xmonad-contrib-0.18.0: Community-maintained extensions for xmonad
Copyright(C) 2008 Jérémy Bobbio gwern
Safe HaskellNone




A module for sending key presses to windows. This modules provides generalized and specialized functions for this task.



Import this module into your xmonad.hs as usual:

import XMonad.Util.Paste

And use the functions. They all return X (), and so are appropriate for use as keybindings. Example:

         , ((m,              xK_d), pasteString "foo bar") ]

Don't expect too much of the functions; they probably don't work on complex texts.

pasteSelection :: X () Source #

Paste the current X mouse selection. Note that this uses getSelection from XMonad.Util.XSelection and so is heir to its flaws.

pasteString :: String -> X () Source #

Send a string to the window which is currently focused. This function correctly handles capitalization. Warning: in dealing with capitalized characters, this assumes a QWERTY layout.

pasteChar :: KeyMask -> Char -> X () Source #

Send a character to the current window. This is more low-level. Remember that you must handle the case of capitalization appropriately. That is, from the window's perspective:

pasteChar mod2Mask 'F' ~> "f"

You would want to do something like:

pasteChar shiftMask 'F'

Note that this function will probably have trouble with any Char outside ASCII.

sendKey :: KeyMask -> KeySym -> X () Source #

Send a key with a modifier to the currently focused window.

sendKeyWindow :: KeyMask -> KeySym -> Window -> X () Source #

The primitive. Allows you to send any combination of KeyMask and KeySym to any Window you specify.