{-# LANGUAGE GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving, FlexibleContexts #-} ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- | -- Module : XMonad.Util.PureX -- Copyright : L. S. Leary 2018 -- License : BSD3-style (see LICENSE) -- -- Maintainer : L. S. Leary -- Stability : unstable -- Portability : not portable -- -- Unlike the opaque @IO@ actions that @X@ actions can wrap, regular reads from -- the 'XConf' and modifications to the 'XState' are fundamentally pure—contrary -- to the current treatment of such actions in most xmonad code. Pure -- modifications to the 'WindowSet' can be readily composed, but due to the need -- for those modifications to be properly handled by 'windows', other pure -- changes to the @XState@ cannot be interleaved with those changes to the -- @WindowSet@ without superfluous refreshes, hence breaking composability. -- -- This module aims to rectify that situation by drawing attention to it and -- providing 'PureX': a pure type with the same monadic interface to state as -- @X@. The 'XLike' typeclass enables writing actions generic over the two -- monads; if pure, existing @X@ actions can be generalised with only a change -- to the type signature. Various other utilities are provided, in particular -- the 'defile' function which is needed by end-users. -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- --< Imports & Exports >-- {{{ module XMonad.Util.PureX ( -- * Usage -- $Usage PureX, XLike(..), defile, windowBracket', handlingRefresh, runPureX, toXLike, -- * Utility -- ** Generalised when* functions when', whenM', whenJust', -- ** Infix operators (), -- ** @WindowSet@ operations withWindowSet', withFocii, modify'', modifyWindowSet', getStack, putStack, peek, view, greedyView, invisiView, shift, curScreen, curWorkspace, curTag, curScreenId, ) where -- xmonad import XMonad import qualified XMonad.StackSet as W -- mtl import Control.Monad.State import Control.Monad.Reader -- base import Data.Semigroup (Semigroup(..), Any(..)) import Control.Applicative (liftA2) -- }}} -- --< Usage >-- {{{ -- $Usage -- -- The suggested pattern of usage for this module is to write composable, pure -- actions as @XLike m => m Any@ or @PureX Any@ values, where the encapsulated -- @Any@ value encodes whether or not a refresh is needed to properly institute -- changes. These values can then be combined monoidally (i.e. with '<>' AKA -- '<+>') or with operators such as '<*', '*>', '' to build seamless -- new actions. The end user can run and handle the effects of the pure actions -- in the @X@ monad by applying the @defile@ function, which you may want to -- re-export. Alternatively, if an action does not make stackset changes that -- need to be handled by @windows@, it can be written with as an -- @XLike m => m ()@ and used directly. -- -- Unfortunately since layouts must handle messages in the @X@ monad, this -- approach does not quite apply to actions involving them. However a relatively -- direct translation to impure actions is possible: you can write composable, -- refresh-tracking actions as @X Any@ values, making sure to eschew -- refresh-inducing functions like @windows@ and @sendMessage@ in favour of -- 'modifyWindowSet' and utilities provided by "XMonad.Actions.MessageFeedback". -- The 'windowBracket_' function recently added to "XMonad.Operations" is the -- impure analogue of @defile@. Note that @PureX Any@ actions can be composed -- into impure ones after applying 'toX'; don't use @defile@ for this. E.g. -- -- > windowBracket_ (composableImpureAction <> toX composablePureAction) -- -- Although both @X@ and @PureX@ have Monoid instances over monoidal values, -- @(XLike m, Monoid a)@ is not enough to infer @Monoid (m a)@ (due to the -- open-world assumption). Hence a @Monoid (m Any)@ constraint may need to be -- used when working with @XLike m => m Any@ where no context is forcing @m@ to -- unify with @X@ or @PureX@. This can also be avoided by working with -- @PureX Any@ values and generalising them with 'toXLike' where necessary. -- -- @PureX@ also enables a more monadic style when writing windowset operations; -- see the implementation of the utilities in this module for examples. -- For an example of a whole module written in terms of this one, see -- "XMonad.Hooks.RefocusLast". -- -- }}} -- --< Core >-- {{{ -- | The @PureX@ newtype over @ReaderT XConf (State XState) a@. newtype PureX a = PureX (ReaderT XConf (State XState) a) deriving (Functor, Applicative, Monad, MonadReader XConf, MonadState XState) instance Semigroup a => Semigroup (PureX a) where (<>) = liftA2 (<>) instance Monoid a => Monoid (PureX a) where mappend = liftA2 mappend mempty = return mempty -- | The @XLike@ typeclass over monads reading @XConf@ values and tracking -- @XState@ state. class (MonadReader XConf m, MonadState XState m) => XLike m where toX :: m a -> X a instance XLike X where toX = id instance XLike PureX where toX = toXLike -- | Consume a @PureX a@. runPureX :: PureX a -> XConf -> XState -> (a, XState) runPureX (PureX m) = runState . runReaderT m -- | Despite appearing less general, @PureX a@ is actually isomorphic to -- @XLike m => m a@. toXLike :: XLike m => PureX a -> m a toXLike pa = state =<< runPureX pa <$> ask -- | A generalisation of 'windowBracket'. Handles refreshing for an action that -- __performs no refresh of its own__ but can indicate that it needs one -- through a return value that's tested against the supplied predicate. The -- action can interleave changes to the @WindowSet@ with @IO@ or changes to -- the @XState@. windowBracket' :: XLike m => (a -> Bool) -> m a -> X a windowBracket' p = windowBracket p . toX -- | A version of @windowBracket'@ specialised to take a @PureX Any@ action and -- handle windowset changes with a refresh when the @Any@ holds @True@. -- Analogous to 'windowBracket_'. Don't bake this into your action; it's for -- the end-user. defile :: PureX Any -> X () defile = void . windowBracket' getAny -- | A version of @windowBracket@ specialised to take an @X ()@ action and -- perform a refresh handling any changes it makes. handlingRefresh :: X () -> X () handlingRefresh = windowBracket (\_ -> True) -- }}} -- --< Utility >-- {{{ -- | A 'when' that accepts a monoidal return value. when' :: (Monad m, Monoid a) => Bool -> m a -> m a when' b ma = if b then ma else return mempty -- | A @whenX@/@whenM@ that accepts a monoidal return value. whenM' :: (Monad m, Monoid a) => m Bool -> m a -> m a whenM' mb m = when' <$> mb >>= ($ m) -- | A 'whenJust' that accepts a monoidal return value. whenJust' :: (Monad m, Monoid b) => Maybe a -> (a -> m b) -> m b whenJust' = flip $ maybe (return mempty) -- | Akin to @<*@. Discarding the wrapped value in the second argument either -- way, keep its effects iff the first argument returns @Any True@. ( m Any -> m a -> m Any ifthis @. Combines applicative effects left-to-right -- and wrapped @Bool@s with @&&@ (instead of @||@). (&>) :: Applicative f => f Any -> f Any -> f Any (&>) = liftA2 $ \(Any b1) (Any b2) -> Any (b1 && b2) infixl 1 &> -- | A generalisation of 'withWindowSet'. withWindowSet' :: XLike m => (WindowSet -> m a) -> m a withWindowSet' = (=<< gets windowset) -- | If there is a current tag and a focused window, perform an operation with -- them, otherwise return mempty. withFocii :: (XLike m, Monoid a) => (WorkspaceId -> Window -> m a) -> m a withFocii f = join $ (whenJust' <$> peek) <*> (f <$> curTag) -- | A generalisation of 'modifyWindowSet'. modifyWindowSet' :: XLike m => (WindowSet -> WindowSet) -> m () modifyWindowSet' f = modify $ \xs -> xs { windowset = f (windowset xs) } -- | A variant of @W.modify@ and @W.modify'@ handling the @Nothing@ and @Just@ -- cases uniformly. modify'' :: (Maybe (W.Stack a) -> Maybe (W.Stack a)) -> (W.StackSet i l a s sd -> W.StackSet i l a s sd) modify'' f = W.modify (f Nothing) (f . Just) -- | Get the stack from the current workspace. getStack :: XLike m => m (Maybe (W.Stack Window)) getStack = W.stack <$> curWorkspace -- | Set the stack on the current workspace. putStack :: XLike m => Maybe (W.Stack Window) -> m () putStack mst = modifyWindowSet' . modify'' $ \_ -> mst -- | Get the focused window if there is one. peek :: XLike m => m (Maybe Window) peek = withWindowSet' (return . W.peek) -- | Get the current screen. curScreen :: XLike m => m (W.Screen WorkspaceId (Layout Window) Window ScreenId ScreenDetail) curScreen = withWindowSet' (return . W.current) -- | Get the current workspace. curWorkspace :: XLike m => m WindowSpace curWorkspace = W.workspace <$> curScreen -- | Get the current tag. curTag :: XLike m => m WorkspaceId curTag = W.tag <$> curWorkspace -- | Get the current @ScreenId@. curScreenId :: XLike m => m ScreenId curScreenId = W.screen <$> curScreen -- | Internal. Refresh-tracking logic of view operations. viewWith :: XLike m => (WorkspaceId -> WindowSet -> WindowSet) -> WorkspaceId -> m Any viewWith viewer tag = do itag <- curTag when' (tag /= itag) $ do modifyWindowSet' (viewer tag) Any . (tag ==) <$> curTag -- | A version of @W.view@ that tracks the need to refresh. view :: XLike m => WorkspaceId -> m Any view = viewWith W.view -- | A version of @W.greedyView@ that tracks the need to refresh. greedyView :: XLike m => WorkspaceId -> m Any greedyView = viewWith W.greedyView -- | View a workspace if it's not visible. An alternative to @view@ and -- @greedyView@ that—rather than changing the current screen or affecting -- another—opts not to act. invisiView :: XLike m => WorkspaceId -> m Any invisiView = viewWith $ \tag ws -> if tag `elem` (W.tag . W.workspace <$> W.current ws : W.visible ws) then W.view tag ws else ws -- | A refresh-tracking version of @W.Shift@. shift :: XLike m => WorkspaceId -> m Any shift tag = withFocii $ \ctag fw -> when' (tag /= ctag) $ do modifyWindowSet' (W.shiftWin tag fw) mfw' <- peek return (Any $ Just fw /= mfw') -- }}}