{-# LANGUAGE NoMonomorphismRestriction #-} {-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-} {-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards #-} {-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell #-} module Codec.Xlsx.Types ( -- * The main types Xlsx(..) , Styles(..) , DefinedNames(..) , ColumnsProperties(..) , PageSetup(..) , Worksheet(..) , CellMap , CellValue(..) , CellFormula(..) , Cell(..) , RowProperties (..) -- * Lenses -- ** Workbook , xlSheets , xlStyles , xlDefinedNames , xlCustomProperties -- ** Worksheet , wsColumnsProperties , wsRowPropertiesMap , wsCells , wsDrawing , wsMerges , wsSheetViews , wsPageSetup , wsConditionalFormattings , wsDataValidations , wsPivotTables , wsAutoFilter , wsTables , wsProtection -- ** Cells , Cell.cellValue , Cell.cellStyle , Cell.cellComment , Cell.cellFormula -- * Style helpers , emptyStyles , renderStyleSheet , parseStyleSheet -- * Misc , simpleCellFormula , def , toRows , fromRows , module X ) where import Control.Exception (SomeException, toException) import Control.Lens.TH import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as L import Data.Default import Data.Function (on) import Data.List (groupBy) import Data.Map (Map) import qualified Data.Map as M import Data.Maybe (catMaybes, isJust) import Data.Text (Text) import Text.XML (parseLBS, renderLBS) import Text.XML.Cursor import Codec.Xlsx.Parser.Internal import Codec.Xlsx.Types.AutoFilter as X import Codec.Xlsx.Types.Cell as Cell import Codec.Xlsx.Types.Comment as X import Codec.Xlsx.Types.Common as X import Codec.Xlsx.Types.ConditionalFormatting as X import Codec.Xlsx.Types.DataValidation as X import Codec.Xlsx.Types.Drawing as X import Codec.Xlsx.Types.Drawing.Chart as X import Codec.Xlsx.Types.Drawing.Common as X import Codec.Xlsx.Types.PageSetup as X import Codec.Xlsx.Types.PivotTable as X import Codec.Xlsx.Types.Protection as X import Codec.Xlsx.Types.RichText as X import Codec.Xlsx.Types.SheetViews as X import Codec.Xlsx.Types.StyleSheet as X import Codec.Xlsx.Types.Table as X import Codec.Xlsx.Types.Variant as X import Codec.Xlsx.Writer.Internal data RowProperties = RowProps { rowHeight :: Maybe Double, rowStyle::Maybe Int} deriving (Read,Eq,Show,Ord) -- | Column range (from cwMin to cwMax) properties data ColumnsProperties = ColumnsProperties { cpMin :: Int -- ^ First column affected by this 'ColumnWidth' record. , cpMax :: Int -- ^ Last column affected by this 'ColumnWidth' record. , cpWidth :: Maybe Double -- ^ Column width measured as the number of characters of the -- maximum digit width of the numbers 0, 1, 2, ..., 9 as rendered in -- the normal style's font. -- -- See longer description in Section "col (Column Width & -- Formatting)" (p. 1605) , cpStyle :: Maybe Int -- ^ Default style for the affected column(s). Affects cells not yet -- allocated in the column(s). In other words, this style applies -- to new columns. , cpHidden :: Bool -- ^ Flag indicating if the affected column(s) are hidden on this -- worksheet. , cpCollapsed :: Bool -- ^ Flag indicating if the outlining of the affected column(s) is -- in the collapsed state. , cpBestFit :: Bool -- ^ Flag indicating if the specified column(s) is set to 'best -- fit'. } deriving (Eq, Show) instance FromCursor ColumnsProperties where fromCursor c = do cpMin <- fromAttribute "min" c cpMax <- fromAttribute "max" c cpWidth <- maybeAttribute "width" c cpStyle <- maybeAttribute "style" c cpHidden <- fromAttributeDef "hidden" False c cpCollapsed <- fromAttributeDef "collapsed" False c cpBestFit <- fromAttributeDef "bestFit" False c return ColumnsProperties {..} -- | Xlsx worksheet data Worksheet = Worksheet { _wsColumnsProperties :: [ColumnsProperties] -- ^ column widths , _wsRowPropertiesMap :: Map Int RowProperties -- ^ custom row properties (height, style) map , _wsCells :: CellMap -- ^ data mapped by (row, column) pairs , _wsDrawing :: Maybe Drawing -- ^ SpreadsheetML Drawing , _wsMerges :: [Range] -- ^ list of cell merges , _wsSheetViews :: Maybe [SheetView] , _wsPageSetup :: Maybe PageSetup , _wsConditionalFormattings :: Map SqRef ConditionalFormatting , _wsDataValidations :: Map SqRef DataValidation , _wsPivotTables :: [PivotTable] , _wsAutoFilter :: Maybe AutoFilter , _wsTables :: [Table] , _wsProtection :: Maybe SheetProtection } deriving (Eq, Show) makeLenses ''Worksheet instance Default Worksheet where def = Worksheet { _wsColumnsProperties = [] , _wsRowPropertiesMap = M.empty , _wsCells = M.empty , _wsDrawing = Nothing , _wsMerges = [] , _wsSheetViews = Nothing , _wsPageSetup = Nothing , _wsConditionalFormattings = M.empty , _wsDataValidations = M.empty , _wsPivotTables = [] , _wsAutoFilter = Nothing , _wsTables = [] , _wsProtection = Nothing } newtype Styles = Styles {unStyles :: L.ByteString} deriving (Eq, Show) -- | Structured representation of Xlsx file (currently a subset of its contents) data Xlsx = Xlsx { _xlSheets :: [(Text, Worksheet)] , _xlStyles :: Styles , _xlDefinedNames :: DefinedNames , _xlCustomProperties :: Map Text Variant } deriving (Eq, Show) -- | Defined names -- -- Each defined name consists of a name, an optional local sheet ID, and a value. -- -- This element defines the collection of defined names for this workbook. -- Defined names are descriptive names to represent cells, ranges of cells, -- formulas, or constant values. Defined names can be used to represent a range -- on any worksheet. -- -- Excel also defines a number of reserved names with a special interpretation: -- -- * @_xlnm.Print_Area@ specifies the workbook's print area. -- Example value: @SheetName!$A:$A,SheetName!$1:$4@ -- * @_xlnm.Print_Titles@ specifies the row(s) or column(s) to repeat -- at the top of each printed page. -- * @_xlnm.Sheet_Title@:refers to a sheet title. -- -- and others. See Section 18.2.6, "definedNames (Defined Names)" (p. 1728) of -- the spec (second edition). -- -- NOTE: Right now this is only a minimal implementation of defined names. newtype DefinedNames = DefinedNames [(Text, Maybe Text, Text)] deriving (Eq, Show) makeLenses ''Xlsx instance Default Xlsx where def = Xlsx [] emptyStyles def M.empty instance Default DefinedNames where def = DefinedNames [] emptyStyles :: Styles emptyStyles = Styles "\ \" -- | Render 'StyleSheet' -- -- This is used to render a structured 'StyleSheet' into a raw XML 'Styles' -- document. Actually /replacing/ 'Styles' with 'StyleSheet' would mean we -- would need to write a /parser/ for 'StyleSheet' as well (and would moreover -- require that we support the full style sheet specification, which is still -- quite a bit of work). renderStyleSheet :: StyleSheet -> Styles renderStyleSheet = Styles . renderLBS def . toDocument -- | Parse 'StyleSheet' -- -- This is used to parse raw 'Styles' into structured 'StyleSheet' -- currently not all of the style sheet specification is supported -- so parser (and the data model) is to be completed parseStyleSheet :: Styles -> Either SomeException StyleSheet parseStyleSheet (Styles bs) = parseLBS def bs >>= parseDoc where parseDoc doc = case fromCursor (fromDocument doc) of [stylesheet] -> Right stylesheet _ -> Left . toException $ ParseException "Could not parse style sheets" -- | converts cells mapped by (row, column) into rows which contain -- row index and cells as pairs of column indices and cell values toRows :: CellMap -> [(Int, [(Int, Cell)])] toRows cells = map extractRow $ groupBy ((==) `on` (fst . fst)) $ M.toList cells where extractRow row@(((x,_),_):_) = (x, map (\((_,y),v) -> (y,v)) row) extractRow _ = error "invalid CellMap row" -- | reverse to 'toRows' fromRows :: [(Int, [(Int, Cell)])] -> CellMap fromRows rows = M.fromList $ concatMap mapRow rows where mapRow (r, cells) = map (\(c, v) -> ((r, c), v)) cells instance ToElement ColumnsProperties where toElement nm ColumnsProperties {..} = leafElement nm attrs where attrs = ["min" .= cpMin, "max" .= cpMax] ++ catMaybes [ "style" .=? (justNonDef 0 =<< cpStyle) , "width" .=? cpWidth , "customWidth" .=? justTrue (isJust cpWidth) , "hidden" .=? justTrue cpHidden , "collapsed" .=? justTrue cpCollapsed , "bestFit" .=? justTrue cpBestFit ]