{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances, FlexibleContexts, MultiParamTypeClasses,
             TypeFamilies, RankNTypes #-}
-- | Lenses for working with YAML structures.
module Data.Yaml.YamlLight.Lens (
   -- * Traversals
   nth, key, key', 
   -- * Yaml parsing prism
   _Yaml, AsYaml(..),
   -- * Numeric parsers
   yamlInt, yamlReal) where
import Control.Applicative
import Control.Lens
import Data.ByteString (ByteString)
import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8 as BC
import Data.ByteString.Lex.Integral
import Data.ByteString.Lex.Double
import Data.Map (Map)
import qualified Data.Map as Map
import Data.Traversable (sequenceA)
import Data.Yaml.YamlLight

-- $setup
-- >>> :set -XOverloadedStrings

-- | The two indexable types of YAML data are sequences and mappings.
data YamlIx = ArrIx Int | ObjIx YamlLight

type instance Index YamlLight = YamlIx
type instance IxValue YamlLight = YamlLight

instance Applicative f => Ixed f YamlLight where
  ix k@(ArrIx i) f (YSeq xs) | i < 0 = pure (YSeq xs)
                             | otherwise = YSeq <$> go xs i where
    go [] _ = pure []
    go (y:ys) 0 = (:ys) <$> indexed f k y
    go (y:ys) i' = (y:) <$> (go ys $! i' - 1)
  ix k@(ObjIx k') f (YMap m) = case Map.lookup k' m of
    Just v -> YMap . flip (Map.insert k') m <$> indexed f k v
    Nothing -> pure (YMap m)
  ix _ _ y = pure y

instance At YamlLight where
  at k@(ObjIx k') f (YMap m) = YMap . aux <$> indexed f k mv
    where aux Nothing = maybe m (const (Map.delete k' m)) mv
          aux (Just v) = Map.insert k' v m
          mv = Map.lookup k' m
  at k f y = const y <$> indexed f k Nothing

instance Applicative f => Each f YamlLight YamlLight YamlLight YamlLight where
  each f (YSeq xs) = YSeq <$> traverse (uncurry $ indexed f)
                                       (zip (map ArrIx [0..]) xs)
  each f (YMap m) = YMap <$> sequenceA (Map.mapWithKey (indexed f . ObjIx) m)
  each _ y = pure y

instance Plated YamlLight where
  plate f (YSeq xs) = YSeq <$> traverse f xs
  plate f (YMap m) = YMap <$> traverse f m
  plate f y = pure y

noRemainder :: (a, ByteString) -> Maybe a
noRemainder (x, bs) = if BC.null bs then Just x else Nothing

-- | Try to parse an 'Integral' value from a 'YamlLight'.
yamlInt :: Integral b => YamlLight -> Maybe b
yamlInt (YStr s) = readSigned readDecimal s >>= noRemainder
yamlInt _ = Nothing

-- | Try to parse a 'Double' from a 'YamlLight'.
yamlReal :: YamlLight -> Maybe Double
yamlReal (YStr s) = readDouble s >>= noRemainder
yamlReal _ = Nothing

-- | Lens into a sequence.
-- >>> YSeq [YStr "a", YStr "b", YStr "c"] ^? nth 1
-- Just (YStr "b")
-- >>> YSeq [YStr "a", YStr "b", YStr "c"] & nth 1 .~ YStr "B"
-- YSeq [YStr "a",YStr "B",YStr "c"]
-- >>> YSeq [YStr "a", YStr "b", YStr "c"] ^? nth 2 . _Yaml :: Maybe String
-- Just "c"
nth :: Int -> Traversal' YamlLight YamlLight
nth = ix . ArrIx

-- | Lens into a mapping. 'ByteString's are used as keys directly. If
-- you wish to use a complex mapping key, see 'key''.
-- >>> let m = YMap $ Map.fromList [(YStr "name", YStr "Tony Stark"), (YStr "sequels", YStr "2")]
-- >>> m & key "sequels" . _Yaml +~ 1
-- YMap (fromList [(YStr "name",YStr "Tony Stark"),(YStr "sequels",YStr "3")])
key :: ByteString -> Traversal' YamlLight YamlLight
key = key' . YStr

-- | Lens into a mapping using a complex key.
key' :: YamlLight -> Traversal' YamlLight YamlLight
key' = ix . ObjIx

-- | Convert between YAML values and common types of Haskell values.
class AsYaml a where
  fromYaml :: YamlLight -> Maybe a
  toYaml   :: a -> YamlLight

instance AsYaml (Map YamlLight YamlLight) where
  fromYaml (YMap m) = Just m
  fromYaml _        = Nothing
  toYaml = YMap

instance AsYaml [YamlLight] where
  fromYaml (YSeq a) = Just a
  fromYaml _        = Nothing
  toYaml = YSeq

instance AsYaml ByteString where
  fromYaml (YStr s) = Just s
  fromYaml _        = Nothing
  toYaml = YStr

instance AsYaml String where
  fromYaml (YStr s) = Just $ BC.unpack s
  fromYaml _        = Nothing
  toYaml = YStr . BC.pack

instance AsYaml Int where
  fromYaml x@(YStr _) = yamlInt x
  fromYaml _ = Nothing
  toYaml x = YStr $ if x < 0 then BC.cons '-' bs else bs
    where Just bs = packDecimal $ abs x
  -- toYaml = YStr . BC.pack . show

instance AsYaml Integer where
  fromYaml x@(YStr _) = yamlInt x
  fromYaml _ = Nothing
  toYaml x = YStr $ if x < 0 then BC.cons '-' bs else bs
    where Just bs = packDecimal $ abs x
  -- toYaml = YStr . BC.pack . show

instance AsYaml Double where
  fromYaml x@(YStr _) = yamlReal x
  fromYaml _ = Nothing
  toYaml = YStr . BC.pack . show

-- | Convert between YAML values and corresponding common Haskell
-- values.
-- >>> YStr "-2.3" ^? _Yaml :: Maybe Double
-- Just (-2.3)
-- >>> YStr "7b.3" ^? _Yaml :: Maybe Double
-- Nothing
-- >>> YStr "-23" ^? _Yaml :: Maybe Int
-- Just (-23)
-- >>> YStr "Help, I'm trapped in a haddock factory!" ^? _Yaml :: Maybe String
-- Just "Help, I'm trapped in a haddock factory!"
-- >>> YStr "An integer" ^? _Yaml :: Maybe Integer
-- Nothing
-- If we just want to pull out those values that were successfully
-- parsed,
-- >>> let nums = YSeq [YStr "3", YStr "2a", YStr "1"]
-- >>> nums ^.. each._Yaml :: [Int]
-- [3,1]
-- Alternately, we may want to fail the entire parse if any element
-- fails to parse.
-- >>> sequenceA $ map (preview _Yaml) (nums ^.. each) :: Maybe [Int]
-- Nothing
-- >>> let nums' = YSeq [YStr "3", YStr "2", YStr "1"]
-- >>> sequenceA $ map (preview _Yaml) (nums' ^.. each) :: Maybe [Int]
-- Just [3,2,1]
_Yaml :: AsYaml a => Prism' YamlLight a
_Yaml = prism' toYaml fromYaml