-- | Like Step5 but with Toolbar, Statusbar and Context Menus module Step6 (step6) where import Graphics.UI.WX import Graphics.UI.WXCore hiding (wxID_CUT, wxID_COPY, wxID_PASTE, wxID_FIND, wxID_FORWARD, wxID_BACKWARD) import Data.Bits import Data.Char (toLower) import Data.List import Paths_wxhnotepad -- That's the cabal way of finding the image paths data FRFlags = FRFlags {frfGoingDown :: Bool, frfMatchCase :: Bool, frfWholeWord :: Bool, frfWrapSearch :: Bool} deriving (Eq, Show) data GUIContext = GUICtx { guiWin :: Frame (), guiEditor :: TextCtrl (), guiFile :: Var (Maybe FilePath), guiTimer :: Var (TimerEx ()), guiPast :: Var [String], guiFuture :: Var [String], guiSearch :: FindReplaceData (), guiStatus :: StatusField -- ^ We'll use just one status field for now } wxID_MYUNDO, wxID_MYREDO, wxID_CUT, wxID_COPY, wxID_PASTE, wxID_FIND, wxID_FORWARD, wxID_BACKWARD, wxID_REPLACE :: Id wxID_MYUNDO = 5108 wxID_MYREDO = 5109 wxID_CUT = 5031 wxID_COPY = 5032 wxID_PASTE = 5033 wxID_FIND = 5035 wxID_REPLACE = 5038 wxID_FORWARD = 5106 wxID_BACKWARD = 5107 step6 :: IO () step6 = do win <- frame [text := "wxhNotepad - Step 6", visible := False] editor <- textCtrl win [font := fontFixed, text := "Now we have a fully functional text " ++ "editor, so let's decorate it a bit." ++ "In this step we add toolbar, statusbar " ++ "and context menues to our application.\n" ++ "For the toolbar, we choose a particular " ++ "set of images from SphericalIcons Set by " ++ "Ahmad Hania (http://www.iconfinder.net/search/?q=iconset:sphericalcons) " ++ "and we put those in the cabal package " ++ "description. We mention that because " ++ "it's one thing to do besides this module.\n" ++ "In this tutorial we'll use the statusbar " ++ "just to show a couple of dummy messages, " ++ "your homework is to add smart things to " ++ "it, like a Line/Coulmn position marker."] filePath <- varCreate Nothing refreshTimer <- timer win [interval := 1000000, on command := return ()] varTimer <- varCreate refreshTimer past <- varCreate [] future <- varCreate [] search <- findReplaceDataCreate wxFR_DOWN -- We create a status field where we'll put just text messages status <- statusField [text := "hello, this is wxhNotepad... happy editing :)"] -- The window statusbar is a list of status fields, we use just one set win [statusBar := [status]] let guiCtx = GUICtx win editor filePath varTimer past future search status set editor [on keyboard := \_ -> restartTimer guiCtx >> propagateEvent, -- We associate the right click on the editor to a context menu launcher on mouse := \e -> case e of MouseRightDown _ _ -> contextMenu guiCtx _ -> propagateEvent] updatePast guiCtx mnuFile <- menuPane [text := "File"] mnuEdit <- menuPane [text := "Edit"] menuAppend mnuFile wxID_OPEN "&Open...\tCtrl-o" "Open Page" False menuAppend mnuFile wxID_SAVE "&Save\tCtrl-s" "Save Page" False menuAppend mnuFile wxID_SAVEAS "Save &as...\tCtrl-Shift-s" "Save Page as" False menuAppend mnuFile wxID_CLOSE "&Close\tCtrl-W" "Close Page" False menuAppend mnuEdit wxID_MYUNDO "&Undo\tCtrl-z" "Undo last action" False menuAppend mnuEdit wxID_MYREDO "&Redo\tCtrl-Shift-z" "Redo last undone action" False menuAppendSeparator mnuEdit menuAppend mnuEdit wxID_CUT "C&ut\tCtrl-x" "Cut" False menuAppend mnuEdit wxID_COPY "&Copy\tCtrl-c" "Copy" False menuAppend mnuEdit wxID_PASTE "&Paste\tCtrl-v" "Paste" False menuAppendSeparator mnuEdit menuAppend mnuEdit wxID_FIND "&Find...\tCtrl-f" "Find" False menuAppend mnuEdit wxID_FORWARD "Find &Next\tCtrl-g" "Find Next" False menuAppend mnuEdit wxID_BACKWARD "Find &Previous\tCtrl-Shift-g" "Find Previous" False menuAppend mnuEdit wxID_REPLACE "&Replace...\tCtrl-Shift-r" "Replace" False evtHandlerOnMenuCommand win wxID_OPEN $ openPage guiCtx evtHandlerOnMenuCommand win wxID_SAVE $ savePage guiCtx evtHandlerOnMenuCommand win wxID_SAVEAS $ savePageAs guiCtx evtHandlerOnMenuCommand win wxID_CLOSE $ windowClose win False >> return () evtHandlerOnMenuCommand win wxID_MYUNDO $ undo guiCtx evtHandlerOnMenuCommand win wxID_MYREDO $ redo guiCtx evtHandlerOnMenuCommand win wxID_CUT $ cut guiCtx evtHandlerOnMenuCommand win wxID_COPY $ copy guiCtx evtHandlerOnMenuCommand win wxID_PASTE $ paste guiCtx evtHandlerOnMenuCommand win wxID_FIND $ justFind guiCtx evtHandlerOnMenuCommand win wxID_FORWARD $ justFindNext guiCtx evtHandlerOnMenuCommand win wxID_BACKWARD $ justFindPrev guiCtx evtHandlerOnMenuCommand win wxID_REPLACE $ findReplace guiCtx set win [menuBar := [mnuFile, mnuEdit]] -- Once all menues are created, we create the window toolbar tbMain <- toolBarEx win True True [] -- As we've created them using WXCore technics we have to find the items -- we want on the toolbar to have them in variables mitOpen <- menuFindItem mnuFile wxID_OPEN mitSave <- menuFindItem mnuFile wxID_SAVE mitSaveAs <- menuFindItem mnuFile wxID_SAVEAS mitClose <- menuFindItem mnuFile wxID_CLOSE mitCut <- menuFindItem mnuEdit wxID_CUT mitCopy <- menuFindItem mnuEdit wxID_COPY mitPaste <- menuFindItem mnuEdit wxID_PASTE mitFind <- menuFindItem mnuEdit wxID_FIND -- We get the paths of the images too openPath <- imageFile "open.png" savePath <- imageFile "save.png" saveAsPath <- imageFile "saveas.png" closePath <- imageFile "close.png" cutPath <- imageFile "cut.png" copyPath <- imageFile "copy.png" pastePath <- imageFile "paste.png" findPath <- imageFile "find.png" -- And finally we build our toolbar toolMenu tbMain mitOpen "Open" openPath [tooltip := "Open Document"] toolMenu tbMain mitSave "Save" savePath [tooltip := "Save Document"] toolMenu tbMain mitSaveAs "Save As..." saveAsPath [tooltip := "Save Document As..."] toolMenu tbMain mitClose "Close" closePath [tooltip := "Close Document"] toolBarAddSeparator tbMain toolMenu tbMain mitCut "Cut" cutPath [tooltip := "Cut"] toolMenu tbMain mitCopy "Copy" copyPath [tooltip := "Copy"] toolMenu tbMain mitPaste "Paste" pastePath [tooltip := "Paste"] toolBarAddSeparator tbMain toolMenu tbMain mitFind "Find..." findPath [tooltip := "Open Find Dialog"] toolBarSetToolBitmapSize tbMain $ sz 32 32 set win [layout := fill $ widget editor, clientSize := sz 640 480] focusOn editor set win [visible := True] savePageAs, savePage, openPage, undo, redo, restartTimer, killTimer, updatePast, clearPast, cut, copy, paste, justFind, justFindNext, justFindPrev, findReplace, contextMenu :: GUIContext -> IO () openPage guiCtx@GUICtx{guiWin = win, guiEditor = editor, guiFile = filePath, guiStatus = status} = do maybePath <- fileOpenDialog win True True "Open file..." [("Haskells (*.hs)",["*.hs"]), ("Texts (*.txt)", ["*.txt"]), ("Any file (*.*)",["*.*"])] "" "" case maybePath of Nothing -> return () Just path -> do clearPast guiCtx fileLoaded <- textCtrlLoadFile editor path case fileLoaded of True -> set status [text := path ++ " loaded succesfully"] False -> set status [text := "Couldn't load " ++ path] updatePast guiCtx set win [text := "wxhnotepad - " ++ path] varSet filePath $ Just path savePageAs GUICtx{guiWin = win, guiEditor = editor, guiFile = filePath, guiStatus = status} = do maybePath <- fileSaveDialog win True True "Save file..." [("Haskells (*.hs)",["*.hs"]), ("Texts (*.txt)", ["*.txt"]), ("Any file (*.*)",["*.*"])] "" "" case maybePath of Nothing -> return () Just path -> do fileSaved <- textCtrlSaveFile editor path case fileSaved of True -> set status [text := path ++ " saved succesfully"] False -> set status [text := "Couldn't save " ++ path] set win [text := "wxhnotepad - " ++ path] varSet filePath $ Just path savePage guiCtx@GUICtx{guiWin = win, guiEditor= editor, guiFile = filePath, guiStatus= status} = do maybePath <- varGet filePath case maybePath of Nothing -> savePageAs guiCtx Just path -> do fileSaved <- textCtrlSaveFile editor path case fileSaved of True -> set status [text := path ++ " saved succesfully"] False -> set status [text := "Couldn't save " ++ path] undo guiCtx@GUICtx{guiEditor = editor, guiPast = past, guiFuture = future} = do updatePast guiCtx history <- varGet past case history of [] -> return () [t] -> return () tnow:tlast:ts -> do varUpdate future (tnow:) varSet past $ tlast:ts set editor [text := tlast] redo guiCtx@GUICtx{guiEditor = editor, guiPast = past, guiFuture = future} = do updatePast guiCtx coming <- varGet future case coming of [] -> return () t:ts -> do varSet future ts varUpdate past (t:) set editor [text := t] updatePast guiCtx@GUICtx{guiEditor = editor, guiPast = past, guiFuture = future} = do tnow <- get editor text history <- varGet past case history of [] -> varSet past [tnow] t:_ -> if t /= tnow then do varUpdate past (tnow:) varSet future [] else return () killTimer guiCtx clearPast GUICtx{guiPast = past, guiFuture = future} = do varSet past [] varSet future [] restartTimer guiCtx@GUICtx{guiWin = win, guiTimer = varTimer, guiStatus = status} = do newRefreshTimer <- timer win [interval := 1000, on command := updatePast guiCtx] refreshTimer <- varSwap varTimer newRefreshTimer timerOnCommand refreshTimer $ return () set status [text := ""] killTimer GUICtx{guiWin = win, guiTimer = varTimer} = do newRefreshTimer <- timer win [interval := 1000000, on command := return ()] refreshTimer <- varSwap varTimer newRefreshTimer timerOnCommand refreshTimer $ return () copy GUICtx{guiEditor = editor} = textCtrlCopy editor cut guiCtx@GUICtx{guiEditor = editor} = textCtrlCut editor >> updatePast guiCtx paste guiCtx@GUICtx{guiEditor = editor} = textCtrlPaste editor >> updatePast guiCtx justFind guiCtx = openFindDialog guiCtx "Find..." dialogDefaultStyle justFindNext guiCtx@GUICtx{guiSearch = search} = do curFlags <- findReplaceDataGetFlags search findReplaceDataSetFlags search $ curFlags .|. wxFR_DOWN findNextButton guiCtx justFindPrev guiCtx@GUICtx{guiSearch = search} = do curFlags <- findReplaceDataGetFlags search findReplaceDataSetFlags search $ curFlags .&. complement wxFR_DOWN findNextButton guiCtx findReplace guiCtx = openFindDialog guiCtx "Find and Replace..." $ dialogDefaultStyle .|. wxFR_REPLACEDIALOG buildFRFlags :: Bool -> Int -> IO FRFlags buildFRFlags w x = return FRFlags {frfGoingDown = (x .&. wxFR_DOWN) /= 0, frfMatchCase = (x .&. wxFR_MATCHCASE) /= 0, frfWholeWord = (x .&. wxFR_WHOLEWORD) /= 0, frfWrapSearch = w} openFindDialog :: GUIContext -> String -> Int -> IO () openFindDialog guiCtx@GUICtx{guiWin = win, guiSearch = search} title dlgStyle = do frdialog <- findReplaceDialogCreate win search title $ dlgStyle + wxFR_NOWHOLEWORD let winSet k f = let hnd _ = f guiCtx >> propagateEvent in windowOnEvent frdialog [k] hnd hnd winSet wxEVT_COMMAND_FIND findNextButton winSet wxEVT_COMMAND_FIND_NEXT findNextButton winSet wxEVT_COMMAND_FIND_REPLACE findReplaceButton winSet wxEVT_COMMAND_FIND_REPLACE_ALL findReplaceAllButton set frdialog [visible := True] findNextButton, findReplaceButton, findReplaceAllButton :: GUIContext -> IO () findNextButton guiCtx@GUICtx{guiEditor= editor, guiWin = win, guiSearch= search} = do s <- findReplaceDataGetFindString search fs <- findReplaceDataGetFlags search >>= buildFRFlags True mip <- findMatch s fs editor case mip of Nothing -> infoDialog win "Find Results" $ s ++ " not found." Just ip -> do textCtrlSetInsertionPoint editor ip textCtrlSetSelection editor ip (length s + ip) findReplaceButton guiCtx@GUICtx{guiEditor = editor, guiWin = win, guiSearch = search} = do s <- findReplaceDataGetFindString search r <- findReplaceDataGetReplaceString search fs <- findReplaceDataGetFlags search >>= buildFRFlags True mip <- findMatch s fs editor case mip of Nothing -> infoDialog win "Find Results" $ s ++ " not found." Just ip -> do textCtrlReplace editor ip (length s + ip) r textCtrlSetInsertionPoint editor ip textCtrlSetSelection editor ip (length r + ip) updatePast guiCtx findReplaceAllButton guiCtx@GUICtx{guiEditor = editor, guiSearch = search} = do s <- findReplaceDataGetFindString search r <- findReplaceDataGetReplaceString search fs <- findReplaceDataGetFlags search >>= buildFRFlags False textCtrlSetInsertionPoint editor 0 replaceAllIn s r fs editor updatePast guiCtx where replaceAllIn s r fs editor = do mip <- findMatch s fs editor case mip of Nothing -> return () Just ip -> do textCtrlReplace editor ip (length s + ip) r textCtrlSetInsertionPoint editor $ length r + ip replaceAllIn s r fs editor findMatch :: String -> FRFlags -> TextCtrl () -> IO (Maybe Int) findMatch query flags editor = do txt <- get editor text ip <- textCtrlGetInsertionPoint editor let (substring, string) = if frfMatchCase flags then (query, txt) else (map toLower query, map toLower txt) funct = if frfGoingDown flags then nextMatch (ip + 1) else prevMatch ip (mip, wrapped) = funct substring string return $ if (not $ frfWrapSearch flags) && wrapped then Nothing else mip prevMatch, nextMatch :: Int -> String -> String -> (Maybe Int, Bool) prevMatch _ [] _ = (Nothing, True) prevMatch from substring string | length string < from || from <= 0 = prevMatch (length string) substring string | otherwise = case nextMatch (fromBack from) (reverse substring) (reverse string) of (Nothing, wrapped) -> (Nothing, wrapped) (Just ri, wrapped) -> (Just $ fromBack (ri + length substring), wrapped) where fromBack x = length string - x nextMatch _ [] _ = (Nothing, True) nextMatch from substring string | length substring > length string = (Nothing, True) | length string <= from = nextMatch 0 substring string | otherwise = let after = drop from string before = take (from + length substring) string aIndex = indexOf substring after bIndex = indexOf substring before in case aIndex of Just ai -> (Just $ from + ai, False) Nothing -> case bIndex of Nothing -> (Nothing, True) Just bi -> (Just bi, True) indexOf :: String -> String -> Maybe Int indexOf substring string = findIndex (isPrefixOf substring) $ tails string contextMenu guiCtx@GUICtx{guiWin = win, guiEditor = editor} = do -- We create the context menu, which is just a menuPane contextMenu <- menuPane [] -- We'll present cut/copy items only if there's some text selected sel <- textCtrlGetStringSelection editor case sel of "" -> -- If nothing is selected we let the event propagate return () _ -> do menuAppend contextMenu wxID_CUT "C&ut\tCtrl-x" "Cut" False menuAppend contextMenu wxID_COPY "&Copy\tCtrl-c" "Copy" False -- We always add the paste item menuAppend contextMenu wxID_PASTE "&Paste\tCtrl-v" "Paste" False -- We propagate the event so the menu presentation is the last thing to happen propagateEvent -- We detect the position in the screen where the mouse is pointing pointWithinWindow <- windowGetMousePosition win -- And we make the menu pop up menuPopup contextMenu pointWithinWindow win -- Finally, we delete the menu objectDelete contextMenu -- | This function takes a name and, with a little knowlegde and the help of -- cabal, returns the path of that image imageFile :: String -> IO FilePath imageFile img = getDataFileName $ "res/images/" ++ img