{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
{-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TupleSections #-}
-- | This module provides a function for serializing structured `Xlsx` into lazy bytestring
module Codec.Xlsx.Writer
    ( fromXlsx
    ) where

import qualified Codec.Archive.Zip                           as Zip
import           Control.Arrow                               (second)
import           Control.Lens                                hiding (transform, (.=))
import           Control.Monad                               (forM)
import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy                        as L
import           Data.ByteString.Lazy.Char8                  ()
import           Data.List                                   (foldl', mapAccumL)
import           Data.Map                                    (Map)
import           Data.STRef
import           Control.Monad.ST
import qualified Data.Map                                    as M
import           Data.Maybe
import           Data.Monoid                                 ((<>))
import           Data.Text                                   (Text)
import Data.Tuple.Extra (fst3, snd3, thd3)
import qualified Data.Text                                   as T
import           Data.Time                                   (UTCTime)
import           Data.Time.Clock.POSIX                       (POSIXTime, posixSecondsToUTCTime)
import           Data.Time.Format                            (formatTime)
#if MIN_VERSION_time(1,5,0)
import           Data.Time.Format                            (defaultTimeLocale)
import           System.Locale                               (defaultTimeLocale)
import           Safe
import           Text.XML

#if !MIN_VERSION_base(4,8,0)
import           Control.Applicative

import           Codec.Xlsx.Types
import           Codec.Xlsx.Types.Internal
import           Codec.Xlsx.Types.Internal.CfPair
import qualified Codec.Xlsx.Types.Internal.CommentTable      as CommentTable
import           Codec.Xlsx.Types.Internal.CustomProperties
import           Codec.Xlsx.Types.Internal.DvPair
import           Codec.Xlsx.Types.Internal.Relationships     as Relationships hiding (lookup)
import           Codec.Xlsx.Types.Internal.SharedStringTable
import           Codec.Xlsx.Types.PivotTable.Internal
import           Codec.Xlsx.Writer.Internal
import           Codec.Xlsx.Writer.Internal.PivotTable

-- | Writes `Xlsx' to raw data (lazy bytestring)
fromXlsx :: POSIXTime -> Xlsx -> L.ByteString
fromXlsx pt xlsx =
    Zip.fromArchive $ foldr Zip.addEntryToArchive Zip.emptyArchive entries
    t = round pt
    utcTime = posixSecondsToUTCTime pt
    entries = Zip.toEntry "[Content_Types].xml" t (contentTypesXml files) :
              map (\fd -> Zip.toEntry (fdPath fd) t (fdContents fd)) files
    files = workbookFiles ++ customPropFiles ++
      [ FileData "docProps/core.xml"
        "metadata/core-properties" $ coreXml utcTime "xlsxwriter"
      , FileData "docProps/app.xml"
        "xtended-properties" $ appXml sheetNames
      , FileData "_rels/.rels" "application/vnd.openxmlformats-package.relationships+xml"
        "relationships" rootRelXml
    rootRelXml = renderLBS def . toDocument $ Relationships.fromList rootRels
    rootFiles =  customPropFileRels ++
        [ ("officeDocument", "xl/workbook.xml")
        , ("metadata/core-properties", "docProps/core.xml")
        , ("extended-properties", "docProps/app.xml") ]
    rootRels = [ relEntry (unsafeRefId i) typ trg
               | (i, (typ, trg)) <- zip [1..] rootFiles ]
    customProps = xlsx ^. xlCustomProperties
    (customPropFiles, customPropFileRels) = case M.null customProps of
        True  -> ([], [])
        False -> ([ FileData "docProps/custom.xml"
                    (customPropsXml (CustomProperties customProps)) ],
                  [ ("custom-properties", "docProps/custom.xml") ])
    workbookFiles = bookFiles xlsx
    sheetNames = xlsx ^. xlSheets . to (map fst)

singleSheetFiles :: Int -> Cells -> [FileData] -> Worksheet -> (FileData, [FileData])
singleSheetFiles n cells pivFileDatas ws = runST $ do
    ref <- newSTRef 1
    mCmntData <- genComments n cells ref
    mDrawingData <- maybe (return Nothing) (fmap Just . genDrawing n ref) (ws ^. wsDrawing)
    pivRefs <- forM pivFileDatas $ \fd -> do
      refId <- nextRefId ref
      return (refId, fd)
    let sheetFilePath = "xl/worksheets/sheet" <> show n <> ".xml"
        sheetFile = FileData sheetFilePath
            "worksheet" $
        nss = [ ("r", "http://schemas.openxmlformats.org/officeDocument/2006/relationships") ]
        sheetXml= renderLBS def{rsNamespaces=nss} $ Document (Prologue [] Nothing []) root []
        root = addNS "http://schemas.openxmlformats.org/spreadsheetml/2006/main" Nothing $
            elementListSimple "worksheet" rootEls
        rootEls = catMaybes $
            [ elementListSimple "sheetViews" . map (toElement "sheetView") <$> ws ^. wsSheetViews
            , nonEmptyElListSimple "cols" . map cwEl $ ws ^. wsColumns
            , Just . elementListSimple "sheetData" $ sheetDataXml cells (ws ^. wsRowPropertiesMap)
            , nonEmptyElListSimple "mergeCells" . map mergeE1 $ ws ^. wsMerges
            ] ++ map (Just . toElement "conditionalFormatting") cfPairs ++
            [ nonEmptyElListSimple "dataValidations" $ map (toElement "dataValidation") dvPairs
            , toElement "pageSetup" <$> ws ^. wsPageSetup
            , fst3 <$> mDrawingData
            , fst <$> mCmntData
        cfPairs = map CfPair . M.toList $ ws ^. wsConditionalFormattings
        dvPairs = map DvPair . M.toList $ ws ^. wsDataValidations
        cwEl cw = leafElement "col" [ ("min", txti $ cwMin cw)
                                    , ("max", txti $ cwMax cw)
                                    , ("width", txtd $ cwWidth cw)
                                    , ("style", txti $ cwStyle cw)]
        mergeE1 r = leafElement "mergeCell" [("ref" .= r)]

        sheetRels = if null referencedFiles
                    then []
                    else [ FileData ("xl/worksheets/_rels/sheet" <> show n <> ".xml.rels")
                           "relationships" sheetRelsXml ]
        sheetRelsXml = renderLBS def . toDocument . Relationships.fromList $
            [ relEntry i fdRelType (fdPath `relFrom` sheetFilePath)
            | (i, FileData{..}) <- referenced ]
        referenced = fromMaybe [] (snd <$> mCmntData) ++
                     catMaybes [ snd3 <$> mDrawingData ] ++
        referencedFiles = map snd referenced
        extraFiles = maybe [] thd3 mDrawingData
        otherFiles = sheetRels ++ referencedFiles ++ extraFiles

    return (sheetFile, otherFiles)

nextRefId :: STRef s Int -> ST s RefId
nextRefId r = do
  num <- readSTRef r
  modifySTRef' r (+1)
  return (unsafeRefId num)

unsafeRefId :: Int -> RefId
unsafeRefId num = RefId $ "rId" <> txti num

sheetDataXml :: Cells -> Map Int RowProperties -> [Element]
sheetDataXml rows rh = map rowEl rows
    rowEl (r, cells) = elementList "row"
                       (ht ++ s ++ [("r", txti r) ,("hidden", "false"), ("outlineLevel", "0"),
                                    ("collapsed", "false"), ("customFormat", "true"),
                                    ("customHeight", txtb hasHeight)])
                       $ map (cellEl r) cells
        (ht, hasHeight, s) = case M.lookup r rh of
          Just (RowProps (Just h) (Just st)) -> ([("ht", txtd h)], True,[("s", txti st)])
          Just (RowProps Nothing  (Just st)) -> ([], True, [("s", txti st)])
          Just (RowProps (Just h) Nothing ) -> ([("ht", txtd h)], True,[])
          _ -> ([], False,[])
    cellEl r (icol, cell) =
      elementList "c" (cellAttrs (singleCellRef (r, icol)) cell)
              (catMaybes [ elementContent "v" . value <$> xlsxCellValue cell
                         , toElement "f" <$> xlsxCellFormula cell
    cellAttrs ref cell = cellStyleAttr cell ++ [("r" .= ref), ("t" .= xlsxCellType cell)]
    cellStyleAttr XlsxCell{xlsxCellStyle=Nothing} = []
    cellStyleAttr XlsxCell{xlsxCellStyle=Just s} = [("s", txti s)]

genComments :: Int -> Cells -> STRef s Int -> ST s (Maybe (Element, [ReferencedFileData]))
genComments n cells ref =
    if null comments
    then do
        return Nothing
    else do
        rId1 <- nextRefId ref
        rId2 <- nextRefId ref
        let el = refElement "legacyDrawing" rId2
        return $ Just (el, [(rId1, commentsFile), (rId2, vmlDrawingFile)])
    comments = concatMap (\(row, rowCells) -> mapMaybe (maybeCellComment row) rowCells) cells
    maybeCellComment row (col, cell) = do
        comment <- xlsxComment cell
        return (singleCellRef (row, col), comment)
    commentTable = CommentTable.fromList comments
    commentsFile = FileData commentsPath
    commentsPath = "xl/comments" <> show n <> ".xml"
    commentsBS = renderLBS def $ toDocument commentTable
    vmlDrawingFile = FileData vmlPath
    vmlPath = "xl/drawings/vmlDrawing" <> show n <> ".vml"
    vmlDrawingBS = CommentTable.renderShapes commentTable

genDrawing :: Int -> STRef s Int -> Drawing -> ST s (Element, ReferencedFileData, [FileData])
genDrawing n ref dr = do
  rId <- nextRefId ref
  let el = refElement "drawing" rId
  return (el, (rId, drawingFile), referenced)
    drawingFilePath = "xl/drawings/drawing" <> show n <> ".xml"
    drawingFile = FileData drawingFilePath (smlCT "drawing") "drawing" drawingXml
    drawingXml = renderLBS def{rsNamespaces=nss} $ toDocument dr'
    nss = [ ("xdr", "http://schemas.openxmlformats.org/drawingml/2006/spreadsheetDrawing")
          , ("a",   "http://schemas.openxmlformats.org/drawingml/2006/main")
          , ("r",   "http://schemas.openxmlformats.org/officeDocument/2006/relationships") ]
    dr' = Drawing{ _xdrAnchors = reverse anchors' }
    (anchors', images, charts, _) = foldl' collectFile ([], [], [], 1) (dr ^. xdrAnchors)
    collectFile :: ([Anchor RefId RefId], [Maybe (Int, FileInfo)], [(Int, ChartSpace)], Int)
                -> Anchor FileInfo ChartSpace
                -> ([Anchor RefId RefId], [Maybe (Int, FileInfo)], [(Int, ChartSpace)], Int)
    collectFile (as, fis, chs, i) anch0 =
        case anch0 ^. anchObject of
          Picture {..} ->
            let fi = (i,) <$> _picBlipFill ^. bfpImageInfo
                pic' =
                  { _picMacro = _picMacro
                  , _picPublished = _picPublished
                  , _picNonVisual = _picNonVisual
                  , _picBlipFill =
                      (_picBlipFill & bfpImageInfo ?~ RefId ("rId" <> txti i))
                  , _picShapeProperties = _picShapeProperties
                anch = anch0 {_anchObject = pic'}
            in (anch : as, fi : fis, chs, i + 1)
          Graphic nv ch tr ->
            let gr' = Graphic nv (RefId ("rId" <> txti i)) tr
                anch = anch0 {_anchObject = gr'}
            in (anch : as, fis, (i, ch) : chs, i + 1)
    imageFiles =
      [ ( unsafeRefId i
        , FileData ("xl/media/" <> _fiFilename) _fiContentType "image" _fiContents)
      | (i, FileInfo {..}) <- reverse (catMaybes images)

    chartFiles =
      [ (unsafeRefId i, genChart n k chart)
      | (k, (i, chart)) <- zip [1 ..] (reverse charts)

    innerFiles = imageFiles ++ chartFiles

    drawingRels =
        ("xl/drawings/_rels/drawing" <> show n <> ".xml.rels")

    drawingRelsXml =
      renderLBS def . toDocument . Relationships.fromList $
      map (refFileDataToRel drawingFilePath) innerFiles

    referenced =
      case innerFiles of
        [] -> []
        _ -> drawingRels : (map snd innerFiles)

genChart :: Int -> Int -> ChartSpace -> FileData
genChart n i ch = FileData path contentType relType contents
    path = "xl/charts/chart" <> show n <> "_" <> show i <> ".xml"
    contentType =
    relType = "chart"
    contents = renderLBS def {rsNamespaces = nss} $ toDocument ch
    nss =
      [ ("c", "http://schemas.openxmlformats.org/drawingml/2006/chart")
      , ("a", "http://schemas.openxmlformats.org/drawingml/2006/main")

data PvGenerated = PvGenerated
  { pvgCacheFiles :: [(CacheId, FileData)]
  , pvgSheetTableFiles :: [[FileData]]
  , pvgOthers :: [FileData]

generatePivotFiles :: [[PivotTable]] -> PvGenerated
generatePivotFiles tables = PvGenerated cacheFiles shTableFiles others
    cacheFiles = [cacheFile | (cacheFile, _, _) <- flatRendered]
    shTableFiles = map (map (\(_, tableFile, _) -> tableFile)) rendered
    others = concat [other | (_, _, other) <- flatRendered]
    firstCacheId = 1
    flatRendered = concat rendered
    (_, rendered) =
        (\c ts -> mapAccumL (\c' t -> (c' + 1, render c' t)) c ts)
    render cacheIdRaw tbl =
      let PivotTableFiles {..} = renderPivotTableFiles cacheIdRaw tbl
          cacheId = CacheId cacheIdRaw
          cacheIdStr = show cacheIdRaw
          cachePath =
            "xl/pivotCache/pivotCacheDefinition" <> cacheIdStr <> ".xml"
          cacheFile =
              (smlCT "pivotCacheDefinition")
          renderRels = renderLBS def . toDocument . Relationships.fromList
          tablePath = "xl/pivotTables/pivotTable" <> cacheIdStr <> ".xml"
          tableFile =
            FileData tablePath (smlCT "pivotTable") "pivotTable" pvtfTable
          tableRels =
              ("xl/pivotTables/_rels/pivotTable" <> cacheIdStr <> ".xml.rels")
              "relationships" $
            renderRels [refFileDataToRel tablePath (unsafeRefId 1, cacheFile)]
      in ((cacheId, cacheFile), tableFile, [tableRels])

data FileData = FileData { fdPath        :: FilePath
                         , fdContentType :: Text
                         , fdRelType     :: Text
                         , fdContents    :: L.ByteString }

type ReferencedFileData = (RefId, FileData)

refFileDataToRel :: FilePath -> ReferencedFileData -> (RefId, Relationship)
refFileDataToRel basePath (i, FileData {..}) =
    relEntry i fdRelType (fdPath `relFrom` basePath)

type Cells = [(Int, [(Int, XlsxCell)])]

coreXml :: UTCTime -> Text -> L.ByteString
coreXml created creator =
  renderLBS def{rsNamespaces=nss} $ Document (Prologue [] Nothing []) root []
    nss = [ ("cp", "http://schemas.openxmlformats.org/package/2006/metadata/core-properties")
          , ("dc", "http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/")
          , ("dcterms", "http://purl.org/dc/terms/")
          , ("xsi","http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance")
    namespaced = nsName nss
    date = T.pack $ formatTime defaultTimeLocale "%FT%T%QZ" created
    root = Element (namespaced "cp" "coreProperties") M.empty
           [ nEl (namespaced "dcterms" "created")
                     (M.fromList [(namespaced "xsi" "type", "dcterms:W3CDTF")]) [NodeContent date]
           , nEl (namespaced "dc" "creator") M.empty [NodeContent creator]
           , nEl (namespaced "cp" "lastModifiedBy") M.empty [NodeContent creator]

appXml :: [Text] -> L.ByteString
appXml sheetNames =
    renderLBS def $ Document (Prologue [] Nothing []) root []
    sheetCount = length sheetNames
    root = Element (extPropNm "Properties") nsAttrs
           [ extPropEl "TotalTime" [NodeContent "0"]
           , extPropEl "HeadingPairs" [
                   vTypeEl "vector" (M.fromList [ ("size", "2")
                                                , ("baseType", "variant")])
                       [ vTypeEl0 "variant"
                           [vTypeEl0 "lpstr" [NodeContent "Worksheets"]]
                       , vTypeEl0 "variant"
                           [vTypeEl0 "i4" [NodeContent $ txti sheetCount]]
           , extPropEl "TitlesOfParts" [
                   vTypeEl "vector" (M.fromList [ ("size",     txti sheetCount)
                                                , ("baseType", "lpstr")]) $
                       map (vTypeEl0 "lpstr" . return . NodeContent) sheetNames
    nsAttrs = M.fromList [("xmlns:vt", "http://schemas.openxmlformats.org/officeDocument/2006/docPropsVTypes")]
    extPropNm n = nm "http://schemas.openxmlformats.org/officeDocument/2006/extended-properties" n
    extPropEl n = nEl (extPropNm n) M.empty
    vTypeEl0 n = vTypeEl n M.empty
    vTypeEl = nEl . nm "http://schemas.openxmlformats.org/officeDocument/2006/docPropsVTypes"

data XlsxCellData = XlsxSS Int
                  | XlsxDouble Double
                  | XlsxBool Bool
                    deriving (Show, Eq)
data XlsxCell = XlsxCell
    { xlsxCellStyle   :: Maybe Int
    , xlsxCellValue   :: Maybe XlsxCellData
    , xlsxComment     :: Maybe Comment
    , xlsxCellFormula :: Maybe CellFormula
    } deriving (Show, Eq)

xlsxCellType :: XlsxCell -> Text
xlsxCellType XlsxCell{xlsxCellValue=Just(XlsxSS _)} = "s"
xlsxCellType XlsxCell{xlsxCellValue=Just(XlsxBool _)} = "b"
xlsxCellType _ = "n" -- default in SpreadsheetML schema, TODO: add other types

value :: XlsxCellData -> Text
value (XlsxSS i)       = txti i
value (XlsxDouble d)   = txtd d
value (XlsxBool True)  = "1"
value (XlsxBool False) = "0"

transformSheetData :: SharedStringTable -> Worksheet -> Cells
transformSheetData shared ws = map transformRow $ toRows (ws ^. wsCells)
    transformRow = second (map transformCell)
    transformCell (c, Cell{..}) =
        (c, XlsxCell _cellStyle (fmap transformValue _cellValue) _cellComment _cellFormula)
    transformValue (CellText t) = XlsxSS (sstLookupText shared t)
    transformValue (CellDouble dbl) =  XlsxDouble dbl
    transformValue (CellBool b) = XlsxBool b
    transformValue (CellRich r) = XlsxSS (sstLookupRich shared r)

bookFiles :: Xlsx -> [FileData]
bookFiles xlsx = runST $ do
  ref <- newSTRef 1
  ssRId <- nextRefId ref
  let sheets = xlsx ^. xlSheets . to (map snd)
      shared = sstConstruct sheets
      sharedStrings =
        (ssRId, FileData "xl/sharedStrings.xml" (smlCT "sharedStrings") "sharedStrings" $
              ssXml shared)
  stRId <- nextRefId ref
  let style =
        (stRId, FileData "xl/styles.xml" (smlCT "styles") "styles" $
              unStyles (xlsx ^. xlStyles))
  let PvGenerated
         pvgSheetTableFiles=sheetPivotTables} =
        generatePivotFiles (xlsx ^. xlSheets . to (map (^. _2 . wsPivotTables)))
      sheetCells = map (transformSheetData shared) sheets
      sheetInputs = zip3 sheetCells sheetPivotTables sheets
  allSheetFiles <- forM (zip [1..] sheetInputs) $ \(i, (cells, pvTables, sheet)) -> do
    rId <- nextRefId ref
    let (sheetFile, others) = singleSheetFiles i cells pvTables sheet
    return ((rId, sheetFile), others)
  let sheetFiles = map fst allSheetFiles
      sheetNameByRId = zip (map fst sheetFiles) (xlsx ^. xlSheets . to (map fst))
      sheetOthers = concatMap snd allSheetFiles
  cacheRefFDsById <- forM cacheIdFiles $ \(cacheId, fd) -> do
      refId <- nextRefId ref
      return (cacheId, (refId, fd))
  let cacheRefsById = [ (cId, rId) | (cId, (rId, _)) <- cacheRefFDsById ]
      cacheRefs = map snd cacheRefFDsById
      bookFile = FileData "xl/workbook.xml" (smlCT "sheet.main") "officeDocument" $
                 bookXml sheetNameByRId (xlsx ^. xlDefinedNames) cacheRefsById
      rels = FileData "xl/_rels/workbook.xml.rels"
             "relationships" relsXml
      relsXml = renderLBS def . toDocument . Relationships.fromList $
            [ relEntry i fdRelType (fdPath `relFrom` "xl/workbook.xml")
            | (i, FileData{..}) <- referenced ]
      referenced = sharedStrings:style:sheetFiles ++ cacheRefs
      otherFiles = concat [rels:(map snd referenced), pivotOtherFiles, sheetOthers]
  return $ bookFile:otherFiles

bookXml :: [(RefId, Text)]
        -> DefinedNames
        -> [(CacheId, RefId)]
        -> L.ByteString
bookXml rIdNames (DefinedNames names) cacheIdRefs =
  renderLBS def $ Document (Prologue [] Nothing []) root []
    -- The @bookViews@ element is not required according to the schema, but its
    -- absence can cause Excel to crash when opening the print preview
    -- (see <https://phpexcel.codeplex.com/workitem/2935>). It suffices however
    -- to define a bookViews with a single empty @workbookView@ element
    -- (the @bookViews@ must contain at least one @wookbookView@).
    root =
      addNS "http://schemas.openxmlformats.org/spreadsheetml/2006/main" Nothing $
        ([ elementListSimple "bookViews" [emptyElement "workbookView"]
         , elementListSimple
             [ leafElement
               ["name" .= name, "sheetId" .= i, (odr "id") .= rId]
             | (i, (rId, name)) <- zip [(1 :: Int) ..] rIdNames
         , elementListSimple
             [ elementContent0 "definedName" (definedName name lsId) val
             | (name, lsId, val) <- names
         ] ++
           (nonEmptyElListSimple "pivotCaches" $ map pivotCacheEl cacheIdRefs))

    pivotCacheEl (CacheId cId, refId) =
      leafElement "pivotCache" ["cacheId" .= cId, (odr "id") .= refId]

    definedName :: Text -> Maybe Text -> [(Name, Text)]
    definedName name Nothing = ["name" .= name]
    definedName name (Just lsId) = ["name" .= name, "localSheetId" .= lsId]

ssXml :: SharedStringTable -> L.ByteString
ssXml = renderLBS def . toDocument

customPropsXml :: CustomProperties -> L.ByteString
customPropsXml = renderLBS def . toDocument

contentTypesXml :: [FileData] -> L.ByteString
contentTypesXml fds = renderLBS def $ Document (Prologue [] Nothing []) root []
    root = addNS "http://schemas.openxmlformats.org/package/2006/content-types" Nothing $
           Element "Types" M.empty $
           map (\fd -> nEl "Override" (M.fromList  [("PartName", T.concat ["/", T.pack $ fdPath fd]),
                                       ("ContentType", fdContentType fd)]) []) fds

-- | fully qualified XML name
qName :: Text -> Text -> Text -> Name
qName n ns p =
    { nameLocalName = n
    , nameNamespace = Just ns
    , namePrefix = Just p

-- | fully qualified XML name from prefix to ns URL mapping
nsName :: [(Text, Text)] -> Text -> Text -> Name
nsName nss p n = qName n ns p
      ns = fromJustNote "ns name lookup" $ lookup p nss

nm :: Text -> Text -> Name
nm ns n = Name
  { nameLocalName = n
  , nameNamespace = Just ns
  , namePrefix = Nothing}

nEl :: Name -> Map Name Text -> [Node] -> Node
nEl name attrs nodes = NodeElement $ Element name attrs nodes

-- | Creates element holding reference to some linked file
refElement :: Name -> RefId -> Element
refElement name rId = leafElement name [ odr "id" .= rId ]

smlCT :: Text -> Text
smlCT t =
  "application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.spreadsheetml." <> t <> "+xml"

relsCT :: Text
relsCT = "application/vnd.openxmlformats-package.relationships+xml"