module Data.Yaml.Internal
, prettyPrintParseException
, parse
, decodeHelper
, decodeHelper_
, specialStrings
, isNumeric
) where
#if !MIN_VERSION_base(4,8,0)
import Control.Applicative ((<$>), Applicative(..))
import Control.Exception
import Control.Monad (liftM, ap, unless)
import Control.Monad.IO.Class (MonadIO, liftIO)
import Control.Monad.Trans.Class (MonadTrans, lift)
import Control.Monad.Trans.Resource (ResourceT, runResourceT)
import Control.Monad.Trans.State
import Data.Aeson
import Data.Aeson.Types hiding (parse)
import qualified Data.Attoparsec.Text as Atto
import Data.ByteString (ByteString)
import Data.Char (toUpper)
import qualified Data.Conduit as C
import qualified Data.Conduit.List as CL
import qualified Data.HashMap.Strict as M
import qualified Data.HashSet as HashSet
import qualified Data.Map as Map
import Data.Scientific (Scientific)
import Data.Text (Text, pack)
import qualified Data.Text as T
import Data.Text.Encoding (decodeUtf8With)
import Data.Text.Encoding.Error (lenientDecode)
import Data.Typeable
import qualified Data.Vector as V
import qualified Text.Libyaml as Y
import Text.Libyaml hiding (encode, decode, encodeFile, decodeFile)
data ParseException = NonScalarKey
| UnknownAlias { _anchorName :: Y.AnchorName }
| UnexpectedEvent { _received :: Maybe Event
, _expected :: Maybe Event
| InvalidYaml (Maybe YamlException)
| AesonException String
| OtherParseException SomeException
| NonStringKeyAlias Y.AnchorName Value
| CyclicIncludes
deriving (Show, Typeable)
instance Exception ParseException where
#if MIN_VERSION_base(4, 8, 0)
displayException = prettyPrintParseException
prettyPrintParseException :: ParseException -> String
prettyPrintParseException pe = case pe of
NonScalarKey -> "Non scalar key"
UnknownAlias anchor -> "Unknown alias `" ++ anchor ++ "`"
UnexpectedEvent { _expected = mbExpected, _received = mbUnexpected } -> unlines
[ "Unexpected event: expected"
, " " ++ show mbExpected
, "but received"
, " " ++ show mbUnexpected
InvalidYaml mbYamlError -> case mbYamlError of
Nothing -> "Unspecified YAML error"
Just yamlError -> case yamlError of
YamlException s -> "YAML exception:\n" ++ s
YamlParseException problem context mark -> concat
[ "YAML parse exception at line " ++ show (yamlLine mark) ++
", column " ++ show (yamlColumn mark)
, case context of
"" -> ":\n"
_ -> ",\n" ++ context ++ ":\n"
, problem
AesonException s -> "Aeson exception:\n" ++ s
OtherParseException exc -> "Generic parse exception:\n" ++ show exc
NonStringKeyAlias anchor value -> unlines
[ "Non-string key alias:"
, " Anchor name: " ++ anchor
, " Value: " ++ show value
CyclicIncludes -> "Cyclic includes"
newtype PErrorT m a = PErrorT { runPErrorT :: m (Either ParseException a) }
instance Monad m => Functor (PErrorT m) where
fmap = liftM
instance Monad m => Applicative (PErrorT m) where
pure = PErrorT . return . Right
(<*>) = ap
instance Monad m => Monad (PErrorT m) where
return = pure
(PErrorT m) >>= f = PErrorT $ do
e <- m
case e of
Left e' -> return $ Left e'
Right a -> runPErrorT $ f a
instance MonadTrans PErrorT where
lift = PErrorT . liftM Right
instance MonadIO m => MonadIO (PErrorT m) where
liftIO = lift . liftIO
type Parse = StateT (Map.Map String Value) (ResourceT IO)
requireEvent :: Event -> C.Sink Event Parse ()
requireEvent e = do
f <- CL.head
unless (f == Just e) $ liftIO $ throwIO $ UnexpectedEvent f $ Just e
parse :: C.Sink Event Parse Value
parse = do
streamStart <- CL.head
case streamStart of
Nothing ->
return Null
Just EventStreamStart -> do
documentStart <- CL.head
case documentStart of
Just EventStreamEnd ->
return Null
Just EventDocumentStart -> do
res <- parseO
requireEvent EventDocumentEnd
requireEvent EventStreamEnd
return res
_ -> liftIO $ throwIO $ UnexpectedEvent documentStart Nothing
_ -> liftIO $ throwIO $ UnexpectedEvent streamStart Nothing
parseScalar :: ByteString -> Anchor -> Style -> Tag
-> C.Sink Event Parse Text
parseScalar v a style tag = do
let res = decodeUtf8With lenientDecode v
case a of
Nothing -> return res
Just an -> do
lift $ modify (Map.insert an $ textToValue style tag res)
return res
textToValue :: Style -> Tag -> Text -> Value
textToValue SingleQuoted _ t = String t
textToValue DoubleQuoted _ t = String t
textToValue _ StrTag t = String t
textToValue Folded _ t = String t
textToValue _ _ t
| t `elem` ["null", "Null", "NULL", "~", ""] = Null
| any (t `isLike`) ["y", "yes", "on", "true"] = Bool True
| any (t `isLike`) ["n", "no", "off", "false"] = Bool False
| Right x <- textToScientific t = Number x
| otherwise = String t
where x `isLike` ref = x `elem` [ref, T.toUpper ref, titleCased]
where titleCased = toUpper (T.head ref) `T.cons` T.tail ref
textToScientific :: Text -> Either String Scientific
textToScientific = Atto.parseOnly (Atto.scientific <* Atto.endOfInput)
parseO :: C.Sink Event Parse Value
parseO = do
me <- CL.head
case me of
Just (EventScalar v tag style a) -> textToValue style tag <$> parseScalar v a style tag
Just (EventSequenceStart a) -> parseS a id
Just (EventMappingStart a) -> parseM a M.empty
Just (EventAlias an) -> do
m <- lift get
case Map.lookup an m of
Nothing -> liftIO $ throwIO $ UnknownAlias an
Just v -> return v
_ -> liftIO $ throwIO $ UnexpectedEvent me Nothing
parseS :: Y.Anchor
-> ([Value] -> [Value])
-> C.Sink Event Parse Value
parseS a front = do
me <- CL.peek
case me of
Just EventSequenceEnd -> do
CL.drop 1
let res = Array $ V.fromList $ front []
case a of
Nothing -> return res
Just an -> do
lift $ modify $ Map.insert an res
return res
_ -> do
o <- parseO
parseS a $ front . (:) o
parseM :: Y.Anchor
-> M.HashMap Text Value
-> C.Sink Event Parse Value
parseM a front = do
me <- CL.peek
case me of
Just EventMappingEnd -> do
CL.drop 1
let res = Object front
case a of
Nothing -> return res
Just an -> do
lift $ modify $ Map.insert an res
return res
_ -> do
CL.drop 1
s <- case me of
Just (EventScalar v tag style a') -> parseScalar v a' style tag
Just (EventAlias an) -> do
m <- lift get
case Map.lookup an m of
Nothing -> liftIO $ throwIO $ UnknownAlias an
Just (String t) -> return t
Just v -> liftIO $ throwIO $ NonStringKeyAlias an v
_ -> liftIO $ throwIO $ UnexpectedEvent me Nothing
o <- parseO
let al = M.insert s o front
al' = if s == pack "<<"
then case o of
Object l -> M.union front l
Array l -> M.union front $ foldl merge' M.empty $ V.toList l
_ -> al
else al
parseM a al'
where merge' al (Object om) = M.union al om
merge' al _ = al
decodeHelper :: FromJSON a
=> C.Source Parse Y.Event
-> IO (Either ParseException (Either String a))
decodeHelper src = do
x <- try $ runResourceT $ flip evalStateT Map.empty $ src C.$$ parse
case x of
Left e
| Just pe <- fromException e -> return $ Left pe
| Just ye <- fromException e -> return $ Left $ InvalidYaml $ Just (ye :: YamlException)
| otherwise -> throwIO e
Right y -> return $ Right $ parseEither parseJSON y
decodeHelper_ :: FromJSON a
=> C.Source Parse Event
-> IO (Either ParseException a)
decodeHelper_ src = do
x <- try $ runResourceT $ flip evalStateT Map.empty $ src C.$$ parse
return $ case x of
Left e
| Just pe <- fromException e -> Left pe
| Just ye <- fromException e -> Left $ InvalidYaml $ Just (ye :: YamlException)
| otherwise -> Left $ OtherParseException e
Right y -> either
(Left . AesonException)
(parseEither parseJSON y)
specialStrings :: HashSet.HashSet Text
specialStrings = HashSet.fromList $ T.words
"y Y yes Yes YES n N no No NO true True TRUE false False FALSE on On ON off Off OFF null Null NULL ~ *"
isNumeric :: Text -> Bool
isNumeric t =
T.all isNumeric' t && T.any isNumber t
isNumber c = '0' <= c && c <= '9'
isNumeric' c = isNumber c
|| c == 'e'
|| c == 'E'
|| c == '.'
|| c == '-'
|| c == '+'