Ex.LookupByKey keys (valueExpectation valueSpec)) parser where parser renderKey _ lookup env = case lookup keys of Just (key, val) -> lift $ first (Err.atSegment (renderKey key)) $ valueParser valueSpec val env Nothing -> throwE (fromList keys) -- * -- data ByOrderErr = NotEnoughElementsByOrderErr Int -- | Parser which fetches elements by the order in which it is composed. data ByOrder a = ByOrder { byOrderExpectation :: Ex.ByOrder, byOrderParser :: StateT (Int, [Yaml.YamlValue]) (ReaderT Yaml.AnchorMap (ExceptT ByOrderErr (Either Err.ErrAtPath))) a } deriving (Functor) instance Applicative ByOrder where pure = ByOrder Ex.AnyByOrder . pure (<*>) (ByOrder le lp) (ByOrder re rp) = ByOrder (Ex.BothByOrder le re) (lp <*> rp) instance Selective ByOrder where select (ByOrder le lp) (ByOrder re rp) = ByOrder (Ex.BothByOrder le re) (select lp rp) -- | Parse the next value using the provided parser. fetchByOrder :: Value a -> ByOrder a fetchByOrder value = ByOrder (Ex.FetchByOrder (valueExpectation value)) parser where parser = do (!offset, list) <- get case list of h : t -> do put (succ offset, t) anchorMap <- ask lift $ lift $ lift $ first (Err.atSegment (showAsText offset)) $ valueParser value h anchorMap _ -> throwError $ NotEnoughElementsByOrderErr offset