# XDG Basedir implementation This is a compliant implementation of the [XDG Base Directory Specification](https://specifications.freedesktop.org/basedir-spec/basedir-spec-latest.html). ## Compliance - [ ] `$XDG_DATA_HOME` - [X] get path - [X] read file - [ ] write file - [ ] `$XDG_CONFIG_HOME` - [X] get path - [X] read file - [ ] write file - [ ] `$XDG_STATE_HOME` - [X] get path - [X] read file - [ ] write file - [X] `$XDG_DATA_DIRS` - [X] get path list - [X] read best file - [X] merge files - [X] `$XDG_CONFIG_DIRS` - [X] get path list - [X] read best file - [X] merge files - [ ] `$XDG_CACHE_HOME` - [X] get path - [X] read file - [ ] write file - [ ] `$XDG_RUNTIME_DIR` - [X] get path - [X] read file - [ ] write file # Build You can build the project with: ``` hpack cabal build ``` If you have Nix installed, `shell.nix` provides an environment with all the needed dependencies. It is suitable for `nix-direnv`.