{-# LANGUAGE LambdaCase, ViewPatterns, PatternSynonyms #-} ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- | -- Module : Data.X509.OCSP -- Copyright : (c) Alexey Radkov 2024 -- License : BSD-style -- -- Maintainer : alexey.radkov@gmail.com -- Stability : experimental -- Portability : portable -- -- Encode and decode X509 OCSP requests and responses. -- -- This module complies with /rfc6960/. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- module Data.X509.OCSP (CertId (..) ,encodeOCSPRequestASN1 ,encodeOCSPRequest ,OCSPResponse (..) ,OCSPResponseStatus (..) ,OCSPResponsePayload (..) ,OCSPResponseCertData (..) ,OCSPResponseCertStatus (..) ,decodeOCSPResponse ) where import Data.X509 import Data.ASN1.Types import Data.ASN1.Encoding import Data.ASN1.BinaryEncoding import Data.ASN1.Stream import Data.ASN1.Error import Data.ByteString (ByteString) import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as L import Data.Int import Data.Word import Data.Bits import Crypto.Hash.SHA1 import Control.Arrow pattern OidAlgorithmSHA1 :: [Integer] pattern OidAlgorithmSHA1 = [1, 3, 14, 3, 2, 26] pattern OidBasicOCSPResponse :: [Integer] pattern OidBasicOCSPResponse = [1, 3, 6, 1, 5, 5, 7, 48, 1, 1] derLWidth :: Word8 -> Int64 derLWidth x | testBit x 7 = succ $ fromIntegral $ x .&. 0x7f | otherwise = 1 issuerDNHash :: Certificate -> ByteString issuerDNHash cert = hashlazy $ encodeASN1 DER dn where dn = toASN1 (certIssuerDN cert) [] pubKeyHash :: Certificate -> ByteString pubKeyHash cert = hashlazy $ L.drop (succ $ derLWidth $ L.head pk) pk where pk = case toASN1 (certPubKey cert) [] of Start Sequence : Start Sequence : OID _ : _ : End Sequence : v@(BitString _) : _ -> L.drop 1 $ encodeASN1 DER $ pure v _ -> error "bad pubkey sequence" -- | Certificate Id. -- -- This data is used when building OCSP requests and parsing OCSP responses. data CertId = CertId { certIdIssuerNameHash :: ByteString -- ^ Value of /issuerNameHash/ as defined in /rfc6960/ , certIdIssuerKeyHash :: ByteString -- ^ Value of /issuerKeyHash/ as defined in /rfc6960/ , certIdSerialNumber :: Integer -- ^ Serial number of checked certificate } deriving (Show, Eq) -- | Build and encode OCSP request in ASN1 format. -- -- The returned value contains the encoded request and an object of type -- 'CertId' with hashes calculated by /SHA1/ algorithm. encodeOCSPRequestASN1 :: Certificate -- ^ Issuer certificate -> Certificate -- ^ Checked certificate -> ([ASN1], CertId) encodeOCSPRequestASN1 issuerCert cert = let h1 = issuerDNHash cert h2 = pubKeyHash issuerCert sn = certSerial cert in ( [ Start Sequence , Start Sequence , Start Sequence , Start Sequence , Start Sequence , Start Sequence , OID OidAlgorithmSHA1 , Null , End Sequence , OctetString h1 , OctetString h2 , IntVal sn , End Sequence , End Sequence , End Sequence , End Sequence , End Sequence ] , CertId h1 h2 sn ) -- | Build and encode OCSP request in ASN1 DER format. -- -- The returned value contains the encoded request and an object of type -- 'CertId' with hashes calculated by /SHA1/ algorithm. encodeOCSPRequest :: Certificate -- ^ Issuer certificate -> Certificate -- ^ Checked certificate -> (L.ByteString, CertId) encodeOCSPRequest = (first (encodeASN1 DER) .) . encodeOCSPRequestASN1 -- | OCSP response data. data OCSPResponse = OCSPResponse { ocspRespStatus :: OCSPResponseStatus -- ^ Response status , ocspRespPayload :: Maybe OCSPResponsePayload -- ^ Response payload data } deriving (Show, Eq) -- | Status of OCSP response as defined in /rfc6960/. data OCSPResponseStatus = OCSPRespSuccessful | OCSPRespMalformedRequest | OCSPRespInternalError | OCSPRespUnused1 | OCSPRespTryLater | OCSPRespSigRequired | OCSPRespUnauthorized deriving (Show, Eq, Bounded, Enum) -- | OCSP response payload data. data OCSPResponsePayload = OCSPResponsePayload { ocspRespCertData :: OCSPResponseCertData -- ^ Checked certificate data , ocspRespData :: [ASN1] -- ^ Whole response payload } deriving (Show, Eq) -- | OCSP response certificate data. data OCSPResponseCertData = OCSPResponseCertData { ocspRespCertStatus :: OCSPResponseCertStatus -- ^ Status of checked certificate , ocspRespCertThisUpdate :: ASN1 -- ^ Value of /thisUpdate/ as defined in /rfc6960/ , ocspRespCertNextUpdate :: Maybe ASN1 -- ^ Value of /nextUpdate/ as defined in /rfc6960/ } deriving (Show, Eq) -- | Status of the checked certificate as defined in /rfc6960/. data OCSPResponseCertStatus = OCSPRespCertGood | OCSPRespCertRevoked | OCSPRespCertUnknown deriving (Show, Eq, Bounded, Enum) -- | Decode OCSP response. -- -- Value of the /certificate id/ is expected to be equal to what was returned -- by 'encodeOCSPRequest': it is used to check the correctness of the response. -- -- /Left/ value gets returned on parse errors detected by 'decodeASN1'. -- /Right/ value with /Nothing/ gets returned on unexpected ASN1 contents. decodeOCSPResponse :: CertId -- ^ Certificate Id -> L.ByteString -- ^ OCSP response -> Either ASN1Error (Maybe OCSPResponse) decodeOCSPResponse certId resp = decodeASN1 DER resp >>= \case [ Start Sequence , Enumerated (toEnum . fromIntegral -> v) , End Sequence ] -> return $ Just $ OCSPResponse v Nothing [ Start Sequence , Enumerated (toEnum . fromIntegral -> v) , Start (Container Context 0) , Start Sequence , OID OidBasicOCSPResponse , OctetString resp' , End Sequence , End (Container Context 0) , End Sequence ] -> do pl <- decodeASN1 DER $ L.fromStrict resp' return $ case pl of Start Sequence : Start Sequence : Start (Container Context ctx) : c1 | ctx `elem` [0..2] -> let skipVersion = if ctx == 0 then drop 1 . skipCurrentContainer else id in Just $ getCurrentContainerContents $ drop 2 $ skipCurrentContainer $ skipVersion c1 _ -> Nothing >>= \case Start Sequence : Start Sequence : Start Sequence : OID _ : _ : End Sequence : OctetString h1 : OctetString h2 : IntVal sn : End Sequence : c2 | CertId h1 h2 sn == certId -> case c2 of Other Context (toEnum -> n) _ : c3 -> Just (n, c3) Start (Container Context (toEnum -> n)) : c3 -> Just (n, skipCurrentContainer c3) _ -> Nothing _ -> Nothing >>= \(n, tc1) -> case tc1 of tu@(ASN1Time TimeGeneralized _ _) : c4 -> Just (n, tu, c4) _ -> Nothing >>= \(st, tu, tc2) -> let nu = case tc2 of Start (Container Context 0) : t@(ASN1Time TimeGeneralized _ _) : End (Container Context 0) : _ -> Just t _ -> Nothing in Just $ OCSPResponse v $ Just $ OCSPResponsePayload (OCSPResponseCertData st tu nu) pl _ -> return Nothing where getCurrentContainerContents = fst . getConstructedEnd 0 skipCurrentContainer = snd . getConstructedEnd 0